Top of the big era

Chapter 1505 Hippies

Zhou Buqi's return to China mainly focused on three things.

First, hold an internal meeting to come up with a digital performance appraisal plan based on Weishu.

Second, Ziweiyun has been tested at all levels in China. After many rounds of tests, it can be further liberalized. In the "big data + cloud computing" project, not only domestically, but also around the world, Ziweixing is at the forefront of the times. Ziweixing will hold a grand technology conference in the Tsinghua Auditorium to showcase its technological achievements and attract partners.

Zhou Buqi must attend such an important occasion.

The third thing is that after many discussions, delays, and approvals, Huayi will finally be listed on the GEM at the end of the month. As an important shareholder, Zhou Buqi was invited to attend the bell-ringing ceremony.

The next morning, Zhou Buqi attended the meeting of Ziweixing's decision-making committee amid applause.

This embarrassed him.

It's the end of October. Speaking of which, this is only the eighth decision-making committee meeting he has participated in this year.

At the same time, Zhou Buqi was also very strange.

What does applause mean?

Could it be that my product design for digital micro-book performance has won everyone's favor?

After the applause passed, He Yang explained in his confusion, "Congratulations to Zhou Buqi for his successful expedition to the United States and winning Hollywood!"

Then, the applause started again.

Depend on!

Zhou Buqi wanted to scold him.

This group of people had no good intentions. They were obviously dissatisfied with his "not doing his job properly" in the entertainment industry, but because he was the big boss, they were too embarrassed to talk to him, so they used this kind of flattery to stimulate him.

This is because they took advantage of Boss Zhou's easy-going, humble and friendly character and used this roundabout way to ask for answers!

There was no other way, Zhou Buqi had no choice but to accept trial.

Don't lose your grace yet.

"Thank you, thank you." Zhou Buqi made a downward gesture with a spring breeze on his face, "The establishment of Ziweixing Global Group has been basically completed. Except for the regulatory approval of Universal Pictures, several other companies have not yet been approved. Companies, including MGM, Marvel, Summit Entertainment, and DreamWorks Animation, have successfully merged in. It can be said that Ziweixing’s strategic layout for the entertainment industry has been basically completed!”

Guo Pengfei jumped out to speak for him, "We have made an internal decision a long time ago. Now is the era of consumer Internet, and the future is the era of industrial Internet. In the future, Ziweixing must actively use our own technological advantages, data advantages, and resource advantages. , expanding into the industrial Internet. Now there is an opportunity to expand into Hollywood, and of course it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not to be missed."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Yes, industrial Internet. I have said many times that the entertainment era is coming soon, and everything in the future will be entertainment-based. Even the traditional hard advertising model will gradually be eliminated. An effective marketing model must be entertainment marketing. When the entertainment era arrives, entertainment assets will inevitably appreciate significantly."

He Yang laughed and said, "Now it's time to buy at the bottom!"

Guo Pengfei said: "There is also streaming media."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, it is not only a bargain hunt for entertainment assets, but also an advance layout for the future streaming media era. It kills two birds with one stone. However, I want to tell you a story here. In August, Steve Jobs went to Los Angeles to talk to me. I mentioned it during the Marvel case, so I can share it with everyone.”


He Yang took the lead, and everyone listened carefully.

Zhang Yiming is the president of Ziweixing, but he is introverted and taciturn. He only makes decisions on business matters. He Yang is the leader of many internal activities.

Zhou Buqi said: "I asked Steve Jobs a question at that time, what is the difference between him and Gates. He told me that there is no difference. If there is, Gates was not rebellious enough when he was young. Then I thought, this is probably The reason why Microsoft hasn’t changed the world as much as Apple.”

The people present were all elites, many of whom came back from Silicon Valley. Of course, they knew some of the reasons. Xu Liangjie said: "It was the hippie movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Steve Jobs was a hippie back then, with long hair, rock music, and bare feet. , skipped classes, held sex parties, played drugs, gave birth to an illegitimate daughter, and violently confronted the police. Later, he gave up his studies and went to India to learn meditation. The reason why Jobs had terminal cancer was related to this , he believed too much in meditation and rejected modern medicine, and did not have regular physical examinations.”

Although cancer is a difficult disease, there is still a chance to avoid it. Almost all the top rich people and politicians in the world can avoid cancer.

Steve Jobs is a special case.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, the hippie movement. They oppose all old systems and civilizations, advocate extreme individualism and personal innovation, and pursue freedom or death. They don't want to be workers, and are called the Beat Generation. In the mid-1970s, the social structure of the United States changed. The third industry exceeded the second industry. The landmark event was that the number of employees at McDonald's exceeded the total number of auto workers in Detroit. The hippie movement ended, and most people went to the third industry. Three industries. There are two elite groups among the hippies. One group is engaged in art and went to Hollywood. The other group is engaged in technology and went to Silicon Valley. Later, Hollywood surpassed European movies, and Silicon Valley was the holy land of technology."

The originally quiet conference room became even quieter in an instant.

Guo Pengfei said: "Hollywood and Silicon Valley are the same thing."

Ji Zian sighed, "They are all innovative industries, and innovation... often means subversion and destruction from the core. It is impossible to want stability and innovation at the same time. This is the price of innovation."

Wang Xiaochuan said: "So more than ten years ago, there were a number of classics in domestic films, but now they are getting worse and worse. Films and technology are essentially the same. This is a shackle that domestic technological progress cannot break through."

Zhou Buqi nodded and gave the final summary, "So, Ziweixing Global will definitely appear, and it will definitely become an integral part of the Ziwei Galaxy. You all know Lucasfilm, right?"


"Last time I went to visit with Boss Ma, it was a company located between Hollywood and Silicon Valley. It has the dual attributes of technology and movies. One of the technologies is that actors wear sensors to imitate gorillas in front of a green screen. The director The picture shown directly here is a vivid gorilla hunting in the woods. This process is to grab the picture, capture the action, and then render it online. Of course, the special effects picture after imaging is not as high-definition as in the cinema, but it is still Excellent enough. Lao Shen, can you tell me?"

Shen Xiangyang took a deep breath, "Lucasfilm's technology in the film and television field has always been the world's leader, and it is no surprise that it is better than Ziweixing."

"Is there any artificial intelligence technology behind this?"


"Do we have any redeeming qualities?"

"Ah?" Shen Xiangyang was slightly startled, "Is this okay?"

In fact, this is virtual reality technology.

Showed up early.

For example, in a news program on a TV station, the host sits behind the stage and speaks. In addition to the background of the host, dynamic news subtitles may flow below, and a video window may appear in the narration to play dynamic news videos.

This is done through virtual reality technology to complete the processing of real images.

In the real picture, a lot of virtual content is added.

Of course, these are the most basic and simple.

Industrial Light \u0026 Magic's approach is the most advanced in the world today. It not only adds virtual content to the real picture, but completely replaces the real picture with virtual pictures.

This is awesome!

Boss Zhou said two years ago that Ziweixing would make efforts in the field of virtual reality technology, which represents the future.

He even gave an exaggerated example at the time.

He said that Ziweixing can rely on virtual reality technology to produce a pair of glasses based on virtual reality technology to solve the human dilemma of the seven-year itch.

If a husband dislikes his wife's ugly appearance, which makes sex unsatisfactory, he can wear these glasses. After the husband puts on the glasses, he can use virtual reality technology and artificial intelligence technology to automatically adjust his wife's appearance to that of Lin Chiling. My wife can also wear glasses and transform into Andy Lau.

In this way, everyone will be motivated!

The cold life of middle-aged couples can be solved through technological revolution!

Zhou Buqi said: "Ziweixing Global's next plan is to acquire Lucasfilm. This is not a big deal. Manchester United's stadium billboards have been updated this summer and have been replaced with LED electronic billboards. Dynamic advertisements can be played, and the stadium advertising revenue this season can double that of last season. Not only that, I also intend to use electronic billboards to launch personalized virtual advertisements in different regions."

Shen Xiangyang said: "This is not the same as green screen cutout. It will be more complicated. You have to use visible light and invisible light signal capture to distinguish. Well, that should be the idea."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhou Buqi was pleasantly surprised.

He is indeed a technical boss. He is really powerful. He is much better than the current technical directors of Ziweixing Digital Media.

Shen Xiangyang explained simply: "LED lights can emit red, green and blue lights that are visible to the naked eye and invisible infrared lights. The real advertising on site is presented by red, green and blue lights. As long as the cameras in the stadium can capture the infrared lights, Then the broadcaster uses artificial intelligence to erase all the red, green and blue light signals in the infrared light area, and the on-site advertising will be gone. Then it uses virtual reality technology to mark this area with virtual advertising and convert it into signals for transmission. Specific implementation possibilities It will be more complicated and Lucasfilm may not be able to do it, but fortunately the technologies can be learned from each other."

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Fortunately, a plan was proposed. Ziweixing Digital Media already had a research direction. He waved his hand, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about performance appraisal." new ideas.”

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