Top of the big era

Chapter 1504: Imitating the Jersey Model

A blind box of Manchester United figures sells for £7.9 each. Among them, the production cost is 1 pound, and the cost of transportation, storage, management, sales, etc. is 1 pound... In other words, each blind box can achieve a gross profit of 6 pounds.

3 pounds goes to Manchester United and 3 pounds belongs to the Fashion Commune.

This season, 1.65 million blind boxes have been sold, and this business alone has created a gross profit of approximately 5 million pounds for Chaowan Commune.

The season has only been going on for more than two months now. Based on the current situation, it is estimated that the blind box business can bring about 10 million pounds each to Manchester United and Chaowan Commune each season.

Very gratifying!

10 million pounds is not a small amount!

If Manchester United does so well, other teams are not jealous? It is conceivable that Chaowan Commune will receive orders from many clubs in the future.

Wu Yu said excitedly: "We have received cooperation orders from Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea, and Liverpool also sent an email wanting to cooperate with us."

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't be too happy too early. The blind box business is no better than the digital football business. There is no threshold in this business and anyone can participate. If other companies see you doing so well, they will definitely come in to grab food." ."

Wu Yujiao hummed: "We have already considered it! How high are the manufacturing costs of those toy companies in Europe? Selling a blind box from Trendy Toys Commune can earn 3 pounds for the club. How can their blind boxes be so strong? earning power?”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "What if their toy company also comes to build a factory in China?"

"Even if they build a factory in China, it will take time. With their work efficiency and the speed of domestic approvals, I don't think they will be able to produce team blind boxes from next season."


"anything else!"

Wu Yu seemed to want to prove himself, so he showed off in a special way.

Zhou Buqi could actually guess that Wu Yu's statement should come from Shi Jingmei, so he didn't expose her and pretended to ask: "What else is there?"

"Hmm..." Wu Yu felt a little guilty and said tentatively: "Husband, do you think we could imitate the jersey sales model and bundle the team with a long-term contract, sponsorship fee and low profit sharing model?"

Zhou Buqi wanted to give her a lesson, "Jerseys are a necessity, but blind boxes are not."

The cooperation model between Chaowan Commune and Manchester United is a pure share-sharing system, and Manchester United can get about 40% of the net sales. The cooperation model of jerseys is slightly more complicated.

The cooperation model between Manchester United and Nike in jerseys is to sign a long-term contract of 5-8 years, and then the team can receive a fixed sponsorship fee every year and 10%-15% of jersey sales. divided into.

For Manchester United, with a fixed sponsorship fee every year, the future risk is relatively small. What if the team has a problem in one year and the sales of jerseys are poor?

It is equivalent to passing the risk to Nike.

For Nike, although it bears the risk of Manchester United's future uncertainty, it can tie up Manchester United for a long time by signing a long-term contract. As long as Manchester United does not face risks, theoretically Manchester United's jersey sales will increase every year. Giving a fixed sponsorship fee is equivalent to Nike having more jersey shares and making more money.

From the analysis of business model, it is of course more beneficial to Nike.

The conservatism in football has led to too many interests in football flowing into the pockets of third parties.

As far as football is concerned, Chaowan Commune is also a third party.

Sports brands include Adidas, Nike, Puma, etc., but the blind box business is relatively easy, and dozens of blind box companies can be born in an instant.

How can Chaowan Commune ensure that the team can cooperate with itself in the long term instead of choosing another blind box company?

The solution chosen is jersey mode.

For example, Chaowan Commune cooperated with Liverpool and signed an eight-year long-term contract in one go, giving them a fixed sponsorship fee of 1 million pounds every year, plus an additional 10% blind box sales share, and formulated a high liquidated damages clause.

This will ensure that Chaowan Commune can firmly dominate Liverpool in the next eight years.

Wu Yu nodded repeatedly and said quickly: "Yes, yes, I am also very worried. Blind boxes are a new thing after all. Manchester United fans like blind boxes, but do fans of Liverpool and Chelsea also like blind boxes? Even if The British can accept blind boxes, but can the Germans and Spanish accept blind boxes? If they can't accept it, we will have signed a long-term contract and have to pay a large amount of sponsorship fees every year, which will be a huge loss!"

Zhou Buqi pondered: "Probably not. The essence of the blind box is gambling. Cultures around the world are different, but human nature is the same. In the final analysis, it is whether the figures in the blind box are attractive and have collection value... …”

"wait a moment!"

Wu Yu stopped him and took out a pen and paper from his bag.

Zhou Buqi was dumbfounded, "What do you want to do?"

"I'll write it down and speak to the board of directors later. I'm the chairman!"

"All right."

"Okay, tell me, how do you analyze this business strategy?"

Wu Yu was like a primary school student, obediently listening to the instructions.

Blind boxes are brand new commercial products, and as long as they are new, there are bound to be risks.

In the previous life, blind box culture became popular in China and then spread all over the world.

After developing into Europe and the United States, there have been many changes, and a variety of innovative derivatives have appeared, such as lipstick blind boxes, second-hand clothing blind boxes, leftover blind boxes, snack blind boxes, etc. Bubble Mart opened a store in London and it was overcrowded. Young people in the UK have extremely strong purchasing power. Once they start buying, they can’t stop. They keep screaming and buying.

This is a product that captures humanity, regardless of national boundaries.

The emergence of player blind boxes, of course, comes from the United States, which has the most developed sports business. Following the star cards, the NBA has launched a new product to harvest fans-player blind boxes. (Note)

There are many types of NBA player blind boxes, including regular editions, collector's editions, signed editions, Lego editions... Just like star cards, they are divided into ordinary cards, signature cards, rookie cards, jersey cards, special effects cards, etc.

Full of copper smell!

Even Zhou Buqi, who strongly promotes the commercialization of the football industry, feels that the American style of play is too excessive and the commercialization is too outrageous. Sometimes a star card can fetch millions of dollars.

What nonsense!

So many versions have been created purely to make money from the team's loyal fans like vampires.

American sports are all commercial leagues, and their fundamental purpose is business. They are more of a performance nature and focus on performing well. European football is a competitive league, and the ultimate goal is to win. As long as you can win, the ugly chain Defense can also be highly sought after. This is the essential difference.

This is also the reason why American sports can only be played locally and foreigners don’t like it. It’s too fake and looks like WWE.

If Chaowan Commune develops business in the United States and cooperates with the baseball league, rugby league, and basketball league, it will certainly be able to achieve extreme business operations.

But in Europe, you can't play too many tricks or treat the fans like fools. Enough is enough.

It is enough to create one version of the blind box for each season.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly and said: "First of all, let me conclude that a long-term contract, fixed sponsorship and low-share model like the jersey model can be done! It is very necessary!"


Wu Yu has beautiful eyes.

This was in the car. Seeing that she was struggling to write, Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Why don't we go home and talk slowly."

Wu Yu was very anxious, "No, just tell me quickly."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "However, if you want to promote this model of blind box business, there must be a prerequisite, it must be a wealthy family."

"Oh, rich family."

Wu Yu continued to record.

Zhou Buqi said: "The most attractive thing about this blind box figure is actually the big-name players. For example, for Manchester United now, the most popular ones are Beckham, Rooney, and Robben. The 25-person roster Among them, there are only about ten that are really popular among fans. For some ordinary teams, they don’t have big-name players, and the blind box figures lack enough appeal.”

"How can that be possible?" Wu Yu tilted her head and looked at him, with a different opinion, "No, last time I went to the UK, I went to watch a third-level game with the Manchester United business people. The stadium only had more than 4,000 people. It’s a position, but the fans are so enthusiastic and they all wear jerseys, no worse than Manchester United.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is another necessary point of the 'long contract + sponsorship fee + low share' model. Small teams in Europe also have a group of die-hard fans. However, these fans are all local fans. Rich clubs are different, they have fans all over the world!"

"All over the world..." Wu Yu blinked a few times, "Honey, you mean... abroad?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and stroked her head a few times, "Yes, abroad. You just said that the cooperation between Chaowan Commune and Manchester United this season is expected to earn 10 million pounds. But don't forget, this is just about Located at Old Trafford, it is aimed at local fans. Manchester United is a wealthy club with fans all over the world. Manchester United fans all over the world want to buy Manchester United’s blind boxes.”

Wu Yu's beautiful eyes widened and she said excitedly: "Yes, Manchester United's market is all over the world! Now the cooperation between Chaowan Commune and Manchester United is limited to the local area. Relying on the local market, we can earn 10 million pounds a year. . If there is a global market, it might be 30 million pounds or 40 million pounds! I feel that the blind box business can be bigger than the jersey business!"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Theoretically, the jersey is deterministic, but the blind box is uncertain. The jersey will not have duplicates, but the blind box will have a large number of duplicates. It is not easy to integrate a complete set. ."

Wu Yu said angrily: "Shi Jingmei must have thought of it, she didn't even tell me!"

Zhou Buqi helped explain: "I'm immature. Establishing a global sales system is a very difficult task. She may not have confidence."

Wu Yu said with a smile: "I have a husband and I have confidence!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, there is another model, which is to cooperate with the team's main sponsor. Manchester United's sponsor is Nike, and Chaowan Commune cooperates with Nike. Real Madrid's sponsor is Adidas, and Chaowan Commune cooperates with Nike. Cooperate with Adidas. They are both global sporting goods giants with a sales system covering the world. You can entrust them to sell blind boxes."

Wu Yu looked admiring and said in a long voice, "Husband, why are you so smart? I love you so much!"

Zhou Buqi said: "So, now that the blind box business is a new one, and the major giants don't understand it, I took the opportunity to buy the bottom, signed long-term big contracts with them, and gave them a fixed sponsorship fee every year. They are sure I agree. Don’t be afraid of taking risks. How can there be no risk in doing business? The greater the risk, the higher the return!”

Note: When this book was first written, there was no blind box for players. It was purely the author’s wild imagination. I just checked and found that the NBA launched a player blind box a few months ago, and it has actually become a reality. I don’t know how many nonsense in the book will have a chance to become reality. What I personally hope most are the two projects of "Xiao Nei Net" and "Ziweixing Digital Media".

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