Top of the big era

Chapter 1078 No guns or cannons, the enemy made us

In the previous life, as soon as 51 appeared, it quickly became popular among teenagers through the strategy of offline Internet cafes, and its user scale was larger than that of Qzone. Later, Qzone began to exert its strength, and gradually snatched away the users of 51 Space.

In the final analysis, the gap between the two sides is QQ.

51 was forced to do nothing, and if he wanted to survive, he could only do Rainbow QQ.

However, Rainbow QQ was quickly killed.

51 also quickly disappeared from the big stage of the Internet.

This is the disadvantage of lacking a core product.

It is a rootless apple.

In this life, the domestic Internet landscape has changed.

In addition to QQ, there is also a chat software that can be as famous as QQ-Helo!

What happened next made sense.

51 If you want to survive, but you can't get close to QQ's thigh, there is a second choice, to hug Helo's thigh!

The reason why Zhou Buqi dared to plan this matter as early as two months ago, apart from the fact that the founders of 51 were relatively evil, the main reason was based on the judgment of business logic.

Disrupting Ali and Giant's investment in 51, Rainbow Helo is 51's final choice.

Ziwei Star is doing very well now, and its various businesses are excellent, but what it lacks most is the group of middle-end netizens.

Whether Rainbow QQ or Rainbow Helo is not a real software, it is a plug-in.

That is to download the original Helo, put it into a cracked plug-in, add some extra functions, and it is Rainbow Helo. Essentially still Helo.

All new users added through Rainbow Helo must be entered into Helo's database and server. In other words, the new users added by Rainbow Helo are equal to the new users added by Helo.

51 has 130 million registered users and 13 million daily active users.

The current Helo has 55 million DAU, and QQ’s DAU is 65 million. The gap between the two is only 10 million!

If 51 works well, it can pull all its active users to Rainbow Helo, which will be a big help for Helo to surpass QQ!

If Helo can surpass QQ in the PC era, Zhou Buqi feels that he can become a god.

Zhang Yiming mused: "The various online behaviors at this stage mainly happen to high-end and mid-range netizens. Low-end netizens lack computer knowledge, and it takes time to cultivate..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and interrupted him, "You don't need to think about computers. The number of low-end netizens exceeds 1 billion. How to cultivate them? You can't even type on a computer. If you want to use this large group, you still have to rely on mobile phones." .”


"I'll talk about that later."

"Well, we have already caught all the high-end netizens in China. Almost all of them are users of products such as Helo,, Weizhi, Toutiao, and Weidian. So the next step is to focus on mid-end netizens."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Rainbow Helo is an opportunity, we must seize it."

Zhang Yiming smiled, "It's just a cracking plug-in. We have Weidian antivirus. If we want to suppress Rainbow Helo, we don't need to be as troublesome as Penguin. Just report the virus directly."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, we have to communicate in advance to make Weidian Antivirus take precautions. Don't wait for 51 to release Rainbow Helo with great anticipation, and get killed by our antivirus software."

Zhang Yiming glanced at him, "What kind of posture should we show?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Not happy."


"Look at the stance of QQ in the past period, let's learn. Our attitude towards Rainbow Helo should be the same as their attitude towards Rainbow QQ. Well, at least on the surface it should be like this. However, Ziweixing is a big company with With a big heart and a big structure, you will not play some vicious competition methods, and you will use platform resources fairly and justly, instead of monopolizing blocking."

Zhang Yiming was thoughtful, "On the surface, he opposed it, but secretly supported it?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes! I support it silently! Look at how Rainbow Helo is designed. If necessary, we must actively lower the technical threshold so that they can crack it."

Once these words were finished, everyone understood what Boss Zhou meant.

Make tricks behind your back, go to trick 51!

But is it necessary?

With Ziweixing's current strength, if you like 51 users, just come to talk directly. 51 has not raised funds for a long time now. If Ziweixing comes to the door, it is guaranteed to get the most shares at the lowest price.

Xu Liangjie didn't understand, and asked, "Since 51 is so important, why don't we just buy it directly? Or go to strategic financing?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I've considered this question too, but it's unnecessary. 51's era characteristics are too strong, and it's a little out of date. Why was 51 so popular a few years ago? Because killing Matt was popular all over the country, 51 is Non-mainstream gathering place. Now this trend has passed. Qzone is constantly being updated, and 51 is still the past model, and there is no future at all.”

Zhang Yiming nodded, "Well, the biggest value of 51 is its loyal users. However, even Qzone has been unable to find a profit model. What can 51 do? They can't cash it out."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said solemnly: "We must take the initiative in the matter of Rainbow Helo. When we need Rainbow Helo, we can make Rainbow Helo live well. If we don't need it , you can easily ban pirated products in a righteous way. If we cooperate with 51, Rainbow Helo will be genuine, and it will be difficult to finish.”

In fact, there is one more important point that he didn't say.

The mobile Internet is coming soon.

The product model of 51 has at most two or three years of vitality left. Even if Ziweixing wins 51, so what? This kind of non-mainstream product is not in the aesthetic range of post-90s and post-00s, and there is no possibility of mobile app transformation.

Instead of spending a lot of money to invest in 51, it is better to hide behind and enjoy the benefits of 51 secretly.


Not only earned fame, but also earned benefits in vain.

Once Rainbow Helo is out of line, or Ziwei Star does not need Rainbow Helo for a certain period of time, it can occupy the commanding heights and easily destroy Rainbow Helo.

Take the initiative firmly.

Meng Houkun gradually figured out Boss Zhou's thinking, and said lightly: "Well, I think this idea is good. In the early stage, we can give 51 some sweetness, and let them make some relatively large changes. Let Rainbow Helo and 51 link up."

Fu Hongliang said with a smile: "Ziweixing's products have one thing in common, that is, they are all relatively high-end. We don't know the psychology of low-end and mid-end users. For some mature products, we can't risk making too many changes. Rainbow Helo It can be regarded as an experimental product. 51 has been serving mid-end users all the year round, and knows what they need best. Let them use rainbow Helo to design and modify. The failure of the transformation has nothing to do with us. If the transformation is successful, we can learn from it and provide the original version of Helo Add similar functions to the Internet. Gradually, Helo can gather a group of young users.”

Meng Houkun said: "That's right, let them bear the risks, and let us reap the benefits. Again, we have to give the green light in the early stage, so that Rainbow Helo can help 51's main business. Once it works, they must Invest energy and resources to further design and enrich the gameplay of Rainbow Helo. There are no guns or cannons, and the enemy will build them for us! When we have guns and cannons, we don’t need enemies.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay, the general idea is decided like this. For the specific plan, Yiming, you and Daliang will carefully design it. You are in charge of this matter, um, it must be kept secret!"

When it came to the word "secrecy", he looked very serious.

Recently, he feels more and more that the Internet is full of news, whether it is Baidu or 51, they are similar.

There is a problem of internal management here.

Because of internal turmoil, people are panicked and cohesion is not enough, it is easy to spread some confidential information from the inside. But there are no secrets in the Internet industry, and it has existed for many years.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What can Rainbow Helo launch?"

Meng Houkun said: "It will be the end of this month, they are in a hurry."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "This incident has reminded us. Rainbow Helo is such an important internal secret in 51, and it can be leaked! This must be a problem with 51's management mechanism. I believe that something similar There must have been a lot of things happening in Ziweixing."

He Yang said helplessly: "There is nothing to do. The Internet circle is so big, who doesn't know who? Either a classmate, or an alumni, or a fellow villager, or a former colleague, or participated in the Forum activities. Just ask around, and you can find out.”

"This matter must be dealt with!"

"If you want to develop important projects in the future, you should conduct closed management, just like Ali developed Taobao."

Zhang Yiming agreed with this idea and put forward his own suggestion.

At the beginning, Boss Ma secretly wanted to develop Taobao. In order to prevent the news from leaking, he locked the development team of Taobao in the lakeside home, and even took away his mobile phone. If he wanted to make a call, he had to apply.

Then, Taobao suddenly jumped out and caught Yibei by surprise.

Entering the era of mobile Internet, there will be many secret research and development projects.

The success of many projects comes from preconceived ideas.

Whoever grabs the pit first will succeed.

When their own products are launched, competitors will react and form a team to develop from scratch, which will take at least half a year. Such a long time is enough to seize the market.

But once the news is leaked during the development process and the competitors are allowed to lay out ahead of time, the advantage will no longer exist.

Zhou Buqi's biggest advantage is foresight.

This advantage is not obvious in the PC era, and the most obvious one should be in the coming mobile Internet era. He can't be trapped in the country anymore, and he wants to spread out all over the world.

Confidentiality is very important.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, the development of new projects in the future... There is no need for a large project such as cloud computing to be completely closed. If it is a single key project, it should still be managed in a closed way. Improve the rules and regulations, first give Let's all take a breath."

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