Master Yun Qing was very excited, but he didn't know whether the supernatural power of the 'Sound Conch' would work in this weird world! After all, the Positioning Jade Talisman and the Child-Mother Jade Talisman, which have similar functions, are of no use here.

"Husband, is that you?"

Just as Master Yunqing was feeling flustered, Jin Yan's voice sounded from the sound transmission conch.

"It's me! It's me!"

Master Yun Qing responded quickly, his voice trembling with excitement, while Jin Yan burst into tears.

In just a few hours in the world of relics, Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan endured indescribable psychological torture! Although I couldn't see each other face to face, at least I heard the other party's voice, knowing that the other party did not encounter any accidents, and it is inevitable to lose control of my emotions.

After the excitement calmed down, both of them also talked about what happened on their respective sides after entering the ruins.

The separation time was not long, but Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan seemed to have endless words to talk about, and it was a pity that their exchange ended with something left unfinished. After all, the sound transmission snail is an immortal weapon, and its supernatural powers inevitably have restrictions on its use. It can only last for a quarter of an hour at a time, and can only be used once every four hours.

Although the exchange was over, both Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing felt better because of this. They knew the other party's news, and they knew that the other party was fine.

After enjoying the joy of knowing each other's news for a while, the pressure once again appeared in the hearts of Master Yunqing and Jin Yan, because reality is a problem they have to face! The warning of the sixth sense is still there, and they still can't afford to waste time. They haven't found each other yet, and they don't know how to leave this world.

Daoist Yunqing started to slaughter monsters again. Now he has no other choice but to pin his hopes on killing monsters, hoping to get something that can change the predicament from the treasure chest in the tomb . After all, the appearance of the sound-transmitting conch can be regarded as a bright light in the dark. It can do things that neither the locating jade talisman nor the child-mother jade talisman can do. Master Yunqing believes that the thing that can change the predicament must be in the treasure chest of a certain tomb among.

Jin Yan also believes that the things that can change the predicament are in the treasure chests in the tomb, but she also got a lot of treasure chests, and she has the magical power to identify the master and check the fairy artifacts in each treasure chest, but none of them can be used change the situation.

On the fourth day in the ruins, even though she had just communicated with Master Yun Qing, irritability soon appeared in Jin Yan's heart, because her and Master Yun Qing's sixth sense warning became stronger, which represented death Is approaching step by step. Before entering the ruins, they looked forward to entering the ruins to explore and hunt for treasure, but after entering the ruins, their expectation has become to meet each other sooner and leave this ghostly place sooner!

The skeleton of a monster was scattered on the ground, it was a monster that was just killed by Jin Yan.

The monster that was killed by Jin Yan just now is very disgusting, it looks like a rotting corpse, but there are maggots on its body, and these maggots are also a way for the monster to attack Jin Yan when it is alive! Now the monster is dead, and the white maggots are also attached to its bones, motionless.

After frowning a few times, Jin Yan finally made a move on the monster's skeleton. She wrapped the skeleton with immortal power, shook off the maggots on it, and put it into the storage bracelet in disgust.

The internal space of Jin Yan's storage bracelet is well organized, and all kinds of resources are arranged in an orderly manner. Every time she looks at the storage space, she has a sense of accomplishment seeing the furnishings in the room being organized by her. However, this sense of accomplishment is now gone because of the box of bones in the storage bracelet.

The skeletons in the box come from different monsters. Jin Yan, who has been looking for a breakthrough in the predicament, has been collecting monster bones every time she kills a monster since she turned around and found that the skeletons of the monsters would disappear. The part that she finds unusual.

If she hadn't been in a predicament, Jin Yan would never have done such a thing of collecting the bones of the monsters in the relics. They are as dry as bones, and they can't see their value at all.

The skeletons of monsters have been collected in a box, and Jin Yan still hasn't found anything that can help to change the predicament, and the only difference is that if these monster bones are not collected, they will disappear in a short time. If you put them in a storage bracelet, they last forever, that's all.

Jin Yan not only collected it by herself, but also told Master Yun Qing that the bones would disappear in the ruins. She didn't ask whether Master Yun Qing had collected them, but when she heard her say that, Master Yun Qing felt that " Ashes to ashes, dust to dust' is nothing surprising, it's not really unusual.

"Unusual? What is truly unusual?"

Thinking of what Master Yunqing said, Jinyan looked at the distant sky and muttered to herself.

Suddenly, Jin Yan's eyes widened: "Maybe there is something unusual that I discovered a long time ago, but I ignored it!"

When Jin Yan wanted to find real Yun Qing as soon as possible, she tried her best to fly over the mountains, but whenever she disturbed the monsters, the power of law would push her down from the sky.

Jin Yan felt that before she was distracted by monsters, the power of law generated in the sky was a truly unusual feature, because its existence was unnecessary!

In order for people to be able to fight monsters?

Jin Yan doesn't think so, even if the power of law does not appear, she can't fly higher, and at the height she is at, all the monsters she has seen can fly up.

Jin Yan had already flown into the sky, but no monsters appeared, nor did the power of law appear.

The high altitude is like an invisible barrier. Jin Yan can't touch any substance, but she can feel the resistance. She uses the fairy technique to hit the higher sky, but the fairy technique is like a mud cow entering the sea.

After wasting a full two hours on the study of high altitudes, Jin Yan, who still got nothing in the end, came back disappointed.

Time is passing, and a new day is coming soon. Jin Yan, who is physically and mentally exhausted, looks forward to a good progress tomorrow.

"No, no, or no!"

Frantic, Jin Yan threw out a treasure chest she had just obtained.

Just beheaded a monster, because of the restlessness in her heart, Jin Yan suffered a little injury.

Although it was only a minor injury, Jin Yan's suppressed emotions erupted after she recognized the celestial artifact in the treasure chest and found that it was still a celestial artifact without special magical powers.

"Half of the day has passed, are the original expectations going to be disappointed again?" Jin Yan murmured.

"What the hell is this place?"

Jin Yan, who was still muttering to herself one moment, threw out the middle-level fairy artifact she just got from the tomb like crazy the next moment.

Although the mid-level fairy weapon thrown by Jin Yan is not very powerful, it is a very good fairy weapon because it can be detonated by the owner.

A fairy weapon that can be detonated is more powerful than a fairy weapon can explode under normal circumstances. When Jin Yan threw the fairy weapon, she detonated it. The huge noise caused by the explosion , so frightened that the spirit treasure beast standing on Jin Yan's shoulder covered its ears.

Looking at Jin Yan's irritated appearance, the spirit treasure beast hesitated in its eyes, but in the end it still called out to Jin Yan.

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

After hearing what the spirit treasure beast said, Jin Yan couldn't help but widen her eyes.


The spirit treasure beast screamed again, and it repeated what it had told Jin Yan before.

The spirit treasure beast told Jin Yan that high altitude is indeed an unusual place, there is a special barrier there, and it can help Jin Yan open the special barrier, but it doesn't know what is in the barrier, it just thinks It was very dangerous there, so it didn't tell Jin Yan about it when Jin Yan was exploring the sky.

"At this point, are you still afraid of any danger? It's not dangerous now, but there is no progress at all. If you drag it on, you will only have a dead end!"


Facing Jin Yan's earnest words, the Lingbao Beast let out a grievance call.

"Let's go!"

Jin Yan flew high into the sky with the spirit treasure beast, and the spirit treasure beast showed Jin Yan a method she had never seen before.

I saw that the Lingbao orc was standing upright in the void, constantly bending over with fists clasped as if bowing to each other. With this peculiar movement, the original resistance in the air disappeared.

"Turn into a mark, I'm going in!"

Jin Yan ordered the Lingbao Beast to sound. Although she complained about the Lingbao Beast, she didn't want anything to happen to the Lingbao Beast.

However, the spirit treasure beast didn't listen to Jin Yan's words, it flew up one step ahead of Jin Yan.

It felt like passing through the clouds, Jin Yan and Ling Bao Beast entered a small enchantment.

The so-called small enchantment is not big, that is, it is about the size of a square, surrounded by thick clouds in all directions, and there is only a grave in the center of this space.

After Jin Yan and Ling Bao Beast entered this space, the raised tomb collapsed like a sand sculpture, and a monster flew out of it.

What flew out of the tomb was a humanoid monster. It was not that big, that is, it looked like a normal person. It held a bone knife with a dull luster in its hand, and half of its body was covered by black bone armor. , with a long bony tail dragging behind it, and a triangular head with no eyes or mouth, only two nostril-like things.

Jin Yan's heart shuddered, the spirit treasure beast had told her that the strength of this monster was equivalent to that of the early golden immortal.

It is equivalent to a monster in the early stage of Jinxian. This is a powerful enemy that Jin Yan has never encountered in this enchantment.

Jin Yan waved her hand, and she threw out three fairy artifacts. One of the three fairy artifacts looked like a bronze lamp, one looked like a handkerchief, and the other looked like a boat carved from ivory.

Among the three celestial artifacts, the bronze lamp is high-grade, it is the celestial artifact that Gu Zheng gave to Jin Yan, and the other two are intermediate-grade, they are the treasures that Jin Yan obtained in the tomb.

The three celestial artifacts look different, but they are all defensive celestial artifacts. Among the monsters she has experienced before, Jin Yan has not used any other celestial artifacts except for the 'Xuan Shui Sword' in her hand. This point is enough to see Jin Yan's caution.

Jin Yan was very cautious, and the bone demon's attack speed was also very fast, that is, when Jin Yan sacrificed the three celestial artifacts, the bone demon had already slashed at her from a distance.

The black saber energy seemed to be moving very slowly, which was abnormally slow. Jin Yan frowned, and slashed at the bone demon with all her strength.

Jin Yan's sword used the 'Splitting Sky Sword Technique', but this time her sword aura was no longer surrounded by flames, but surrounded by a layer of water curtain.

Although the five elements are complete, Jin Yan's physique is more inclined to water, so her water-type fairy water is more powerful.

Judging from the speed of sword qi and saber qi, because sword qi has a faster speed, even though it is launched later, it can hit the target one step earlier than saber qi. However, this is not the case. The seemingly slow saber aura suddenly disappeared, and Jin Yan immediately felt a sensation of the blade touching her body. Her eyes widened. Move like that, less than a foot away from her face!

Jin Yan wanted to dodge, but the aura of the saber was so strong that she felt that it would be wrong to dodge. With a thought, Jin Yan only had time to use a magical power of an immortal weapon.

Jin Yan used the magical power of the ivory carving boat, and the boat immediately turned upside down, and a phantom in the shape of a boat blocked Jin Yan's front.

The phantom in the shape of a boat has little resistance to sword energy, something Jin Yan has known for a long time. After all, the ivory carving boat is only a mid-level fairy weapon, and the sword qi is a knife cut by a monster whose strength is equivalent to that of an early golden fairy.

However, after being blocked by the phantom of the boat, Jin Yan had time to activate the second magical power of the fairy weapon. This time she used the magical power of the handkerchief, and a gravity acted on her surroundings. affected by gravity.

However, the saber energy easily passed through the gravity, and still slashed at the immortal power protection outside Jin Yan's body.


With a soft sound, Jin Yan's protection of immortal power was directly broken, and the saber energy tore through her immortal clothes again. Only then did she exhaust her strength and disappear.

The supernatural powers of the two middle-level immortal artifacts, their own immortal power protection, and the immortal clothes on the body surface can be regarded as stopping the bone demon's strike. This is the difference in strength!

It seems to have experienced a lot, but in fact it all happened in an instant.

The bone demon's knife made Jin Yan sweat coldly, and Jin Yan's sword also made the bone demon uncomfortable.

Jin Yan's realm is in the late stage of returning to the void. The "Splitting Sky Sword Art" is a fairy skill that can leapfrog battles. Jin Yan's full-strength sword has substituted the power of the true water of her life into it. This sword already has the ability to fight. Injured the strength of Jinxian's early existence.

The bone demon also did not dodge Jin Yan's sword. One of the reasons why the "Splitting Sky Sword Art" is a fairy skill that can make people leapfrog in battle is because it is also very powerful! Although the bone demon is not like Jin Yan facing its saber energy, because of the momentum, it feels that it is wrong to hide no matter what, but the momentum from the "Split Sky Sword Art" also makes the bone demon's judgment wrong, so that the sword When Qi was changing its trajectory, it hit straight into it.

Jin Yan knew the strength of the Bone Demon. This was something she already knew before the Bone Demon slashed out the saber energy, so her sword was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. Now it is the sword she uses the most in terms of combat skills! And the change in this sword is not only the change of the trajectory of the sword energy before hitting the bone demon, it also has a follow-up existence!

An extremely unpleasant sound sounded from the bone demon's body. It was the sound of sword energy cutting into the bone demon's bone armor. Jin Yan, who was waiting for the sword energy to hit the bone demon, pinched a tactic with her left hand at this moment, and the changing move immediately took effect. On the body of the bone demon.

For now, Jin Yan's water-type celestial art is the most powerful among her five-element celestial arts. It is precisely because she is suitable for practicing water-attribute celestial arts that Gu Zheng taught her "Raging Sea Crazy Tide" in the Jade Slip of Gonggong This fairy skill.

'Raging Sea Raging Tide' is a very high-level fairy skill. When Gu Zheng was not very powerful, 'Raging Sea Raging Tide' and 'Crazy Demon Knife' were the two methods he used to kill enemies. The 'Raging Sea Rage' is not just able to launch attacks like huge waves, it includes various uses of water attribute power.

Jin Yan's trick is to use the "Raging Sea Raging Tide" fairy skill, which is the skill of using water attribute power. The result of this skill is to release the power of true water that was originally attached to the sword energy in an instant. Out of the extreme cold energy. Therefore, before the residual power of the sword energy disappeared, the burst of extreme cold power froze the bone demon into a hockey puck!

A life-and-death fight is often a race against time. Jin Yan knows that no matter whether it is sword energy or ice hockey, neither can kill the bone demon, but she can buy her some time to do her best without being affected by the bone demon. .

Gu Zheng worried about Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing a lot, and as a part of downplaying cause and effect, Gu Zheng gave them both what he could.

Gu Zheng taught Master Yunqing and Jin Yan the 'Swordsmanship of Splitting the Sky' suitable for them to practice, and made them tailor-made male and female twin swords, even the immortal and supernatural powers in these two swords were tailor-made for them custom made.

What Jin Yan is holding is a female sword. The name of the female sword is 'Xuan Shui Jian'. You can tell from the name that it fits Jin Yan's physique very well, and its supernatural powers are even more powerful for Jin Yan's immortal skills.

The Xuanshui Sword radiated black light in Jin Yan's hands, and Jin Yan activated the magical power of the Xuanshui Sword, but the tailor-made Xuanshui Sword's magical power is not the kind of magical power that can be instantly powerful, it belongs to the level of a big move The supernatural powers need a little time to brew. Because of this, Jin Yan traps the bone demon with a different move, buying herself time to prepare her big move.

The brewing time of the big move is actually very short, but still the same sentence, life and death fights are often a race against time.

The supernatural power in Xuanshui sword is very simple, it is to increase the power of Jin Yan's next sword after the supernatural power is activated.

Jin Yan slashed at the bone demon with a sword. This sword was a sword with 100% strength in the "Split Sky Sword Art", and this sword still attached Jin Yan's true water power.

The effect of the supernatural power increase of the Xuanshui sword made the sword that Jin Yan slashed extremely powerful, and the huge sword energy roared past, as if it was going to split the sky!

This was Jin Yan's strongest blow. If this blow fails to achieve a decisive breakthrough, then she will be the one who dies in this battle.

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