"What's the use of your original strength? Anyway, you must die today!"

Baiyun Sword Immortal's voice squeezed out from between his teeth. Gu Zheng's words just now did not make him feel a little bit of fear, but instead made him feel a lot of jealousy. Why is Gu Zheng's cultivation so high? Being able to possess the treasure, why would he have to be trapped in that triple fairy formation for so many years? There are too many reasons why he only wants to kill Gu Zheng!

However, Baiyun Sword Immortal has always had the idea of ​​killing Gu Zheng, but now he already feels that killing Gu Zheng, which seemed simple to him before, is not so easy now! After all, there is not only ink color in his body, but also toxins.

The invading ink color is not so terrible to Baiyun Sword Immortal, but in the presence of toxins, it is not so easy for him to force the ink color out first. If there is a leak, it is easy to repair, but it is not so easy to repair the house when there is rain. Moreover, the cold pool cultivator did not give him a good environment to force the poison. The fishbone that fell from the sky, and the flying sword that kept chopping and slashing, put the shield on his body in a precarious state.

"Who will die and who will live is not sure!"

Gu Zheng sneered. If he thought there was only a 10% chance of winning before, then the chance of winning has now become 50%. The key to this is naturally the venom of the cold pool monk. With the deadly venom in his body, Baiyun Sword Immortal's strength will definitely be affected, so the chance of winning is 40% higher than the previous estimate. Moreover, during the time Baiyun Sword Immortal was standing to force the poison, Gu Zheng had already completed the strengthening of the basic structure of the fairyland, so he was able to bless all the energy of the fairyland on the monk Hantan, making his strength even stronger. For the time being, it has reached the level equivalent to the middle stage of Golden Immortal.

If it is said that the destructive power of the fishbone from the sky was not enough for Baiyun Sword Immortal when the strength of the monk Hantan was equivalent to the early stage of Jinxian, then after his strength was upgraded to the middle stage of Jinxian, the power of the fishbone from the sky It has already made it impossible to underestimate.

With a crisp sound, Baiyun Sword Immortal's body shield was finally broken.

The shield on Baiyun Sword Immortal's body looks like the immortal power shield of the immortal cultivator, but in fact it is very different from the immortal power shield of the immortal cultivator, at least it cannot be like the immortal power shield of the immortal cultivator. In that way, he can cast it as he likes, and it is precisely because he can't cast it as he likes that he didn't let the fairy power shield hang on his body before.

The shield of immortal power was broken, and the poisonous mist immediately invaded Baiyun Sword Immortal's body. For the monk Hantan, he was waiting for this opportunity.

After the venom of the human and scorpion monster is released by the Biehantan cultivator, it will produce a poisonous mist that can move with the target. This is also one of the reasons why Baiyun Sword Immortal does not leave the coverage of the poisonous mist, because he knows that it is useless, otherwise it will be No matter how inconvenient he is, but as a sword fairy, for example, simple things like where he wants to go, he can completely let his flying sword do it.

Although the poisonous mist is powerful, compared with the toxin that enters Baiyun Sword Immortal's body, it can exist for a relatively short time. At this moment, the poisonous mist is about to disappear. With the trump card, there is no need to worry about the poisonous fog being affected.

Thinking of using the trump card, Brother Hantan still felt a little bit reluctant, but even if he was reluctant, he had to do it. With a thought, he detonated his flying sword!

Cultivator Hantan's flying sword is a high-level fairy weapon. If it wasn't for such a life-and-death situation, he would never be willing to detonate it, and the power generated by the explosion of a high-level fairy weapon is enough for a late-stage Golden Immortal cultivator to drink a drink. Pot up.

Amidst the explosion, Sword Immortal Baiyun let out a scream, and he was blown away.

The explosion was so powerful that it flew Baiyun Sword Immortal from one end of the fairyland to the other end of the fairyland, knocking over two mountains before stopping.

However, Baiyun Sword Immortal did not die, the explosion only seriously injured him, and the explosion also dispelled the poisonous mist that was about to dissipate, and also made the original fishbone from the sky disappear.

The monk in the cold pool cast the fishbone from the sky again, making the light array that can follow everyone like a shadow appear.

Facing the fishbone that fell from the sky, Baiyun Sword Immortal, who had already seriously injured and vomited blood, was in critical condition. He was still one step away from forcing Mo Se out of his body. As for forcing the toxin out of his body, it would take more time. Faced with such a situation, he could only resist hard. Fortunately, his white cloud-shaped fairy body is rather peculiar, otherwise it would be really not easy to resist the attack of monk Hantan.

Brother Hantan also knows that Baiyun Sword Immortal has a peculiar fairy body. There is an airflow visible to the naked eye flowing in his body. It is the power generated by this flowing airflow that allows him to withstand the damage from the previous explosion and the current fishbone from the sky. power. However, for Brother Hantan, being able to injure Baiyun Sword Immortal to this extent is already a very good result. The next thing he has to do is to race against time, taking advantage of the time when Baiyun Sword Immortal cannot attack Here, kill him as much as possible, or cause him more serious damage.

With the help of the Inner Demon Orb lurking in the space, the cold pool cultivator appeared near the Baiyun Sword Immortal through its characteristics of a mobile fortress.

But this time, a strange situation happened. The flicking dragon tail of monk Hantan passed through Baiyun Sword Immortal's body as if passing through the air, but did not cause any harm to Baiyun Sword Immortal. However, the light array in the sky was still spinning, and the fishbone falling from it could clearly see the damage done to Sword Immortal Baiyun, because the stabbed wound above his head was constantly deepening.

It's strange, but the monk Hantan didn't dare to stay at all, because the long sword behind Baiyun Sword Immortal had automatically flew out to defend against the enemy, and the monk Hantan also quickly returned to the heart magic bead.

"Okay, okay!" Baiyun Jianxian sneered and said three good words, and then said: "I really didn't expect that I would be forced to this field by you two reptiles, you all just wait for me! "

Baiyun Sword Immortal was the result of trying his best to make the injury more serious. He used the forbidden technique to cast a kind of supernatural power. The evasive natural ink color renders this supernatural power. After all, the ink color that invaded his body has not yet been forced out. If the supernatural power of ink color rendering works again, then just by continuously displaying the magical power of ink color rendering, he can die under the continuous invasion of ink color.

"Now you are waiting, not us!"

Just now it was not clear why Baiyun Sword Immortal could ignore the attack of the dragon's tail. Now the cold pool cultivator has understood through the communication with Gu Zheng that this guy has temporarily used up all his powers to evade the invasion of ink color, so all the magical powers related to ink color can be used by him avoid.

Since any attack with ink color can't affect him, then it's better to use an attack without ink color to deal with him.

With a thought, monk Hantan appeared next to Baiyun Sword Immortal through the ability of the Heart Demon Orb to move the fortress, and the flame stick he raised in his hand slammed on Baiyun Sword Immortal's body, hitting him directly flew out.

I have to say that the mobile fortress feature of the Heart Demon Orb is really very useful. Even if Baiyun Jianxian has a long sword standing by his side at any time, the long sword is too late to fight back against the cold pool monk who suddenly appeared, so that its owner Was beaten and flew out.

It stands to reason that Sword Immortal Baiyun was already seriously injured, and he activated the forbidden technique in this state. Brother Hantan's stick sent him flying, so he must be injured. But the actual situation is that not only did Baiyun Sword Immortal not aggravate his injuries, but the hatred in his eyes became more intense, as if he was about to eat the flesh and blood of monks in the cold pool.

"It's really a headache!"

Gu Zheng lurking in the space couldn't help frowning. This Baiyun Sword Immortal can be called the most difficult character he has ever seen in the space world of fairy-level space fairy artifacts so far! Not only was he able to pass the forbidden technique, making all ink-colored attacks useless to him, but he was also able to use the magical power of damage transfer, transferring all physical attacks to his natal fairy weapon, that is, the long sword! And this is undoubtedly a kind of forbidden technique, let the natal fairy weapon bear the damage for oneself, once the natal fairy weapon is destroyed, the backlash against his body will be very serious, but is it so easy to destroy a natal fairy weapon? ? It's definitely not that easy, especially since Baiyun Sword Immortal is already a high-level natal artifact, its existence will definitely buy Baiyun Sword Immortal a lot of time.

All black-colored attacks are useless, and purely physical attacks are also useless. That is to say, at this time, the only useful means for Baiyun Sword Immortal are black-colored magic attacks, which seem to be heaven-sent. With supernatural powers like fishbone, the emergence of this situation made the cold pool monk very passive. After all, he is not like Gu Zheng, who possesses many magical attacks. Most of the attacks he is good at are physical. However, due to the low strength of Gu Zheng, even if all the power of the fairyland is blessed on him, His magical attacks are of no use to Baiyun Sword Immortal.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Brother Hantan still doesn't understand the current situation, he has already been overwhelmed by Baiyun Sword Immortal's weird defensive methods.

"Use your magic attack to deal with him, he is not immune to magic attacks."

Gu Zheng frowned, and he told Brother Hantan the method, but in fact, apart from letting the monks who are not good at magical attacks, before using magical attacks to deal with Baiyun Sword Immortal, Gu Zheng also has another method that can be used to deal with Baiyun Sword The method of the immortal, but this method is too risky, that is to take back all the blessings of the energy of the immortal domain, and use the bird of divine thought to deal with Baiyun Sword Immortal.

Divine thoughts are very powerful. Under the blessing of all the energy of the fairyland, the destructive power of the ancient Zheng's divine thoughts birds will also be stronger, but there are also disadvantages in doing so, that is, the essence of the fairyland is the divine thoughts and The combination of the way of space, once Gu Zheng used the bird of divine thought to attack Baiyun Sword Immortal, and the bird of divine thought was injured by Sword Immortal Baiyun again, then based on this basic structure of the fairyland, it has been blessed with divine thought Basically, the most intuitive manifestation of this kind of damage to the divine sense will be in the basic structure of the fairyland. In front of Baiyun Sword Immortal, Gu Zheng and Hantan cultivator are really not as good as an ant.

Regardless of Gu Zheng's feelings, after hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan's original sadness was immediately diluted.

Although the cold pool cultivator is not good at magical attacks, it is not that he has no means to use it. He appeared outside the Inner Magic Orb again, and with a thought, he used the supernatural power of the flame stick, and the supernatural power of the flame stick is pure magical powers.

I saw that the sea of ​​fire transformed by the magical power of the flame stick has wrapped Baiyun Sword Immortal inside, and the magical power of the flame stick can summon the phantom of the bottle fairy, and the phantom of the bottle fairy will also Like a shadow, it continuously sprays higher-temperature flames at the target.

The flame stick is also a high-level fairy weapon, and its magical flame power is also very powerful. Baiyun Sword Immortal was in a very unfavorable situation, but now he was burned by the flames released by the fire sea and the bottle fairy, and he was already seriously injured. The body suddenly showed signs of being ignited.

Sword Immortal Baiyun was burned by the flames, but he immediately understood that the sea of ​​flames on the ground was not the kind that could follow his body like a shadow, so with a thought, the flying sword that originally protected his body flew to his feet immediately, leading him to rush out. sea ​​of ​​flames.

Brother Hantan had a thought, and he appeared on Baiyun Sword Immortal's flying away road, and once again attacked Baiyun Sword Immortal with a flaming stick, but it was a pity that even if Baiyun Sword Immortal's flying sword was under his feet, his flames The damage caused by the blow of the stick to Sword Immortal Baiyun still fell on Sword Immortal Baiyun's flying sword.

However, even so, Brother Hantan attacked Baiyun Sword Immortal time and time again, trying to smash his flying sword and severely injure him before Baiyun Sword Immortal could force out the ink and toxin in his body.


When Brother Hantan hit Baiyun Sword Immortal with a flame stick again, there was a sound, but this sound was not because Baiyun Sword Immortal's flying sword couldn't withstand the damage and exploded, but because the flame stick hit Baiyun Sword Immortal. A shock wave centered on Sword Immortal Baiyun appeared on Sword Immortal's body. Although this shock wave failed to hurt the cold pool cultivator who was fighting guerrilla warfare, it caused the light array cast by the cold pool cultivator and the phantom of the bottle fairy, And the high mountains next to it are all taboo, so the power is not too great.

To be able to release such a shock wave, Baiyun Sword Immortal naturally did his best. He didn't expect to hurt the cold pool monk who was as slippery as a loach. He was just too embarrassed by the light array in the air and the phantom of the bottle fairy , if this continues, he will really die!

Of course, being able to release such a shock wave is also due to the fact that Baiyun Sword Immortal has already forced out all the ink in his body. Without the interference of the ink, it will not take too much time to force out the toxin. At this point, he has indeed paid a lot of price. He suffered the damage of a fairy weapon explosion and performed two forbidden spells. As for the shock wave cast this time, although it is not at the level of forbidden spells, it can be built on his Under the premise of the current physical condition, it still made him aggravated, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Brother Hantan was in a hurry. Mo Se was forced out of his body by Baiyun Sword Immortal. He naturally felt it. He also knew that without Mo Se's interference, it would not take long for Baiyun Sword Immortal to force out the venom! Moreover, judging from the current situation, if he can't cause any serious damage to Baiyun Sword Immortal before the venom is forced out, then he will still not be Baiyun Sword Immortal's opponent. strong.

Appearing outside the Heart Demon Orb again, after the monk Hantan activated the fishbone from the sky, he quickly returned to the Heart Demon Orb to hide, because the flying sword of Baiyun Sword Immortal had already struck him.

It took only a moment to return to the Heart Demon Orb. The cold pool cultivator who reappeared through its mobile fortress feature once again raised a flaming stick and hit Baiyun Sword Immortal. absorbed.

Although Baiyun Sword Immortal has already forced Mo Se out of his body, as long as he can also force the toxin out of his body, he will be able to deal with the cold pool monk with all his strength, but he is also very anxious in his heart, his flying sword can no longer withstand the cold pool The monk attacked, and once his flying sword shattered before he could force the toxin out of his body, the damage it caused to him would definitely be fatal.

Compared with the anxious monk Hantan and Baiyun Sword Immortal, the ancient struggle hidden in the space is unusually calm.

This is a life-and-death battle. In order to find a chance of life in this battle, Gu Zheng has been paying attention to the details of the battle, so he knows what state Baiyun Sword Immortal is in now, and he knows Baiyun Sword Immortal. The Immortal Sword will soon be unable to withstand the attack of the Cold Pool cultivator, and he also knows that before the Immortal Sword cannot withstand the attack of the Cold Pool cultivator, Baiyun Sword Immortal can force out the toxins in the body, which is something that Gu Zheng does not want to see The situation, because he also knows that if Baiyun Sword Immortal can't break his immortal sword before the toxin is forced out, then he and the cold pool cultivator are very likely to end up dead together. He feels that even if it is a risk, it is time for him to go out now Helped monk Hantan.

Gu Zheng went to help Brother Hantan, and did not intend to use the fairyland energy already blessed by Brother Hantan. After all, Brother Hantan was also helping, but without the blessing of fairyland energy, with his strength in the middle stage of returning to the void, he could do nothing. The only magical power that has a slight impact on the battle situation is the crazy sword that can only be used once today.

The sudden appearance of Gu Zheng, who had been hiding in the space, was a surprise to Brother Hantan, and his heart rose to his throat, and he also wanted Feijian to attack Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng delegated the power of the Heart Demon Orb to Brother Hantan, but as the master of the Immortal Realm, he can also use the supernatural power of space shuttle in the Immortal Domain, but he cannot use the Heart Demon Orb to move the fortress as frequently as it does.

Gu Zheng chopped out the Crazy Knife, and escaped to a safe place through the space shuttle before being hit by the flying sword. The power of the Crazy Knife he slashed was obviously beyond Baiyun Sword Immortal's imagination. Baiyun Sword Immortal had already From the seemingly plain saber aura, he felt its powerful momentum, and knew that it would be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

However, for the last straw that broke the camel's back, Baiyun Sword Immortal, there was nothing he could do, because the step of forcing out the toxins in his body had also reached the last moment.

In the blink of an eye, three things happened one after another.

The first thing was that Brother Hantan hit Baiyun Sword Immortal again with a flaming stick, and the flying sword that had been helping him resist the damage finally showed cracks because it couldn't bear the damage.

The second thing is that Baiyun Sword Immortal finally forced out the toxin in his body, and he regained his freedom.

The third thing is that Gu Zheng's crazy sword slashed at Baiyun Jianxian's body, and the flying sword that had been helping Baiyun Jianxian to resist his injuries was finally broken. (end of this chapter)

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