Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 514: Perfect for You

As time went by, the number of fire dragons in the air gradually decreased, and the remaining fire dragons were all too big, and the fighting between fire dragons became more fierce.

The fire dragon that Gu Zheng controls now has a body length of more than 90 meters. Ranked by size, it can be ranked third.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. After ranking up, there are more wretched dragons around. These wretched dragons are usually relatively small, and they all want to kill a big dragon and grow themselves quickly.

There were too many wretched dragons around him, so Gu Zheng had no choice but to use wretched tactics. He controlled the fire dragons to join them end to end, and circled in circles on the spot. In this way, those wretched dragons next to him didn't dare to be too arrogant. After all, under such circumstances, it was really not easy to touch its head with their bodies.

However, turning in circles is not a long-term solution. Gu Zheng is thinking about how to fight back. After all, turning in circles is more prone to dizziness than Panlong Formation.


There was a loud noise in the air, something like this had never happened before.

Gu Zheng saw that the loud noise was made by the longest golden dragon. This did not mean that the golden dragon was dead, but that his body length exceeded 100 meters.

The longest golden fire dragon exceeded 100 meters in length, and some changes occurred in the space, and some fireballs of different colors suddenly appeared.

Gu Zheng didn't know the purpose of the fireball that suddenly appeared, but all the fire dragons seemed to know the purpose of the fireball, and they competed for the fireball like crazy.

Seeing such a situation, there happened to be another black fireball, not too far from the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng, and he immediately controlled the fire dragon to fly towards the black fireball.

At the same time, not only a fire dragon from Gu Zheng flew towards the fireball, but also a green fire dragon also flew towards the fireball.

The green fire dragon is not as huge as Gu Zheng's fire dragon, but it is also 20 meters long, and its distance is closer to the fireball.

In the case of accelerated flight at the same time, regardless of the size of the fire dragon's body, the speed is the same. If it flies like this, Gu Zheng will not be able to grab the black fireball.

However, the fireballs are not fixed in the air, they will symbolically dodge for a while when they face the competition of many dragons. As long as it dodges the green fire dragon, it is very difficult to know who will eat it. Hard to say.

The green fire dragon bit the fireball, and the fireball dodged to the side, avoiding its big mouth.

The green fire dragon screamed strangely, turned around quickly, and bit at the fireball again, the fireball dodged again, getting closer to the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng!

Gu Zheng's fire dragon opened its mouth, and the black fireball was swallowed by it. The huge energy made its body jump five meters in an instant.

At the same time, the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng, a coquettish dragon swung its tail, and the green fire dragon, which was not far from the black fireball, was hit in the head and turned into a dragon-shaped fireball belt.

Gu Zheng sped up, and after two of the fireballs burst out by his fire dragon were swallowed by his fire dragon, there was a loud explosion on his fire dragon, and then the red light flickered.

The fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng has become the second largest existence in the space, and the supernatural power awakened by breaking through the length of 100 meters was displayed by him.


The long dragon's breath sounded, and the 20-meter-long dragon-shaped fireball belt immediately flew towards the mouth of the ancient fire dragon. This sudden speed was much faster than controlling the fire dragon to eat one by one.

"That's great. With the supernatural power of 'Dragon Suck', I basically don't have to worry about any evil guy who will steal the fruits of my victory."

Although the supernatural power of dragon suction is ineffective against other fire dragons, it can be used to harvest fireballs, but it is a very good method. However, if two fire dragons launch dragon suction on the energy fireball at the same time, the power of the dragon suction will be stronger for the huge fire dragon.

Happy to be happy, but Gu Zheng's mood is also unprecedentedly dignified. Those fireballs that suddenly appeared just now made the battle a little different.

At this time, the ancient battle was at the periphery of the battlefield. In the middle of the space where dragons gathered, the battlefield had become the grave of dragons. Many dead fire dragons burst out into bright fireballs. But these fireballs are often not eaten before new fireballs burst out. After all, in this situation where dragons are eating and dying, the death speed of the dragons is really too fast.

However, the reason for the faster death rate of the dragons is not just that the dragons die for food, there is another very important reason.

The golden fire dragon was the first to break through the length of 100 meters before, and those fireballs of different colors suddenly burst out in the air, in fact, it represented a one-time supernatural power!

Different colors of fireballs represent different supernatural powers. For example, the black fireball obtained by Gu Zheng has the supernatural power of 'swallowing'. This supernatural power can only be activated once by Gu Zheng. At that time, there were as many as twenty fireballs that exploded.

With all kinds of supernatural powers on display, the tombs of the dragons naturally looked even more tragic. These supernatural powers include temporary invincibility, teleportation, haste, and head-to-tail swap! Gu Zheng just watched for a while, and found so many kinds.

"The emergence of supernatural powers outside the routine has made the situation more complicated. I'd better not go there for the time being. It's better to let them consume their supernatural powers."

Gu Zheng, who made up his mind, wandered outside the battlefield, always watching the situation at the tombs of the dragons.

If you don't plan to join in the fun, it doesn't mean you will be deserted. There are four guys who are shorter than the ancient fire dragon, chasing and intercepting the ancient fire dragon.

The current position of Gu Zheng is very close to the boundary of the space, and once it touches the boundary of the space, no matter how big the fire dragon is, it will die.

There are two fire dragons on the right. They block the way that the ancient fire dragon wants to stay away from the space boundary. The speed of the fire dragon behind it is neither too fast nor too slow. It blocks the retreat of the ancient fire dragon. As for the front of the ancient fire dragon, a The black dragon, which has always been very flexible, harassed the ancient fire dragon with its coquettish shifting.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, but hell has no way, you just break in. If that's the case, then don't go!"

The body length of these fire dragons is not bad, the smallest one is about 20 meters long, and the largest black dragon is over 40 meters long.

The fire dragon, which was originally flying slowly, suddenly prompted under Gu Zheng's control, and at the same time the dragon formation was also activated by Gu Zheng.

To activate the magical power of the dragon array, it is not necessary to form an array, but Gu Zheng activates the magical power of the dragon array at this time in order to obtain the forbidden characteristics attached to the magical power.

The initial ban attached to the dragon array can temporarily lose the ability to descend if the fire dragon is smaller than one's own side. When the body length exceeds 50 meters, the ban attached to the dragon array can make the fire dragon smaller than its own, and lose half of its ability to rise! In other words, if a fire dragon is only 50 meters away from the top of the space and is banned by the dragon formation, then it can only rise another 25 meters at most!

The dragon formation of the ancient fire dragon was launched, and the four fire dragons who plotted against him were all affected by the ban.

The blue fire dragon behind and the orange fire dragon on the right accelerated to escape, while Gu Zheng accelerated. It seemed to be aiming at the black dragon in front. It swung its long tail and pulled towards the head of the white dragon on the right.

The fire dragons that have survived until now are basically very responsive. The white dragon adopted an upward strategy and escaped the dragon tail attack of the ancient fire dragon.

However, affected by the ban, going up is not a good way out. After all, there is a height limit for going up, and the ban prevents it from going down. What's more, since the fire dragon of the ancient war is targeting it, it will definitely never die against it.

Taking advantage of its huge body, the dragon's tail of the ancient fire dragon swayed again and again, and the white dragon was forced to rise gradually. Finally, when it couldn't rise up, it was hit on the head by the tail of the ancient fire dragon, and a dragon burst out shaped fireball.

Although Gu Zhengyi solved the white dragon, the process was not as easy as imagined. The black dragon in front of him harassed him from time to time, and the blue fire dragon turned back brought him a lot of trouble. Body, almost touched his dragon's head.

Now the white fire dragon is dead, the black fire dragon and the blue fire dragon are still entangled with the fire dragon of the ancient struggle, and the orange fire dragon that escaped originally has come back, wanting to steal the fruits of the victory of the ancient struggle.

"court death!"

Gu Zheng cursed inwardly, and at the same time he activated the dragon-absorbing supernatural power, his body jumped out obliquely. The head of the orange fire dragon happened to hit his body, and it exploded into a dragon-shaped fireball belt.

Seemingly feeling that the general situation is over, the black fire dragon who was entangled with the ancient fire dragon gave up continuing to entangle, and instead took the opportunity to steal the spoils of the ancient fire dragon.

However, the length of the black fire dragon is less than 100 meters, and it does not have the ability to absorb dragons. Although it has swallowed a few fireballs, those fireballs are still very few in the fireball belt.

Ignoring the black fire dragon, Gu Zheng gave full play to the advantage of the ban, and wrapped the blue fire dragon that wanted to retreat in the dragon formation.

"Blue bug, did you enjoy the harassment just now?"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, the fire dragon he controlled flew up in a cone shape around the dragon formation, and soon wrapped the blue dragon in the dragon formation.

Surrounded by the cone-shaped dragon formation, it can be said that it is basically powerless to recover. Gu Zheng easily shrunk the dragon formation, and the blue dragon coiled in the formation quickly touched Gu Zheng Huolong's body with his head , exploded into a bunch of fireballs in a dragon formation.

Staying in one place for too long is a taboo in dragon warfare, because it will attract many enemies.

Gu Zheng's three kills of the fire dragon did take some time. When his fire dragon devoured the blue dragon's fireball, there were as many as ten fire dragons approaching, including those who stole some of his victories just now. Fruit of the black dragon.

Facing the approach of the ten fire dragons, Gu Zheng didn't panic at all. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time.

Among the ten fire dragons, there is the fire dragon ranked fourth, its body length is not much worse than Gu Zheng's fire dragon, and such a huge monster, in the eyes of Gu Zheng, is like a supreme delicacy.

Gu Zheng controls the fire dragon, and puts a defensive posture end to end. When all ten fire dragons are close to the appropriate range, Gu Zheng's fire dragon uses the treasured trump card, which is the supernatural power obtained by swallowing the black fireball before - the dragon bite.

Black rays of light shot out from the body of the ancient fire dragon, and any enemies that were touched by the black light and whose bodies were not as big as the ancient fire dragon, all of them exploded into dragon-shaped fireball belts in the black light of the dragon's bite.


Gu Zheng cheered, and when the dragon suction was activated, all the fireballs flew towards Gu Zheng Huolong's mouth.

The body of the ancient fire dragon grew up like a blown balloon. When it stopped growing, its body length exceeded 300 meters, and it was promoted to the second giant in the space!

However, compared to the growth rate of the ancient fire dragon, the golden fire dragon ranked first is even more terrifying. Its body length has broken through the 500-meter barrier here.


There was another loud noise in the air, and at the same time that Jinlong's body was shining brightly, twenty energy fireballs of different colors appeared in the space!

"God help me too!"

Gu Zheng cheered, because there were four energy fireballs near his fire dragon, and they were all within the range of his dragon's suction.

Gu Zheng controls the fire dragon to launch the dragon suction, but it is a pity that the dragon suction cannot absorb this special energy light ball at all.

Since the dragon suction is powerless, Gu Zheng immediately controls the fire dragon, chasing the energy fireball.

The dodge of the energy fireball is only four times at most, and Gu Zheng quickly swallowed two. But at this time, at this time, other fire dragons came nearby.

There were not many fire dragons coming, only one, and Gu Zheng didn't have time to deal with it for the time being, so he seized the time to chase the third energy fireball.

When Gu Zheng swallowed the third energy fireball, the fire dragon that just arrived also swallowed the energy light ball it was chasing.

The fire dragon that swallowed the energy fireball was blue in color and 80 meters long. After swallowing the energy fireball, it did not leave, but cautiously flew towards the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng is also very cautious. The energy fireball swallowed by the cyan fire dragon is white in color. When the energy light ball appeared last time, Gu Zheng saw that the fire dragon that swallowed the white energy light ball had launched a short-distance teleportation Supernatural powers.

Gu Zheng controlled the fire dragons to join them end to end. Facing a fire dragon that can teleport, using this defensive posture is definitely a good way.

Seeing that the fire dragons controlled by Gu Zheng were closing in on each other, the cyan fire dragon circled around twice, then gave up the idea of ​​hitting his fire dragon, and sped up and flew towards the distance.

Seeing the cyan fire dragon leave, Gu Zheng also gradually released the state of ending contact, and followed the cyan fire dragon far away.

In fact, it is not impossible for Gu Zheng to deal with the cyan fire dragon. After all, there are as many as three special energy fireballs swallowed by his fire dragon. Using the supernatural power bestowed by the special energy fireball can still settle the cyan fire dragon.

However, there are only more than 200 fire dragons left in the sky. Good steel should be used on the blade, and it is too early to use the supernatural power bestowed by the energy fireball.

The enemy's fire dragons all have combat intelligence, but they are not human after all, which is also an important reliance on the survival of the ancient fire dragons. For example, the cyan fire dragon that was ranked last by the ancients did not cherish its trump card at all, and used its teleportation magic power against a purple fire dragon that ranked fifth.

Without special supernatural powers, ninety-nine percent of encountering teleportation supernatural powers will result in death! When the cyan fire dragon that suddenly disappeared reappeared, its body was next to the purple fire dragon's head, and the purple fire dragon bumped into it without any surprise, turning into a huge dragon-shaped fireball belt.

The ancient battle that was flying slowly has sped up. Now that the cyan fire dragon has no teleportation power, it is time to solve it and strengthen itself.

When Gu Zheng controlled the fire dragon to fly over, the cyan fire dragon had already swallowed part of the energy fireball, and it was more than 100 meters long, and it was able to activate the dragon-absorbing supernatural power.

Although Gu Zheng failed to steal the opponent's fruit of victory, he still entangled him and swung the dragon's tail several times.

The cyan fire dragon is not a soft persimmon, facing the dragon tail attack of the ancient fire dragon, it also frequently counterattacks.

It's a pity that the cyan fire dragon is not the opponent of Gu Zheng after all. When it needed to sink to avoid the attack of the ancient dragon's tail, Gu Zheng suddenly launched the coiling dragon formation. Under the effect of the ban, the cyan fire dragon failed to sink. The head was firmly hit by the dragon tail of the ancient fire dragon, and it exploded into a thick dragon-shaped fireball belt.

Gu Zheng was sucked by a dragon, and many energy fireballs were swallowed by his fire dragon, which strengthened himself again.

As time went by, the number of dragons in the air became less and less, from the first few thousand, only less than a hundred remained.

The Huolong of Guzheng is still the second largest giant. Its body length has exceeded 500 meters, but it is still more than 200 meters away from the first place Golden Dragon.

Of course Gu Zheng understood that he still had to face the golden fire dragon in the end, and he also took the initiative to find the golden fire dragon, but the other party didn't pay much attention to it, and only cared about its wretched development.

In Gu Zheng's view, the wisdom of the golden fire dragon must be higher than that of other fire dragons, which is why it can exist like an evergreen tree.

Since the golden fire dragon only cares about the wretched development, Gu Zheng also focused on the development. Anyway, when the two dragons are fighting, they are easy to be attacked by other wretched dragons. It is better to get rid of these wretched dragons first.

"In the final duel, it is best to be ranked above the Golden Dragon. If I can really reach this level, then I have a great chance of winning without the supernatural power bestowed by the special energy fireball. But if in the final duel, my The fire dragon is not as big as it is, so under the effect of the ban, this will be a very disadvantageous thing. At that time, the battle can only be resolved through special supernatural powers! However, I have special supernatural powers, so it is difficult to guarantee that the golden fire dragon will also have it Hole card, it's better to be careful in everything." Gu Zheng said heartily.

The fire dragons in the air are rapidly decreasing, and the ancient battle has once again ushered in a situation of crisis and harvest.

There are a total of seven fire dragons, and they all started an ancient dispute against the same, and they seemed to want to beat the local tyrants and divide the land. And, among the seven fire dragons, the third and fifth fire dragons are among them!

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Gu Zheng sneered, anyway, the opponent is not as big as his Huolong, and there is no restriction of the ban feature, which is already a great advantage.

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