Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 512: Crazy Devil Knife

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The sound of gold and iron intersecting keeps coming out. Gu Zheng and the energy body dummy are fighting together. The speed of both sides is very fast, and it is impossible to see the specific situation clearly. The spark never ceased.


The sound of metal and iron clashing beyond the past sounded, Gu Zheng and the energy body dummy fought hard, and both of them could not help but retreat, and they dragged out two deep trenches on the ground.

The strengths of the two sides were equal, and neither of them was in a hurry to make a move after they separated.

Gu Zheng didn't know whether the energy body dummy was staring at this time thinking, anyway, he was shocked and excited.

The reason for the shock is that the energy body dummy not only looks the same as him, but also uses the machete method.

The reason for the excitement is that the energy dummy is indeed a formidable opponent. In this magical 'energy battlefield', the cultivation levels of the two are completely equal.

They use exactly the same methods, and there is no difference in cultivation level. If they encounter such an opponent in reality, Gu Zheng will definitely change his tactics and use other methods to attack.

However, this is the 'Energy Battlefield', and all the means that Gu Zheng can use, except for the mountain saber technique, are all forbidden. If you want to defeat the energy body dummy, you can only rely on combat skills.

The blood of war is boiling, and Gu Zheng's mood is unprecedentedly dignified. He can only say that the odds of winning against the energy body dummy are 50 to 50.

50-50 split, a winning rate that is so exciting that it is a matter of life and death! Under such circumstances, the consequences of a single defeat may be fatal, and Gu Zheng does not allow himself to make any mistakes.

"Under such circumstances, the only way to defeat the energy body dummy is to rely on combat skills?"

Gu Zheng frowned, as if thinking of something.

"This is an 'energy battlefield' for me to practice the mountain saber technique, but judging from the current situation, it doesn't make much sense to use the mountain saber technique anymore. After all, the opponent is also using the mountain saber technique. It is almost impossible to win with the mountain-opening sword technique, if you use loose moves that rely on combat skills to fight, then is it still the mountain-opening knife technique that you practice?"

It is impossible to wait for Gu Zheng to figure it out, the energy body dummy has already moved, and he rushed towards Gu Zheng again.

The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded again, and the two sides once again turned into afterimages and fought together.

Gu Zheng stopped using the mountain knife method, but the energy body dummy was still using it, which made Gu Zheng's heart move.

"Although I don't use the mountain-opening knife technique anymore, he still uses it. I have no tricks to dismantle him. This is actually practicing the mountain-opening knife technique!" Gu Zheng secretly said.

As a fairy technique, the mountain saber technique is very delicate, it has a total of twenty-seven styles.

The twenty-seven mountain-opening saber techniques, each of which contains many changes, if the opponent is entangled in the mountain-opening saber technique but cannot escape, it will be extremely troublesome. Because, the complete set of sword skills, sword skills, palm skills and other immortal skills are all routines to put it bluntly. When they are effective, the opponent will be forced to fall into the routine and lose his life.

As for the changes contained in the moves, most of them are used to block the opponent's escape from the routine! This feeling is like an endgame in a chess game. If the opponent makes a wrong move, he will be captured. In order not to be captured, the opponent can only struggle as hard as he can, but all the paths he can take are all calculated. , In the end, he can only be pressed every step of the way, until the general dies.

Mountain-opening saber technique is powerful, but it is not impossible to be broken. After all, Gu Zheng knows its routines very well. Even if he is entangled, Gu Zheng still has a way to escape through the routine.

The battle has been going on for a while, and Gu Zheng felt a little anxious in his heart, and he still couldn't figure out how to solve the predicament. Fighting against the energy body dummy is completely like fighting yourself, and they all understand each other's thoughts to a high degree. In this case, it is really not easy to break the game.

In fact, it is not easy to say, and it is not true that there is no way, but Gu Zheng has not decided whether to use this method.

"If such a weird situation happened in reality, I would have done the opposite. After all, everyone has one life, so if you fight, you will fight! Either you die or I die. It depends on whether you can see through what I want. What did you do? But, this is a damned 'energy battlefield', if I do the opposite, let alone whether you can see through me, what if you really want to fight with my life?" Gu Zheng secretly said .

During the period of fighting against the energy body dummy, the energy body dummy showed the same life-saving behavior as a real person, but it is not a real person no matter how you say it. What about Yin people? As for whether it will do this, since it was overshadowed by plants in the previous "Energy Battlefield", the only thing left is to believe it.


The relatively loud sound of metal and iron clashing sounded, and Gu Zheng and the energy body dummy separated again.

However, the separation this time is not like the previous one. The distance between the two of them is only a little bit wider. No matter who takes a step forward, they can continue to attack.

This kind of separation has occurred many times in the continuous battle between Gu Zheng and the energy body dummy. If Gu Zheng wants to do the opposite, he will choose this time, because it is in the routine of the Mountain Sword Technique , can be regarded as a very suitable retrograde time. But according to the original routine of the Mountain Saber Technique, the energy body dummy should use the twenty-third form of the Mountain Saber Technique as a continuation move at this time, and the sword energy will be released to regain control of the opponent in the routine.

However, the energy body dummy was uncharacteristically, he did not use the twenty-third form of the mountain saber technique, but used the one that Gu Zheng wanted to use, but it was useless, and did the opposite. Tang Dao stabs at Gu Zheng!


Gu Zheng yelled, he hadn't performed the mountain saber technique for a while, and immediately used the third form of the mountain saber technique to bring the rhythm of the energy body dummy.

The energy body dummy also knows the mountain knife technique very well, so he suddenly changed his moves and broke through the third routine of the mountain knife technique! Gu Zheng slashed with his saber, temporarily suppressing the opponent's weapon, and then used the fourth form of the mountain saber technique to put the opponent into the routine again.

The energy body dummy immediately broke the move, and Gu Zheng was suppressed again, and then he used the seventeenth move of the mountain saber technique to bring the opponent into the rhythm.

As if a rule had been formed, the energy body dummy who no longer used the mountain knife method was immediately suppressed by the combination of Gu Zheng's loose moves and the mountain knife method.

After going back and forth five times, the energy body dummy finally made a major mistake! When he was escaping from the blockade of the Kaishan knife method, Gu Zheng ventured forward and stabbed him out of the throat with a knife, but Gu Zheng's head was tilted, and the last knife of the energy body dummy cut off a strand of his hair.

If it is a real person, when Gu Zheng pulls out the Tang Dao in Gu Zheng's hand, he will definitely bring out amazing blood flying, but the energy body dummy is not a real person after all, his body lies back and disappears in the "energy battlefield" .

His sight dimmed in an instant, and then lit up in an instant. There were two jade boxes under Gu Zheng's feet, one was his reward after clearing the third "Energy Battlefield", and the other was his reward for clearing the sixth "Energy Battlefield". award.

Gu Zheng didn't immediately look at what the new reward was. Sitting cross-legged, he was still thinking about the previous fight. The two people fighting in his mind developed a new move.

It has to be said that the battle in the sixth "Energy Battlefield" is the most dangerous training that Gu Zheng has experienced in the "Energy Battlefield" so far.

The most dangerous practice has the most obvious rewards. During the battle, Gu Zheng still complained that the energy body dummy was too difficult to deal with, and he even regretted it a bit. Why did he choose to practice the mountain knife method.

But now, Gu Zheng no longer complains about the difficulty of the 'Energy Battlefield', but laments its power.

Without the difficulties of the energy body dummy, Gu Zheng would not have discovered some 'loopholes' in the Kaishan Saber Technique, and if he could not discover these 'loopholes', he would naturally have no way to fix them.

If it weren't for the difficulty of the energy body dummy, Gu Zheng wouldn't have used scattered moves in conjunction with the mountain knife technique at the last moment, thus achieving the current harvest.

The filling of the 'loophole' made the mountain-opening knife method more variable, and it also gave Gu Zheng a great advantage if he met someone who used the mountain-opening knife method in the future.

The use of scattered moves in conjunction with the mountain knife technique is actually a supplement to the mountain knife technique, and it can be fully incorporated into the variables of the mountain knife technique.

As for the duel that evolved in Gu Zheng's mind, it was based on his understanding of the energy body dummy, and the things that evolved from the duel, after Gu Zheng combined them, became the 20th element of the Mountain Sword Technique. Eight styles!

Generally speaking, after experiencing the 'Energy Battlefield' of practicing the mountain-opening knife technique, Gu Zheng has indeed strengthened the power of his mountain-opening knife technique! He made the mountain knife technique, which was not perfect, even more perfect.

With a smile on his face, Gu Zheng opened the second jade box.

Inside the jade box was a piece of jade slip, which made Gu Zheng's eyes widen.

Having experienced too many Taoist gods' spiritual thoughts, Gu Zheng has a high degree of sensitivity to the things of spiritual thoughts.

"It turned out to be a spiritual thought to pass on skills. What will this thing that will be passed on to me be?"

Gu Zheng put the jade slip on his forehead, and under the urging of the immortal power, he suddenly felt a buzzing sound in his head, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Crazy Knife."

A man in black with no face visible turned his back to Gu Zheng and said four words.

The man in black has a knife in his hand, and there is a mountain in front of him. After he uttered the words "Crazy Knife", the energy of the world condensed in an instant, and his aura soared in an instant. , waved the long knife in his hand, and slashed at the mountain peak.

The speed is too fast, even if he is passing on his spiritual thoughts, Gu Zheng can't see clearly how he uses the saber, he can only see the light of the saber all over the sky.

Although he couldn't see it with his eyes, in Gu Zheng's consciousness, he already knew how the man in black made the sword, and how many swords he made in an instant!

Shock, full of shock, the man in black, who was already in the realm of the unity of human and sword, turned into a ray of sword light and disappeared into the sky. A huge mountain peak disintegrated with his disappearance, and was completely dismembered into pieces. Eighty-one dollars!

The picture in Gu Zheng's mind disappeared, but he was still immersed in the shock. The time it took for the man in black to adjust the energy of the heavens and the earth, and then to chop eighty-one knives was really extremely short, but its power was infinitely powerful. match!

If it wasn't near the rivers, lakes and seas, the strongest attack in the ancient battle would be the Immortal Palm Killing Technique, which had been prepared for enough time, but now, this record has been broken! Whether it is speed or power, the Crazy Demon Knife is not comparable to the Immortal Palm Technique.

However, although Gu Zheng has inherited the fairy skill of Crazy Demon Crazy Sword, it will have serious backlash when used. After all, this fairy skill is too domineering. If you want to use it without being affected, you need to reach the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Gu Zheng stepped forward, the light in front of him dimmed, and then brightened again.

"Breakthrough, imagine in your mind the fairy art or skill you want to practice." The old man with energy in the air said.

In the last "Energy Battlefield", Gu Zheng increased the power of the mountain-opening knife technique. In this "Energy Battlefield", Gu Zheng wants to enhance the power of his Immortal Palm Technique.

Thinking of the method of killing the celestial palm, Gu Zheng soon appeared in the seventh 'Energy Battlefield'.

In the empty space, there stands a tall tablet with no inscriptions, and there is nothing else.

"What is this for? Do you want me to attack this thin stone tablet with the method of killing the cactus?"

Gu Zheng frowned, he didn't directly use the Immortal Palm Technique, he punched first to find out the truth.


Gu Zheng punched the stone tablet, and the stone tablet that should be smashed by the punch remained motionless.

"It doesn't move at all under one punch, is it really asking me to attack with the Immortal Palm Technique?"

Gu Zheng paid in secret, and then dispatched the energy of heaven and earth, brewing the method of killing the immortal palm.

During the brewing process of killing the cactus, Gu Zheng paid close attention to his surroundings. He didn't want to be caught off guard by something that suddenly appeared.

However, there was nothing unusual in the whole process, and Gu Zheng finally finished brewing the Immortal Palm Technique and was pushed out by him.

Gu Zheng's current cultivation base is in the early stage of returning to the void, and he has brewed enough Killing Immortal Palm, which is as big as a mountain, and the small stone tablet is really as small as a hair in front of it.

But this unremarkable hair, under the powerful bombardment of the Killing Immortal Palm, only shook slightly.

"Okay! It seems that not all 'energy battlefields' are so dangerous!"

With a full-strength palm, even a mountain can be leveled, but the small stone tablet is so strong, which makes people have to believe that the seventh "energy battlefield" 'It's that simple, just keep bombarding the stele.

After all, after Gu Zheng launched a Killing Immortal Palm, he already felt that the power of Killing Immortal Palm had improved a little bit.

In the empty space, Gu Zheng began to push out the Killing Immortal Palm again and again, and the small stone tablet was always so firm.

Before he knew it, ten minutes had passed, and Gu Zheng's another shot of killing the celestial palm uprooted the unshakable stele and flew towards the end of his line of sight.

In Gu Zheng's wide-eyed eyes, the stele finally flew to the end of his line of sight and turned into a small shining point.

However, the small flashing spot brightened in an instant, and the glare of the light made people close their eyes subconsciously.

When Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, he saw two jade boxes under his feet.

"Okay! It turned out to be a pass, I really thought the stone tablet was blown away!"

Gu Zheng smiled, sitting cross-legged, the celestial ball in his body spun quickly, and began to recover in all aspects.

Practicing the Slaughtering Immortal Palm Technique, Gu Zheng naturally also gained something, but compared to the overall power of the Slaughtering Immortal Palm Technique, the effect is really very little. However, in addition to improving the cultivation base, this is the only way for Gu Zheng to improve its power.

After a while, Gu Zheng stepped forward, and he was going to open the eighth 'Energy Battlefield'.

"Breakthrough, imagine in your mind the fairy art or skill you want to practice." The old man with energy in the air said.

According to Jiaojiao's guess, there are nine 'Energy Battlefields' in total, and this one is the eighth one. Gu Zheng wants to practice the Fire Control Art and the Earth Control Art in the last two 'Energy Battlefields' respectively.

Gu Zheng thought about the fire control formula in his heart, and his vision was instantly swallowed by darkness.


The old man, the energy body in the air, exploded and turned into thousands of fireballs. These fireballs were different in size. After they settled in the air, they turned into fire dragons of different sizes and colors.

"Fire dragon? Do you want me to use the fire dragon technique to practice fire control?"

Gu Zheng's heart was moved, and he immediately made some attempts. Sure enough, apart from being able to control the 'Fire Dragon Art', he was unable to perform other immortal arts at all, and he couldn't even move his body.

The fire dragon in the air twisted its body on the spot, as if it would end the pause immediately, and charged towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately cast the 'Fire Dragon Technique'.


As soon as the ancient fire dragon appeared, it immediately let out a roar.

"I go!"

Gu Zheng let out a scream. With his current cultivation base, the fire dragon formed by using the 'Fire Dragon Technique' is at least three feet long. When the dragon howls, it must be full of energy. However, the fire dragon wagging its head and tail in front of him was only as long as a chopstick, and the roar of the dragon was not as loud as that of a sheep.

"How do I practice this? Let my little fire dragon touch those fire dragons?"

Gu Zheng was sweating on his forehead. The smallest fire dragon in the air was the length of a chopstick, and the largest fire dragon was two feet long. How would he fight the enemy?

The fire dragons in the air didn't care about Gu Zheng's bewilderment, they had already moved, and Gu Zheng's originally confused eyes gradually widened as they danced.

"This is like a game. It doesn't matter which fire dragon is bigger, which fire dragon is more powerful, even a little loach can overwhelm a big guy!"

Gu Zheng laughed loudly, and immediately controlled his little charmander, avoiding the chasing enemies.

The enemy's fire dragons were not all targeting Gu Zheng, most of them were killing each other, and Gu Zheng soon saw the way.

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