Looking at the black particles that the new skin monster turned into after death, Brother Hantan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This is the first time he killed a monster with the mid-term strength of the Golden Immortal after he had the supernatural power of ink color rendering.

At the same time, Brother Hantan also understands that this battle will not end so easily without the help of Gu Zheng, not to mention Gu Zheng's super combat experience, which can guarantee that he can attack the new skin monster as soon as possible. Back to the Heart Demon Orb, let's talk about the permeating mist, if it weren't for Gu Zheng not knowing the sea of ​​fire, he wouldn't have a good way to deal with it.

After all, the body-protecting water mist sprayed by the new skin monster, that is, the sea of ​​fire transformed by the power of Gu Zheng's original fire, can quickly evaporate it, and other methods are basically useless, no matter what It is said that the new skin monsters are all powerful existences in the mid-term of Golden Immortal, and the attacks they launch are not so easy to defuse.

Feelings are emotions, but Brother Hantan didn't waste any time. Having made a wish in his heart, he opened his mouth and sucked at those black particles. He was going to use the energy provided by the new skin monster to hit that critical point.

Brother Hantan had already inhaled the black particles, Gu Zheng was waiting for him to hit the critical point, and his heart was somewhat fluctuating.

Brother Hantan asked Gu Zheng before, if he really encountered the opportunity of epiphany and entered the mysterious realm when he hit the critical point, would the fairy formation give him time.

Facing the worries of monk Hantan, Gu Zheng gave him the answer before, if he can enter the mysterious realm in this formation space, then the power of law will give him time to pass through the mysterious realm. After all, the original intention of these space worlds in fairy-level space artifacts is to find new successors for fairy-level space artifacts, and as long as they can enter the space world inside fairy-level space artifacts, they may become immortals. The new owner of the super space fairy artifact, so when facing the entrant with a chance of epiphany, the power of law will usually protect it.

Gu Zheng hoped that the monks in the cold pool would have the opportunity to gain enlightenment and enter the mysterious realm! After all, once there is a situation that requires epiphany to improve cultivation, then at the moment when this situation occurs, the immortal cultivator is most likely to enter the mysterious realm. That kind of opportunity to enter the mysterious realm, who knows that it will be a matter of the year of the monkey.

The cold pool monk transformed the black particles into his own monster power very quickly, and the critical point of advancement to the cultivation base also followed. The cold pool monk was very excited, and he hoped that he would be lucky enough to enter the mysterious realm.

However, such things as the mysterious realm are rare and hard to come by. Although it is said that when the cultivator reaches the critical point, there is a greater possibility of entering the mysterious realm, but this greater possibility is also based on entering the mysterious realm. Under that slim possibility.

Seeing Brother Hantan open his eyes in disappointment, Gu Zheng, who knew that he failed to enter the mysterious realm, hurriedly asked, "Do you have any insights?"

When a cultivator hits the critical point, even if he can't enter the mysterious realm, he will see something more or less, and what he sees is his opportunity for the mysterious realm in the future, but this will be seen more or less. The things you get are often unspeakable, and the more unspeakable, the more difficult it will be to use it to enter the mysterious realm in the future.

"I don't know what I saw, saw the wind?"

Brother Hantan scratched his head. The wind can be said to be invisible. He said that he saw the wind, which really means he didn't see anything.

"Let's go! Keep going."

Gu Zheng didn't know how to comfort him, he just patted Brother Hantan on the shoulder.

The cold pool monk is also depressed. He failed to enter the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and he also failed to enter the mysterious realm. Then his current strength is only the peak of returning to the void, and this kind of strength is not suitable for the monsters they have encountered at the current stage. Say, it's really not enough! If it weren't for him to have the supernatural power of ink color rendering, even with the help of a treasure such as the heart magic bead, it would be very difficult to kill the monsters encountered in the current stage. Basically, they are already big monsters in the golden fairy realm.

No matter how depressed he was, the cold pool cultivator had to pull himself together. In the last level of the triple immortal formation, there was still a final ultimate move that had not been settled, and he still needed to trigger and deal with this last ultimate move.

The last killing move of the third layer of immortal formation is also hidden in a cloud, and the shape of this cloud is strange enough, it looks like a giant sword hanging in the void.


Gu Zheng in the Heart Demon Orb gave an order to the cold pool cultivator. The current distance of the cold pool monk has reached the boundary of triggering the last ultimate move, and Gu Zheng wants to leave the Heart Demon Orb at this time, and he has to deal with the last one. Let's investigate the ultimate move to see if we can get some information about this last ultimate move. After all, it is a good thing to know yourself and the enemy, even if it will delay some time because of it, it is worth it.

Through the investigation of the opponent's eye, Gu Zheng did have a deeper understanding of the last ultimate move, but this understanding is not good news for Gu Zheng, because this last ultimate move is also a monster, and the strength It has reached the stage of Jinxian late stage!

"There are a total of three ultimate moves in this third level immortal formation, the first ultimate move is the early stage of the Golden Immortal, the second ultimate move is the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, and the third ultimate move is indeed advanced to the late stage of the Golden Immortal. "

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the later stage of Jinxian, this can almost be regarded as a near-death game for Gu Zheng, and the reason why he still has such a life in this game is based on his optimistic imagination. Monsters only have the destructive power of the late Golden Immortal, but they are actually stupid and have no spiritual foundation.

"Why, is this the third ultimate move, the strength has reached the late Jinxian stage, and you can't handle it?"

The turbot fish demon, who hadn't spoken any more, suddenly spoke at this moment.

Gu Zheng, who was originally full of melancholy in his heart, couldn't help but brighten his eyes after hearing the words of the multi-treasure fish demon.

The treasure fish demon is a special monster. It knows a lot of things. It has said before that there are some things that Gu Zheng does not need to ask. If it belongs to it and can tell Gu Zheng, it will naturally talk to Gu Zheng, so it now Gu Zheng's opening has been regarded as a turning point in the matter.

"Yes! Although I have some means, but the difference in strength is too great. This time I am afraid that I will fall here, and once I fall, there is no way to save your father."

Gu Zheng was hinting at the treasure fish demon, but what he heard was the sigh of the treasure fish demon: "I can't help you, this situation can only be broken by you, the reason why I speak is not to bring you anything The turning point is just a little emotional!"

"What are you feeling?"

Hearing what the Duobao Fish Demon said, Gu Zheng also replied angrily, since it can't bring a turn for the event, why bother to speak at this time, it's better to be quiet and let him take the time to think about how to break it. A near-death situation.

"I know a lot of things, but not everything. The last ultimate move of this triple immortal formation turned out to be a monster whose strength has reached the late stage of the Golden Immortal. I only found out after seeing the eyes of the formation just now. It's also because I just found out, and before I didn't know, I already had great hopes for you. I feel that you are also strong and lucky all the way. You should be able to help me save my father , can also become the next owner of the fairy-level space fairy artifact, but I never thought that you would stop here!" The treasure fish demon said with emotion.

Hearing what the Duobao Fish Demon said, Gu Zheng felt dissatisfied, and he said directly to the Duobao Fish Demon, "Since you think I want to stop here, should we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

The Duobao Fish Demon was startled, it once again felt the extraordinaryness of Gu Zheng, it didn't expect that Gu Zheng would propose a bet to it at such a time of sorrow, let alone face the bet proposed by Gu Zheng, it There is no way to refuse!

The Duobao fish demon is not completely clear about its own responsibilities, because many things also need to be triggered. There is no way to refuse a competitive bet.

In fact, the Duobao Fish Demon was just surprised that it couldn't refuse Gu Zheng's request for a bet, but in its heart it didn't want to refuse Gu Zheng at all, because it was a possibility after all, and Gu Zheng's survival was a huge benefit to it No harm! It even expects in its heart that Gu Zheng can make very excessive demands. Anyway, it is a fish monster with many treasures. It has many treasures. If it is not limited by the power of law, it would like to give all of its treasures. To Gu Zheng, who made it wish that Gu Zheng would live, and hope that Gu Zheng would become the next owner of the fairy-level space fairy artifact! Once Gu Zheng really becomes the owner of the next fairy-level space artifact, then it will naturally get a lot of benefits from being friendly with Gu Zheng, which is a long-term investment.

"Just bet if I can live, you will give me a big benefit!"

Gu Zheng is actually in a state of absent-mindedness about this bet at this time, because the immortal array did not give him too much time to stay, and he needs to activate the last ultimate move quickly, if time is delayed, When the last ultimate move appears automatically due to the time limit, its strength will be even more terrifying than if they trigger it!

"Okay! I'll give you a big benefit."

The multi-treasure fish demon was a little depressed. Gu Zheng didn't take advantage of this opportunity to make excessive demands on it, and the power of the law restrained it, making it unable to remind Gu Zheng that the benefits he bet on were not rich enough.

The benefits proposed by Gu Zheng from betting with the Treasure Fish Demon are indeed not rich enough. According to the classification of the Treasure Fish Demon itself, if the benefits that Gu Zheng can propose are divided into one to ten according to the degree of richness, then Gu Zheng The big benefits that are relatively vague can only be rated as six points. If you want to get more than seven points, you must have a specific designation.

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't expect that the treasure fish demon would agree, but now that he heard that the treasure fish demon agreed without hesitation, he immediately knew that he had lost a lot of money, because he had dealt with special monsters a lot Well, if a special monster doesn't say what to do after he loses, and he agrees without hesitation, then he should have triggered an opportunity, but this opportunity has become an agreement protected by the power of law, Even if he regrets, there is no way to make any changes, not to mention that the time given to him by the power of the law to trigger the ultimate move is about to end, and he doesn't have much time to waste on such things that have become a fact.

"Go ahead, trigger the last killer move, be careful, this last monster is the strength of Jinxian's late stage."

Gu Zheng sent a message to monk Hantan, and the content of his words inevitably made monk Hantan shudder. The gap in strength between them and the monsters is really getting bigger and bigger.


The cold pool monk approached the trigger range of the last ultimate move, like a huge sword suspended in the air, the cloud representing the last eye of the formation fell to the ground, and after being torn apart, it turned into countless white flying swords, facing the cold Brother Tan's side flew over, so powerful that the air was wrinkled.

Cultivator Hantan's heart tightened. This was simply not a force that could be resisted. Fortunately, the Heart Demon Orb was not banned, so he quickly returned to the Heart Demon Orb with a thought.

"Ping pong pong!"

Countless flying swords landed on the Heart Demon Orb, and the Heart Demon Orb was surrounded by those flying swords like a ball and bumped back and forth in the air. This process lasted a full ten seconds.

However, even though Feijian possessed the destructive power of the Golden Immortal late stage, it was still unable to destroy such a treasure as the Heart Demon Orb, not even leaving a trace on the Heart Demon Orb.


With a melodious sigh, all the flying swords gathered together, and finally turned into a person made of clouds, and this person looked like a sword fairy with a long sword in his hand and fluttering robes.

"It's good to have a treasure! Even the power of the law can't completely affect it. This is simply an existence that destroys the balance. If I had a treasure back then, why would I become what I am now? I should have become a fairy-level space fairy Are you the owner of the weapon?"

Baiyun Jianxian's voice was very emotional, his words seemed to be speaking to others, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

Baiyun Jianxian's words made Gu Zheng understand that this guy should have been an entrant before his death, and his appearance also made Gu Zheng's heart sink to the bottom! After all, Gu Zheng's previous nine-death life was based on the fact that the last ultimate move had no wisdom, but now the last ultimate move turned out to be a previous entrant, could he be without wisdom? The answer is of course impossible! So, the original life of nine deaths seems to have become ten deaths and no life.

"Can we talk?"

Gu Zheng's voice came from the Heart Demon Orb.

"Talk? How do you want to talk? Even if you want to talk, you have to show sincerity, right? Hiding in the treasure and talking to me?"

Although Baiyun Sword Immortal is made of clouds, his body is very delicate, and the micro-expressions on his face are clearly visible when he speaks.

Taking back the right to control the Heart Demon Orb from the monk Hantan, Gu Zheng appeared outside the Heart Demon Orb with a thought. He wanted to talk to Baiyun Sword Immortal to see if he could get through without fighting hard. Get through this time of mortal calamity.

However, just as Gu Zheng emerged from the Heart Demon Orb, a powerful force of suppression acted on the Heart Demon Orb.

The suppressing force acting on the Heart Demon Orb is very similar to the force produced when the new skin monster held the Heart Demon Orb before. I have to say that this kind of force is really powerful. If it is an ordinary space fairy If the artifact is oppressed by this force from the outside, then it is simply impossible for its owner to return to the interior of the space fairy artifact! However, the Heart Demon Orb is not an ordinary space fairy artifact, it is a supreme treasure. If it must be classified as a space fairy artifact, then it must be at the level of a fairy-level space fairy artifact.

Baiyun Sword Immortal launched the oppressive power to target the Heart Demon Orb, and at the same time let a very fast sword energy strike towards Gu Zheng. He didn't intend to talk to Gu Zheng, and he could only survive with Gu Zheng. One, he has been acting as a killer move in this third layer of immortal formation for many years. He desperately hopes to kill an entrant so that the identities of the two parties can be exchanged. How can he talk to Gu Zheng? Just trying to trick Gu Zheng out.

Gu Zheng was deceived by Baiyun Jianxian, but Baiyun Jianxian undoubtedly underestimated the power of the Heart Demon Orb. Gu Zheng ignored his pressure on the Heart Demon Orb, and rushed back before the sword energy hit him. Arrived in the Heart Demon Orb.


Gu Zheng's voice squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Despicable? No, it's not despicable, it's just a trick, but you can be fooled by such a simple trick, do you think you deserve to inherit this fairy-level space artifact?" Sword Immortal Baiyun sneered.

"Whether I am worthy or not is not up to you, at least I am still alive, but you have become the ultimate move here, and even your original body no longer exists. How can you have a sense of superiority in front of me? "

Gu Zheng sneered, regardless of whether he will die here this time, anyway, he cannot lose in terms of momentum.

"Is it meaningful to be stubborn? Even if I don't say it, I think you understand that the power of the law doesn't give you much time. At most, it's just a cup of tea. You still have such a little time to live. Hurry up! Enjoy your last moments!"

Baiyun Sword Immortal didn't seem to intend to say anything more to Gu Zheng, so he closed his eyes.

What Baiyun Sword Immortal said is indeed the truth. He has always had a sense of time, and it is indeed impossible for him to hide in the Heart Demon Orb all the time. The time he can stay in the Heart Demon Orb is indeed only a cup of tea. After a cup of tea, it's not that he can't return to the Heart Demon Orb, but he can't return to the Heart Demon Orb for a long time to think like now, and once he can't return to the Heart Demon Orb for a long time Thinking in the Heart Demon Orb, it means that he needs to launch a stormy attack on Baiyun Sword Immortal. With Baiyun Sword Immortal's strength, if he dares to launch a stormy attack on him, it will undoubtedly be a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

Gu Zheng in the Heart Demon Orb didn't say anything, his eyes were also closed, he had to hurry up and think of a solution.

Knowing that Gu Zheng was trying to find a way, no matter how anxious he was about the current situation, Brother Hantan could only wait patiently.

Cultivator Hantan is indeed very anxious, the situation is worse than he expected before, Baiyun Sword Immortal, who represents the last ultimate move, not only has a high spiritual intelligence, but also the only supernatural power that Cultivator Hantan can show , he himself no longer knows whether it can have an effect on the existence of a relatively special body like Baiyun Sword Immortal.

"I need you to try him with ink color rendering and see if it can work on him."

It didn't take much time for Gu Zheng to think, because there are too few things on their side that can be used to change the form. In the face of absolute power, fancy things are often useless. , Gu Zheng also knows what kind of characteristics it has, so he, like the monk Hantan, is equally uncertain about whether the ink color rendering can have an effect on Baiyun Sword Immortal.


Brother Hantan nodded, what Gu Zheng said was also something he was eager to try.

Handing over the control of the Heart Demon Orb to the cold pool cultivator, the cold pool monk who moved his mind appeared behind Baiyun Sword Immortal through the ability of the heart magic orb to move the fortress.

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