Brother Hantan was very nervous. He was afraid that the moment before he appeared, Sword Immortal Baiyun would have sensed the spatial fluctuations, so that he would directly bump into Sword Immortal Baiyun's attack.

However, things didn't turn out to be absolutely bad. Because Baiyun Sword Immortal was a failed entrant, without a physical body, although he had some strange things about Baiyun's body, he also lost some original things. Including the induction and application of space awareness, he did not feel the abnormality of space fluctuations in advance.

At the same time as he was overjoyed, monk Hantan, who was already in the state of a foggy dragon, threw his tail at Baiyun Sword Immortal.

Sword Immortal Baiyun failed to sense the abnormal fluctuations in the space in advance, but his reaction to the attack launched by the monk Hantan after his appearance was very quick. Countless sword qi burst out from his body, and those sword qi It's like a steel needle, but it has a strong penetrating power.

Still, the cold pool cultivator's reaction was even better, no matter how he returned to the Heart Demon Orb, it only took him a moment of thought, but even so, the cold pool monk who returned to the Heart Demon Orb was already shocked Cold sweat! A shocking scar appeared on his body, which was the damage caused by the sword energy from Baiyun Sword Immortal passing by.

The sword energy is as thin as a steel needle, but the scar left on the cold pool cultivator is as shocking as a ravine. If this scar is not passing by, but the sword that left such a scar The qi really hit the body of the monk Hantan, and the monk Hantan is likely to be instantly killed by this sword qi as thick as a steel needle.

Brother Hantan's complexion is very ugly, the gully-like injury on his body is only a minor injury to him, and he can completely heal the injury in two minutes, but the reason he ventured out this time is to take a look, Is there any effect on Baiyun Sword Immortal's rendering of supernatural powers by ink color, but the result is very unsatisfactory.

The supernatural power of ink rendering is indeed effective for Baiyun Sword Immortal, and the ink color will indeed spread on Baiyun Sword Immortal's body surface, but this level of damage is completely negligible, because Baiyun Sword Immortal's body just trembled. The ink that spread on the surface completely receded, and it did not cause any substantial harm to him at all.

"Master, what should I do?"

Brother Hantan felt a headache, and it was no wonder that he didn't have a headache when he met such an opponent.

"The only way to turn defeat into victory is to use the one I used to use with your son before."

Gu Zheng is also helpless, and this is the only possibility right now.

"Master thinks there is a chance of winning that way?"

Brother Hantan understood what Gu Zheng was talking about, that is, Gu Zheng used the Immortal Realm, took him and Baiyun Sword Immortal into the Immortal Realm, and then blessed him with the energy of the Immortal Realm, and he and Baiyun Sword Fairy to fight.

"10%!" Gu Zheng smiled wryly, and then said: "The gap in strength is too great. After all, he is the strength of the late Golden Immortal. If one of us is in the early stage of Golden Immortal, use this method to deal with it." For him, the odds of winning can be increased to 50%."

Gu Zheng is also helpless, even though he joins hands with monk Hantan, there will be many surprises in the fairyland, and Baiyun Sword Immortal's shortcoming of not being sensitive to space fluctuations, it seems that there is no small possibility to solve him , but in the face of absolute strength, some bells and whistles are useless at all. The foundation of the fairyland is too low. Can kill Baiyun Sword Immortal, but how long Baiyun Sword Immortal can break Gu Zheng's fairyland.

"Master, how long do you think it will take for him to break your fairyland?"

Brother Hantan also understands that the biggest weakness of Immortal Realm is its lack of strength. If it is stable enough to withstand Baiyun Sword Immortal's attack, then there will definitely be a greater possibility of a comeback.

"Even if he doesn't attack the weak point of my fairyland, my fairyland will be broken after five full attacks! Moreover, this is still based on the fact that I only bless 70% of the energy of the fairyland on you, and the rest It is based on the framework used to maintain the fairyland."

Gu Zheng has considered these details about the Immortal Realm, and it is the most reasonable arrangement for him to share the energy of the Immortal Realm with Brother Hantan.

"With the blessing of 70% of the energy of the Immortal Domain, your strength in the Immortal Domain can be raised to the point where it is close to the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, and the power of the ink color rendering will also increase accordingly. I hope that the degree of enhancement can really give us Bring a glimmer of life!" Gu Zheng spoke again.

"Want to procrastinate? Then just procrastinate. Let me see how much time you have to procrastinate!"

Baiyun Sword Immortal was in a bad mood. He was actually injured by a guy who returned to the peak of the Void. Although the black color of the monk Hantan exaggerated his magical powers, the damage caused to him was negligible, but the injury was the injury. The fact of existence! Moreover, Brother Hantan even slapped his dragon tail on his head, which made him feel extremely insulted.

Baiyun Sword Immortal, who was not in a good mood, wanted to eat Cultivator Hantan and Gu Zheng raw, but he had no choice but to scatter his anger on the Heart Demon Orb and draw out the long sword behind his back. He split the heart demon pearl with one sword and flew towards the distance like a shooting star.

Gu Zheng didn't panic, although all the things that should be considered had already been considered, and the time really couldn't be delayed for too long, but there was still a little time anyway, so he took the time to deal with what might happen in the fairyland at that time. He also had to be cautious in this disparity battle. As for the Heart Demon Orb, it would not be destroyed by Baiyun Sword Immortal anyway. He tossed.

Five minutes passed under Baiyun Sword Immortal's venting, and during these five minutes, Gu Zheng also considered all the things he had to consider, and it was time to fight Baiyun Sword Immortal to the death up.

Baiyun Sword Immortal had almost vented his anger, he was not attacking the Heart Demon Orb, he just looked at the Heart Demon Orb with a sneer on his face, the expression in his eyes was obvious, he was waiting for Gu Zheng and the others to be killed.

Gu Zheng brought the monk Hantan to appear in the space of the fairy formation, and it was still above the head of Baiyun Sword Immortal.

Cultivator Hantan, who was in the state of atomized dragon body, twitched his tail on Baiyun Sword Immortal's head again. He and Gu Zheng also had tempers. They were vented by Baiyun Sword Immortal for so long before, and now it's their turn to vent. up.

Although his head was whipped, Baiyun Sword Immortal was actually happy in his heart, because in those five minutes, he had already arranged a smooth sword formation beside him without any trace, and this sword formation was also blocked He felt that compared to the direct confinement of the Heart Demon Orb just now, this sword array might be able to imprison the cold pool monks and Gu Zheng, so that they could not return to the Heart Demon Orb!

Baiyun Sword Immortal is also trying, and once his attempt works, Gu Zheng and Hantan monks trapped in the sword formation will be nothing more than fish and meat at the mercy of others.

It has to be said that an enemy at the level of Baiyun Sword Immortal is still very capable and powerful. His sword formation can indeed prevent Gu Zheng and the others from entering the Heart Demon Orb, but it is a pity that Gu Zheng's This time, he didn't intend to take the cold pool monk back to the Heart Demon Orb to take refuge. He directly activated the Immortal Realm, so the skill imprisoned the two of them back to the Heart Demon Orb, and the sword formation that could cause fatal damage to them did not Hurt a hair on them!

"Immortal Realm? That's right, there is actually a magical power in the Immortal Realm!"

The sight in front of his eyes alternated between light and dark, and Baiyun Jianxian instantly understood what was going on, and his voice squeezed out from between his teeth. At this moment, he really hated Gu Zheng, because he was not only concerned about space The fluctuating induction was banned by the power of the law, and even the supernatural powers of the fairyland were also in a state of being banned. Otherwise, as long as he had a thought, he would instantly display his fairyland, and then he would be able to explode the ancient dispute's fairyland!

"It only takes a moment to break a fairyland of this level, even if you reinforce it, it's useless."

In just a split second, Baiyun Sword Immortal had already sensed the strength of the Immortal Domain and where its weak points were. He even knew that the energy of the Immortal Domain was allocated by Gu Zheng, and he himself used part of the Immortal Domain energy to To strengthen the structure of the fairyland, as for the other part of the energy of the fairyland, it was blessed by Gu Zheng on the cold pool monk.

"You think too highly of yourself!"

Baiyun Sword Immortal looked confident. It stands to reason that monk Hantan should be very desperate at this time. Even if he is not desperate, he should be in a heavy heart and shouldn't be in the mood to challenge him.

However, Brother Hantan not only challenged him, he was also in a very good mood, because at the moment he entered the Ancient Struggle Immortal Realm, things turned for the better!

It was also in a triple fairy formation, which was the one that Gu Zheng and the others experienced last time. Gu Zheng and the others encountered a human, scorpion, and monster.

Because the human scorpion monster needs a little of the original energy of the cold pool monk and his son, and as a reward, the human scorpion monster gave each of the cold pool monk and his son a drop of its venom.

The drop of venom from Brother Hantan's son was used in the subsequent revenge against the short-haired bird man. As for the drop of venom from Brother Hantan, it was sealed between his eyebrows and never used.

The reason why Brother Hantan didn't use that drop of venom was because he was strong enough to deal with monsters that could be dealt with with venom. After all, the drop of venom given to their father and son by the human scorpion monster was only aimed at the short-haired bird man whose strength was in the late stage of Void Return.

However, the human and scorpion monsters are very powerful, and they are also in the late Jinxian period. Otherwise, Gu Zheng would not need to make such an agreement with it at that time. To put it bluntly, they were helpless in Gu Zheng at that time.

Originally, monk Hantan had no special reaction to the drop of venom given to him by the human scorpion monster, but after entering the fairyland, he discovered that due to the different environment, the original venom had not been discovered by him, and the ban was lifted. Yes, and the venom that unsealed the seal has the power to poison the strong late Jinxian!

Because of the master-slave relationship with Brother Hantan, when Brother Hantan found out that the drop of venom had become so terrifying, he was ecstatic, and naturally he immediately wanted to tell Gu Zheng about it, and he knew The ancient dispute over this matter also couldn't help but sigh with emotion, no wonder when the human scorpion monster gave the cold pool monk and his son this drop of venom, they would say that the venom can be used as a trump card.

Baiyun Jianxian didn't know that things had changed, and he didn't know that when he expressed his feelings, Gu Zheng and monk Hantan had already formulated a new battle plan through the exchange of beliefs.

Time went back to the time when Brother Hantan refuted Baiyun Sword Fairy, facing Brother Hantan's rebuttal, Baiyun Sword Fairy snorted coldly, he didn't want to say anything more to Brother Hantan, he was going to use his strength to tell Brother Hantan the answer , Did he think highly of himself?

Baiyun Jianxian raised his hand, and the long sword fell in an arc. It looked like an ordinary sword, but the sword energy produced wrinkled the air in the fairyland. As a result, a deep gully appeared. He was attacking the weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland, and he would destroy Guzheng's fairyland with one blow.

If the weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland can't be changed according to the mind, then this is bound to destroy Guzheng's fairyland. The power produced only made Xianyu tremble for a while.

Sword Immortal Baiyun attacked the Immortal Realm, and of course Cultivator Hantan would not miss this opportunity. He appeared through the mobile fortress feature of the Heart Demon Orb, and the position where he appeared was above the head of Sword Immortal Baiyun.

In fact, Baiyun Jianxian is very wary of the treasure of the Heart Demon Orb, but after entering the fairyland, the Heart Demon Orb was taken by Gu Zheng into a hidden state in space, so that he could not find the existence of the Heart Demon Orb at all , and he wanted to break through the fairyland with a single blow, and he didn't have time to arrange the sword array in advance, so the cold pool monk who suddenly appeared hit him with all the attacks.

Cultivator Hantan hit Baiyun Sword Immortal on the head with his dragon tail, and this blow naturally activated the supernatural power rendered by black color.

For Baiyun Sword Immortal, being hit on the head by the dragon's tail of the monk Hantan monk many times, this is an absolute shame and humiliation! However, now he no longer cares about shame or shame. After entering the Immortal Realm, due to the blessing of 70% of the energy in the Immortal Realm, his strength is already very close to the middle stage of the Golden Immortal. The ink-colored rendering of the tail was so powerful that he couldn't underestimate it. His entire head turned black under the attack of the monk's dragon tail in the cold pool!

In addition to the ink color rendering that cannot be ignored, what surprised Baiyun Sword Immortal was that the venom released by the monk Hantan actually possessed the power to poison the later stage cultivators of the Golden Immortal!

After the venom was released by the cold pool cultivator, within a radius of ten miles around Baiyun Sword Immortal, there was already a miserable green poisonous mist.

However, even though he was attacked by black ink and venom at the same time, Baiyun Sword Immortal was still terrifying. A sword light erupted from his body, first forcing the monk in the cold pool back to the Heart Demon Orb, and then dispatching the original energy to force out the intruder The venom and black color in his body, and while he dispatched the original energy to do this, something similar to the fairy shield appeared on his body surface. Once this kind of thing similar to the fairy shield appeared, Immediately forced back the poisonous mist around him, putting him in a state where he would not be continuously attacked by the poisonous mist.

Of course, Brother Hantan cannot allow Baiyun Sword Immortal to force out the venom. Although the venom of the human scorpion monster is powerful, it will not last for a long time. down.

Brother Hantan appeared from the Heart Demon Orb again. Since this is the fairyland of Gu Zheng, he has opened the door for the cold pool monks, so even if the Heart Demon Orb is hidden in space, it will not affect The use of cold pool monks.

The monk Hantan, who appeared outside, immediately activated the supernatural power of fishbone falling from the sky on Sword Immortal Baiyun, causing a light array to appear on Sword Immortal Baiyun's head that would move with him and continuously drop fishbone.

The supernatural power of the fishbone from the sky is not used much by the monks in the cold pool when facing a big battle, because its power is not enough for the monks in the cold pool. But this is the fairyland of Guzheng. With the blessing of the energy of the fairyland, his own strength has approached the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, and the power of the supernatural power of the fishbone from the sky has also increased. It is used to deal with the Baiyun Sword Immortal at this time. That couldn't be better! After all, although the shield on Baiyun Sword Immortal's body can resist the attack of poisonous mist, it is not so strong against physical damage such as fishbone from the sky.

Although the poisonous mist was released by the monks of the cold pool, the monks of the cold pool did not dare to enter the poisonous mist rashly. The sword fairy launched a long-range attack, and the cold pool monk's long-range attack not only had fishbone from the sky, but also his sword control skills.

At this moment, Baiyun Sword Immortal was completely passive and beaten. There was a surge of anger in his heart, and this anger was about to blow him up!

For Baiyun Sword Immortal, it was beyond his expectation that monk Hantan could release such a powerful venom, and it also annoyed him. He has too many restrictions, if it is not for the power of law to restrict him too much, even if the venom of the cold pool monk is powerful, so what? After all, the fairy power shield on his body is not like the fairy power shield of a real cultivator, which can be used at will. Once he casts that kind of shield, he will be in a kind of There can't be too much external movement, otherwise he cast such a shield from the beginning, so why was he repeatedly drawn to the head by the dragon tail of the monk in the cold pool, and how could he be rendered so magical by the ink color of the monk in the cold pool? Even if the cold pool monk releases the venom, he still has enough time to respond under the protection of the celestial power shield.

"Looking at your unconvinced look, are you lamenting that the power of law restricts you too much?"

Gu Zheng is a sensible person. When he saw that Baiyun Sword Immortal was still standing motionless in the poisonous fog, he already understood what kind of state he was in. Anyway, if it wasn't for the shield on his body If he couldn't move, even if he was rushing to press the poison, it wouldn't mean that he stood still and didn't move.

"So what?" Baiyun Sword Immortal said in disbelief.

"You don't have to be unconvinced. The restriction of the power of the law is not aimed at you alone. I am not restricted by the power of the law, so I have the state you see now? If I don't have the restriction of the power of the law , then for an existence like you, I only need one finger to kill you!"

Gu Zheng didn't speak big words. If it wasn't for the power of law to restrict him, it would be an easy thing for him to destroy a late-stage Golden Immortal.

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