Top of the big era

Chapter 1093 Ziweixing International Building

Ziweixing now has two mobile phone assistants.

One is the Weidian mobile assistant developed by Ziweixing headquarters, and the other is the 91 mobile assistant acquired from outside, which was later renamed UC mobile assistant.

In fact, this concept comes from 91 Mobile Assistant.

The headquarters here is imitated later.

But Weidian's brand power is too strong, and Weidian Mobile Assistant soon became a more popular product. There are not many smart phones in China, but Weidian Mobile Assistant can serve feature phones, such as transferring photos, e-books, music, and small videos to feature phones.

UC Mobile Assistant can’t survive in China, so it’s better to follow the precedent of UC Beauty and focus on the Japanese market.

With the big sales of the iPhone, the opportunity came.

Zhou Buqi said: "I have always had a plan, which is to turn the Modu branch into the international department of Ziwei Star, responsible for developing some products that may have the opportunity to sell to overseas markets. This is an international metropolis, and there are enough foreigners. and exposure to the outside world."

Zhang Xuhao said: "I know that UC Assistant will strive to make efforts in the Japanese market."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "UC's headquarters is in Yangcheng, which is too far away, and many things are inconvenient. I plan to move the international line of UC mobile browser to Shanghai, and the Yangcheng headquarters will do it. The domestic market is doing well."

It roughly means that it is a transit department from domestic to foreign countries.

In the early stage of foreign business development, there will definitely be a shortage of manpower. This requires that the overseas product business needs to be separated, and part of the underlying development that does not involve language should be moved to China.

On the one hand, domestic technology is good, and on the other hand, domestic wages are low.

Moreover, many businesses overlap.

For example, Weibo and YikYak share the same framework, so there is no need for repeated development. Just ask YikYak to raise the demand, connect with the International Department, and then the International Department will get the code from Weibo, and then integrate and adjust.

Just like Google.

Whether it is Google Korea or Google Japan, their Google business is relatively superficial. The real core underlying technology development department is actually Google China.

From the domestic side to the US headquarters, develop coordination, adjust technical details appropriately, and then supply the entire Asian market.

So does Microsoft.

Microsoft's Internet business also extends from the United States to China, and then from China to the Asian market. But the software business is different. The software business center of Microsoft Asia is Japan. Microsoft's domestic software business is generally connected to Microsoft Japan, and Microsoft Japan is connected to the United States.

What the International Department of Ziwei Star has to do is to coordinate with China and foreign countries.

What is done domestically is delivered to foreign countries. What is done abroad is sent to China. Avoid repeated development, resulting in waste of funds; avoid high-level talents developing simple functions, resulting in waste of resources; avoid low-level talents developing advanced functions, resulting in a decline in efficiency.

This business is not the same as the middle office business department at the headquarters.

The China-Taiwan Division is mainly concerned with the processing of high-concurrency technologies and the coordination of domestic business. This international department is more of an operation department, and it needs to gather talents from all over the world, who must understand English, Korean, Japanese, including French, German, Russian, etc.

This is the complexity of large international companies.

It is impossible for all high-level talents to be proficient in many languages, even if everyone speaks English... But English is not the same as English, Indian English and Spanish English cannot communicate at all. There must be an international department to coordinate.

For example, Ning Yaxian used to work for Sony, because she was proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese, she entered the key cultivation of the International Department.

Zhang Xuhao had already heard the rumors that the headquarters intended to turn Shanghai into an international department, so he tentatively said, "If this is the case, the Shanghai branch will have to expand."

"Well, to expand."

"How many people?"

"I'll have to ask the HR department to come up with a plan later, and it will cost four or five hundred..." Zhou Buqi gave him a deep look, a little amused, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Xuhao said excitedly: "Let's rent a high-end office building? Now that UC Beauty has achieved great success, the office environment should be improved."

"Rent it..."

Zhou Buqi frowned.

Zhang Xuhao knew the hobbies of the big boss, he was a real estate maniac, he kept building and building, there were two buildings in the headquarters park, and the buildings were all built in Japan, so he looked shocked, "You can't build buildings, right?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Why not? What is the rental rate of return for high-end office buildings in a good location here? Not less than 6%?"

Zhang Xuhao nodded, "Well, just a little more, maybe 7%-8%."

The real estate market today is different from what it will be ten years from now.

Ten years later, the rental return rate of the most high-end office buildings will be around 2%-3%. That is to say, for a house with a market value of 1 million, the annual rent is only 20,000-30,000.

Real estate tycoons with high commercial sensitivity all sold and ran away.

Now it is different, the real estate market is very hot, and it is still in the stage where the supply is less than the demand.

In other words, the number of high-end office buildings is far from keeping up with the demand of the market, and the country's economy is developing too fast and is in a booming situation.

Many companies can't get the first-hand house, and they have to sublet it several times, and the rent is ridiculously high.

8% rent, which is equivalent to renting for 12.5 years, can be bought directly.

More importantly, Ziweixing is a technology company, and technology companies take land to build buildings, and the cost is lower.

Without hesitation, Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said decisively: "The building must be built!"

How could Zhang Xuhao dare to say more, so he carefully reminded: "There are only a few hundred people here in the devil's capital, renting one floor of an office building... at most two floors is enough. To build a building, at least a dozen floors... "

Zhou Buqi glared at him angrily, "You are in management, so you have to let go of your vision!"

Zhang Xuhao explained embarrassingly, "Mainly, I spent all my energy on UC beautification a while ago, and didn't pay attention to other things."

Zhou Buqi explained to him helplessly, "Building a building, on the one hand, is to consider the interests and save money. It is very easy for Ziweixing to acquire and approve land. The most important thing is to have the brand image of Ziweixing. Ziweixing's The International Department cannot be stationed in someone else's building like a small company. This building must be named Ziweixing International Building."

Zhang Xuhao nodded and came to his senses, "Well, we are a big company, so we should have the decency and external image of a big company."

Zhou Buqi didn’t want to build Ziweixing International Building on a whim. He had already passed his anger at the headquarters and said: “It doesn’t need to be too high, a building with 12-15 floors is fine. We use 3-4 floors for our own use, and rent out the rest. It doesn’t need 8 floors. % rate of return, 5% rate of return, three to five years can pay back."

The building is expensive, mainly because the land is expensive.

Ziweixing acquired land in a good location at a price of 200 million yuan and built a building with a total investment of 500 million yuan. After the completion, the market value of this building may reach 3 billion yuan.

Then, based on 15 floors, the value of a single floor is 200 million yuan, even if the rental rate of return is 5%, the rent for each floor is 10 million yuan. In other words, as long as the location is good and there are many tenants, the rent alone can earn 100 million yuan a year.

This model belongs to Sohu's Lao Zhang who plays the most slippery.

Sohu has only a small business and a small number of people, and it is already building a third building and buying land to build Changyou Building.

Zhou Buqi has learned a lot.

This is not considered to take advantage of the government, because the intangible assets of the brand are involved here.

The average company may spend 1.5 billion to acquire land. Ziweixing only needs to spend 200 million yuan to acquire the land. However, the "Ziweixing" brand can cover the 1.3 billion land price.

This building is called XX Building. It is difficult to form additional influence on the surrounding industrial structure, and it lacks appeal and driving force. If it is called "Ziweixing International Building", it will be different. With the attraction of Ziweixing, more technology companies can come here and get together. It will be convenient for the government to coordinate infrastructure in a unified way.

If so many technology companies are scattered, the government needs to set up high-speed Internet dedicated lines for technology companies in each location, and regulate electricity, water, transportation, catering, etc., which will cost a lot and make management very complicated.

Well-known large companies such as Sohu and Ziweixing can use their own brands to help the government complete urban planning, centralize management, and avoid waste of resources. This is the embodiment of intangible assets when large high-tech companies acquire land.

Zhang Xuhao didn't think too much about it, and he didn't need to pay attention to these things. He only knew that Boss Zhou was a crazy building builder, so he nodded repeatedly, "Well, yes! It's better to build the building by yourself!"

Zhou Buqi snorted, and asked angrily: "I was going to promote you to be M4 last time, why was it rejected by the personnel later?"

Zhang Xuhao scratched his head, "It's not surprising that you won't be promoted if you don't have any grades."

Zhou Buqi sighed, this kid is also an old man in the Xiaonei period, and said: "The president of the branch company is at the level of M6. UC has done a good job of beautification, wait for two months to see. If it is not a flash in the pan, in the The Japanese market has stabilized, and you have made a great contribution. At that time, I will promote you to be the vice president of the branch, in charge of business."

"The vice president of the branch?"


Zhou Buqi looked calm.

Zhang Xuhao opened his eyes wide and took a deep breath, "Then... isn't that at the M5 level?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's been a few years. Those people who you led the acquisition of the job search website for fresh graduates are all M4 and M5. You still have M3, don't you blush?"

Zhang Xuhao scratched his head, "Well, blushing."

"As long as UC beauty can stabilize in the Japanese market, it will be a huge achievement. It is not too much to be promoted." As he spoke, Zhou Buqi became a little angry, "When the time comes to talk to the personnel side, you have performed well. Point! Be correct! Don’t brush you down again at that time!”

Although Zhang Xuhao was scolded, he was still very moved.

It felt like Boss Zhou was still the same Boss Zhou he knew four years ago, full of vigor.

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