Top of the big era

Chapter 1274 Breaking Through the Resistance of Reform

The contract has not been formally signed yet, but outside news is already flying everywhere.

"Manchester United changed hands! The transaction price is 1.28 billion pounds! "

"The Glazer family is out, the transaction price may reach 1.3 billion pounds!" "

"Manchester United's acquisition is nearing completion, it is said that the transaction price will exceed 1.2 billion pounds"

"Manchester United Welcomes New Owners"

"Goodbye, Glazer. "

"Rise of the Red Devils!" "


All kinds of gossip media are reporting all kinds of news about Manchester United in a bizarre way, and some media have even picked up the details of the new boss.

There are three in total, all from China.

One is Mr. Zhou Jianjun, chairman and general manager of Qianyuanwei Group; the other is Mr. Zhou Buqi, chairman and CEO of Ziweixing Group; the other is Mr. Zhu Jun, chairman and CEO of Ninth City Group.

There is even a clear label stating that Zhou Jianjun and Zhou Buqi are father and son.

This is the hottest football news in the UK at the moment.

The heat is even higher than the focus of the Double Red Club, Manchester United beat Liverpool 3:1 at home.

Not only the UK, but the whole of Europe is hotly discussed.

Zhou Buqi is already mentally prepared for this. This is the UK, where the entertainment media industry is highly developed, and there are all kinds of voices. What you can do is to ignore the evaluation of the outside world and do your own thing well.

San Dezi obviously figured out what the new boss was thinking. Early the next morning, he came to his house with a pile of materials.

Zhou Buqi just woke up.

Let him wait in the living room for 10 minutes before he arrived late.

"Sorry, I have to work at night. Well, you know, at night in the UK, it's daytime in our country, and it's working time." Zhou Buqi's serious look almost convinced Aunt Xue who came over to serve coffee.

last night?

Didn't you get busy with Ning Yameng having a baby last night, and ruined Baoshan by the way? You have a thick skin.

San Dezi said a few words of compliment with a look of admiration.

Zhou Buqi hadn't had breakfast yet, so he was not interested in talking nonsense with him, so he waved his hand, "What's the matter?"

San Dezi said: "I made a new salary system overnight, please take a look."

"Oh, let me see."

Zhou Buqi's reaction has been flat. After some thinking last night, he is no longer in a hurry to bring changes to Manchester United. There is too much resistance to promoting reform in the short term.

If you want to reform, you still have to wait until next summer.

At that time, Manchester United lost to Barcelona in the Champions League final, and lost top star Cristiano Ronaldo... These two big defeats will inevitably make David Gill and Ferguson doubt their past concepts.

Ronaldo is gone, will Rooney be the next step?

This is a huge hidden danger.

It’s fine if they think the same way as the boss, and the boss is responsible for mistakes. If the thinking is different and hidden dangers break out, they may have to take the blame and resign.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In 2010, Rooney and Ferguson broke out fierce conflicts. Rooney made it clear that he would leave Manchester United.

No way, Manchester United finally started to reform. Since then, San Dezi has truly taken power, and Manchester United's road to commercialization has officially begun.

Previously, Rooney received a weekly salary of 90,000 pounds. In order to keep him in line with other top giants, Ferguson directly increased his weekly salary to 250,000 pounds.

Zhou Buqi's thinking is very clear.

Manchester United's operating thinking must be changed. If you want to break through the resistance to reform, you have to deflate David Gill and Sir Alex Ferguson, make them pay for their mistakes, and reduce their right to speak. Coupled with the persistence of the boss, the reform can go smoothly all the way.

San Dezi is different, he is very anxious.

He has joined Manchester United for more than three years, but he has never really taken power. He just wants to take the opportunity to seize power by relying on the relationship of the big boss.

When the big boss was looking at the materials, San Dezi simply said: "The salary system cannot be broken all at once, especially when there are many veterans in the team, such as Giggs, Van der Sar, Scholes, Neville, etc. They are all about to retire, so there is no need to change the contract and give them a salary increase. Just focus on taking care of our star players, mainly Ronaldinho and Rooney."

After a pause, he continued: "Ronaldo's current weekly salary is 120,000 pounds, ranked fifth in the Premier League after Terry, Shevchenko, Ballack, and Gerrard, and tied with Lampard. Old There is no need to break the current salary system, but we can add new portrait rights clauses on top of it. We get 50% of the portrait rights, and then pay an additional weekly salary of the same share. Ronaldinho’s weekly salary becomes 240,000 pounds, Rooney’s His weekly salary has changed to 180,000 pounds. Take them as a pilot, and then slowly open up to more young players with potential."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What is the salary of 240,000 pounds after tax?"

San Dezi said: "Nearly 7 million pounds."

"Too little."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, it was still too far away.

Now the pound has depreciated severely, and 1 pound can only be exchanged for 1.2 euros or US dollars. Even with a new contract, Ronaldo's salary is 8 million euros.

The gap with Real Madrid's 13 million euros is too big.

When it comes to competition, it is not a level at all. If you want to bring in the best players, you must first satisfy them in terms of wages.

San Dezi is really smart, and he understood what he meant at once. The big boss has been using Real Madrid and Barcelona as a reference, so he coughed and said helplessly: "The pre-tax salary of 240,000 pounds is already high enough. Even Real Madrid and Barcelona can only offer such a salary. But the national conditions of Spain and England are different."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

San Dezi said: "Spain has the Beckham Act. For the first contract of a foreign player, the individual tax is only 24%. But in the UK or other countries, the individual tax will be close to 50%."

"Oh, the Beckham Act."

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized.

San Dezi said with a smile: "However, European football is very dissatisfied with Spain's tax rate policy, and is talking to Spain through the EU to get them to cancel this bill. After a few years when this bill is cancelled, our competitiveness will be reduced." up."

"Really?" Zhou Buqi sighed disapprovingly, "If the club's operating philosophy is not reformed, Manchester United will never be able to compete with Real Madrid and Barcelona. The tax rate is only an external cause, and the root cause is the club's strategy."

San Dezi said: "With Manchester United's current financial situation, we can't give more salary."

Then, he took out another material.

It is Manchester United's budget statement for this season.

This season, Manchester United's expected income is 215 million pounds, the expected expenditure is 155 million pounds, and it is expected to generate a gross profit of 60 million pounds.

This is the budget sheet drawn up by the Glazer family.

Zhou Buqi had already seen it, and when he read it again, he still found it shocking. The Glazer family is doing everything they can to suck blood from Manchester United.

Manchester United has a total income of more than 200 million pounds a year, and they have to generate 60 million pounds of profits to help them pay off their debts... This is still the budget under the expected goals of top 2 in the Premier League and top 4 in the Champions League. In fact, Manchester United was the Premier League champion, Champions League runner-up, profits will be more.

Seeing his ugly expression, San Dezi couldn't help adding fuel to the flames, "Last season, Real Madrid's revenue exceeded 400 million euros, and Barcelona's revenue was 370 million euros. Even... well, last season Manchester United was Premier League champions and Champions League champions, so the income can be ranked third. In the previous season, Manchester United’s income was not as good as Arsenal’s, only ranked fourth in the world.”

Zhou Buqi knew that he was complaining about the incompetence of the combination of David Gill and Ferguson in business operations, so he calmly asked, "In the 155 million pounds of expenses, the salary expenditure is 121 million pounds?"

San Dezi did his homework very well, and immediately said: "Yes, Manchester United has three official teams, the senior team, the reserve team and the U18 youth team. There are a total of 68 players and 14 coaches, and the total salary is 85 million pounds. And 476 employees with a total salary of £36 million."

Zhou Buqi was very emotional, "David Gill and Ferguson managed the club very well, and the salary structure is very healthy. Health means low risk, low growth and mediocrity. Great companies are built in grew up with high risks."

San Dezi said deeply: "Yes, the entire European football world is lifeless and lacks innovation. All practitioners want to maintain the status quo so that they can live in peace and stability for a lifetime."

"By the way, last time I heard from David Gill, he wants to promote the renewal of several players?"

"Well, mainly 4 players, Ferdinand, Hargreaves, Wes Brown and Ronaldinho. New contracts should be offered in March or April."

"Cancel this plan." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, unquestionable, "It's just my opinion, Hargreaves and Brown are hard to get a chance to play, why should the contract be renewed? Ferdinand is the future captain, there must be a Big contract. The matter of contract extension will be discussed next summer, and I will evaluate the players in the team."

San Dezi knew what he meant, but he just looked down on some fringe players and wanted to clean up the better players he bought. This is a good thing.

David Gill and Ferguson will also readily agree, who doesn't want to coach good players.

"Where's Xiao Luo?"

"Forget about it for now."


San Dezi was taken aback for a moment.

Zhou Buqi said: "During this period, outside events have affected the state of the team. Let the players stay focused and play well. Let's talk about the contract in Xia Chuang."

San Dezi was very anxious, "If it comes to Xia Chuang, he might leave! There is already news from Real Madrid that Florentino will participate in the next general election, and his campaign chip is Ronaldinho."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "We must respect the players' choices."


San Dezi was a little dumbfounded.

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, and felt that he had to tell the truth to his confidants, so he said flatly, "Wood, you have to understand that players are the most important assets of a club."

San Dezi nodded, "Of course."

Zhou Buzheng said in a deep voice: "Ronaldo is a great player, but he is Ferguson's player. He stayed in the team not because of Manchester United, but because of Ferguson! To promote reform, we must break This iron plate."


San Dezi took a breath, and finally felt the horror of this big boss.

This wrist is really tough!

Ronaldinho regards Ferguson as his father, and he is Manchester United's best player and core asset. Tie the two together, and Manchester United's reforms will have a hard time getting over this hurdle.

What if it is dismantled?

Sending Ronaldinho away... Ferguson is equivalent to breaking an arm. Then through transfer transactions, buy players who are truly loyal to the club and the club owner.

If boss Zhou wants to truly control Manchester United, he must weaken Ferguson's influence in the club. In order to weaken his influence, he did not hesitate to send the team's top superstar to Real Madrid!

Sure enough, he is a big boss with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, and he is indeed an entrepreneur doing big business. The means and courage of this method are really extraordinary.

On the other hand, Zhou Buqi found something strange in the column of expenses. One of the expenses is digital network services, which costs 1.2 million pounds a year.

What's this?

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