
With a loud bang, the bone demon shattered the ice ball that was wrapping it, but Jin Yan's strongest sword was already very close to it.

"call out!"

An extremely sharp sound came from the bone demon's nostrils, it was its scream!

Jin Yan's strongest sword fell on the bone demon's body, the bone demon's hard bone armor was cut off, and its body was cut in half by this sword.

Although he didn't die, Jin Yan's sword had already severely injured the bone demon, and its demon pills remained in the lower half of its severed body. It would be impossible to use any other sorcery that could hurt Jin Yan. possible.

Jin Yan restrained the bone demon, she tried to search the soul of this unique monster, hoping to know more secrets, but the bone demon's mind was in chaos, and Jin Yan did not find any useful information.

There was a treasure chest buried in the loess, just as Jin Yan held the treasure chest in her hand, before she had time to open it, a very powerful force of exclusion was generated in the space.

Jin Yan stretched out her hand and took the bone demon's bone knife into her hand before she was squeezed out of the space.

The bone demon's bone knife is considered a high-level fairy weapon, but it was only before the bone demon died, and after the bone demon died, the bone knife has become like a dry bone, and Jin Yan just collected it as usual.

After being squeezed out of the space, Jin Yan and the Lingbao Beast appeared at the same high altitude as before.

Jin Yan's hands trembled a little. The spirit treasure beast just told her that there were extraordinary fluctuations in the treasure chest. This kind of fluctuation spirit treasure beast had never encountered before.

Jin Yan opened the treasure chest, and there was a high-grade immortal artifact in the treasure chest, as well as some refining materials and the like. The overall resource level was higher than the treasure chest she got last time.

In addition to the regular resources, there is also a strange bead in the treasure chest. The bead is translucent, and there is black air constantly lingering inside it. This is the unusual thing that the spirit treasure beast feels.

Jin Yan decided to find a place to study this bead. She first recognized the high-level fairy artifact she got as the owner, but the magical power of the fairy artifact did not help to break through the predicament.

Jin Yan returned to the mountain where she had killed the monster before, and after setting up a fairy formation to protect herself, she was going to use her spiritual thoughts to go deep into the bead to investigate.

Jin Yan knew that her spiritual thoughts could enter the bead, which was a kind of enlightenment she had when she first got the bead. However, being in an evil place, not to mention the black smoke lingering in the beads, and black can usually be associated with evil, so Jin Yan is waiting, she is waiting for today's communication with Master Yunqing, she wants to hear Yun Halal people mean.

Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing agreed to have a fixed communication time, so Jin Yan knew that she would not wait too long.

Half an hour later, Master Yun Qing's call sounded in Jin Yan's ears.

After asking about the progress of Master Yunqing, what Jin Yan heard was Master Yunqing's irritated voice. She comforted Master Yunqing and told Master Yunqing what happened on her side.

Even Master Yun Qing had Jin Yan's concerns, but he still agreed to Jin Yan's investigation of the beads. This was a matter of no choice. This was already the fifth day they entered the ruins, and there was no time to delay.

After finishing the communication with Master Yun Qing, Jin Yan took a deep breath, and her spiritual sense entered the inside of the bead.

Jin Yan thought that after the divine sense entered the bead, she would see black smoke, but in fact she didn't see black smoke, what she saw was an unfamiliar environment.

The unfamiliar environment is like a field, with people working in the field, green hills in the distance, and birds flying in the sky.

Jin Yan doesn't know who she is, and she doesn't know what she wants to do. She is entering a mysterious realm.

Looking around curiously, Jin Yan enjoyed the quiet environment very much, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath intoxicated.

After a while, Jin Yan moved. She wanted to ask those who were working in the fields what kind of place this was and why she appeared here.

Jin Yan stepped forward, the quiet environment was broken by the singing of birds above her head.

Jin Yan raised her head, her eyes widened suddenly, and a flock of birds that were flying well fell down like dumplings.

Jin Yan was terrified, she found that the falling birds were all dead, she subconsciously crouched down with her head in her hands.

The panic intensified in Jin Yan's heart, and the dead birds fell on her body, and she saw that the green grass and red flowers on the ground were all withered and yellow. However, withered yellow is limited to a certain range around her!

Scared, Jin Yan ran towards the farmland, she was going to ask the people working there what was going on.

Jin Yan screamed all the way while running, flowers and plants withered under her feet, birds fell above her head, and those who were working in the fields fell to the ground after she approached.

Jin Yan was stunned, she didn't know why this happened everywhere she went, she didn't dare to run anymore, she squatted on the ground and cried.

Poor, helpless, terrified, there was a sudden withered yellow in the green field, during which several people were lying in disorder, and there was also Jin Yan who was squatting on the ground and crying all the time.

Crying and crying, Jin Yan stopped crying, her eyes were attracted by a dead man, that man made her feel familiar, she felt that she seemed to have seen this man somewhere.

Despite the fear in her heart, Jin Yan stared at the man's face until there was a bang in her head, and she finally remembered why this man was familiar, because his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Master Yun Qing!

Jin Yan woke up in the mysterious realm, and the scene of the field burned instantly, turned into fly ash and floated into the air, condensing into a human head, which was exactly the real person Yun Qing in Jin Yan's heart.

Now that she is awake, Jin Yan naturally knows that this is a mysterious realm, and she can't help being a little excited!

"Every mysterious realm has the possibility of enlightenment. If enlightenment is possible, isn't this the key to breaking through the predicament?"

Jin Yan thinks this should be the case, otherwise there would be no need for beads that allow people to enter the mysterious realm.

Jin Yan felt that she had missed a chance to comprehend, and that chance to comprehend was in the last scene.

However, the warning that the mysterious realm is about to end has not yet sounded, she still has time, and she must cherish the time to find opportunities for her to comprehend.

However, this scene is different from the previous scene. In the previous scene, there were so many things for Jin Yan to observe, but in this scene, there is nothing special at all except for the head of the "real man Yun Qing" in the air. .

Jin Yan stared at the 'Reverend Yunqing', and she didn't feel anything special, so she searched again with her spiritual sense, but still found nothing.

As time went by, Jin Yan entered a very strange state, she couldn't think of the question of whether she could comprehend it, nor the question of time urgency, she just stared at the face of 'Ren Qing Yun' , watch it over and over again.

Jin Yan felt that her vision was a bit blurred. She could no longer see the clear face of 'Ren Qing Yun'. Jin Yan, who was in a special state, didn't even think about using divine thoughts when she couldn't see clearly. It doesn't look clear that she can fly closer, but she just feels that the distance from the face of 'Ren Qing Yun' is too far.

"It would be nice if the distance was a little closer, so that I can see more clearly!"

When Jin Yan had this kind of thought in her mind, her eyes closed naturally. She seemed to feel a lot of information, but the information she wanted to grasp made her unable to do it. There was always a feeling of being separated from the window.

At the same time, it has been the sixth day since Jinyan and Master Yunqing entered the world of the ruins. There are new changes in the ruins. The monsters in the tomb on the mountain no longer wait until Jinyan and Master Yunqing get close. Appeared! This kind of change does not mean that all the monsters will be dispatched, but it will not make people stay in one place for more than a certain period of time, just like Jin Yan's current situation, she has already stayed in one place for a limited time, the closest to her The monster on that mountain will come to her!

The ruins were originally a place waiting for the inheritors to appear, otherwise the monsters Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing encountered would not have such a huge difference in strength. However, the ruins that Jinyan and Master Yunqing entered are not as relaxed as the world of Huangsha. The time here is very tight. Either become the inheritors or die, and the rhythm will become more and more compelling as time goes by. can not stop.

The monster approaching Jin Yan is only equivalent to the late stage of returning to the void. Under normal circumstances, such a monster would not pose any threat to Jin Yan, but now that Jin Yan is in the mysterious realm, the arrival of the monster is very dangerous. Moreover, because the spirit treasure beast used its supernatural powers before, it has become a mark on Jin Yan's arm that needs to rest. Without Jin Yan's call, it is in a state of deep sleep, so things that can protect Jin Yan, except There is nothing other than the fairy array she arranged in advance.

The monster approaching Jinyan was a very rotten strange bird emitting black air all over its body. After it flew to the top of the mountain where Jinyan was, it immediately attacked the fairy array protecting Jinyan.

With the flapping of its wings, strands of black air floated onto the colorless barrier created by the Jinyan Immortal Formation, spreading like cracks.

At this moment, Jinyan is in the critical stage of comprehension, some information is rushing into her mind, and the fairy formation she has arranged has a slight early warning function, although this kind of early warning will not interrupt her mysterious realm, but But she couldn't help being a little anxious, she knew that something was destroying her fairy formation.

Once the heart is not calm, the speed of the influx of information will become extremely slow in an instant, and there is a tendency to stop. If Jin Yan can quickly enter the state of meditation at this time, then the influx of information may continue! However, the black thread on the colorless barrier has spread to a certain extent, and it shattered like a cracked ice surface.


The soft sound of the barrier breaking interrupted Jin Yan's comprehension, and the interruption of the mysterious realm was a very fatal thing. At least it would be backlashed, and at the worst, it would decrease in cultivation while being backlashed, and even go crazy because of it .


Jin Yan vomited blood, her mysterious realm was interrupted, she already had internal injuries, but it wasn't serious, it was a blessing in misfortune.


Jin Yan cursed loudly, and with a wave of her hand, a wall of fire suddenly appeared beside her, and the lingering black air disappeared under the burning of the flames.


Jin Yan vomited blood again.

The original backlash used fairy art when there was no time to adjust breath to suppress it. This situation made Jinyan hurt even more, but fortunately, the wall of fire wiped out the approaching black silk and resolved this wave of fatal crisis.

The strange bird in the air opened its mouth, and a black beam of light shot towards Jin Yan.

Jin Yan was currently suppressing her internal injuries, and although she dared not use her celestial power, the celestial artifacts and supernatural powers that could be activated with a single thought would not have any effect on her state.

Before, she didn't expect that there would be monsters coming out of the tomb automatically. Jin Yan's fairy artifacts were basically placed in the storage bracelet, so she couldn't use it at will. However, apart from the Xuanshui Sword, there is a piece of fairy artifact that Jin Yan has been carrying with her all the time, and this fairy artifact is the headgear given to her by Xiong San.

The beautiful headgear has a pattern like a clover. This headgear is a high-level fairy weapon, and its magical power is also impressive. After Jin Yan activated it, a phantom that looked like a clover appeared above her head.

The clover phantom rotated, and eighteen phantoms like flywheels flew out instantly. They not only cut off the black light attacking Jin Yan, but also cut off the strange bird in the air.

The strange bird flapped its wings, and a feather-like phantom shot away like an arrow. They destroyed the flywheel-like phantom, and flew towards Jin Yan again. However, at this time, Jin Yan has completed the temporary suppression of internal injuries, and she is capable of launching a counterattack against the strange bird.

The Xuanshui sword formed a sword curtain under Jin Yan's dancing, and all the feather-like phantoms that approached were scattered! Not only that, there are streaks of sword energy flying towards the strange bird in the sword screen.

Feeling the strength of the sword energy, the strange bird wanted to avoid it, but the energy of heaven and earth dispatched by Jin Yan acted on it.

With the strength of the strange bird, it is not difficult to break free from the suppression of Jin Yan's energy, but its escape path will inevitably be slowed down.

A strange cry resounded in the air, and the monster bird that failed in one move was attacked by sword energy one after another. Some parts of its body had already left it, and it fell from the sky covered in flames.


Jin Yan gritted her teeth, and the sword qi slashed out one after another. The strange bird, which had no power to return to heaven, was chopped into shreds by her.

Anger flowed in Jin Yan's heart, even if she chopped the strange bird into shreds, it still couldn't relieve her hatred!

"The way of space, the supreme avenue! What a rare opportunity this is, and you have to destroy it in every life. You really can't redeem yourself in a hundred deaths!"

Looking at the strange bird whose shreds of meat had been burned to ashes, Jin Yan's voice was squeezed out between her teeth.

In the mysterious realm, the information that Jin Yan received was indeed the supreme way of the way of space! But it is a pity that her acceptance of information has not reached the level of Dao, and it has been interrupted by the attack of the strange bird! If there is no such variable as the strange bird, Jin Yan will understand the way of space, and she also feels that once she understands the way of space, perhaps the predicament will be opened. How can the hatred not burst!

Hate turns into hate, but Jin Yan still has to face the reality, she must seize the time to adjust her breathing.

After taking a portion of grass-for-food cultivation, Jin Yan, who was adjusting her breath, was not at peace. When her mysterious realm was interrupted by a strange bird, she immediately had a kind of enlightenment. She knew that the strange bird Where did this variable come from! She also knew that she couldn't stay in one place for more than an hour, otherwise monsters like strange birds that appeared automatically would appear.

Jin Yan's mood gradually calmed down while adjusting her breath. Although the mysterious realm was interrupted by the strange bird, the situation was not particularly bad.

First of all, Jin Yan didn't suffer too much backlash, and she was able to return to normal within an hour.

Secondly, although the information about the way of space that Jin Yan received was not Taoist, it was information about space, which gave her a lot of understanding about things related to space, and she also had an exciting idea in her heart.

Moreover, the information about the Dao of Space that Jin Yan received is very important. Compared with ordinary cultivators, she has already entered the Dao of Space. It is easier for ordinary cultivators to comprehend the way of space! Moreover, Jin Yan also felt that once she was able to comprehend the Immortal Realm, it might be a chance to renew the broken chance! After all, Immortal Realm itself is something related to the way of space. After a general immortal cultivator comprehends Immortal Realm, her understanding of space will reach her current entry level.

After adjusting her breath for an hour, Jin Yan's body returned to normal, but also because she stayed in one place for another hour, the monster on another one was flying towards her.

The monster flying towards Jinyan was not very powerful, it was just equivalent to the middle stage of Void Return, and Jinyan quickly dealt with it.

After collecting some of the monster's bones, Jin Yan first went to the two mountains where the monster flew out automatically, and got the two treasure chests in the tomb. However, the celestial artifacts in the treasure chest are still of medium grade, and the celestial artifacts have no special powers. As for the resources in the treasure chest, their grades are as mediocre as ever.

This time Jin Yan was not bothered by the ordinaryness of the treasure chest, because she was still thinking about the idea that excited her in her heart. She wanted to turn the idea into reality, which was a way for her to break through the predicament.

The way of space is extensive and profound, and the information of the way of space that Jin Yan has comprehended can be used in positioning jade charms, thereby increasing the scope of the positioning jade charms.

Jin Yan began to refine her positioning jade talisman. If the distance that the positioning jade talisman can take effect before does not cross the state, the positioning jade talisman re-sacrificed by Jin Yan will be able to take effect at a distance of cross-continental. Level, this is a great understanding and application of the way of space!

It took nearly an hour for Jin Yan to complete the sacrifice of the positioning jade talisman.

It's just that the distance has increased, can we really find the location of Master Yunqing by positioning the jade talisman? This is a world of relics where all jade talismans are invalidated, and even time and space immortals cannot enter. The power of law here has restrictions on many things!

It's not like Jin Yan has never thought about such a question, but she feels that she wants to find a way out in the ruins. This is actually very similar to the cultivation of immortals. Both have many restrictions, but the former is the rule set by the owner of the ruins , the latter is the rule set by the way of heaven. However, there is also a way in the rules, it depends on whether you can find it! Just like the sound transmission snail obtained by Master Yunqing, didn't it just do something that seemed impossible? After all, there are such things as sound transmission snails in the prehistoric world, but the scope of its effect is not comparable to that of positioning jade charms.

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