Top of the big era

Chapter 1517 Consumers and Fans

When Zhou Buqi wants to build Jieyu Media, one of his most important goals is to restrict and limit the development of fandom-oriented entertainment. This is really a fatal blow to the domestic film and television industry.

No matter how much mess there is in the entertainment industry, it's still better than the one in the rice circle.

In the final analysis, movies, music, and TV series are all cultural products and fall within the scope of art. Many classic film and television works and musical works are truly artistic treasures of all mankind.

But the rice circle is different.

This has nothing to do with art.

Any career has a great pursuit, such as making a movie or becoming the greatest actor. The hard work and dedication behind it are just like a successful business venture.

But the rice circle doesn’t.

Fanquan is a bit like a pyramid scheme.

There is a national organization, and then a pyramid structure, which continuously manages downwards and gathers millions and tens of millions of fans through various different communities, thus forming a huge social force.

Of course, it’s not that the rice circle cannot exist.

Since South Korea was founded on culture in the 1990s, South Korea's entertainment industry has been booming, and the export of rice circles has become popular throughout Asia.

But one thing is that the Confucian culture of Korea and Japan has not been eliminated, and a strict hierarchy still exists in society. In the entertainment industry, Fanquan Entertainment is at the bottom.

Serious movie and TV drama actors, as well as singers and dancers, all look down upon the fandom entertainment of idol groups and should stay away.

Everyone is equal, but there must be levels of artistic value and industry value.

Only in this way can the entertainment industry develop healthily.

The domestic entertainment industry has never been industrialized and industrialized. Just like the grass-roots team, they can make a fortune with a hammer and a stick here and there. As soon as the Korean and Japanese fandom culture came in, coupled with the Internetization of the entertainment industry, it directly destroyed the past grass-roots teams.

When Zhou Buqi was giving lectures, he was talking about whatever came to mind, and suddenly he remembered this.

The logic of the flattened Internet fandom must be explained clearly.

But how to solve it, there is still no good solution.

Zhou Buqi said: "Niche communication means forming small circles. Celebrity fans in small circles will have strong organization and discipline. It may take many years for a star in mass communication to become popular, but The niche communication model... is like Girls' Generation, which has become popular all over Asia only two years after its debut."

Xu Baihui was very curious about this, "Korean people don't do it the same way."

Zhou Buqi said: "Korean people don't understand it deeply, so the scale and influence of Girls' Generation are far from enough. If you follow what I said and use Internet thinking to remove all middlemen, then you can unleash huge capabilities. In the past, there were a lot of middlemen between celebrities and fans, such as brokerage companies, sales companies, operating companies, brand companies, etc., but the Internet can flatten all these middlemen. Relying on social platforms such as Weibo, Tieba, and Helo groups , directly connects celebrities and fans. They are more organized and disciplined, and their combat effectiveness is very strong!"

At this time, He Yang raised his hand.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Lao He, can you say a few words?"

He Yang said with a serious expression: "What you said is very good, 'community + product' is the essence of the industrial Internet. The 'community + Girls' Generation' model, if you manage fans well and detonate in reverse, can indeed burst out very powerful The power. However, this power is too powerful."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

He Yang said: "Many big stars have tens of millions or hundreds of millions of fans. If, as you said, they operate across the country in the form of a pyramid based on the Internet, it will be an uncontrollable social force. "

Xu Baihui disagreed, "Entertainment companies keep celebrities in check..."

Zhou Buqi interrupted her and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Lao He is right. This model is uncontrollable. No matter whether this kind of star is good or bad, this kind of nature is intolerable in our country. "

So, experience has been accumulated bit by bit.

Zhou Buqi also learned a lesson.

The development of the fandom has been curbed, and it’s not just the celebrities who have done a lot of wrong things. He's just a little star, how could he go wrong? Among the artists in the entertainment industry, who has no stains on his body?

The most important thing is that this Internet-based "community + product" model gives celebrities a powerful social force that is not controlled by the authorities.

How can a small star possess this kind of vertical power that responds to every call?

For example, a certain traffic star made a serious mistake and was punished by law, and his crazy fans almost caused trouble. Fortunately, his family and the agency were clear-headed and dealt with it in time. If you are a little confused and deal with it too late, with the impulsiveness of those passionate young fans, something could really happen.

This is a huge hidden danger to social security.

How bad could a bouncing little star who didn't go to school get so bad? How much better could it be? Regardless of whether it is good or bad, it is almost the same. It cannot allow this group of people to have unimaginable social power.

In the previous life, because the authorities did not understand the power of the industrial Internet at the beginning, nor did they understand the "Internet + Entertainment" model, they directly detonated the rice circle culture in society.

Later, I discovered the reason behind this, so I was shocked and hurriedly took supervision.

This is the opportunity!

This time, Zhou Buqi became happy.

He is still thinking of ways to control the development of domestic fandom culture and guide the domestic entertainment industry to the correct path of industrialization and industrialization development similar to Hollywood.

However, the industrial Internet is the general trend. He and Jieyu Media alone may not be able to compete with the general trend of the times.

If other entertainment companies are trying to make money, but Jieyu Media doesn't, then it will be itself the one who suffers.

it's good now!

After He Yang's reminder, Zhou Buqi found a breakthrough!

Ask the authorities to prepare for a rainy day!

Supervise the policy as early as possible to prevent it from getting out of hand.

The relevant departments don’t understand the industrial Internet, but Zhou Buqi does. As a big boss in the Internet industry, his suggestions and analysis will definitely be highly valued.

Then, various policies can be introduced to reasonably and correctly guide the healthy development of the domestic entertainment industry.

The Internet industry does not need to take the blame for the uncontrollability of the rice circle.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'm not saying that Jieyu Media is going to do this. I just used Girls' Generation as an example to illustrate the 'community + product' operation idea under the Internet thinking. Girls' Generation is like this, The same goes for mobile phones, drones, and blind boxes. For example, Manchester United blind boxes, how can we sell them best? The most important thing is to manage Manchester United fans well and make good use of online communities and online fan organizations."

Liang Rubo raised his hand again, and after getting permission, he talked eloquently: "For fans, the most important product is the club, and the player blind box should be classified as a subsidiary product under the big product of the club. Therefore, it is necessary to operate a good community Fans are actually the responsibility of major clubs. However, European clubs may not understand the Internet and may not be good at using the flat structure of the Internet to manage fans. They still need to use various private institutions and organizations to help manage fans. That's it. Following the model of the agency official website, Ziweixing Digital Media will help major clubs manage their many online community platforms and help them manage the fans of their respective clubs. Then, we can transform from a consumer economy to a fan economy."

From consumer economy to fan economy, such a title has appeared on the PPT, which is the next topic of Zhou Buqi's class, but it is obvious that Liang Rubo has already understood this concept.

Compared with the "participatory consumption", "community + product" in the previous topic, and the industrial Internet concept of the flat structure of the Internet, the fan economy has become a relatively hot topic in the world today.

Zhou Buqi said: "This idea is very good. Let's discuss it later. Now we should seize the time and talk about the topic of consumer economy and fan economy. This topic has been discussed a lot in the United States. It is also a Steve Jobs phenomenon. Let me start with Just tell me briefly what's going on..."

What is a consumer?

What consumers pursue is high quality and low price. Not only the product should be good, but the price should also be low. As for whether the product will be profitable and whether the manufacturer can survive, this has nothing to do with consumers.

What is a fan?

Zhou Buqi gave an example.

It is said that there are two concerts held at the same time, one is Jay Chou's and the other is JJ Lin's.

If you are a consumer, you will choose one of the two, and the lower the price, the better.

If you are a fan, this is not a multiple-choice question. You will only follow your favorite stars. Moreover, the lower the price, the better.

If Jay Chou's fans find that the ticket prices for the concert next door are higher than here and the audience is larger than here, they will be very disappointed. How great is this from a consumer perspective? You can not only listen to your favorite music, but also spend less money on tickets. There are fewer audiences and it is not crowded.

But fans are different. Fans have emotional attributes.

Fans and celebrities stand together, and fans will regard the interests of the stars as their own interests. If Jay Chou's concert is inferior to JJ Lin's concert, they will be very sad. It is the idol who failed, and they, as fans, are also on the losing side.

After a product is launched on the market, the greatest profit can be obtained by selling it to fans. If you are selling to consumers, just wait to be harassed by all kinds of trivial matters.

Moreover, fans are more inclusive.

If a product has many flaws, consumers will criticize it ruthlessly, but fans can tolerate such shortcomings and will spontaneously find reasons to convince those consumers.

In the future, any popular product will be inseparable from the fan economy.

Zhou Buqi said: "As living standards get higher and higher, more and more people are beginning to pay for emotions instead of paying for products. When Steve Jobs launched the first generation iPhone, the whole world was not optimistic about it and was also criticized. It has overcome the cynicism of the traditional mobile phone industry. However, after the launch of the iPhone 1, which was full of problems, it quickly detonated the market. Why did it detonate? This is what I just said, it is to manage fans, niche communication, and then from the niche market to the mass market. Reverse detonation is a typical fan economy. After Jobs returned to Apple, he launched a number of very attractive products and formed a group of fans who believe in Apple. These fans rushed to buy iPhone 1 when there were many problems. What they buy is not the iPhone, what they buy is the emotion towards Apple products. If you want to make money, please turn consumers into fans.”

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