
The natal fairy weapon was broken, Baiyun Sword Immortal was immediately backlashed, he opened his mouth to spit out a stream of blood, and at the same time, because there was no toxin in his body, the original energy began to flow faster, relieving him of the damage caused by the backlash.

A moment ago, Sword Immortal Baiyun thought that there would only be two outcomes this time, but what Sword Immortal Baiyun did not expect was that there would be a third outcome.

Baiyun Sword Immortal thought that the first result was that monk Hantan smashed his flying sword before he could force out the toxin. This kind of result is undoubtedly the worst, because the toxin in the body has not been forced out, and the natal fairy weapon is broken The backlash brought about will turn him into a fish on the chopping board.

The second result that Baiyun Sword Immortal thought was that he forced out the toxins in his body before the cold pool cultivator smashed his flying sword. If this result occurs, it means that the time for his revenge has come. The cold pool monks and the ancient disputes were crushed.

However, Baiyun Sword Immortal did not expect that Gu Zheng, who had been hiding in the space and showing great pity for his life, would strike him with the crazy knife at the critical moment. He was out of the body, but he hadn't had time to lift Feijian's anti-injury prohibition, so that the knife destroyed his unbearable natal fairy, and he had just forced the toxin out of the body, and he didn't even have a chance to breathe For him, because of the destruction of the immortal artifact of his life, he suffered a strong backlash, and the emergence of the third result led to a situation where his desire to crush both the cold pool monk and the ancient dispute was shattered.

On the surface, the original energy in Baiyun Sword Immortal's body is speeding up, which seems to be a good situation, but in fact Baiyun Sword Immortal is already at the end of his battle. The backlash damage caused by the destruction has already caused him an irreversible injury! What he is doing now is to ease the damage caused by the backlash, and pull one or two backs before he dies.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Baiyun Sword Immortal laughed, very bitterly, he never thought that things would develop to this point.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Hiding in the space, Cultivator Hantan looked nervously at Gu Zheng. Now he is really lost. In his opinion, Baiyun Sword Immortal is in the stage of improvement, and they have no ability to turn the tables.

Gu Zheng frowned. Although he had been paying attention to the situation of Baiyun Sword Immortal, he could not analyze everything. In his opinion, Baiyun Sword Immortal was indeed recovering. There is no chance of a comeback.

However, Gu Zheng was not as pessimistic as the monk Hantan, he said to the monk Hantan: "Be careful, keep attacking him!"

Although Gu Zheng didn't know the real situation of Baiyun Sword Immortal, he was still very clear about one thing. Baiyun Sword Immortal had repeatedly performed forbidden techniques and was seriously injured. Recovery under this kind of physical condition, the actual situation should not be very good, it is the right choice to attack him at this time and prevent him from recovering. If there is no chance of survival now, then give him time to let him recover. After recovering, it is even less likely that there will be a glimmer of life.

Gu Zheng's analysis according to common sense is not wrong, but the actual situation is not like this. At this moment, Baiyun Sword Immortal, who is at the end of his strength, does not have much time at all. What he shows is recovering, and there is actually an element of bluff in it. Gu Zheng and the others appeared so that he could pull a back before he died.

Brother Hantan appeared, and he hit Baiyun Sword Immortal with another stick, and the moment Baiyun Sword Immortal was hit, a tornado formed by sword energy burst out from his body.

The tornado formed by the sword energy is also a kind of forbidden technique of Baiyun Sword Immortal, but this kind of forbidden technique is different from the forbidden technique he used before. Although this kind of forbidden technique can instantly counterattack the attacker, it can only be used in When he is about to run out of oil and the lamp is dry, this has to be said to be a tragedy.

Baiyun Sword Immortal was somewhat relieved, because the cold pool cultivator had already been swept up in his sword qi storm, and it only took a moment for him to be boned and fleshed, and his death would be very ugly. However, Baiyun Sword Immortal was also a little depressed, because Gu Zheng didn't show up with Brother Hantan, which meant that Gu Zheng couldn't die, because he couldn't launch any attack anymore, and now he was sitting paralyzed on the ground, It is a state of waiting to die, and the original energy is overflowing from the mouth uncontrollably.

Gu Zheng, who was hiding in the space, frowned. He really didn't expect Baiyun Sword Immortal to be able to perform such a forbidden technique after reaching this stage! As for Baiyun Sword Immortal's current state, he was a little unsure if he was just pretending.

However, even if he is not sure whether Baiyun Sword Immortal's current state is pretending, Gu Zheng will still launch an attack to test it out. After all, the monks in the cold pool are still trapped in the storm of sword energy, and the monks in the cold pool are rescued by the end of the storm of sword energy The only way is to kill the Baiyun Sword Immortal who cast the Sword Qi Storm.

Gu Zheng's attack on Baiyun Sword Immortal does not actually require his own body, but the attack he can launch. For Baiyun Sword Immortal who has not been so seriously injured, it is not worth mentioning at all, so he did not launch it before, but It's different now, Gu Zheng needs to use attacks to determine the status of Baiyun Sword Immortal, whether it is a disguise or not.

With a thought, Gu Zheng activated the ice dragon technique, and a huge ice dragon rushed out from the ground and knocked Baiyun Jianxian's body into the air.

Looking at Baiyun Jianxian's body that was knocked into the air, Gu Zheng was a little stunned, because he clearly heard the sound of Baiyun Jianxian's bone breaking when the ice dragon hit Baiyun Jianxian, and he also saw Baiyun Jianxian's body is deformed due to broken bones, this is definitely not a disguise!

Baiyun Sword Immortal is really exhausted. Otherwise, the ice dragon, which has no lethality in his eyes, could hurt him. But now, it was not a threat to him at all. But the ice dragon smashed his bones, accelerating the loss of the original energy in his body from his mouth.

Baiyun Jianxian died, so dead that even Gu Zheng felt a bit abrupt, because at that moment, his body was first knocked into the air by the ice dragon, and then was torn into pieces by the ice dragon.

In the experience of many space worlds, Gu Zheng encountered the first formidable enemy, Baiyun Jianxian, who died just like that. He had no time to be happy for this fact, because things were beyond his imagination. When Sword Immortal dies, the sword qi storm cast by Baiyun Sword Immortal will also disappear, and monk Hantan can be saved because of this. The actual situation is that the sword qi storm still exists after Baiyun Sword Immortal's death.

Gu Zheng couldn't see what the cold pool monk had become in the sword qi storm, but through the master-slave contract, he could know that the cold pool monk's current situation was very serious and had reached a critical juncture.

Gu Zheng is in a hurry, but he has nothing to do. The sword qi storm is a forbidden technique launched by Baiyun Sword Immortal when the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. Its destructive power is well-deserved in the late Jinxian period. There is really no way to take it.

However, Gu Zheng, who was originally frowning, soon relaxed his brows, and even felt a little happy, because he felt the variables from the originally dangerous situation!

Through the master-slave contract, Gu Zheng knew that the situation of monk Hantan was very dangerous, and his life was at stake, but just when Gu Zheng thought that monk Hantan was going to die, the original sense of danger disappeared instantly, and he turned to Gu Zheng. The feeling is very strange, so strange that Gu Zheng can't describe it in words.

Although there is no way to describe the feeling that the cold pool monk in the sword qi storm brought to Gu Zheng in words, but this feeling Gu Zheng has experienced not only in the cold pool monk, but also in his son , and the common event that caused this feeling was that they fell into the mysterious realm, so the current variable is that the monks in the cold pool actually comprehended something from the sword qi storm in the special period of life and death, which triggered the mysterious realm!

After trying to understand what was going on, I just saw a little happy Gu Zheng between my eyebrows, and I couldn't help but feel a little scared, because the current situation of monk Hantan is really not something that ordinary people can encounter, even if ordinary people are lucky enough to meet that It is also an end of death, because it is only when you are about to die that you have comprehension. The danger of death will not give you time to expand your comprehension into practical things, but the monk Hantan is different. He just wanted to hit the golden fairy realm not long ago , His epiphany at this time can trigger the mysterious realm, which is something to be protected in the test of this space world. Brother Hantan also asked Gu Zheng about this before, and Gu Zheng also gave him an affirmative answer , I didn't expect that what was just said at the time has come true now.

It must be a great joy for Gu Zheng that monk Hantan can enter the mysterious realm at a critical moment.

"I hope that when he comes out of the Mysterious Realm, his cultivation will also advance to the Golden Immortal Realm!"

Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and made a wish in his heart. At this stage, his team urgently needs to improve its strength. If the monk Hantan can successfully advance to the Golden Wonderland this time, then the road will be easier in the future. If Hantan If a monk cannot advance to the Golden Immortal Realm, then the road ahead must still be full of dangers! After all, they hardly encountered monsters below the Golden Immortal Realm now, except in the ordinary sea area.

"Are you relieved now? Do you feel a lot more comfortable?"

The little Duobao fish demon spoke at this time, of course it didn't know what Gu Zheng was thinking, but it heard Gu Zheng's sigh, so she understood that she really saw that Brother Hantan didn't need him to worry at all. He had entered the mysterious realm, so he dared to speak.

In fact, the little Duobao fish demon knew that monk Hantan had entered the mysterious realm before Gu Zheng did, but there were some things he could say, and some things he couldn't say, so he held back the emotion in his heart until now.

The little Duobao fish demon was really emotional, although it didn't want Gu Zheng to die, but it really thought that Bu Zheng was doomed this time, and Baiyun Sword Immortal was simply an invincible enemy! However, there are always so many variables in things. Not only was Baiyun Sword Immortal killed by the joint efforts of him and the monk Hantan, but the monk Hantan also got the opportunity to enter the mysterious realm, and his cultivation might be promoted because of this. It can only be said that his contract is really strong enough, and he is very likely to be the next owner of the fairy-level space artifact. This is really hard to think about.

"Yeah, I didn't expect things to change like this." Gu Zheng said with emotion.

"I have to say that your luck is really strong, I'm optimistic about you!" Xiaoduobao fish demon said.

"Then do you remember our previous agreement?"

Gu Zheng had made an agreement with Little Turbot before that if he would not die this time, Turbot would give him some benefits in the future. Now that he has overcome the difficulties, he will naturally I want to mention it.

"Of course I remember, don't worry, when you rescue my father, I will fulfill the promises I owe you one by one." The little Duobao fish demon laughed.

In the Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng was chatting with Xiaoduobao Fish Demon, while in the unabated sword qi storm, the monk Hantan was still in the mysterious realm.

It was no accident that the cold pool cultivator was able to enter the mysterious realm. When he attacked the Golden Wonderland, even though he did not directly advance smoothly, he also saw something, and what he saw was the wind.

If an invisible thing like wind is seen when it hits the Golden Immortal Realm, most immortal cultivators will think that it is just an illusion. When monk Hantan talked about it with Gu Zheng, Wuzheng also felt the same way.

However, the wind that monk Hantan saw when he hit the Golden Immortal Realm was not an illusion, he really saw the wind!

The sword qi storm is also wind, although it is made of sword qi, it is also a storm generated by the circulation of sword qi. When the monk in the cold pool was hanging by a thread, his vision became blurred and he tried his best to find a breakthrough He was trying to find a way, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he saw the wind he saw when he hit the Golden Immortal Realm again, and the wind he saw at that time, at the moment when his life was hanging by a thread, was surprisingly clear, and it was similar to the sword energy. The wind in the storm fused together, forming a strange picture in his eyes that flowed like a galaxy. The monk in the cold pool forgot who he was, and he couldn't feel any pain. He entered the mysterious realm.

At this moment, it has been a while since monk Hantan entered the mysterious realm.

It is not the first time that the cold pool cultivator has entered the mysterious realm, but the mysterious realms he has entered before all have a common characteristic, that is, he is not so easy to wake up in those mysterious realms, and often waits for the mysterious realm time. When it was about to end, the sense of urgency would wake him up, but often at that time there was not much time left before the end of the mysterious realm.

This time was different from the previous ones. Brother Hantan woke up shortly after entering the mysterious realm. He knew who he was and where he was staying, but it was a pity that he was looking at the strange scene that flowed like a galaxy. , and was not able to make a comprehension, until the time of the mysterious realm was about to end, the sense of urgency had already appeared, and he still had nothing to gain.

Brother Hantan is in a hurry, sober, he certainly knows how rare the mysterious realm is, not to mention that this time the mysterious realm also involves whether he can enter the golden fairy realm, but now the time for the mysterious realm is coming to an end, looking at the galaxy in front of him He still didn't understand at all.

The sense of anxiety is getting heavier and heavier, and the time for the end of the mysterious realm is getting closer and closer. Brother Hantan dare not imagine, if he can't comprehend this time, how he will face his heart! After all, he didn't know how many times he was unhappy and blamed himself because he couldn't keep up with his strength!

"Instead of doing this, it's better to be dead. I can't face myself when I go out like this, and I can't face the master either!"

The cold pool monk roared, and he rushed towards the galaxy in front of him.

The reason why Brother Hantan said that it would be better to die is because the galaxy he saw is not a real galaxy, but a flowing belt composed of countless particles, which really looks like a galaxy in the sky. Milky way, but each of those particles is shiny, and each one brings him a very dangerous feeling. If he dares to approach, no matter which one of those particles is capable of killing him. Therefore, he has always observed the galaxy from a safe distance, but because he still could not comprehend it, the angry cold pool monk also put his hatred in the galaxy, and he used all his strength to hit the galaxy. Go, thinking in my heart that even if I want to die, I will smash Xinghe into a hole!

However, looking at the terrifying galaxy, it is actually not that scary. Brother Hantan seemed to have crashed into the river. Without any harm, he crashed directly into the galaxy.

Looking at the Milky Way from the outside is completely different from looking at the Milky Way from the inside. The cold pool monk first saw that those dots of particles are actually not as dense as they are seen from the outside. There are large gaps, and as for those gaps, they are filled with some faint mist. These fogs make the monks in the cold pool feel that they seem to contain some secrets, that is, the monks in the cold pool feel that the fog seems to contain secrets. What a secret, at the same time, he felt that those dots of stars were also very extraordinary, they emitted a dazzling light in his eyes, and turned from the dots of dots into flying swords one after another.


Seeing the wonder of Xinghe, there was a bang in the head of the monk Hantan, and a lot of information rushed to the brain of the monk Hantan.

At the same time, Gu Zheng in the Immortal Realm frowned. The storm of sword energy that had enveloped the monk in the cold pool subsided.

The current situation of monk Hantan can only be described as horrible. Under normal circumstances, such injuries can be said to be fatal. Therefore, apart from the broken bones and a pair of good eyes, there is really no flesh and blood on his body. Without it, even the original energy of the abdomen has disappeared.

However, facing the situation of monk Hantan, Gu Zheng just frowned, and soon a smile appeared on his face.

Gu Zheng made it clear through the identification of the master, that although the cold pool monk looked miserable, he was not seriously injured, and at this moment the sword qi storm had disappeared, and his only intact pair of eyes seemed to be lifeless. But there is a God who is recovering.

Gu Zheng has experienced many mysterious realms, so from the disappearance of the sword qi storm, coupled with the recovery of the look in the eyes of monks in the cold pool, Gu Zheng understands that he has comprehended in the mysterious realm. If he comprehends, then his cultivation base must be promoted, no matter how he is stuck on the watershed between the Void Returning Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm, as long as he can enter the Mysterious Realm and make comprehension, his cultivation base must be promoted!

Moreover, the well-informed Gu Zheng also knew that Brother Hantan's advancement to the Golden Immortal Realm this time was different from his son's promotion to the Golden Immortal Realm. He would not be able to cross the tribulation when he advanced to the Golden Immortal Realm this time! Because with the current situation of his body, he can't bear a thunderbolt at all, and this is not the real world after all, this is just the space world inside the fairy artifact of the fairy-level space. The ultimate purpose of the power of law here is to give the fairy-level space The fairy artifact chooses a new owner, and as the entrant, the cold pool cultivator can enter the mysterious realm and realize something. This has already met the basic requirements of the power of law for chance, so after he completely escapes from the mysterious realm, What greeted him would not be Jie Lei, but the blessings of heaven and earth.

The Blessing of Heaven and Earth in the Golden Immortal Realm is inherently powerful, so Gu Zheng is not worried about Brother Hantan's terrible injury at all. He believes that Brother Hantan's injury will be repaired in the Blessing of Heaven and Earth, including his lost original energy. Will be back.

Since the blessing of heaven and earth will appear soon, Gu Zheng hastened to accept the fairyland, otherwise the existence of the fairyland will affect the absorption of the blessings of heaven and earth by the cold pool monks.

As soon as Gu Zheng took over the Immortal Realm, there was a surge of wind and clouds in the triple immortal formation, a large number of auspicious clouds gathered in the sky, and a smokey wind was born in the space of the immortal formation.

The auspicious clouds in the sky have gathered very thickly, and the smoked wind has circled around the cold pool monk, but the expression in the cold pool monk's eyes still hasn't fully recovered, and it hasn't fully recovered, that is, he hasn't fully woken up yet, which makes Gu Zheng unable to help I rejoiced.

Gu Zhenghui is happy about this, because the blessing of heaven and earth is about to take effect, but the monk Hantan has not woken up at this time, so there is only one possibility, he is still waiting to wake up during the blessing of heaven and earth. The reason why he can continue to be in this state is because he has gained a lot in the previous mysterious realm, and only that kind of great gain needs such a long time to absorb.

The rain fell from the auspicious clouds, and the smoked wind surrounding the monks in the cold pool was like a pair of invisible hands, spreading the rainwater with rich immortal essence evenly on the monks in the cold pool.

Under the influence of the blessings of heaven and earth, the broken bones of monk Hantan are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. After the bones return to normal, muscles and muscles begin to grow on them. Energy is also condensing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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