Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 513 Want to piss me off?

There is only one way to kill the opponent's fire dragon, and that is to let their heads hit any part of the fire dragon's body other than the head.

Although Gu Zheng's fire dragon has not hit any fire dragon's body with his head yet, he firmly believes that if he does so, he will be the same as those dead fire dragons in the sky.

If two dragons collide with their heads, the smaller dragon will die.

Those fire dragons that died, without exception, would turn into fireballs of various sizes. After the fireballs were devoured, the original small fire dragons would grow bigger step by step.

After the fire dragon grows bigger, its originally inflexible body will become agile, able to accelerate its flight, and slowly strangle the short fire dragon coiled in it through its long body.

In addition, accelerated flight will consume growth energy, and when the growth energy is consumed, the body will also become smaller and smaller.

Moreover, no matter how fast or slow the fire dragons are, they are all flying. This is a competition that cannot be stopped at all. Although the space is large, it is not boundless. Gu Zheng saw with his own eyes that there are several fire dragons. When it reached the area of ​​light representing the boundary of space, it exploded into a fireball in an instant.

There are thousands of fire dragons in the air. Although many of them have died since the beginning, it still looks like a shocking scene of dragons dancing wildly.

"This is not a gluttonous snake, this is a gluttonous dragon! Great power is great power, a training ground can be made so awesome, so interesting!"

Knowing the rules of the ancient struggle, while feeling emotional in his heart, he did not forget to control his own fire dragon to avoid those enemy fire dragons with evil intentions.

"Now I can say that I am one with the fire dragon. If my fire dragon is wiped out, God knows how I will be implicated." Gu Zheng secretly said.

There are too many fire dragons in the air, and there are four fire dragons behind Gu Zheng fire dragon who have been following him all the time, which makes it impossible for his fire dragon to kill the enemy at all, so he can only save his life first.

"I haven't eaten a single fireball, and I can't even move fast. This is really speechless!"

Gu Zheng was also secretly worried after avoiding the calculation of a black fire dragon wagging its tail.

"Wait! You nasty bastards, the little loach can also beat the evil dragon, I'm just waiting for a chance!"

Gu Zheng cursed inwardly, being annoyed by the big guys behind him, he controlled the fire dragon by mistake and fled to a place where the enemy fire dragons were densely packed.

Sure enough, as soon as they escaped to a place where the enemy fire dragons were densely populated, the guys who had been chasing the ancient fire dragon stopped being arrogant. They had to slow down and become more cautious. There are too many fire dragons here, and if you accidentally touch the body of any fire dragon, it will immediately turn into a pile of fireballs.

Without the pursuit of several fire dragons behind him, Gu Zheng's pressure immediately eased. At this time, he found that not far away, there was a big fire dragon, which bumped into a small fire dragon, and suddenly exploded into a large fireball .

People die for money, dragons die for food! Often when such a big explosion scene occurs, many fire dragons will rush over desperately. That kind of scene is very spectacular, because in this extremely chaotic situation, more fire dragons will explode because of greed. It is very difficult to say who will become a fireball and who will be fulfilled in the end.

Gu Zheng controls the fire dragon to fight for the fireball, but he is not as greedy as other fire dragons. He doesn't want to be fat, but to be safe.

No other fire dragons are desperate, nor have the ability to speed up the flight. The little slag fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng walked around the group of fire dragons like walking on thin ice, and it was dangerous several times!

Fortunately, Gu Zheng finally left the group of fire dragons safely, and was lucky enough to eat a fireball, and his body became a little bigger.

Although it has only become a little bigger, Gu Zheng is already very satisfied. After all, as long as he eats a fireball, he has the ability to accelerate his flight.

Although the fireball that Gu Zheng got was very small, and if it was used to speed up the flight, it would only consume three seconds, but for Gu Zheng, it was already a very big means of life-saving and counterattack.

"Hmph, I can finally speed up, and it's time to start hunting!"

With food in his stomach and no panic in his heart, Gu Zheng controlled the fire dragon, shaking his head and tail, looking for his opportunity.

At this moment, although the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng is small, it already looks very arrogant. With the previous practice of manipulating divine thoughts in "Purgatory", Gu Zheng feels that the control of fire dragon art is really a piece of cake One dish, quite handy!

Looking at the overall situation, although there are many fire dragons in the air, there are not many fire dragons that Gu Zheng can put in his heart. He is confident that with his coquettish/sexy control, he will grow rapidly and eventually become the power of this energy. Battlefield', the unique Big Mac.

Therefore, the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng flies very arrogantly. If the fire dragon he controls is regarded as a person, then it is definitely the kind that can be beaten eight times a day by virtue of its walking posture.

"A wave in a wave, a wave in a wave!"

Humming a little tune in his heart, Gu Zheng manipulated his red fire dragon and flew towards the left with its teeth and claws open, where there was an opportunity he fancy.

In the sky on the left, there is a purple fire dragon that is a little bigger than the ancient fire dragon, and it is speeding towards Gu Zheng. Behind this purple fire dragon, there is a bigger blue fire dragon.

"one two three!"

Gu Zheng counted the seconds in his mind, and at the right time, he controlled the fire dragon to accelerate out.

I saw that the fire dragon, which seemed to be doing nothing at first, accelerated its flight and rushed to the only way for the purple fire dragon. The purple fire dragon also accelerated its flight. When it found that Gu Zheng wanted to kill it, it was too late to stop. It hit the belly of the red fire dragon hard.

The red fire dragon was not knocked into the air, but the larger purple fire dragon turned into fireballs in an instant. Moreover, all the fireballs burst out by the dead fire dragon will show the appearance of the fire dragon at the moment of death, so these fireballs one after another are still in the shape of a dragon.

The red fire dragon continued to accelerate, devouring the spoils frantically, and the blue fire dragon, which was chasing the purple fire dragon, was also plundering the red fire dragon's spoils.

In order to represent the fireball of energy, the red fire dragon and the blue fire dragon are both in the attitude of accelerating flight. If neither dodges or avoids, the heads of the two dragons are bound to collide. When the time comes, the red fire dragon with a smaller body will also It will also explode into a dragon-shaped fireball belt.

Seeing that the heads of the two dragons were about to collide, the body of the red fire dragon sank suddenly, and the tail of the dragon swung upside down, hitting the head of the blue fire dragon.

The blue fire dragon exploded, and a huge fireball belt appeared, and there were no other opponents nearby. The red fire dragon immediately flew along the fireball belt, and its body became huge after only three breaths.


Gu Zheng burped exaggeratedly, and killed two enemies one after another. The fire dragon he controlled finally changed from a pitiful chopstick to a length of more than a foot.

He continued shaking his head and flew not far away, and a guy of about the same size chased after him. This guy saw Gu Zhengkuang eating fireballs before, but when he came over, he had nothing left.

The chasing guy was also a red fire dragon, and it accelerated to fly in front of the ancient fire dragon. As soon as it swung its body, it wanted to use the dragon's tail to pull the head of the ancient fire dragon.

Gu Zheng sneered, and he controlled the fire dragon to sink rapidly, and the opponent's dragon guard was drawn on the fire dragon's back. As long as the head is not knocked down, there will be no harm, so this pumping has no effect on Gu Zheng's fire dragon at all.

However, the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng did not sink to escape, but to fight back!

I saw that the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng flew up obliquely. When it passed by the enemy fire dragon, its body just hit the enemy's head.

The enemy fire dragon exploded and turned into a dragon-shaped fireball belt. Just as Gu Zheng was about to eat, a green dragon with short arms flew over, trying to deal with his fire dragon with the method he had just solved the red fire dragon.

The red fire dragon, which seemed to be greedy at first, suddenly moved quickly, and its body was placed in front of the blue fire dragon. The blue fire dragon, which was unable to catch up, bumped into its buttocks and exploded into a large dragon-shaped fireball belt.

"Want to fuck me? You're a little tender!"

Gu Zheng laughed loudly, and began to frantically devour the surrounding fireballs.

However, at this moment, a small silver white dragon flew over, and Gu Zheng frowned slightly.

For the surrounding situation, Gu Zheng is still very careful. After all, these fire dragons are all his enemies. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

Although the little white dragon burning with white flames is only as long as a chopstick, Gu Zheng knows how powerful it is because it was once a king.

When the little white dragon was at its largest, it was already ten feet long. Unfortunately, it found the wrong enemy and surrounded a black dragon that was much smaller than it. It formed a dragon formation to enclose the black dragon inside.

Usually when this happens, more than half of the trapped dragon may die, but there is also the possibility of a Jedi counterattack. At the same time, the dragons in the coiling dragon formation are also more dangerous. In addition to worrying about not being counterattacked by the prey in the formation, you also have to worry about those wretched dragons wandering around the dragon formation, because if you are not careful, its head may also touch the periphery The body of a wretched dragon.

The black dragon coiled by the little white dragon is also very powerful, it didn't bump around like a headless fly, but coiled a dragon array in the dragon array.

Although the supernatural power of the dragon array is not excessively consuming energy, it is not very durable in this battlefield, because after a long time of spinning, the dragon will become a little dizzy, and will Mistakes occurred while circling. And once a mistake occurs and the head is exposed outside the body's protection, it may be killed immediately.

I have to say that the little white dragon is very powerful. In the process of coiling the dragon formation, it did not die under the harassment of the nearby wretched dragons, but eventually killed the black dragon in the dragon formation. It's a pity that the process of killing the black dragon lasted a bit long, and whether it was it or the black dragon, they were all speeding up while coiling the dragon formation, which was a double consumption of energy!

Therefore, when the white dragon coiled the black dragon to death, its body length was only two feet. As for the black dragon when it died, it was exhausted and could not even speed up its flight.

Just after turning the black dragon into a fireball and devouring it, the sad little white dragon was trapped by a bigger green dragon.

Helpless, the scene repeated before reappeared, the two dragons coiled up in the dragon formation, but the prey in the dragon formation turned into a sad little white dragon.

In the end, the green dragon twisted the little white dragon so much that it couldn't even speed up its flight, but after all, it was because of the harassment of the wretched dragon beside it that it gave up killing the little white dragon who was no longer of much value. And the sad little white dragon, after avoiding the harassment of the wretched dragon a few times, flew towards Gu Zheng.

The fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng has already eaten all the fireballs that exploded. At this time, the fire dragon he controls has exceeded two feet in length, and already has the magic power of the dragon array to use.

After Xiaobailong came to Guzheng Huolong, although there were no fireballs to eat, he didn't leave, and he looked harmless.

If the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng belongs to the enemy camp, then in the face of such a situation, under the premise of a snake formation, the red fire dragon will usually strangle the little white dragon. After all, the average dragon would be confused when facing the snake formation, and would be killed in a very short time.

Gu Zheng knew that the little white dragon was tempting him to strangle him, but the seemingly tiny little white dragon actually had the ability to accelerate flight for a second or two.

"Do you think you are really fierce?"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, the red fire dragon who seemed disdainful to kill the little white dragon, suddenly swung the tail of the dragon and smashed the little white dragon's head.

The little white dragon calmly sank down, dodging the attack of the dragon's tail, but Gu Zheng, who knew it would do so, sped up and pointed his body in the direction of its head, and the little white dragon dodged again, Gu Zheng controlled the red fire dragon and immediately activated the magic power of the dragon array.

The magical power of the dragon array is not as simple as it appears on the surface. Once it is activated, the dragon surrounded by the dragon array will lose the ability to sink! If it wants to break out directly from the dragon formation, it can only fly upwards, and above it will be the fire dragon coiling up the dragon formation, focusing on the orientation.

The dragon array of the red fire dragon has been coiled up. Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng wants to kill the little white dragon, and shrinking the dragon array quickly is the best way.

However, knowing that Xiao Bailong is extraordinary, if Gu Zheng plays his cards according to common sense, it will definitely be a matter of gain outweighs the loss. Therefore, Gu Zheng, who played his cards unreasonably, controlled the fire dragon to rush diagonally upwards.

The little white dragon, who didn't expect the red fire dragon to do this, didn't react at all, and was rubbed against the head by the red fire dragon's body, turning into a small fireball.

At the same time, the fire dragon controlled by Jian Guzheng surrounded the little white dragon, and there were three dragons, red, yellow and blue, speeding towards this side.

Of the three fire dragons, red, yellow, and blue, the red fire dragon is the largest, with a length of one foot! The yellow fire dragon ranks second, and its body is usually two meters. The blue fire dragon is the smallest, but it is also more than one meter long. They are all bigger than the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng.

During the rapid flight, the red fire dragon slowed down and assumed the posture of just passing by. As for the yellow fire dragon and the blue fire dragon, they showed a posture of calculating each other, and continued to approach the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng in the chase.


Gu Zheng shouted in his heart, seeing the opportunity, he controlled the red fire dragon to attack first.

I saw that the red fire dragon, which was just meeting end to end on the spot and slowly rotating in a defensive posture, suddenly accelerated and flew towards the flying yellow fire dragon and blue fire dragon.

The red fire dragon flew between the two fighting dragons. Its body touched the yellow fire dragon's head, and with a flick of its tail, it hit the blue fire dragon's head again, creating a beautiful double kill.

A large ball of light appeared for the first time, and Gu Zheng began to devour it rapidly. However, at this moment, the Zhanglong red dragon suddenly accelerated and activated the magical power of the dragon array. The fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng instantly lost the ability to sink.

In this situation, Gu Zheng is faced with two choices, one is to stay and eat some loot, and the other is to escape from the encirclement of the dragon formation before the formation of the Zhanglong Red Dragon is fully formed.

Stay to eat the spoils, and face the danger of being trapped in the dragon formation.

Although there is no danger of life in escaping from the encirclement of the dragon formation, the fruits of victory will be stolen by the long red dragon.

"Want to pick the fruits of victory? No way!"

Gu Zheng did not choose to escape, he controlled the fire dragon, and was still speeding up to devour the spoils.

In the end, the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng devoured most of the spoils. His body length was over three meters, which was not much worse than the Zhanglong red dragon. Moreover, in the dragon array coiled by the red dragon, the fire dragon he controlled also coiled the dragon array end to end.

In the case of the double dragon formation, if the body of the besieger is long enough, it is relatively easy to strangle the trapped person. However, the zhangchang red dragon is not much longer than the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng, and it has no way to completely seal the top of the dragon formation with its physical advantage.

The passive Panlong Formation was not what Gu Zheng wanted, and the reason why he did so was entirely a precaution while waiting for the opportunity.

The fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng, after a few laps, stopped speeding up the circle, and assumed a slightly dizzy posture, risking his head out from time to time.

Gu Zheng was waiting, and when he was waiting for the long red dragon to lose his patience, he took the risk to block the top of the dragon formation.

The Zhangchang Red Dragon quickly lost patience. Its body is not long enough, so it cannot perform the most secure spiral contraction. It can only choose to cross the gap left by the dragon formation.


Originally watching the dizzy red fire dragon soaring into the sky, the Zhangchang red dragon, who wanted to block the dragon formation, hit its head straight on it.

Silently, the zhangchang fire dragon turned into circles of fireballs, and was devoured frantically by its original prey.

This time picking the fruits of victory, Gu Zheng did not encounter harassment again. After enjoying the fruits of victory, the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng has reached the point where it is two feet long.


The fire dragon flew up to the sky, and let out a long dragon chant, the voice was no longer the original Mianyang, but majestic and trembling.

At this moment, the enemy's strength in the air has been reduced a lot.

Similarly, the reduction in the number of fire dragons has also created a lot of overlords. For example, the two-foot fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng can only be regarded as the bottom of the dozen or so overlord-level fire dragons.

"It seems that I still need to work harder!"

Gu Zheng is really having fun. In this 'Energy Battlefield', he clearly felt that his 'Natal Fire' was bigger than before. Twice as big! The power of the Fire Dragon Technique can be imagined as the 'Natural Fire' grows bigger.

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