Top of the big era

Chapter 1095 Chip

On the plane, Zhou Shaoning and Zhou Buqi talked a lot about the technical issues of mobile phone manufacturing.

A lot of pressure!

If it's just purchasing, it's simple and there is no difficulty. Just like the current Aster mobile phone, all core components are purchased from abroad and then assembled in China. Only some common and less important materials can be replaced by domestic products.

Zhou Buqi is someone who has experienced it, so he can understand Zhou Shaoning's worry. It can be said that any practitioner in the domestic science and technology field has such concerns.

But many practical problems cannot be solved by relying on the commercial market.

The core components of mobile phones are CPU, camera, baseband chip, radio frequency chip, screen, storage, memory... This is a super huge industrial system.

Let alone a certain company, no country in the world can set up this system.

Under the globalized market, the performance in the market is mutual cooperation. American companies make storage, British companies make CPUs, Korean companies make screens, and Japanese companies make cameras... Let’s work together to do this well.

The whole system needs to be built from scratch, from low-end to high-end, without external interference and with enough top talents, at least trillions of dollars will be invested.

The domestic environment is relatively special, and the entire industrial system must be developed.

This is bound to be general but not precise.

And a severe lack of money.

If it is a low-end machine, mainly relying on domestic components, it can be done.

If it is a high-end machine, it is very difficult to use any domestic component material, and it requires a great breakthrough in technology and craftsmanship. That is to say, the technological breakthrough of one company is not enough, and technological breakthroughs in the collaboration of multiple companies are required.

Zhou Buqi has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

He doesn't know anything about this business.

I only know that the Android system is the general trend, to be an Android phone... and this business is different from the Internet. For the Internet, foresight is enough. Even if you don’t make hard-core technology products, you can still become a giant.

However, research on various high-end components, semiconductor materials, and chips has no effect on foresight.

Low-end is easy to do.

The high-end involves the coordinated improvement of the entire system, which is the real hard-core technology. It is the top science and technology that humans have mastered at present, and manned landing on Mars is nothing in front of high-end chips.

Let alone landing on Mars, it is impossible to give Zhou Buqi a mission to lead our country's aerospace team to complete the manned mission to the moon.

Foresight can be opportunistic, but it cannot be done in hard-core technology, and can only rely on hard power.

For example, Zhou Buqi wants to engage in cloud computing, one year ahead of Microsoft and Google. But now that Microsoft and Google's platforms have come out, Ziweixing's cloud computing platform still has several key technologies that have not been broken through, and it may not be able to go online next year.

Fortunately, the foresight gave Zhou Buqi a solution to the problem.

In any case, to make this kind of hardware equipment, we must not let our company become synonymous with "comprador" in public opinion like Lenovo and Xiaomi.

If you want to do this, you must have independent research and development.

No matter in terms of national interests, company brand, or personal reputation, Ziweixing Electronics must have some breakthrough self-developed products in the field of high-end mobile phone components!

It must be done!

Concentrate all the talents, funds and social resources that can be mobilized, and must complete one or two breakthroughs in the field of high-end technology!

Complete domestic autonomy!

At that time, even if 19 of the 20 important components are purchased from abroad, and the remaining one has the attribute of domestic self-developed, it can be labeled as self-developed.

This image is taller.

Then launch the low-end machine series, and purchase as many domestic materials as possible for assembly...Ziweixing Electronics' domestic position has also been consolidated.

Wen Zhixia put her daughter to sleep, and sat down to listen to their talk. Hearing this, I couldn't help it anymore, and said in surprise: "Out of the twenty, one is made in China, so it's self-developed? How do I feel..."

She didn't say the ugly words.

Isn't this deceiving the common people?

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "If you can make a breakthrough at a certain point, it is already a huge achievement."

Zhou Shaoning nodded, "Well, if it's a low-end field, this is relatively simple. It's like a student who improves from 30 points to 60 points, and it's easy to improve by 30 points, but it can be improved from 99 points to 100 points, an increase of 1 point It is also very difficult. Even if it is a breakthrough at a certain point, we can only choose the simplest point, and it may not be possible."

Zhou Buqi was very curious, "Which point is the easiest?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Chip."

"What?" Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "Isn't the chip the most difficult? It would be easier to make PAMiD modules, audio decoders, modems, and transceivers?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "It is impossible for us to complete any single component breakthrough. We can only disassemble it to complete a certain part of the technological breakthrough. Now that we have disassembled it, of course we must choose the most important one. Moreover, the chip is a Chinese card. One of the most serious areas of the neck, we work hard in this area, we can show our determination."


"We only do chip design, just like building blueprints. Use ready-made templates and drawing tools to draw. The successful drawing is handed over to the fab for production according to the drawings."


Zhou Buqi nodded, and he understood it with his foresight. After the rise of the "chip fever" in China, what big companies actually do is to draw blueprints.

Wen Zhixia didn't understand, "Isn't this too simple? Just draw blueprints?"

Zhou Shaoning smiled wryly and said: "Drawing blueprints is not that simple. This is a high-end mobile phone chip. There are no more than five companies in the world that have the ability to draw high-end chips. MediaTek is so powerful that it can only play with low-end chips. If we want to draw this blueprint clearly, we have to go overseas to build a research center. Domestic strength alone may not be enough. The chip is the most difficult technological project, and the technology for drawing blueprints is also better than that of God VI. Spaceflight is very difficult.”

Wen Zhixia's eyes widened. She was a purely layman's perspective. How could she understand these things? Compared with manned spaceflight, she had a real feeling and was deeply shocked.

Zhou Buqi was also deeply shocked, feeling that the water in this line was too deep.

No wonder domestic counterparts are reluctant to enter.

Only Huawei dares to play.

It's scary.

If it weren't for the fear that Ziwei Xing Electronics would fall into the whirlpool of "comprador" public opinion, he might not be able to make up his mind to do this business. Manned spaceflight is one thing that the whole country is doing. Now relying on a single private enterprise to do it, it really needs a big structure and great courage. Among the domestic counterparts, only Mr. Ren has this courage.

Of course, now there is an extra week.

"Then it's settled! Do it!"

Zhou Buqi is not an indecisive person, he waved his hand and made a decisive decision.

Zhou Shaoning glanced at him and stretched out a finger, "From 3G chip to 4G chip, at least 10 billion!"

Wen Zhixia was already stunned.


It's just drawing drawings, and it costs 10 billion?

too crazy!

Zhou Buqi was very happy, because he found that foresight can be used again, and said with a smile: "Don't make 3G chips, just bet on the next generation and study 4G chips."

Zhou Shaoning was stunned for a moment, and looked at him hesitantly, "Aren't you too anxious? 4G is still far away! I don't think it will come out within ten years. And the country will only issue 3G licenses next year..."

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "3G has been developed abroad for ten years. Now that we enter the market, we can't even catch their tails."

Zhou Shaoning nodded, quite acknowledging this point, "Indeed, if you enter the venue now, there will inevitably be a generation difference."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Since we have decided to be high-end, we must be the top in the world! Not to mention the world's number one, at least the world's top three, the world's top five. Now enter the market to make 3G chips to touch foreign chip companies It doesn’t make any sense. It can only be planned in advance to bet on the next generation.”

On this point, he has a great say.

Zhou Shaoning still underestimated the development speed of the world's science and technology. He thought that 4G would not appear until ten years later. In fact, 4G base stations began to be built on a large scale two years later. By 2012, the country also began to build 4G base stations.

Although 3G will only be launched in China next year, in just three years, it will be difficult for operators to earn back the investment cost of 3G base stations. But this is the advantage of our country. Operators are all state-owned enterprises and must obey the national strategy. Strategy is more important than making money. When 4G comes, don't fall behind.

MediaTek's chips were very popular in the 2G and 3G eras, but they made a wrong decision. They also obviously underestimated the coming time of 4G, failed to catch the trend of 4G chips, and almost died. Fortunately, they adjusted in time, bet on the 5G chip, studied hard for many years to draw the blueprint of the 5G chip, and finally drew it. Although it is not as good as the 5g chips of Apple, Qualcomm, Samsung, and Huawei, it has also gained a chance to turn around. In the low-end field, MediaTek is still very marketable.

It is only 2008, and the 5G era is still a bit far away.

You can bet on 4G chips!

Zhou Buqi became more and more happy, and felt that he had found a new opportunity, "Well, let's research 4G chips. We can make two types, high-end chips for high-end models, and low-end chips for low-end and mid-range models. .The domestic consumption power is limited, so many high-end models cannot be digested, and more are low-end models.”

Zhou Shaoning looked very speechless, "I repeat, although we are only drawing blueprints, this is also a world-class scientific and technological project. We devote all our talents and energy to drawing blueprints for a chip, and it may not be successful. Not to mention What is high-end or low-end. Don’t ask for so much, draw it first and then talk.”

"Uh, okay." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and narrowed his eyes, "Old Zhou, this matter must be acted on immediately. After this trip to Japan is over, you will go to Europe to investigate and build the research institute. Without further ado, we must act as soon as possible to put the 4G chip project into operation."

Zhou Shaoning was stunned for a moment, "So urgent?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course urgent, the sooner the better!"

Zhou Shaoning glanced at him, and tentatively said, "The top priority now is to quickly produce mobile phones to meet the orders in Europe and Japan, right? We have to complete these orders before we can fund research and development?"

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "I'm short of money, I'll help you solve it, either financing or capital injection! Chips are a national strategy, but also a corporate strategy! This must be done! Do it now! We don't Take the lead, relying on those colleagues in the country, what the hell!"

Zhou Shaoning was silent for a long time, and said slowly: "Then you have to come forward in person and help me deal with Li Yinan. He used to be in charge of the terminal business at Huawei, and he also prepared the chip business. He is also familiar with the European market. You poach him. This For this matter, I think he still needs to take the lead.”

Zhou Buqi had a bit of a headache, but he could only accept it, "Okay, I'll go see him! Try to win it!"

Zhou Shaoning gritted his teeth and accepted it.

This is a big gamble.

That is to say, an entrepreneur with a big structure like Boss Zhou can make up his mind.

Wen Zhixia was shocked, it was the first time she had a close look at what was going on here, and she was quite shocked, "I didn't expect it to be so complicated... I read in the media that there are always experts who say that operating systems and chips are required. Hmm, recently we talked about domestic software again.”

Zhou Buqi was a little annoyed, "Don't listen to them, shout slogans every day. Recently they promote domestic software, so let's promote it. They also want to step on Microsoft's shoulders and get me involved. People who shout slogans don't do anything. The people in charge don’t shout slogans. They are doing public opinion work, we are doing science and technology work, not in the same circle.”

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "Technical research must be kept secret, how can you talk about it? Isn't it discovered by competitors or even foreign countries?"

Zhou Buqi turned his face straight, and looked at Wen Zhixia, "Don't tell anyone about our conversation just now. If someone knows that we are working on 4G chips, there must be foreigners who will dismantle us and prevent us from becoming bigger. This But big things, no one can say."

Wen Zhixia didn't quite understand, "Then why are they still talking about it? Isn't it a hindrance?"

" can't say that, many things cannot be killed with a single stick, and public opinion work is also very important." Zhou Buqi thought of something, and it was quite funny, "Didn't you see the statement on the Internet, many netizens said If he goes to PetroChina as the general manager, he can guarantee that he will not lose money."

Wen Zhixia nodded slightly, "Well, the domestic oil price is so high, and PetroChina suffered serious losses as a result."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is the guiding role of public opinion, take the blame!"


Wen Zhixia was at a loss.

Zhou Shaoning also looked very surprised, "Boss, what do you mean by that? Do you know what's going on?"

Zhou Buqi said lightly: "It's not an inside story, it's just that I have seen more people and know more about the situation. Some responsibilities can only be borne by PetroChina. If the company does not take responsibility, who will take it? Ordinary people Knowing this, just because the domestic oil price is a little higher and the company is not profitable, it will start to be eccentric."

"Tell me specifically?"

"The cost price of crude oil here is higher than that of the United States, whether it is the refining process, transportation cost or purchase price. There is also a more intuitive point, more than half of the domestic oil price is tax. Of the US oil price, only 19% is tax. Tax. You deduct these two yuan, and then look at the oil prices of the two countries. For this kind of matter, public opinion can only fall on the company, and it cannot be directed in other directions.”


"Energy is a national strategy. How can it be measured by whether it makes money? The country is the same, and so is the enterprise. In front of the strategy, it doesn't matter whether you lose money or make money. For the mobile phone business, drawing the blueprint of the 4G chip is the most important strategy!"

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