Top of the big era

Chapter 1077 Rainbow Helo

Zhou Buqi went to the airport, very excited.

The plane has finally arrived!

In the future, if you have a special plane, you don't have to squeeze the flight.

According to the staff, it is said that on the 28th of this month, the plane can officially make its first flight. The name of the plane is "Ziweixing", and the words "Ziweixing" are sprayed on the white body.

Well, in theory it's not a private jet, it's a company jet.

Take a look around on the plane.

It is a real business jet with a simple and low-key design and no private space.

The cabin space is a bit small.

However, small size also has the advantages of being small, easy to take off and land, flexible and convenient. The objective conditions required for a Boeing 747 to take off and land are completely different from the objective conditions required for a Gulfstream G550 to take off and land.

In many cases, the Boeing 747 has to hover in the sky for a long time, and wait for everything to be ready before landing. During this period of time, the Gulfstream G550 has already completed the landing, and the efficiency will be higher.

Just like when many people buy a car, they always buy a small car, and they cannot stand up or stretch their legs. Even the top rich people can't afford to buy a RV to travel around. It is quite spacious and comfortable, but it requires too many external conditions and is too inconvenient.

Anyway, the plane is here!

Zhou Buqi decided to stay in the capital honestly during this time.

Stop running around.

After all the procedures of the plane are completed and the crew members are in place, you can take your own plane and run around the map.

On the way back to the city from the airport, Ning Yaxian said softly: "Shen Xiangyang called me just now, saying that the cloud data center in the capital has been built."

"Well, good thing." Zhou Buqi nodded, "Schedule a time, I will go to cut the ribbon."

The first phase of the Capital Cloud Computing Data Center will build a module consisting of 20,000 servers. However, Ziweixing's cloud computing platform has not yet been built, and there are still technical problems in the distributed connection of servers that have not been resolved.

Now the most mainstream way of server clusters all over the world is to connect up to 5,000 servers together, and 5,000 servers is the upper limit.

That is to say, several giants such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft can make breakthroughs.

The cloud computing team led by Wang Jian is still working hard.

Ziweixing currently has a huge demand for servers. It has rented 16,000 servers from the data center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has 3,000 servers in its own computer room.

A total of nearly 20,000 units!

Of course not so much, more of a reserve just in case.

So many servers are utilized in fragments.

That is to say, business departments that require a lot of servers, such as, Jinri Toutiao, Weidian, Helo, etc., must be separated. Each department has less than 5000 servers.

Through physical isolation, the technical limit of 5,000 servers can be bypassed.

Here's the problem.

Such as Helo and Friends Network.

When a user logs in to Helo, it takes a delay to enter Helo's server. When you enter through Helo, you will jump to the server, and it will take a while to load and log in.

This response speed is slow.

The same is true for other businesses. Every jump requires a login, loading and reading process to different business servers.

If the technology makes a breakthrough, put all these related services under a super large server cluster, and complete the login of all services in one load... After the user logs in to Helo, there is no need for additional jumps. The response speed will be very fast.

For example, shopping on Taobao, jumping from Juhuasuan to Tmall, the response is very fast. But it took a long time to jump from Tmall to

Breaking through the technical bottleneck of 5,000 servers will bring Ziweixing's business development to a new level.

For this reason, Wang Jian has issued a military order.

It is said that this year will definitely break through this problem!

The Pyramid project has been merged into Ziwei Star and has become a sub-project of the cloud computing business. With the help of so many top scientists, breakthroughs are possible.

It is estimated that when the first phase of the cloud data center in the capital is completed this year, all the servers are installed, and the call is completed, the technical problems may be resolved.

By next year, Ziweixing will truly be the leader in the domestic market and become the only one in the Internet business from a technical perspective.

Back in the urban area, Zhou Buqi planned to go to Baidu and chat with Li Yanhong for a while to find out about Li Yinan.

At this time, I received a rather urgent call from Meng Houkun: "The latest news, 51 is targeting us!"

"What's the rush?" Zhou Buzhi said calmly, "Speak slowly, what's going on?"

Meng Houkun said: "The news from the insiders of 51, they are making a new product! It is specially aimed at us!"

"Oh, that's how it is."

Zhou Buqi was neither impatient nor impatient, not worried at all.

Meng Houkun didn't know why, and now he has left the business line and became the head of Jinyiwei. He was very anxious, "Rainbow Helo! It's Rainbow Helo! Rainbow QQ has been killed, they are not reconciled, and turned on us!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhou Buqi laughed out loud.

Ning Yaxian who was beside her laughed so strangely that she couldn't figure it out.


Zhou Buqi was not in a hurry, so he went to Baidu first, met with Li Yanhong, and asked about Baidu's CTO.

After selling the pyramid project, Baidu's technical talent drain was serious.

Recently, Baidu has set off a bloodbath, digging technical talents everywhere in the country.

Obviously, Li Yanhong is also aware of the hidden dangers of infighting in the workplace, and does not want Baidu's internal technical system to be completely controlled by a certain group.

At that time, even his boss can be kidnapped together.

More and more signals show that Baidu's previously tragic technical faction infighting was the behavior of Qishangquan, which finally made it easier for outsiders and was about to airborne.

It's a pity that Li Yanhong is very afraid of this kid, and refuses to let go.

Zhou Buqi sighed.

There is no way.

If you don't tell me who your favorite CTO is, I'm sure I don't know who it is!

It can only be a coincidence that I dug Li Yinan here in the future.

Heroes see the same thing.

After returning to the company, someone immediately led him to Zhang Yiming's office.

There are five people here, Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Xu Liangjie, Fu Hongliang and Meng Houkun. This is a small executive meeting, and it seems to be aimed at Helo.

Zhou Buqi smiled all over his face, "How is it? What did you discuss?"

As for the situation of Helo, of course, it is the people who know the best, what are the advantages, what are the disadvantages, what is needed and what is not needed...

Meng Houkun is a bit like an outsider to Helo, and many things are unclear.

But after some communication, he gradually understood.

To QQ, Rainbow QQ is a blood-sucking bug and must be severely cracked down on.

Rainbow Helo is to Helo, this is not necessarily the case!

Zhang Yiming was very surprised, very pleasantly surprised, stood up to greet him, "Rainbow Helo, maybe you are going to do us a big favor!"

Fu Hongliang's eyes lit up, "The Helo game panel business is in trouble now. The main reason is that Helo's user structure lacks mid-end users. Rainbow Helo can exist as a strategic product!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't hide his complacency.

This operation started two months ago during his trip to Shanghai, where he met Shi Yuzhu and learned about the giant's strategic investment in 51.

The main user group of 51 is a group of young people aged 15-25.

That is, middle-end netizens.

It is the group that likes to play online games the most, otherwise the giants would not be able to see them wanting to spend 50 million US dollars in strategic investment.

This group is precisely what Helo lacks the most.

If we can use the power of 51 to bring this group under the Helo system, it will be an important supplement with strategic significance.

Boss Zhou is engaged in the Helo game panel. What he does is not the game business, but the grand strategy of regulating, improving, and supplementing Helo's user structure.

Now it seems that the other party is hooked!

Zhou Buqi smiled and made a gesture of pressing down, "I told you a long time ago that everything is under control. The foreign market is difficult. In the domestic market, with Ziweixing's current ability, what else can I do?" Can't get it?"

Zhang Yiming couldn't help but flattering him, "This trick is too powerful! I admire it! QQ suppresses Rainbow QQ because the user structure of Penguin and 51 are highly overlapping. They are both middle-end Internet users. It is a strong competitive relationship between fists and fists. We are different, on the surface it seems like the tip of the needle is pointing to the wheat, but when we delve into the details, we can still complement each other in terms of user structure.”

Meng Houkun also understood now, and murmured: "51 do Rainbow QQ, in fact, they want to use Rainbow QQ to attract traffic to their own 51 platform, so as to reduce the loss of 51 users. Now Rainbow QQ can't continue, they want to If we want to stick to this social software’s drainage strategy for the community space, there is only one way to go, and that is to hug Helo’s thigh!”

Fu Hongliang smiled and said, "Yeah, probably the idea is right. It's a pity that they can't get Helo's core data, and they don't know Helo's user group structure. Helo's current user group structure is high-end users and low-end users. What is most lacking is the middle-end users. The 51 hit is a wishful thinking, and it’s a bit of a cocoon.”

Meng Houkun laughed loudly, "It's so interesting, Zhou Buqi, I knew you were a bad boy, uh..."

Halfway through the conversation, it stopped abruptly.

The atmosphere in the office was not quite right.

How can you talk to the big boss like that?

Meng Houkun was stunned for a moment, and found himself overwhelmed with embarrassment, and said awkwardly, "I mean, boss, you are too powerful. 51 is in your hands, just like a grasshopper. They want to develop Rainbow Helo, borrow Helo users Help 51 to attract traffic. But in fact, Helo’s users are both high-end and low-end. High-end users don’t bother to play 51, and low-end users don’t know how to play 51. To Rainbow Helo, but it is for us to enrich the group of mid-end users."

Zhou Buqi doesn't take it seriously, he is very confident in himself, and believes that he can gain authority through his ability and charisma, without interfering with other people's speech.

He waved his hand, high-spirited, "With the help of 51, the usage rate problem of the game panel can be solved. Rainbow Helo is an opportunity for Helo's daily activities to surpass QQ!"

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