Top of the big era

Chapter 1506 Performance Appraisal System

The most popular performance appraisal system is KPI.

For example, for a programmer, the minimum number of lines of code written every day cannot be lower than the minimum number, and the error rate cannot be higher than this... Basically, these are all assessments of workload and error rate.

This kind of assessment is too rigid.

If the KPI is not up to standard, the performance is not up to standard. The purpose of employees' work is to meet the KPI standard, and a series of ills will occur.

For a true technical master, he should use as little code as possible to solve difficult problems. This is what a technology company needs talents, rather than creating complexity under the KPI system, resulting in system redundancy and high labor costs. cost.

Similarly, KPI assessment is used, as well as indicators such as product maintenance complaint resolution rate. The higher the complaint resolution rate, the better his work.

The higher the complaint rate, it just shows how bad the products and services are, and complaints are accepted and resolved every day.

As a result, the people who resolve complaints have high evaluation scores, but the products become increasingly junk.

It can be said that behind every company's KPI system, there is a nemesis hidden. In their work, employees will definitely complete their "revenge" on the company under the requirements of KPIs intentionally or unintentionally.

In order to solve this problem, Silicon Valley has improved and launched a new assessment system in the past ten years: the OKR system.

To put it simply, KPI is a "quantitative" assessment, and OKR is a "qualitative + quantitative" assessment.

First characterize something, then quantify it.

For example, if you develop a program with 10,000 lines of code and a 100-day development cycle, the KPI requirement is to write 100 lines of code every day. This leads to the fact that powerful programmers can complete the work with 80,000 lines of code, but they have to extend it to 100,000 lines as required.

The OKR model is qualitative first, and it takes 100 days to develop a program. Then quantify it according to its nature, that is, complete 1% every day.

In this way, technical experts are relieved and only need to write 80 lines of code every day. The workload is less and the products developed are better.

Nowadays, technology companies in Silicon Valley basically adopt the OKR assessment system.

Ziweixing has adopted this model since 2006, but other domestic Internet companies still basically use KPI.

This has to do with employing people.

Until 2014, domestic startup companies sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, with as many as 2.8 million new startups emerging every year, showing an unprecedented wave of entrepreneurship and investment.

Under this circumstance, a large number of outstanding foreign talents returned to China and brought the OKR system back to China, and then it was quickly promoted in the country.

Today's domestic Internet companies are relatively local and rash, including BAT, and they are all a group of local executives. Ziweixing is different. Zhou Buqi recruited a group of talents from abroad, such as Vice President Xu Liangjie in charge of product, Vice President Wang Haiyang in charge of human resources, Chief Financial Officer Nie Caijun, Chief Technology Officer Shen Xiangyang and others. , all have rich overseas work experience.

As long as Boss Zhou gives an order to learn from Silicon Valley, the OKR system can be implemented in Ziweixing.

However, OKR also has disadvantages.

After qualitative, it is also quantitative, 1%... For many excellent employees, he may be able to complete 2% of the total tasks in a day.

After completing 1%, start fishing.

Why does the working environment in Silicon Valley seem to be much more relaxed than in China?

It also has something to do with the level of employees.

To solve a problem, domestic employees work overtime, and it may take 10 hours to solve it. Even if they are busy, they have to work overtime. Silicon Valley employees may be able to solve the problem in two hours. They don’t have to work overtime or be stressed. They can chat, work out, and drink coffee after work.

The same is true for many outstanding domestic employees. Performance evaluation requires assessment targets, so they dare not set high goals and will not push themselves to pursue high output.

This not only wastes employees' lives, but also reduces the company's output.

This requires the introduction of a series of more complete and excellent assessment systems based on OKR, not "qualitative + quantitative", but "qualitative + output" assessment.

It includes some quantitative data, such as product DAU and revenue, as well as some outputs that are not easy to quantify, such as various efforts to promote the implementation of an important project. The amount of this effort needs to be comprehensively evaluated, such as Self-evaluation, evaluation by leaders, evaluations by subordinates, evaluations by colleagues at the same level, etc. The more information collected, the better.

In short, the assessment is based on the amount of "output". The more output, the more options, rewards and company benefits you get.

If one person's work output is twice that of another person, then of course he should receive twice as much income as the other person.

"Work more and earn more, work less and earn less, and get out if you don't" is actually the most common common sense in corporate personnel management. However, it is too difficult to realize it through the management art of the past cultural systems and processes.

The more subjective you are, the less you can avoid human nature.

Let’s think scientifically and use digital management tools!

As long as this system is completed, technical staff will not even need to come to the company. They can work from home and rely on Weishu's document office, online meetings, online collaboration, and online assessments.

Many technical talents are very withdrawn and don't like to interact with others.

The more genius you are, the less you want to talk to idiots.

But in the real world, people like this cannot be tolerated and are not popular in the company. In assessments, they are prone to receive low marks because they do not get along well with colleagues and lack expressive skills.

Digital assessment is not necessary.

Just look at the work.

All work results are recorded online, and colleagues can even express their love for each other without saying a word! Just work and produce results.

As in the past, those who work hard are not as good as those who can talk, those who work hard are not as good as those who have a smooth beard, and those who have achievements are not as good as those who have connections... This kind of evil must be resolutely put an end to!

In fact, it is to minimize "people-oriented" subjective judgments and avoid a very common cognitive bias in psychology - the multi-viewing effect. It means that we will have too much favorable impressions of familiar people and things. When it comes to performance evaluation, some immature managers may give high performance to employees they are more "familiar" with, rather than making judgments based on employees' performance output.

Digital evaluation must be carried out by giving comprehensive information where all actual data is clearly visible.

However, traditional human resources staff are basically liberal arts students. It is difficult for them to use scientific thinking to develop a digital recruitment and assessment tool.

So Zhou Buqi has already made arrangements.

He asked Xu Liangjie to go to Ziweixing International as the vice president in charge of human resources, assisting the chief human resources officer in his work, and at the same time lead the domestic and foreign industry lines to develop this product.

Ziweixing is getting bigger and bigger.

If the development of the European region goes smoothly, there may be 5,000 employees in the European region in the next two years. If the development of the European region is stable and long-term, and it shows strong competitiveness against Silicon Valley giants, then in the next five years, the number of employees in the European region may exceed 20,000.

With so many people from different countries and cultures, it would be too difficult to use the traditional people-oriented personnel management model. Tool-oriented management is more standardized.

The system cannot be transnational, as different countries have different beliefs and cultural backgrounds.

This is the biggest problem for multinational companies.

But tools can.

After the decision-making meeting, there are various product meetings.

Zhou Buqi could only offer a few superficial ideas.

In the final analysis, we want Ziweixing to do a world-class event. Industrial digitalization is the general trend, which of course includes the human resources industry.

Guo Pengfei followed him and visited his office together.

That's right, the headquarters of Ziweixing Capital has been officially completed.

There are 14 buildings in total, including 7 main buildings and 7 auxiliary buildings.

Among them, the 9-story annex building at the outermost northeast corner has been delivered to Jieyu Media and has become the headquarters building of Jieyu Media.

Zhou Buqi originally thought that his office would be simple, with three suites at most being enough.

After all, it is an Internet company, so don’t be too exaggerated.

Unexpectedly, the company built a super office for him. This office has a total of 12 rooms, including a reception room, a digital conference room, a main office, a bedroom, two bathrooms, a confidential secretary's room, a cloakroom, and a gym. Study room, tea room, film and television entertainment room, etc.

Zhou Buqi visited calmly, "Did you do this?"

Guo Pengfei laughed and said, "Yes, how is it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's passed."

Guo Pengfei disagreed, "What's your life? What does it look like for a big boss to be so shabby?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Don't you understand the show? If the boss's office is shabby, the employees will have a more fair feeling and share the joys and sorrows."

Guo Pengfei curled his lips and said: "You fly back and forth on a private jet every day, and you still want to give people a simple and unpretentious feeling? No one is a fool! Besides, you are no longer on the front line now, and you have distanced yourself from your employees. This is the director It’s a long office, and even senior executives can’t walk around from room to room. When you’re not here, the door is locked and no one can get in.”


Zhou Buqi still felt it was unnecessary and a bit wasteful. He now travels all over the world and doesn't spend much time working here a year.

Guo Pengfei took him on a tour and said, "The human resources tool you mentioned is very ambitious, but its applicable scope is quite small, right?"

At this time, I walked into the bedroom, oh!

This bed is really big enough for four or five secretaries to lie on it and rest.

Zhou Buqi coughed, quickly exited the bedroom, walked around the gym next to him, and said as he walked: "Is it small? Not small. The domestic human resources management industry is still relatively backward, and even the Internet industry is KPIs are commonly used instead of OKRs. This is a disadvantage and an advantage.”

"Advantage?" Guo Pengfei was a little confused, "If you fall behind, do you still have an advantage?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The advantage of falling behind is that you can skip levels more easily without creating application inertia."

Just like QR code payment on mobile phones.

China is the best in this field, even better than developed countries in Europe and the United States.


Because developed countries have established a very mature financial system, from cash system, check system, to credit card system, it is progress step by step.

Even ten years later, many older people are still paying by check. It's not that it's convenient, in fact it's not convenient at all, it's just that I've become accustomed to it after using it for a lifetime.

Credit cards too.

The young and middle-aged generation born in the 1970s and 1980s have become accustomed to credit cards and do not want to change.

When this wave of children born after 2000 grow up and they have not formed a habit of using credit cards, they will increasingly embrace mobile payment and swipe QR codes all over the world like in China.

Most domestic companies do not use the OKR system, and related OKR products have not entered the country. Ziweixing might as well help domestic large and small enterprises to directly skip the transition period of OKR and directly upgrade to a higher-level Weishu performance system.

OKR is only used by some top high-tech companies abroad, and its popularity is not wide enough.

Most foreign companies have not formed usage habits.

This is also a potential market for Weishu performance.

This is a B-side business.

Coincidentally, Ziweixing International has just recruited a senior vice president from Oracle, Thomas Kurian, who has rich experience in the B-side, and can directly develop SaaS products based on the cloud computing platform.

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