Jin Yan used the locating jade talisman, but the light point representing the position of Master Yunqing did not appear on the locating jade talisman, which made Jin Yan frown almost into a knot.

Jin Yan wanted to cry, but things didn't go in a good direction, instead it became more difficult.

Just when Jin Yan was feeling lost and agitated, Master Yun Qing's voice rang in his ears, and it was time to communicate again in the day.

After reporting to each other what happened next to each other, Master Yun Qing couldn't help but ask Jin Yan about the situation after using the positioning jade talisman.

"Husband, we are not too far apart, we are not in the same world!"


Hearing what Jin Yan said, Master Yun Qing's jaw almost dropped in shock.

If ordinary people use the positioning jade talisman and there is no other person's light spot on it, then there is only one possibility that the distance between the two is too far, beyond the range that can be positioned. After all, even if the other positioning jade talisman is broken, the location where the other jade talisman broke will appear on the used positioning jade talisman.

However, Jin Yan is not an ordinary person after all, she can re-sacrifice the positioning jade talisman, and she can also see more things from the positioning jade talisman that does not display anything.

"It can't be said that the real world is not in the same world. There is another possibility that the world is divided into two, you and I are on one side of the world, and the place where the world is divided into two should be another natural moat. , There is a special barrier there. However, with my understanding of space, I can only see these things." Jin Yan smiled wryly.

"Then what should we do now?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"If we can know where each other is, then let's go together. The key is that there is no direction in this world. We can't find the right direction!" Jin Yan said distressedly.

"Don't worry too much, lady, maybe the next time you go to that small enchantment, things will turn around?"

Through the communication with Jin Yan, Master Yunqing already knew that Lingbao Beast has the magical power to open the small enchantment in the sky. Moreover, there is more than one small barrier in the sky, but the magical power of the spirit treasure beast to open the barrier cannot be activated every day. According to the time flow rate in the ruins world, it can only be activated once every three days.

"It can only be activated once every three days! How many days do we have in this ruins? I think there are less than two." Jin Yan smiled wryly.

"How could it be so short? Don't think about it!"

That being said, the feeling that Jin Yan had was also felt by Master Yun Qing.

"Is your husband flying?" Jin Yan asked.

"Yeah! I just killed a monster when I was looking for you with the sound transmission conch. Now I want to go to the top of the mountain to have a look. This mountain is the highest mountain I have ever seen. What is the so-called standing high and seeing far away?" !"

Wanting to make Jin Yan happier, Master Yun Qing deliberately relaxed his tone.


Just flying to the top of the mountain to observe, Master Yunqing didn't expect to find anything different. After all, he no longer knows how many hills he has climbed, and he has never discovered a truly different place once.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Master Yunqing's voice, Jin Yan's eyes lit up immediately, that voice obviously revealed something.

"My lady, guess what I saw?" Master Yun Qing said excitedly.

"How would I know! Don't worry, tell me quickly!" Jin Yan urged.

"I saw empty tombs, several empty tombs!"

Master Yun Qing's voice was a little excited, Jin Yan couldn't react immediately, but soon her eyes widened: "You mean you saw the footprints of the predecessors?"

What made Master Yunqing so excited was definitely not because he saw the places he walked, so Jin Yan might only think of the footprints of his predecessors. After all, if they could come to this ruins, someone might come before or in the future.

"That's right, it's the footprints of the predecessors!"

"Damn it!"

Jin Yan frowned and cursed, the time limit for the magic power of the sound transmission conch has expired at the critical moment, and she can no longer know the situation of Master Yunqing in time.

Master Yun Qing was also very depressed, but the depression was depression, and it was a joyful thing to discover the footprints of the predecessors.

If you find the footprints of the predecessors, you may find something more different. Even if you don't find something more different, the worst thing is to follow the route of the predecessors. It is sure to save time! After all, the footprints of the predecessors are also the direction that Master Yun Qing was going to go.

After entering the ruins, Daoist Yun Qing had never been able to fly so freely as before. He flew directly over the tops of the mountains, and the tombs on the mountains were all empty.

After flying for more than an hour, Master Yun Qing finally stopped. The distance he traveled in this hour was farther than the distance he traveled in the previous three days.

The reason why Master Yunqing stopped was because if he walked forward, there would be another tomb where monsters could fly out. The footprints of the predecessors in this place can be regarded as a fork in the road.

Although there were no monsters on the mountain where Master Yunqing landed, there was a human skeleton in the tomb, and there was a storage bracelet on the skeleton's hand, which made Master Yunqing's heart beat very fast.

In any case, Master Yunqing saved time because of the footprints of his predecessors. Now that he has seen his skeleton and wants to get his storage bracelet, Master Yunqing has decided that no matter whether the storage bracelet is useful or not , he would bury the bones of his predecessors to show his gratitude.

Burying the bones was very easy for Master Yunqing, so after taking away the storage bracelet from the skeleton's hand, he activated the earth-type immortal technique to bury the bones.

After recognizing the owner's storage bracelet, Master Yunqing checked the contents of the predecessor's storage bracelet.

"Treasure, it's a treasure!"

Master Yunqing couldn't help but say, among the storage bracelets of the predecessors, there are more than two hundred treasure chests in the world of ruins alone!

However, Master Yunqing didn't immediately go to see what was in those treasure boxes, he took out a piece of jade slip from the predecessor's storage bracelet.

Master Yunqing's heart beat faster, in fact, what he most wanted to see on the storage bracelet was the jade slip placed in the most eye-catching place! As the saying goes, a man's words are good when he is about to die. If Master Yunqing died in the relic world, he felt that he would leave a piece of jade slip before the temporary, and record his understanding of the relic world in it, leaving behind To those who are destined for future generations! Therefore, even before reading the content of the Jade Slip, Master Yun Qing has already concluded that this is the Jade Slip of experience left by the predecessors to future generations.

Daoist Yun Qing was completely excited. Through looking up the jade slips, he did get some information about this ruined world that he didn't know before.

The predecessors were in a similar situation to Master Yunqing and the others. At the beginning, two people entered the ruins, but the difference was that the predecessors were two big men, unlike him and Jin Yan who were a Taoist couple.

Compared with Master Yunqing and Jin Yan, the predecessors were unfortunate. He didn't get something like the sound transmission conch, and he couldn't get in touch with the lost Taoist friends until his death.

The basic information of the predecessors is of no use to Master Yun Qing, and there are a total of three pieces of information that are really useful to him.

Article 1: Ten days in the world of relics, this is the limit for each entrant to survive, if the inheritance cannot be obtained within ten days, the tenth day will be obliterated by the power of the relics. Just like the predecessors, he didn't die in the hands of a monster, he was obliterated to death by the power of the relic.

Article 2: The predecessors had a deduction, which is the same as Jin Yan's deduction, that is, the world is divided into two, and there is a natural moat at the place where this world is separated. However, what the predecessors knew more than Jin Yan was that the natural moat was the place to go to obtain the inheritance, but the predecessors did not discover where the natural moat was.

Article 3: There is one thing that is very important in the world of ruins. It is what is needed to pass the heavenly test, and that is the demon pills of the monsters in the ruins world, and the number of demon pills required is two hundred. When he knew this fact, it was already his ninth day in the ruins! Because he didn't know the special purpose of the demon pills before, the predecessors did not collect the demon pills. When he knew the purpose, the monsters he had killed had already returned to ashes and ashes. Moreover, it is not easy to obtain demon pills in the world of relics. Firstly, not all monsters have demon pills, and secondly, all monsters with demon pills will explode before dying! So in the last day of the predecessors, only ten demon pills were left for future generations!

After knowing the useful information, Yun Qing was so angry that she wanted to curse! Before Jin Yan felt that the disappearance of the monster's bones was suspicious, he also told Jin Yan that dust returns to dust and dust returns to dust, so he didn't collect any bones of the monsters he killed, let alone demon pills!

It will soon be the sixth day when Master Yunqing and the others enter the world of relics. Master Yunqing wishes to tell Jin Yan what he knows now, but it is a pity that the magic power of Chuan Yinluo has been used today, and he wants to inform Jin Yan Yan, I can only wait for more than half of the sixth day to pass.

Master Yunqing has already made a decision, he decided to find the existence of Tianzhu first, and in the process, collect as many demon pills as possible!

There are some things that Daoist Yunqing dare not imagine, but the more he dares not to think, the more it pops up in his mind from time to time.

It is about to enter the sixth day, one step closer to the date of being wiped out.

To leave the world of relics, you need to meet at least three conditions, two hundred demon pills, reach the land of heaven and accept the inheritance.

There are two hundred demon pills, Master Yunqing only has ten of them now, and he just killed a monster with demon pills, but he couldn't get the monster's demon pills because he couldn't stop the monster from exploding.

Real person Yunqing doesn't know where the land of the sky is, and he doesn't know whether he can find the land of the sky within a limited time.

Accepting the inheritance is the last step, but Master Yunqing doesn't think this step is easy.

"Hey, just thinking about it makes me dizzy!" Master Yun Qing sighed in his heart.

A new day has arrived, this is the sixth day since Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan entered the world of relics.

Master Yun Qing was fighting with a monster. The reason why he said fighting skills instead of beheading was because the strength of the monster was equivalent to that of a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Immortal, so it was not easy for Master Yun Qing to kill it.

The monsters in the ruins not only become stronger because of the passage of time, but also become stronger because of the distance. Just like the path Master Yunqing is taking now, it is based on the foundation of the predecessors, and it is already very deep in the world of relics! Because of this, the monsters that Daoist Yun Qing met here were much more powerful than the monsters he had killed before.

The monster that fights with Immortal Yunqing looks like a large human-shaped lizard. It has two pairs of arms, each of which can cast a different type of monster.

Immortal Yun Qing spent a lot of energy, and finally severely injured this 'four-armed lizard', and beheaded it before he was about to self-destruct, and successfully obtained the treasure after knowing the preciousness of the demon pill. The first demon pill!

"It's not easy!"

Holding the blood-stained demon pill, Master Yunqing almost wanted to cry. If he didn't think that if he went deeper, he might see the heavenly moat, he would rather go back and kill those monsters with low strength to get more demon pills. However, if he turned back again, not to mention wasting time, Master Yun Qing didn't know whether those monsters on the way back would have become difficult to hunt because of the passage of time.

Demon pills are difficult to obtain, but the treasure box is a consolation prize anyway. For monsters of this level encountered today, the resource level in the treasure box is already very good, and the level of fairy artifacts are all high-level.

There are quite a few high-level immortal artifacts, and many of them are left by the predecessors. If we only talk about the harvest of resources such as immortal artifacts and refining materials, as far as the current situation is concerned, it has already exceeded the expectations of Immortal Yunqing before entering the ruins. up! After all, just the inheritance from the predecessors alone made Master Yun Qing's storage bracelet more than 200 treasure chests.

It's a pity that obtaining a treasure is no longer the real Yunqing's pursuit. He just wants a key breakthrough so that he can take his Jin Yan and leave this damned world of relics.

After adjusting his breath a bit, Master Yun Qing, who didn't dare to stay longer, set off again. He has decided not to take unnecessary rest in the next time.

When Daoist Yun Qing's reserve of demon pills reached fifteen, it was finally time to talk to Jin Yan.

After listening to Master Yun Qing's report, Jin Yan was really excited and wanted to cry.

Jin Yan was excited to finally know some really useful information.

What Jinyan wanted to cry was that they were not far from the day when they would be wiped out, but they still hadn't found the way to get them out of the predicament. Moreover, the number of demon pills is too different. Even though Jin Yan has the habit of collecting monster bones, the amount of demon pills she has accumulated so far is only ten.

"Don't talk about finding the land of the sky, even if it is a demon pill, we are too far behind." Jin Yan sighed.

"About the matter of the demon pills, the good thing is that according to the speculation of the predecessors, if two people can reach the land of heaven, two hundred demon pills can be produced by two! According to this calculation, we have already It's almost time to collect 20% of the 10% demon pills!"

Master Yun Qing intentionally teased Jin Yan with a proud tone. Jin Yan, who was originally frowning, couldn't help laughing. This was the happiest moment for Jin Yan in a day in the world of relics.

It was the seventh day since Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing entered the ruins.

Master Yun Qing stood up after finishing breath adjustment, and he flew towards the next mountain.

Up to now, Master Yunqing has accumulated twenty-three demon pills, and more than half of the seventh day has passed. After he kills the next demon, it will be almost time for him to talk to Jin Yan again. .

The monsters encountered by Master Yunqing today are almost all in the late stage or peak of Jinxian, and none of them are particularly easy to deal with. They can jump out of the tomb in advance without waiting for Master Yunqing to use the energy of heaven and earth to suppress them. come out.

With a flash of blue light, the monster sprang out from the tomb, stood on the ground and looked at Master Yun Qing in the air.

"I finally saw a normal monster."

Master Yun Qing couldn't help but say this, because this blue monster looks very much like the Yaksha in the prehistoric world, with a green face and long fangs, a tall man, and a three-pronged fork in his hand. However, the difference between this Yaksha demon and Honghuang Yaksha is that it also holds a shining chain hook in its other hand.

Master Yunqing made the first move, and the sword energy wrapped in the true fire of his life fell from the sky like a meteor.

The Yasha demon didn't seem to intend to fight in the air with Master Yunqing. The three-pronged fork in one hand pointed towards the air, and the phantoms of countless monsters met the falling sword energy, while the chain hook in the other hand shook , Immediately issued a 'jingling' sound.

The sound of "Ding Ding Dong Dang" was not loud, but it was a sonic attack. Fortunately, Master Yunqing had successfully cultivated the tranquilizing technique, so this kind of sonic attack was useless to him.

Master Yunqing dealt with those phantoms of monsters with a sword in one hand, and flung out a small wooden carving with the other hand.

The woodcarving thrown out by Master Yunqing is a high-level fairy artifact, which is what Master Yunqing obtained from the legacy of his predecessors.

The wood carving is a small chair, it grows bigger as it flies towards the Yasha demon, and when it reaches the top of the Yasha demon's head, it is already as big as a two-story building.

When fighting monsters before, Master Yunqing didn't use the wood carving fairy weapon, the reason is that those monsters are fighting with him in the air, and the wood carving fairy weapon can only be used as a heavy object to smash, and the real power cannot be displayed in the air . However, the Yasha demon stood on the ground and fought with Master Yunqing, and the magic power of the wooden carving fairy can only play its greatest role against the monster standing on the ground.

A wave visible to the naked eye enveloped the Yaksha demon. At this time, it couldn't fly even if it wanted to, because the gravity released from the wooden carving fairy was acting on it. Moreover, the wooden carving fairy is still falling, once it falls to the ground and traps the Yaksha demon in the space under the chair, as long as Master Yunqing, the owner of the wooden carving fairy, sits on the chair, the Yaksha demon under the chair will quickly It will turn into a puddle of blood.

In the beginning, it didn't take off into the air, and the Yaksha demon suffered from a tactical failure. Now it is affected by the gravity of the wood carving fairy, and it really can't fly, and it can't escape the range covered by the wood carving fairy. However, just because it couldn't escape didn't mean it couldn't resist. It poked the three-pronged fork in its hand on the ground, and the three-pronged fork immediately became bigger, resisting the wooden carved fairy that was pressing down on him.

The wooden carving fairy was resisted by the three-pronged fork of the Yasha demon, but this resistance only slowed down the pressing speed of the wooden carving fairy, and did not allow the Yasha demon to escape from the enveloping range of the wood carving fairy.

At this moment, Master Yunqing had already scattered all the phantoms of the previous monsters, and his sword energy flew towards the Yasha monster again.

Without the three-pronged fork, the Yasha demon can no longer use the phantom of the monster to deal with the real Yunqing, but it still has its chain hook.

"Swoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Yasha demon's chain hook hooked to the ground, and then flung it into the air, this action was completed three times in an instant.

What the Yasha demon hooked was just ordinary ground, but what it threw out were real monsters, and they were the three monsters that Daoist Yunqing met before he met the Yasha demon!

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