"Damn it!"

Jin Yan couldn't help cursing, the appearance of the power of law made her feel that if she wanted to move forward in this world, she couldn't avoid the monsters along the way.

The monster that flew towards Jin Yan looked like a dried toad, its strength was still equivalent to that of the middle stage of Void Return, Jin Yan still didn't waste much time to deal with it.

Now that the monster has been dealt with, Jin Yan, who landed, took the treasure box in the monster's tomb, and there is still a fairy artifact and some resources in the treasure box, but the grade of these things is the same as the one in the previous treasure box. Not really that high.

Jin Yan was not convinced, although she already had the feeling that she could not avoid the monsters along the way, she still wanted to try other methods, otherwise the progress of the journey would be too slow.

This time Jin Yan still flew very high, but she no longer planned to fly in a straight line, she decided to make a circle when she got close to a mountain, to see if it would alarm those monsters.

Jin Yan was disappointed, every monster has its sphere of influence, and this range of power is indeed based on the top of the mountain, but there is no unclaimed land between the top of the mountain, so Jin Yan still alarmed a monster.

A monster like a rotting corpse rushed from the tomb, and Jin Yan fell down again under the influence of the power of law.

The monster was still not difficult to deal with, and it didn't take too long for Jin Yan. After killing it, Jin Yan got a treasure chest from its grave. The resources in the treasure chest were still the same as those in the previous treasure chest.

Jin Yan took a deep breath, she had a feeling that she wanted to yell, she was still not convinced, and she wanted to make a final attempt.

Jin Yan flew again, and this time she used the invisibility technique taught to her by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng told Jinyan in the Jade Slips of Gonggong that this invisibility technique is very powerful, and it can allow Jinyan to avoid most monsters. However, the ruins are a special place after all, and Gu Zheng couldn't guarantee whether the invisibility technique would work in the ruins.

Jin Yan had pinned her hopes on the invisibility technique, and the reason why she didn't use the invisibility technique before was because she kept flying while performing the invisibility technique, which would consume a lot of immortal power. But if the invisibility technique is used, the flying speed will definitely not be fast. The flying speed in this state is much slower than the normal flying speed.

Jin Yan gave up, she gave up her plan to find Master Yun Qing quickly, because the invisibility technique didn't work, she still alarmed a monster.

The strength of the monster is still not high, and it is still in the middle stage of Void Return. After Jin Yan got rid of it, she got a treasure box from its tomb. The resources in the treasure box are still the same level as a treasure box.

Jin Yan chose to rest and killed several monsters one after another. The loss of immortal power was not too great, but her mentality needed to be adjusted, otherwise she felt that she was going crazy.

After adjusting herself well, Jin Yan accepted the reality. Even though she really wanted to find Master Yun Qing sooner, it was really a rush. She knew that Master Yun Qing must also be worried about her. All you can do is take good care of yourself.

At this moment, Jin Yan is adjusting herself, and Master Yun Qing is also adjusting herself. Their experiences after entering the ruins are highly similar.

Master Yun Qing had already killed a few of the monsters in the tomb, and Master Yun Qing had also used the methods that Jin Yan had used to get on his way quickly. It's just that Master Yun Qing recognized the reality earlier than Jin Yan, and now that he has adjusted well, even the lost celestial power has recovered.

Master Yun Qing took a deep breath and stood up, with a ruthless gleam in his eyes. He didn't believe that he couldn't kill all the monsters along the way, and he didn't believe that there would be a day when he didn't see Jin Yan.

"Anyway, it's just training. If I don't see Jin Yan, I'll take it out on you!"

Master Yunqing sneered, and flew towards a mountain in front of him.

Before looking at the tomb on the mountain, Master Yun Qing, who wanted to find Jin Yan first, was afraid of avoiding it, but this time he flew directly towards the tomb.

After flying to a certain distance, before the monster in the tomb rushed out, Master Yunqing directly launched the oppression of the energy of heaven and earth.

"How does it feel to be oppressed?"

Under the oppression of the energy of the heavens and the earth, the tomb failed to collapse, and the monster inside wanted to come out, but under the oppression of the energy of the heavens and the earth, it could only push up a protruding bag, just like a person who wanted to break through the ground. out of the mushrooms.

"Go to hell!"

Master Yun Qing roared, and a sword wrapped in flames slashed towards the top of the grave.

Master Yunqing's sword used the sword move in the 'Sword of Splitting the Sky'. Not only did the sword Qi envelop the power of his own true fire, but it also looked very large in size and very strong in momentum! If this is the sword that Master Yunqing slashed towards the sky, that kind of momentum really has the feeling of splitting the sky.

The power of the sword qi is great, but the strength of the monster is still equivalent to the middle stage of returning to the void. Master Yunqing's sword directly split the monster in half that failed to get out of the tomb.


Master Yunqing let out a loud roar, the feeling of beheading the monster without letting it rush out of the tomb is really good, it makes Master Yunqing feel that it can vent his anger.

After killing the monster, Master Yunqing took away the treasure box in the tomb. In the treasure box, there was a middle-level fairy artifact and some resources that were not too high.

Flying to another mountain, Master Yunqing, under the pressure of the energy of heaven and earth, beheaded and killed the monster that failed to break out of the tomb. However, the monsters with the same strength and the treasure chests in the tomb were all similar, so they couldn't give Daoist Yun Qing a surprise.

Just like killing chickens and dogs, the invincible Daoist Yun Qing didn't know how many monsters he had killed, he only knew that he stopped when he was tired of killing. If in the past, killing so many monsters, and each monster can contribute a fairy artifact, not to mention that the grade of the fairy artifact is not high, the value of the quantity alone is already very high.

Although a lot of monsters were killed, there were still endless mountains that could not be seen as far as the eye could see. Master Yunqing was tired, and he wanted to take a rest before starting the massacre of monsters.

At this moment, Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan entered the ruins at four o'clock. Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan, who did not know where they were, stood up at the same time, frowning.

The difference in the flow rate of time is something Master Yunqing and Jin Yan knew as soon as they entered this relic world, but just now, they both had a special feeling caused by the passage of time!

The special feeling comes from the sixth consciousness, which is a kind of early warning. It makes Master Yunqing and Jin Yan have a crisis, making them feel that the time they can stay in this ruins is very short! Once this time has passed, they will not be squeezed out by the ruins, but will face death!

Master Yun Qing flew to another mountain, he really wanted to find Jin Yan now, even if he died, he would die with Jin Yan.

Originally, he wanted to kill the monster quickly, but when Master Yunqing used the energy of heaven and earth to suppress the monster, his brows frowned involuntarily.

The omnipotent heaven and earth energy oppression failed, and the monster broke through Yunqing's heaven and earth energy oppression, and it flew out of the tomb!

Being able to break through the oppression of Master Yunqing's heaven and earth energy shows that the strength of the monster is similar to that of Master Yunqing. This is also the first monster that Master Yunqing has encountered that is similar to his realm after entering the world of relics.

"Could it be because of the problem of staying time, the strength of the monster has also increased?"

Master Yun Qing had such a guess, but he didn't want his guess to come true. If his guess came true, then things would definitely get worse.

The monster that rushed out of the tomb looked very weird. It had a big head in the shape of a broad bean, but its body was completely humanoid.

For the strange shape of the monster, Master Yun Qing had long been familiar with it, and he slashed at the monster with a single sword.

Facing the sword slashed by Master Yunqing, the big-headed monster lifted its big head, and sucked it with its weird round mouth, and Master Yunqing's powerful sword energy was sucked into its belly.

The big-headed monster blinked, and Immediately Master Yunqing felt a mental attack, but fortunately, the tranquilizing technique was activated automatically, and this mental attack did not affect him, but only interrupted the 'fire dragon technique' he was about to launch.

Seeing that the mental attack was useless to Master Yun Qing, the big-headed monster's bony finger pointed at Master Yun Qing, and hundreds of stones on the mountain fell towards Master Yun Qing like shooting stars.

Knowing that he couldn't stay in this world for too long, Master Yun Qing didn't intend to practice with big-headed monsters, so he decided to make a quick decision. However, the so-called quick battle is not a direct use of big moves, after all, this is a dangerous unknown world, no matter how anxious you are, you can't lose your mind.

Reverend Yun Qing struck out a sword with 100% strength, and this sword still used the 'Splitting Sky Sword Technique'.

A huge sword energy fell from the sky, not to mention the stones that touched it, even the stones that were a little closer to it were turned into powder.

The 100% strength of the 'Split Sky Sword Art' has a very strong aura, Master Yunqing knows that this kind of aura is enough to have a huge impact on the big headed monster, making it impossible for it to hide.


There was a loud noise, and the big-headed monster really couldn't escape the sword of Master Yun Qing! The sword qi struck its body, shattering its skeleton, leaving only its big head that fell to the ground.

Before the big-headed melon seed could launch any sorcery, Master Yunqing's palm had already landed on it.

Master Yun Qing's sword just now could have slashed on the head of the big-headed monster, thereby killing it, but the reason why Master Yun Qing made that sword to slash its skeleton was to keep its body alive. Use the melon seeds with your big head to search for your soul.

None of the monsters Master Yunqing encountered before seemed like the kind that could search for souls. This monster with a relatively large head might know something.

It's a pity that Master Yunqing was disappointed. His desire to learn about the world through soul searching for the big-headed monster was in vain. The big-headed monster's mind was in chaos, and he couldn't find any useful information at all.

After killing the big-headed monster, Master Yunqing took the treasure box from the tomb, but the contents of the treasure box did not become better due to the improvement of the monster's strength.

Without the slightest hesitation, Daoist Yunqing flew towards the next mountain again. He wanted to verify whether the bad guess in his heart was true. If it was true, then the monster in the next grave should be as powerful as the big-headed monster. almost. After all, in the previous four hours, the monsters that Master Yunqing encountered were all very similar in strength.

Still use the energy of heaven and earth to suppress it first, Master Yunqing couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, the situation is not as bad as he guessed, the monsters in this tomb are only equivalent to the late stage of returning to the void, and their strength is stronger than those monsters four hours ago Some, but much lower than the big-headed monster whose strength was already equivalent to that of the mid-Gold Immortal just now.

The strength is equivalent to that of a monster in the late stage of returning to the void, but it failed to break free from the oppression of the heaven and earth energy of Master Yunqing, and it was killed by Master Yunqing in the tomb.

"What a strange world!"

After getting the treasure box in the tomb, Master Yun Qing almost threw away the treasure box in anger, because the grade of the resources in the treasure box hadn't changed at all.

After killing one mountain after another, Daoist Yunqing did not encounter any monsters that could rival him. The strength of monsters has always fluctuated between the late stage of Void Return and the middle stage of Golden Immortal. It's always the same.

Master Yun Qing wanted to yell, he was looking forward to things turning around, looking forward to a different situation, even if it was a little more dangerous.

Jin Yan's mood is very similar to Master Yunqing's, but the situation she encounters is different from that of Master Yunqing. The monsters she encounters are not as powerful as those encountered by Master Yunqing, but compared to four hours ago, the monsters are still stronger. The obvious improvement, but it still belongs to the category she can handle. As for the treasures she harvested, the grades are also so unchanged.

Jin Yan, who also felt tortured, also expected something different to happen.

Thinking of the difference, Jin Yan's mind flashed.

"Why is there a high-level fairy artifact in the first treasure chest?"

This is indeed a bit different, and this difference made Jin Yan decide to look back. Although it would be a waste of time, it would not be too much time to go back. After all, she had already killed those monsters along the way, maybe the mountain at the beginning was really different.

As soon as she walked back, Jin Yan immediately noticed the difference, but the difference was a mystery, and Jin Yan didn't know what it meant!

All the monsters killed by Jin Yan disappeared without a single bone, and even if they let the spirit treasure beasts investigate, they couldn't find any trace of their existence! If Jin Yan hadn't killed them for real, and there were treasure chests obtained from their tombs in the storage bracelet, Jin Yan would have even thought that all of this was an illusion.

Back on the mountain where she first entered this world, Jin Yan still didn't find anything unusual.

If the four hours in the ruins are also regarded as a day, it is already the third day that Jin Yan and the others have entered this world, and the anxiety in each other's hearts has become even worse because of this.

There was nothing special to be gained from Jinyan's side, and the same was true from Master Yunqing's side. When Jinyan flew forward again, Master Yunqing also started to oppress a tomb with the energy of heaven and earth.

It's bright, Master Yun Qing's eyes are bright! This was the first time Master Yunqing, who had always reacted with a frown after entering the ruins, had such an expression of bright eyes.

The difference that Daoist Yunqing expected appeared! After entering the ruins, he encountered the first monster whose strength was equivalent to that of the late Golden Immortal. That monster easily broke through the oppression of his heaven and earth energy, and the flames from its mouth were within easy reach of him!

The strength of the monster is not bad, but its flames are not afraid of attacking Master Yunqing. After all, Master Yunqing's control over fire has reached the level of Dao. It is equivalent to a monster in the late Jinxian period, how could it be possible to hurt him with flames!

The flames swept Daoist Yunqing, but they couldn't even break through his body surface protection. On the contrary, a sword energy that rushed out of the flames, and there was also flames on it, severely injured the fat monster that looked like an elephant. !

Shocking scars spread from the elephant-like monster's left shoulder to its right abdomen, and flames were still burning on the opened flesh, and the flames were still spreading to other parts of its body.

The 'Split Sky Sword Art' was originally a fairy skill capable of leapfrogging and killing people, not to mention Master Yunqing also mastered the way of real fire. Although his realm is only in the late Jinxian period, he is a monster whose strength is equivalent to the late Jinxian period. I really didn't pay attention to it, and I didn't even need to use my hole cards to kill it.

Without giving the monster a chance to breathe, a dense rain of swords fell from the sky. This monster was considered to be the most powerful monster that Master Yunqing had encountered so far, and was soon forced to explode by Master Yunqing.

The strength is equivalent to the late stage of Jinxian, and the self-detonation of the monster can still hurt Master Yunqing, so Master Yunqing directly hides far away, and the power of the explosion did not hurt him at all.

The monster was dead, Master Yunqing couldn't wait to fly back, he expected to find something different in the monster's tomb.

It's a pity that Master Yunqing was disappointed, the resources in the treasure chest in the tomb were still of the same level as before, and did not become higher because of the strength of the monster.

Master Yunqing recognizes the owner of the fairy artifacts he got from the tomb, this is his usual style. After all, all fairy artifacts have magical powers, and although some fairy artifacts are not of high grade, their magical powers have magical effects.

When Master Yunqing recognized the medium-grade fairy artifact that looked like a conch, his hands and lips trembled a little because of it, and he finally met the kind of difference he wanted!

"Jin Yan, Jin Yan, Jin Yan!"

Master Yunqing yelled Jin Yan's name at the conch-like fairy artifact, which was the activation of the magical power of the fairy artifact.

Through identifying the owner of the fairy artifact, Master Yunqing understands the magical power of the fairy artifact. This fairy artifact that looks like a conch, after activating its fairy artifact magical power, as long as there is one person in mind, one person name, its voice can be heard by that person! And what that person said, the person holding this fairy weapon can also hear it.

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