Top of the big era

Chapter 1275 Official Website

"What is this digital network service?"

"Official website."


Zhou Buqi was stunned.

San Dezi was a little strange. He thought to himself, Big Boss, you just work on the Internet. What kind of expression is this, so he repeated, "It's the official website of the club."

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi really wanted to curse.

The official website of a wealthy club, how big does this have to be? How much influence? It's fine if you don't make money, and you have to spend 1.2 million pounds in "service fees" every year?

What are you doing!

This kind of broken website has no technical content, just find a few college students in the on-campus incubation base, and make it without spending a penny.

Manchester United still spend so much money every year?

Isn't this begging for food with a golden rice bowl?

Seeing his uneasy expression, San Dezi quickly explained: "Our club does not have an IT technology department. This project is outsourced, and the annual outsourcing service fee is 1.2 million pounds."

"How can I spend so much money?" Zhou Buqi was speechless, "How about the five comprehensive data?"

The club's official website is a bit like a personal website. If it wants to run well, it mainly needs to deal with the synthesis of five statistical data. They are the synthesis of traffic outlets, the synthesis of visited pages on the website, the synthesis of the total PV value of the website and the per capita PV value, the synthesis of user popularity and the geographical distribution of visitors.

Through the analysis of aggregated data, we can judge the user's favorites and concerns, so as to optimize the website and make it better and better, and we can also find room for realization from the analysis.


San Dezi was a little dazed, how could he understand this.

It is not surprising that the vast majority of traditional enterprises in the world today lack understanding of the Internet.

Zhou Buqi didn't make things difficult for him, and waved his hand, "Forget it, I'll go to the club later, let's discuss it in detail."

"Oh, okay." San Dezi stood up to leave as if he was relieved, but he still couldn't help but say, "That...boss, the digital service fee of 1.2 million pounds is only limited to the UK."

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide, "Huh?"

San Dezi said: "The material is with you, so it should be marked. In addition to the digital network service fee in the expenditure column, there is also a digital network service fee for overseas regions."

Zhou Buqi has a black line on his forehead.

San Dezi said: "Manchester United is a giant in the world. In addition to English, they should also set up official websites in different languages ​​in many countries. I remember setting up Chinese official websites in your country many years ago."

Zhou Buqi is really angry and funny.

Looking down, it really is!

Digital network service fee, £1.2 million.

Overseas digital network service fees, £2.75 million.

On the official website alone, Manchester United will spend nearly 4 million pounds a year! Such a rich family makes a website, it doesn't matter if it doesn't make money, but they even put money in it...

It seems that the reform of Manchester United still has a long way to go.


Old Trafford is not only the home of Manchester United, but also the headquarters of Manchester United.

Administrative offices are located here.

However, the contract will be officially signed tomorrow, and Zhou Buqi has not yet obtained his own office, so he goes directly to San Dezi's office to find him.

After the meeting, San Dezi immediately handed over a document, "I want to apply for a fund of 1.2 million pounds to redecorate the No. 3 reception room...that is, the small reception room. The layout and interior will be completely replaced, and it will become your future office."

Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, "My office?"

San Dezi said: "Yes, isn't the chairman of the club your father? His office remains the same, and an office will be prepared for you. The No. 3 reception room can be divided into a suite, with an outside office and an independent bathroom inside." , set up a bed for temporary rest."

This flattery is very comfortable.

The last time he and Megan Fox were in this small reception room in the spring breeze, they were indeed in a bit of a mess. The facilities and environment were very inconvenient. They couldn't even take a shower, so they could only use wet wipes. San Dezi's arrangement is to prepare for similar things in the future.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "If you think it's okay, then arrange it. Well, don't spend too much money, at most 1.5 million pounds, don't make it too extravagant."

San Dezi responded immediately, "No problem, I understand!"

The next thing is to get down to business.

official website!

What kind of charter should this be?

In Ziwei Star, Zhou Buqi is often despised by many technical experts because he does not understand technology, and he is very interested in not participating in some technical discussions.

However, it is different at Manchester United, he is an expert among experts! Absolutely technical mastermind!

The first thing is to turn on the computer and see what Manchester United's official website looks like.

Well, very good.

Very Manchester United and informative.

There are many contents in it.

Show achievements, list all personal records and team records; show famous players, write the resumes of important players; show feelings, for example, Britain advocates reading, and players can be arranged to go to school or library on reading days, for children Read fairy tales; show history, there are many old photos, recording the glorious history of the club in the past hundred years; show products, this is the channel for realization.

You can sell some jerseys, stationery, calendars and other souvenirs to fans through the official website. This is the derivative industry under e-commerce. This section alone is not something that a general personal website can do.

It seems that this official website is not without technical content.

"How many souvenirs can be sold through the official website every year?" Zhou Buqi grasped a core point of the official website very keenly.

San Dezi had already made preparations before, flipped through the materials in his hand a few times, and said: "This year, a total of 1.3 million pounds was sold in the UK, and more than 1 million pounds overseas. Well, it mainly sells jerseys."

"How much is the jersey?"

"£60 a piece."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

The price is not low, but not too much. Derivatives of Hollywood movies, such as "Spiderman" clothes, cost more than $100, which is much more expensive than genuine jerseys.

Zhou Buqi asked again: "What about the percentage of jerseys?"

San Dezi said: "The jerseys are all provided by Nike, and the delivery is also done by them. The sharing ratio is generally 10%-15%. If it is sold through Nike's channel, we can get 10% of the sales. If it is For our own channel sales, the share is 15%.”

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "When "Iron Man" is released, the distributor, Paramount, can get more than 50% of the sales revenue of the Iron Man suit from the distributor."

San Dezi quickly explained, "This is different. We have a long-term sponsorship contract with the sports company. We signed a total of 12 years and it didn't end until 2015. We can get 23 million pounds every year."

"A 12-year contract..."

Zhou Buqi was a little discouraged. This group of football players are so fucked up that they dare to sign such a long-term contract. In Hollywood, this is simply impossible. It took a lot of effort for Netflix to purchase streaming media film and television copyrights, and at most it could only sign a five-year contract. No matter how long it takes, people simply don't agree.

Seeing this, San Dezi immediately added fuel to the fire, "This contract is too stupid. It is said that Liverpool and Nike are going to sign a new contract, and the annual sponsorship fee may exceed 25 million pounds."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Why do you sign such a fixed long-term sponsorship contract? Long-term contracts are also fine, why do you need a fixed sponsorship fee?"

"Ah?" San Dezi froze for a moment, "Not fixed? Dynamic?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, dynamic and progressive. Just like some private equity funds' commissions, the higher the income, the higher the commission. If the income does not meet the standard, there will be no commission. Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma , They sponsor the team, the purpose is not to sell jerseys, buy sporting goods."

"There's also advertising value."

"Yes, advertising. The more sales, the better the advertising effect. The more sales, the more revenue they make. In the final analysis, it still comes down to jersey sales. Why can't sponsorship contracts be linked to jersey sales? Jerseys, sneakers If you sell more, the sponsorship fee will increase step by step; if you sell less, the sponsorship fee will decrease step by step.”

"Uh..." San Dezi took a deep look at him, "Boss, you are purely American thinking."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Don't engage in regional discrimination!"

What these British guys look down on the most is the upstart Americans.

San Dezi hurriedly said: "It's not discrimination. I have worked on Wall Street for many years, and I can understand your thinking. But...but this is not in line with the general environment of European football. They...they are more pursuing stability. As we said before, they don't want to change, they just want to live their lives safely and securely on football, they don't want to take risks."

According to Boss Zhou, if the jerseys are sold more, it is of course very good, and enough sponsorship fees can be earned. However, how can we guarantee that the jerseys will sell well every year? What if there are fewer jerseys sold in any year? Isn't the sponsorship fee reduced?

If it is lowered, then you have to bear the responsibility.

Instead of taking such a large commercial operation risk, it is better to sign a long-term fixed sponsorship contract with a sports company. One sign for 12 years, a fixed income of 23 million pounds per year, safe!

Like many Fortune 500 companies, or some commercial leagues in American sports, revenues are down...the general manager is about to be fired.

The general managers and sports directors of the major football clubs are almost all from the background of players. On a larger scale, they have formed a community of football interests.

They are the makers of football rules. When making rules, they must focus on their own interests, not the interests of club owners.

Zhou Buqi's thoughts raced.

With his business methods and operating strategies, and using the future Internet information dissemination, he is very confident that Manchester United's jerseys will be sold every year, but...he is a little bit backed down.

Reform is not easy.

To promote the reform of Manchester United, at most it is to move the interests of some people within Manchester United. He is the owner of the club, and no one can do anything about him. However, once the reform of the cooperation between sponsors and clubs is promoted, too many people will be offended.

In the cooperation between sports companies and giant teams, it is clear that the team has the initiative, but the contract signed is rigid, and the team has become a passive party locked by the contract.

The way this group of football people operate their business is really fucked up.

But I can't afford to offend.

This group of interest groups has long been monolithic, and the rules have been solidified.

Zhou Buqi does not engage in football to make money, but he cannot offend those vested interests who have great influence just to promote the progress of the industry.

You can't be a victim of reform.

San Dezi obviously understands this way, "It is best not to go out of the circle when reforming within Manchester United. Risky reform measures are all undertaken by Manchester United, and don't spread out. The peers in football prefer to do football in a safe and secure way." Business. Although earning less, those in power in football are not big bosses, they do not own the team, and what they pursue is not to maximize the interests of the club, but to ensure the stability of their own interests."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "I just mentioned it casually, so let's stop here. However, we still need to give full play to the information dissemination function of the official website. On the premise of not touching the interests of traditional football, Manchester United will contribute to the 'Internet + Football' direction of development.”

"Internet + football?"

It was the first time for San Dezi to hear such a concept.

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