Top of the big era

Chapter 1273 I'm Not a Fan, I'm the Boss

After this communication, Zhou Buqi recognized San Dezi more and more.

Sure enough, he went to Wall Street to see the big world. His structure and cognitive level are much higher than those of traditional football players like David Gill and Sir Alex Ferguson.

The only downside is his lack of competitive understanding of football.

Still had to rely on the golden pair of David Gill and Ferguson, which made Zhou Buqi very reluctant.

In order to transform Manchester United from a wealthy football club into a super giant with multi-level and complex global influence in a network structure, Manchester United must be reorganized in the organizational system.

To weaken the voice of David Gill and Ferguson.

This is too difficult, these two people have too much influence in Manchester United, especially Ferguson. Why did the Glazer family enter Manchester United? It was because Ferguson had a conflict with the former boss of Manchester United, and then the Glazer family was introduced and the former boss was driven away.

Zhou Buqi even once thought of firing Ferguson.

But in just an instant, the thought disappeared.

In this world, no one is qualified to fire Ferguson unless he retires voluntarily.

This is a big deal.

It is also the difficulty of "the dove occupies the magpie's nest".

If it is Ziweixing who started his own business, Zhou Buqi has supreme prestige, he can do whatever he wants, and he can fire anyone he wants. If it is an acquisition or merger of other companies, it will be complicated. Without superb and ingenious management methods, it is difficult to implement one's will.

For example, Ford spent more than 6 billion US dollars to acquire Volvo, so it couldn't manage the Swedes well and was forced to sell it to Geely at a low price. For example, the merger of Time Warner and AOL directly evaporated the market value of 100 billion U.S. dollars.

Because of his complicated thoughts, Zhou Buqi was a little absent-minded about the second half of the "Double Red Club".

However, I have to say that Ronaldinho is really strong, he is the number one superstar in the world today, and he gave Tevez another assist in the second half.

Help the team seal the victory 3:1.

Ferguson was as happy as a child on the sidelines.

Zhou Buqi felt that this scene was a bit ironic.

He is Cristiano Ronaldo, the best player in the world!

But does his income match his ability and influence?

Even if he can't make him the highest-paid football player in the world, at least he must be the highest in the Premier League, right? But just now San Dezi has told Zhou Buqi privately that Ronaldo's salary is not even ranked in the top 5 in the Premier League.

Will this bring him mental balance?

Can he not go?

His salary at Manchester United is 125,000 pounds a week, and his annual salary after tax is only 3.6 million pounds.

What about the move to Real Madrid?

He got the record-breaking highest salary in the world, 13 million euros after tax!

There is a concept in Ziweixing's human resources system, which is recognized by Zhou Buqi. Talk about ideals with high-level people, interests with middle-level people, and feelings with low-level people.

For example, for a college student who has just graduated, it is enough to talk about his relationship. Ziweixing has given him a lot of scholarships, internship opportunities, and the help of Xiaonei. Then talk about patriotism, support domestic technology companies, and tackle difficulties. Technique... A set of combined punches is almost enough.

For top scientists like Shen Xiangyang and Wang Jian, it is nonsense to talk about feelings, and it is not enough to talk about interests. They must be kidnapped by "ideals". What won Shen Xiangyang was the artificial intelligence strategy, and what won Wang Jian was the cloud computing project.

In the field of football, it is useful to talk about ideals at the level of David Gill and Ferguson. But Ronaldo is obviously not enough. He was about to transfer to Real Madrid last year, and was persuaded by Ferguson with his emotions. It was Manchester United who trained him, from a crying child to a world-class superstar.

Then Ronaldo stayed.

But he will grow too.

It will gradually change from talking about emotional growth to talking about interests. Unless his interests are greatly satisfied, just like Mbappe, he can earn tens of millions of dollars a year before he is 20 years old. The pursuit of interests has been satisfied, and it is time to talk about ideals for further growth.

The current Ronaldo obviously has not been satisfied in terms of interests.

At the end of the game, Manchester United defeated their rivals Liverpool 3:1 at home.

Everyone is happy.

But Zhou Buqi forced a smile on his face.

The victory of a game is only a partial victory. There is still a long way to go to achieve the overall structural victory of Manchester United and surpass Real Madrid and Barcelona to become the world's number one club. Diehards like David Gill and Ferguson couldn't be fired if they wanted to. Reusing San Dezi, he still has ability defects.

After the game, Zhou Buqi wanted to go to the locker room to congratulate the players.

But San Dezi stopped him and told him in a low voice, "We are not welcome in the locker room. This is Ferguson's rule. I have never been in it."

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "The wind can enter and the rain can enter, but the king can't?"

San Dezi nodded, "Almost."

Zhou Buqi didn't look good, and enjoyed himself with everyone, enjoying the happiness brought by the victory of the game. After working for almost an hour, I left Old Trafford and went straight home.

Ning Yaxian saw that he was not very happy, and after returning home, she quietly went to his study, and joked with a smile: "What's wrong? Shame on you?"

"What's the shame?"

"Didn't show the masculinity in that Hollywood female star?"

"What are you talking about!" Zhou Buqi was angry and funny, "You don't know what level I am?"

Ning Yaxian giggled, "Yes, I know."

Zhou Buqi went over and helped her sit on the sofa, sighed, "It has nothing to do with women, it's about football. David Gill and Ferguson are a bit inconsistent."


"A question of thinking."

Then, Zhou Buqi briefly explained the differences between the two parties.

Ferguson is almost 70 years old. He is a standard old-school football concept. He believes that players should have the best professionalism, and they should put all their energy and attention on the football field and pay less attention to things outside the field.

However, the new commercial operation model brought by Real Madrid requires the club to own 50% of the portrait rights of some top players. In order to fully realize 50% of the portrait rights, the players must be constantly exposed in the media, and they must have huge social popularity and influence before they can receive enough endorsements and participate in enough commercial activities .

This kind of thing will definitely distract the players.

If you are distracted, it may affect the player's performance on the court. Back then, Beckham had too many business activities and did not perform well on the field. He was disfigured by a kick from Ferguson, and then he was sold off.

Ning Yaxian doesn't even count as a fan, so she doesn't understand such deep-seated issues. It's strange, "Didn't you say that the essence of Manchester United is football, and business must be subordinated to competition."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's right, business must obey competition, but it doesn't mean that competition must restrict the development of business."

Ning Yaxian said softly: "If players have no money and can only earn high salaries by playing well, then they will devote all their energy to playing football, and their results will be good. If players can earn a lot of money through commercial activities, Maybe you don’t care about the salary on the court, the effort level is not so strong, and it will affect the performance of the game.”

"Huh? You know the ball very well!" Zhou Buqi laughed, kissed her on the face, hugged her in his arms, and then said with emotion, "Oh, it's better to be my own woman, and hug her intimately. That Hollywood star, Other than good looks and a good figure, there is nothing else."

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and cast a sharp look at him, "Speaking of football, commercialization will distract the players, how do you want to solve it?"

"It can't be solved."


"It doesn't need to be resolved."

Ning Yaxian was confused, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Did you watch today's game, how good is Ronaldinho? One shot and two passes, he is the best player in the world, much better than Kaka. With his level, he can't beat Liverpool. The team needs to play 100%, if you are playing against weak teams like Newcastle and Fulham, as long as you put 50% of your energy into the game, it is enough to win."

Ning Yaxian immediately followed his train of thought, "You mean to spend the remaining 50% on business activities?"


"What if you don't play well and lose the game in an upset?"

"How good is an upset?" Zhou Buqi used to be a fan, but now he is the boss, and the way of thinking at different levels is different. "In many cases, an upset can get more attention from the market than a win. It is contagious. In the past few years, Real Madrid has been upset in the Champions League every year. But their annual income is 100 million euros more than Manchester United."

Ning Yaxian couldn't laugh or cry, "You really think about the Internet, traffic is king."

Zhou Buqi agreed with this statement, saying: "Yes, brand and influence building, traffic is king. Whoever has a high exposure rate and wide spread will have a higher brand. In this regard, Manchester United has been Real Madrid and Barcelona have left behind. To gain traffic, first, a shocking transfer transaction; second, winning a championship; third, a super victory or an upset loss; fourth, wider business cooperation; fifth , Gathered through the personal fame of the players. The current Manchester United only has the second point, and the operation method is too simple."

Ning Yaxian frowned delicately, "Football is all about fighting for the championship."

Zhou Buqi glanced at her, "You have been in the UK for so long, but you haven't felt it? Football is just football?"


"The wealth of the Middle East consortium will be transferred more and more to Europe in the future, and the political symbolic significance of football will become stronger and stronger. Including China-Europe cooperation, football must not be avoided, and more and more domestic capital will enter European football in the future .”

Ning Yaxian pondered for a moment, then said: "You don't know how to get money from Manchester United."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Do I like the three melons and two dates earned by football? I am willing to contribute money every year, just like Abu, who spends 100 million pounds every year."

Ning Yaxian blinked, "Isn't that all right? Anyway, you don't need money, and you have raised Manchester United out of your own pocket. Why do you want to promote the commercialization of Manchester United? Ronaldinho wants high wages, so you just pay him to start the business." High salary, isn’t that all right?”

"How can it be that simple?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's okay now, the boss can spend whatever he wants, just like Chelsea. After a large amount of money can enter the field, football must be controlled, and the salary cap will be paid gone."

Ning Yaxian rolled her eyes at him, and said jokingly, "You don't understand that. The European Union is different from the United States. There is a law to encourage competition here, and no salary cap is allowed."

Zhou Buqi said: "A hard salary cap like the NFL and NBA is definitely not acceptable, but there can be a financial fairness plan, or a soft salary cap. For example, it is stipulated that the total salary and transfer expenses of a club cannot exceed 60% of the total income. % or 70%, there is a limit. The club's own income-generating ability is not strong, and the salary cap is very low. A club with an annual income of 1 billion pounds can spend 700 million pounds to recruit the best players in the world. A club with an annual income of 100 million pounds can only pay 70 million pounds in wages, and can only buy some third- and fourth-tier players. Have you noticed? In the future world, the more commercial, the more competitive. Commercial It is not a contradictory relationship with competition, but a complementary relationship.”

"The Matthew Effect."

"Yes, so Manchester United has to start quickly. If it is late, it will fall behind. Now Real Madrid and Barcelona are leading the way. Under commercial operations, all the top players in the world have to run there. If Manchester United does not keep up in time, In the next decade or so, the entire European football world will depend on these two brothers."

Ning Yaxian gradually understood his thinking, "Under commercialization, you can buy the most top players. Even if they will be distracted by some business activities, but a top team, even if they devote half of their attention , and can take some weak teams lightly.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Yes, if you encounter a strong team or a Champions League knockout match, then don't arrange business activities at that stage, and let the players concentrate on preparing for the game, so that you can achieve a balance between business and competition."

Manchester United's performance under Ferguson is very good, not because of the excellent performance of the strong dialogue, but because of the stable record and few upsets.

Regardless of the strong team or the weak team, he requires the players to play with 100% enthusiasm.

Without an upset, Manchester United would be a bit "boring" to the market.

And, players are human too.

It is impossible to keep their nerves tense all the time, and to treat every game seriously and responsibly, there must be a difference between the severity and severity. Regardless of whether it is a strong team or a weak team, if they all respond with the same attitude, the players will become numb after a long time.

Real Madrid and Barcelona of the Cosmos team in later generations are not the same. When they encounter strong teams, they can often win, and they can get whatever they want in the European arena. However, when encountering a weak team in the league, they often lose in an upset. Especially Real Madrid, who are often eliminated by amateur teams in the Copa del Rey.

This model later became the mainstream of football, including Bayern, Paris, Manchester City, Liverpool and other powerful players. They showed their strength in the dialogue between the strong, but they often lost to weak teams.

Develop business, increase revenue, use the club's player assets to create derivative value... When players are distracted, they are prone to upset. If you are upset, there will be more topics and attention, and the commerciality will be stronger.

With stronger commercialization and more income, you can buy more outstanding players and pay them a high enough salary to improve the strength of the team.

There are only a few games in the UEFA Champions League. If you raise the attention and focus, and stimulate the 100% enthusiasm of the players, you can show the true strength of the team.

As a fan, of course I hope the home team can win every game.

But Zhou Buqi is the club owner.

And it's not a boss in the general sense. In a sense, he, like a local tycoon in the Middle East, doesn't expect to make money from football.

What you want to earn is influence and added value.

This necessitates enhancing club awareness, communication and brand value.

If not winning the championship is more in line with the grand strategy, then lose!

For example, this season's Champions League final: Manchester United VS Barcelona.

Zhou Buqi used his foresight to operate, and actually had a chance for Manchester United to win the championship. On the way to promotion, Barcelona encountered Chelsea and the Stamford Bridge tragedy broke out.

If Zhou Buqi talked to Abramovich and used David Gill's relationship to change the referee of that game to another person, maybe Chelsea would advance to the final.

At that time, Manchester United and Chelsea will meet in the final, and the probability of winning is very high.

However, Zhou Buqi did not intend to participate in this matter.

Let Barcelona win!

Through Barcelona's win, let David Gill and Sir Alex Ferguson take a look, Barcelona under the commercial model can completely abuse Manchester United! The reason for the loss is the poor level of the players, not the result of commercialization.

Let the facts speak.

Ferguson lost the final, and his beloved disciple Ronaldo left for Real Madrid...Under repeated blows, Ferguson must have been discouraged, disheartened, weakened, and lacked the confidence to seize power.

Zhou Buqi can really reform Manchester United's strategy according to his own ideas.

From this point of view, for the sake of the overall situation, not only must lose, Ronaldo cannot stay.

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