Top of the big era

Chapter 1094 Multi-touch

Zhang Xuhao is going to Japan to discuss with Tang Binchen about UC beauty and UC mobile assistant. This is a product for the Japanese market. It relies on a group of Chinese people to build the car behind closed doors. If you are lucky, it will be recognized by the market, and it will be revealed after a long time.

It is still necessary to have a product experience team composed of local people to improve and perfect product details and design.

Coincidentally, Zhou Buqi is also going to Japan.

That night, Zhou Buqi returned to his home in Shanghai, holding his one-year-old daughter in his arms, laughing and teasing his daughter while chatting with Wen Zhixia, and then received a call from Zhou Shaoning.

Another good news!

Zhou Buqi was right!

The booming sales of the iPhone in the Japanese market has doubled the pressure on the other two operators, wanting to sell Google series smartphones...

in a hurry! Very eager!

This is great!

The other two major operators took the initiative to come to cooperate with them, and there was room for negotiation on Ziweixing's side. There is a reason to bundle their own products with operator services.

"Leaving again?" Wen Zhixia sighed, and also complained, her man was too busy, and she had too little time with her.

Zhou Buqi took his daughter from her arms again, and said with a smile: "The market in Shanghai is already up, so you don't need to stare here all day, do you?"


"Go to Japan with me to play around, and take our precious daughter with you."

"It's summer vacation, I'm very busy."

"Then you have to rest." Zhou Buqi's tone was very decisive, "Okay, this is settled, you are my wife, you have to listen to me, or I won't marry you."

Wen Zhixia rolled his eyes at him charmingly, "Stop threatening me. If you don't marry, you won't marry. Now that I have a daughter, I'm not afraid of you anymore."

Zhou Buqi looked angry, and said: "What? How dare you give up your husband after having a daughter? I think you are looking for a fight!"

"Oh, don't make trouble." Wen Zhixia pushed him, pursed his lips, "Are you really going to Japan?"

"Well, let's go."

"I just got a salary increase here, so I'm going to ask for leave."

"What are you afraid of? Who would dare to fire you?" Zhou Buqi didn't care, "Well, how much is your salary?"

Wen Zhixia smiled and said, "It's over 100,000, um, 15 months a year."

Zhou Buqi was surprised and said, "So much? Is the annual salary more than 1 million after tax? My monthly salary is only 10,000 yuan. As expected, education and training make a lot of money."

Wen Zhixia chuckled and said, "How can you have 10,000? It's just over 8,000."

"Who said that?"

"Your salary is stuck with me."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "I remember I gave it to Wu Yu..."

Wen Zhixia smiled and leaned into his arms, "She gave it to me."

"Well, the two of us will go to get the certificate in a few months." Zhou Buqi hugged her in his arms, a little strange, "By the way, why can't Niannian still not talk? I see that kid from Liu Qiangdong's family, 10 It’s been a few months since I called him Dad.”

Wen Zhixia hesitated for a moment, "Maybe it's a late development, sometimes you can say mom and mom twice."

"Mom, damn's not a curse word, is it?"


Wen Zhixia almost died of anger, how could a father talk like that.

Zhou Buqi laughed, "This is my first time becoming a father, am I inexperienced?"

"Being a father for the first time?" Wen Zhixia looked contemptuous.

Zhou Buqi became serious, with a serious look, "We have to make it clear, I only miss such a daughter, and I don't have any illegitimate children!"

Wen Zhixia sneered twice, "Baoshan told me everything."

"What did she say? How dare she...uh..." At this time, Zhou Buqi was a little stunned, and the righteousness on his face disappeared instantly, and he became embarrassed, "That... I mean, it was the first time I was Dear father, so I have no experience, can this work?"

Well, you little sister, you will inform me!

Go back and spank her!


From Shanghai to the capital, I picked up Zhou Shaoning and the others and went to Tokyo together.

The mobile phone business is booming!

The United States has done it, Europe has done it, and now even Japan's orders have been taken.

On the plane, Zhou Buqi and Zhou Shaoning sat together and talked about it.

Feeling sad.

The iPhone is just amazing.

Mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Philips, and LG have not been able to enter the Japanese market for so many years. The local traditional industrial structure is really strong.

When the apple comes, the sky is turned upside down!

The iPhone not only broke the practice that foreign mobile phone manufacturers could not survive in China, but also created a series of sales records.

Obviously, Softbank did not expect that the iPhone would be so popular. The number of orders they received in advance was not large, which led to many regions being snapped up in just a few hours.

This is something that has never happened in the history of Japanese mobile phones.

It can be seen that the public welcomes and loves the iPhone.

Softbank is urgently increasing orders with Apple. In this regard, Sun Zhengyi can sit firmly on the fishing boat. He contacted Jobs in 2006 and wanted to introduce the iPhone to Japan. At the time, the original iPhone hadn’t even existed.

Because the time is early, so the risk taken is high, and the conditions given by Apple will be more favorable, providing Softbank with three years of exclusive iPhone agency rights.

That is to say, the iPhones of this year, next year and the year after that can only be purchased from Softbank in the Japanese market.

The other two major operators are in a hurry.

You can only focus on Google, that is, the Aster phone.

This is the only option.

Nokia, Motorola, etc. are not good. They are still playing with physical buttons and resistive screens. They really can't keep up with the trend.

Zhou Shaoning sighed, "Touch screen mobile phones have actually existed a few years ago, but they used to have resistive screens. The reason why iPhones are trendy products is because they use capacitive screens and multi-touch."

"Are we a capacitive screen?"


"Single touch?"


"Can't do multi-touch? It's very difficult?"

"Well, it's hard!"

"We still need to find a way to solve it. Multi-touch is the development trend of touch screens." In this regard, Zhou Buqi expressed his opinion with confidence, "At that time, Apple launched the mouse, which changed the personal computer industry. Now they have introduced multi-touch, which can also change the mobile phone industry. What multi-touch is to mobile phones is what the mouse is to computers."

Zhou Shaoning is obviously an expert in this field, so he explained: "Multi-touch fact, research began in the 1980s, mainly in two places, one is Bell Labs and the other is Microsoft. When I was working in the lab, the multi-touch lab was next door to me. Later, Bell Labs’ technology was resold to a company, which was acquired by Apple in 2005.”

Zhou Buqi blinked, "So, the multi-touch patents are now in the hands of Microsoft and Apple?"

"Well, the patents of Cornerstone are all in their hands." Zhou Shaoning nodded, "However, multi-touch is simple to say, but it is a very complicated technical system, including the process. For example, the iPhone, similar process components, It needs to be produced in the United States to form modules, and then shipped to China for secondary assembly and processing. The domestic technology is still a little bit worse.”

Zhou Bu's head is getting bigger.

Even the assembly process is lacking?

Hmm... In the future, the entire industry line of the iPhone will be in China, which shows that the technology of some processing plants such as Foxconn is also developing by leaps and bounds.

For example, they later moved their production lines to India and Southeast Asia, but the core assembly still had to be done in China. The level of craftsmanship over there is not enough to assemble too precise materials.

Seeing him thoughtful, Zhou Shaoning thought that he was very interested in multi-touch, so he further explained the technical principle, "Multi-touch is actually adding a layer on the LCD screen that can capture multiple touch screens. Screen film with touch signal function. This is the core patent and the cornerstone of multi-touch, which is in the hands of Apple and Microsoft. However, to achieve multi-touch, more complex technology is needed.”


How could Zhou Buqi understand this? He could only listen to what he said.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Well, the reason why Nokia and Motorola stick to the keyboard and are unwilling to explore more boldly on the touch screen is mainly because the problem of light transmittance cannot be solved."


"Yes, for example, if you use a computer or mobile phone, you will find that some screens are brightly colored, while others are dark and black. This means that the screen has poor light transmission. At present, the best light-transmitting material in the world is glass. , there can also be a 3% light transmission loss, and the light will be reflected. The touch is actually two layers, and the light transmission loss is even greater. Just like those Nokia resistive screen phones, the light transmission rate is often only 75 %."

Zhou Buqi understood, "That is to say, if you want to do a good job in touch technology, in addition to meeting the technical standards, you must also be good enough at the application level and be able to deeply integrate with LCD screens."

Zhou Shaoning nodded deeply and sighed, "Yes, the application level is the most difficult. The mouse was invented in the 1960s, and it was only applied by Jobs in the 1980s. Multi-touch is similar. This technology was developed 20 years ago. It was born, but it is really difficult to apply it.”

"So it is not difficult for us to study multi-touch technology. The difficulty is to apply this technology."

"Well, it is also difficult, but the application is more difficult. The problem of light transmittance needs to be combined with LCD screen technology, but the domestic related technology is too poor. This is a large system, not our technological improvement in a single field It can be solved. It is not the tallest plank that determines the capacity of the barrel, but the shortest one.”

Zhou Shaoning paused for a moment, and said helplessly: "Samsung's LCD screens, for example, must be of the highest quality for use by myself and Apple. We can't get the best batch."

Zhou Buqi could understand the other party's worry.

To make a high-end machine, you must have high-end materials.

This aspect is still lacking in the country.

Looking at it now, Ziwei Star has a first-mover advantage and can cooperate with Google to launch the world's first Android phone. But when the Android system is popularized in the future, Samsung will also enter the market to make high-end Android phones... then there will be a crisis.

If Samsung does not supply the best LCD screens to Ziweixing Electronics, Aster mobile phones will inevitably lack in materials. This will cause your own mobile phone to be inferior to competitors in terms of image perception.

Zhou Buqi laughed, "You've fallen into a dead end. Now smartphone users are people in the field of technology or enthusiasts, and their sensitivity is relatively strong. After the market opens up, a larger user group will participate. It’s important. With the same type of LCD screen, how much light transmittance gap can there be between high-end and mid-range? Is it 1%?”

Zhou Shaoning nodded, "Almost."

Zhou Buqi felt relieved, "It's only 1%. Who can tell the difference to ordinary people? Who has such good eyesight? A mobile phone worth hundreds of dollars seems quite expensive now, and it will become a fast-moving consumer product in a few years. Brand is more important than materials. More importantly, Motorola is not Nokia's opponent, and this is the proof. You don't need to make others lose your prestige! The top priority is to focus on multi-touch. The next generation of mobile phones must have multi-touch!"

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