The gorgeous mountain fire was extinguished under Master Yunqing's control. In fact, even if he didn't do this, the mountain fire couldn't spread too far. Once the mountain fire spread into the territory of other monsters, those monsters would find a way to suppress the mountain fire. off.

Although the mountain fire was extinguished, the red-eyed stone demon still had flames burning on its body, and its body was made of stone, and it was still crackling as it burned.

Master Yun Qing did not extinguish the flame on the red-eyed stone demon. He wanted the flames to burn the red-eyed stone demon to ashes. He was actually not willing to kill this special monster. This kind of monster doesn't even have inner alchemy, so killing it is a waste of effort.

"Husband is too powerful!"

Seeing Reverend Yun Qing looking at her, Jin Yan hurriedly flattered Reverend Yun Qing.

"Is the lady all right?"

Master Yun Qing smiled, he really had no resistance to Jin Yan's praise, and he didn't say what he wanted to preach.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Jin Yan jumped on the ground twice, proving that she was not injured.

"Where did you bring this monster here?"

Faced with Master Yun Qing's questioning, Jin Yan told Master Yun Qing what happened.

"It seems that you should not act alone, there are too many things we don't understand in the enchantment."

After hearing what Jinyan said, Master Yunqing stroked her hair.

"It's okay, am I fine? Next time I act alone, I just need to be more careful! You see, just like this time, I feel something is wrong, so I will notify you immediately?" Jin Yan flattered.

"Then what do you want to do next?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"I want to go to the cave where the red-eyed stone demon is, and see if I can gain anything!" Jin Yan said.

"You can save Pindao some snacks!"

Master Yun Qing was very helpless: "Even if you want to go there to see it, you have to wait until tomorrow! What if there is still a red-eyed stone demon there? I can't use the 'Fire Phoenix Technique' again in a short time."

"I don't believe it, how could it be so unlucky?"

Jin Yan's adventurous spirit was revived again, and she said something back, and looked at Master Yunqing pitifully: "Husband, if you have to wait until you can perform the 'Fire Phoenix Technique' every time before practicing, Then our progress is too slow!"

"Okay, that poor Taoist will go with you!" Master Yun Qing compromised.

After the red-eyed stone demon was burned to ashes, Jin Yan and Master Yunqing went to the cave where the red-eyed stone demon was.

As for whether it can be found in the cave of the red-eyed stone demon, Master Yunqing does not give any hope. After all, the red-eyed stone demon is a stone monster, and it does not have the possibility of hoarding any ingredients like normal monsters.

However, the result of the trip to the cave surprised Master Yunqing a bit. He and Jin Yan really discovered something in the cave!

Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan found an egg in the cave, and they are currently researching it.

The egg is not a stone egg, it has a normal eggshell, and under the investigation of Master Yunqing's spiritual sense, it is discovered that this egg that has existed in the cave for an unknown period of time is not a dead egg, and there are signs of life in it The presence! That is to say, this is an egg that can be hatched, although Master Yunqing doesn't know what can be hatched from this egg.

"Husband, I want to hatch this egg!" Jin Yan excitedly said.

"You don't even know what kind of egg this is, are you going to hatch it rashly?" Master Yun Qing laughed.

"Anyway, this is the only harvest from our trip to the cave. If we don't hatch it, why don't we fry it and eat it?"

Jin Yan gave Master Yunqing a white look, and then said: "If the creatures inside can be used as spirit beasts, after hatching them, it will be much easier for them to recognize their masters. If the creatures inside are not suitable As a spirit beast, it will be relatively weak when it is first hatched, and we can easily deal with it, and there will be no loss, at most it will be a waste of time."

"Fine! You can hatch if you want!" Master Yun Qing shrugged and smiled.

"What do you mean I can hatch if I want? Naturally, such a difficult task is entrusted to you, my husband!"

Jin Yan gave Reverend Yun Qing a wink, but this time her omnipotent wink didn't have the desired effect, Reverend Yun Qing refused without hesitation.

"Madam, what joke are you making, Pindao is a big man, you let Pindao hatch his eggs?" Yun Qing asked honestly.

"To hatch an egg, you only need to carry the egg with you, and you don't need to make a nest for you to lie down in. Why are you nervous?" Jin Yan laughed.

"No, anyway, Pindao doesn't incubate eggs. If you want to incubate, you can incubate it, and if you don't want to incubate it, you can let it go." Master Yunqing said firmly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Jin Yan laughed, she just wanted to tease Master Yunqing, she didn't really want him to hatch eggs.

"Okay, then I'll hatch the egg! But if the spirit beast in the egg can recognize its owner, you can't be envious, this spirit beast is mine!" Jin Yan said seriously.

"Don't worry! Pindao is not envious, but my lady, don't place too much hope. Pindao feels that the spirit beast in this egg is not very powerful." Master Yun Qing reminded.

"Not being strong is also a spirit beast, I am happy!"

Jin Yan didn't like to listen to Master Yunqing's words, and after she gave Master Yunqing a glance, she was somewhat worried. If you want to have a more elegant posture for hatching eggs, you need to occupy your hands. If the posture for hatching eggs is not elegant, it will not affect the normal experience, as long as you let it stick to the skin.

In the end, Jin Yan still held the egg in her hands, and she and Master Yunqing also decided to stay here for a day first, to hatch the eggs, and to wait for Master Yunqing's true fire power to recover.

According to Master Yunqing's prediction, if the temperature of the Fire Control Art is just right, it will take seven days for the eggs to hatch.

Seven days is not too short for Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing who need to practice, and they don't want to waste their time on hatching eggs. The experience still needs to continue, but Jin Yan can only Followed behind Master Yunqing.

Jin Yan, who was holding the egg in both hands, seemed to be concentrating on hatching, but in fact, her heart was not at peace. Her mind was still replaying the scene where the traces of Tao appeared on the surface of the dark red Ganoderma lucidum.

"Husband, I feel a little strange!"

Jin Yan opened her eyes, which were originally closed, and the traces of Tao that circulated in her brain disappeared.

"Why is it so strange?" Master Yun Qing asked.

Faced with Yun Qing's questioning, Jin Yan told about the traces of Taoism.

"My lady, you mean that the traces of the Tao that keep appearing in your mind are not because you are deeply impressed, but because you are a little out of control?"

After hearing Jin Yan's narration, Master Yun Qing frowned. He had never heard of such a situation before.

"Almost like this."

Jin Yan nodded, and then added: "It's like when I open my eyes now, I can control its appearance, but if I close my eyes, it will keep rolling in my mind."

Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan knew very little about the mysterious realm, so they didn't know that this situation was somewhat similar to a situation that occurred in the mysterious realm.

Immortal cultivators failed to comprehend in the mysterious realm, but it is possible to bring out things from the mysterious realm, just like Qiao Bai back then. He who failed to comprehend in the mysterious realm brought out thunder from the mysterious realm. pattern, thus comprehending the lightning magic.

When Qiao Bai brought out Thunder Lane from the Mysterious Realm, Thunder Lane appeared in front of his eyes and gradually faded away, but Qiao Bai was lucky enough to realize it before Thunder Lane disappeared completely.

Jin Yan was able to see the formation of traces of immortal ingredients, which is actually a great opportunity, so the current situation came about.

"Although I don't know what's going on, it feels like it should be a good thing. What if you realize it because of it?" Master Yun Qing said with a smile.

"I don't think so!"

Jin Yan curled her lips: "This is a trace of the Tao that is very difficult to comprehend! Even if it reappears in my mind repeatedly, I still can't comprehend it! So far I have come into contact with a lot of fairy ingredients , it can be said that I can remember the traces of the Tao of every piece of immortal ingredients, and now as long as I think about it, they will still appear in my mind, but have I realized this? I have not! In fact, not only I am like this, and so are all immortal cultivators. Just like you, my husband, you have come into contact with a lot of immortal ingredients. You must also think of the traces of Tao on those ingredients, but you have not realized it ah!"

What Jin Yan said was the truth, Master Yun Qing didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I think it's a kind of torture. I thought it was nothing if I didn't understand it, but it keeps appearing. It makes me feel like I've been ridiculed." Jin Yan said aggrievedly.

"Okay, don't think about it too much, maybe this feeling will disappear after a while?" Master Yun Qing comforted.

"I hope so!"

Jin Yan closed her eyes again.

Three days passed quickly, and the itinerary of Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan during these three days has always been as planned before.

The battle had just ended, Master Yun Qing was cleaning the battlefield, he took out a fire-attribute inner alchemy from the body of a strange-looking spirit beast.

"Not bad, equivalent to a fire-attribute inner alchemy in the early stage of Jinxian!"

Master Yunqing handed the inner alchemy to Jin Yan. All the gains along the way were placed in Jin Yan's storage belt. She liked the feeling that the storage belt was gradually being filled.

"well enough?"

Seeing that Jin Yan, who had accepted the inner alchemy, was absent-minded, Master Yun Qing stroked her hair.

During the past three days, Jin Yan's life was not good, and the feeling that the traces of Tao kept appearing was still tormenting her.

"Husband, I have a feeling that it is not normal for the traces of Tao to appear continuously." Jin Yan thought for a while.

"Why is it abnormal?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"Just now I suddenly had a feeling that if I can't grasp the trace of the Tao, it will disappear in a few days, and I will miss this opportunity!" Jin Yan said seriously.

"Do you have a clear feeling that this is a chance, not a torture?" Master Yun Qing became serious.

"Yes, I thought it was torture before, but from just now, I suddenly felt it was an opportunity!"

After Jin Yan's words fell to the ground, she closed her eyes again. This move was just to see if the traces of Tao had changed, but who would have thought that it would really be different, and she let out a scream because of this.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Jinyan's scream, Master Yunqing hurriedly asked.

"The traces of Tao are showing signs of disappearing. This process is very slow, but I can feel the difference! Moreover, I also have a feeling that this trace of Tao will not last as long as the previous traces of Tao. Once it's gone, no matter how hard I try, I can't remember what it looked like!"

Hearing what Jin Yan said, Yun Qing said, "I think we should stop practicing in the next few days. You can hatch eggs while observing the traces of Tao. Maybe you can seize this opportunity!"

Jin Yan, who did not refuse Master Yunqing's proposal, found a place to sit down, and closed her eyes again.

Concentrate on observing the traces of Tao in her brain, which will not affect Jin Yan's hatching eggs. The spirit of real fire in her body will help her to do this kind of simple manipulation of constant temperature.

Jin Yan focused on observing the traces of the Tao, and Master Yun Qing set up restrictions and fairy formations around her, and then began to practice beside her.

A day passed, and Jin Yan's excited call interrupted Master Yun Qing's cultivation.

"Is there any progress?" Master Yunqing asked hurriedly.

"Husband, I have an inspiration to seize this opportunity! I think that if I want to seize this opportunity, I must use the dark red Ganoderma lucidum to cook a special food cultivation for myself!"

Jin Yan's words made Master Yun Qing's eyes widen, because Jin Yan has not yet opened the Eye of Dao, and she has not yet created the ability to cultivate food, let alone an unprecedented event.

Looking at Master Yunqing's wide-eyed eyes, Jin Yan explained: "This is not a common feeling. Husband can regard it as a kind of enlightenment when I observed the traces of the Tao. This is not a normal food practice. Create, so don’t worry about what’s going to go wrong!”

"Is that lady going to cook food repair now?" Yun Qing asked honestly.

"It's not enough. Cooking is still lacking an auxiliary material. This auxiliary material is an inner alchemy equivalent to a wood attribute monster in the Golden Immortal Realm!"


Jin Yan's words made Master Yunqing's eyes widen again, they did not have the wood attribute inner alchemy that met the requirements.

"I feel like the Fairy Kitchen shop has been opened for nothing these years! The other four of the five-element inner alchemy, equivalent to the golden fairyland level inner alchemy, have all been handled, but the qualified wood attribute inner alchemy has not been obtained!" Jin Jin Yan sighed.

Master Yun Qing nodded and said: "Lady, what should I do now? Go back and ask for one from the ancestor? There must be a qualified wood-type inner alchemy in the ancestor's place!"

"Forget it! Don't bother me with such things."

Jin Yan rejected Master Yun Qing's proposal. This time she was brought out by Gu Zheng to practice. She, Master Yun Qing and Xiong San had already decided that unless it was absolutely necessary, they would not ask Gu Zheng for help. They also wanted to Self-improvement!

"Trouble depends on the situation! In this case, the trouble is nothing. This is a major matter involving the traces of the Tao. If you don't go to the ancestors, what should you do if you miss this opportunity?" Master Yun Qing worried.

"Anyway, I feel that it will take at least three days for the traces of Dao to completely disappear! We are not too far away from Mr., and if we go all out, we can fly back within a day. So, in the next time, Just work hard, sir, to see if I can find a wood attribute monster that meets the requirements, and I will wait here for my husband."

Jin Yan said it easily, but Master Yun Qing was helpless. Qualified wood attribute monsters are hard to come by, so how could it be possible to find them just by looking for them.

However, after seeing the plea in Jin Yan's eyes, Master Yun Qing couldn't bear to refuse. Anyway, there are three days, if you really can't find it, go back to Gu Zheng, so that you won't miss the opportunity.

"The lady stays here honestly, and the poor will go to find the wood attribute monster that meets the requirements. If something happens, the lady will use the jade talisman to inform me."

After urging Jin Yan a few more words, Master Yun Qing's figure disappeared from Jin Yan's sight.

Without Jin Yan accompanying him, Daoist Yun Qing has less worries, and if there is no delay in gathering food and hunting monsters, he can fly far away in two days.

Master Yun Qing used his divine sense to investigate while flying, and he hoped to find a suitable wood-attribute inner alchemy for Jin Yan within two days.

After Master Yun Qing left, Jin Yan hummed a ditty. In the past few days, her mood had never been as good as it is now.

Now that she has a clear understanding, Jin Yan no longer needs to observe the traces of Tao. She is in a good mood and starts to observe the egg that she has neglected for several days.

Although the egg was left out in the cold by Jin Yan for a few days, Jin Yan also knew that the egg had undergone great changes due to her hatching, and the embryo inside had already taken shape, and she could already tell that this was not a bird's egg. , but an egg of a beast.

A few days ago, Jin Yan's observation of the situation inside the egg was just a quick glimpse, but now that she is observing carefully, she immediately has a special feeling! She felt a kind of joy from the spirit beast in the egg, as if a child who had been left at home for a day suddenly saw his parents who had returned.

Jin Yan was delighted by the different feeling, and this feeling also made Jin Yan sure that once the spirit beast in the egg was hatched, it must be a little guy who could recognize its master.

Jin Yan didn't expect that joy would come one after another. After her spiritual thoughts stayed in the egg for a certain period of time, the spirit beast in the egg grew faster.

"It turns out that this kind of hatching will actually speed up the process of breaking the shell of the spirit beast in the egg compared to the neglected hatching! Then based on the current progress, wouldn't it mean that as long as I focus on one day, the spirit beast in the egg will be able to break open? ? So, I am about to become a cultivator with spirit beasts?"

Jinyan was excited by the new discovery, she decided to pay enough attention to the spirit beast in the egg in the next day, and she wanted to give him a surprise after Master Yunqing came back.

The spirit beast in the egg hatched at an accelerated rate under Jin Yan's attention, and the original prototype became more and more complete during this process. Jin Yan also knew in the process that this spirit beast that was about to break its shell would be A guy with white fur that looks like a raccoon.

However, it is not easy to pay attention wholeheartedly. Except for the rapid change of the spirit beast in the egg, this is actually a relatively boring thing, not to mention that Jin Yan has something on her mind, so after persisting for a long time, Jin Yan Yan could not help being distracted.

"I wonder if my husband has found a suitable inner alchemy of wood attribute?"

"It shouldn't be too easy to find, who made the level of the inner alchemy have specific requirements!"

"If it doesn't work, I can only ask Mr. for help. This is really something that people don't want to do!"

"I still hope that my husband can bring back a qualified wood-attribute inner alchemy! Then I can cook food."

Jin Yan, who was distracted, was talking to herself in her heart, and an indescribable feeling also appeared in her heart, which made her eyes widen.

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