In Jin Yan's view, the indescribable feeling is that the spirit beast that has not yet broken out of its shell is "talking" to her. The so-called "words" are very obscure. Jin Yan can only understand it by feeling that the spirit beast in the egg is telling her Where is her qualified wood attribute inner alchemy?

Jin Yan found it incredible that a spirit beast that hadn't been broken through could 'talk' to her in a strange way, and it even told her where the qualified wood-type elixir was! After all, it is a spirit beast that has not yet hatched! Why does it have such a strange understanding of the world?

No matter how unbelievable Jin Yan thought it was, the feeling of the spirit beast in the egg 'talking' really existed, otherwise she would really think that all this was just her own illusion.

"Can you really know what I'm thinking? There really is a qualified wood-attribute inner alchemy in the place you mentioned? How do you know all this?"

Although Jin Yan could sense the spirit beast in the egg 'talking' to her, she didn't know how to communicate with the spirit beast in the egg. She could only repeat the questions she wanted to know in her heart. If the spirit beast can know that she needs a wood-type inner alchemy like a mind-reader, then it should be able to know the things she wants to ask.

He repeated it in his heart over and over again, but the spirit beast in the egg waited for a cup of tea before 'speaking' to Jin Yan again. However, what the spirit beast in the egg told Jin Yan was just where the qualified wood-attribute inner alchemy was, and it didn't answer Jin Yan's question. Moreover, this exchange also gave Jin Yan another feeling, that is, it is very difficult for the spirit beast in the egg to 'talk' to her, and it is very weak in the process of 'talking'! Because of this, it had to wait for a cup of tea to 'speak' again after it 'speaked' last time.

The doubts in her heart could not be answered, but Jin Yan still decided to let Master Yunqing go to the place mentioned by the spirit beast in the egg to have a look.

Where is the target, and how far is it from the current position? Jin Yan recorded the information that the spirit beast in the egg told her into the Jade Talisman of Communication with immortal power.

Master Yun Qing was still searching for a qualified wood-attribute monster like a needle in a haystack, when the Jade Talisman of Communication on his waist lit up.

Master Yunqing took off the message jade talisman, and couldn't help but frown, because Jin Yan's message was very clear.

"There is such a miracle? It doesn't matter whether it is true or not, anyway, it is blindly looking for it now, so let's go to that place to have a look."

Master Yun Qing murmured in his heart, and his body flew towards the place the spirit beast in the egg said.

The scenery changed rapidly under his feet, Master Yunqing believed in what Danzhong said, because he was not far from his destination, and he saw that the so-called destination was a huge forest, and the canopy area was astonishingly large There are quite a few old trees in the forest, so there is a high probability that there will be qualified wood attribute monsters in such a place.

The specific location of the target was given by the spirit beast in the egg, so Daoist Yunqing did not land at the edge of the forest. He flew towards the center of the forest, and a look of ecstasy soon appeared on his face because he was attacked.

Large pieces of leaves flew towards Master Yun Qing in the air. Their speed was very fast, and the howling sound they caused was sharp and dense. Before they really saw the target, Master Yun Qing had already seen from the first wave of leaves attack, The cultivation base of the target has met the requirements.

Master Yunqing's flight didn't stop, and he, who dispatched the energy of heaven and earth, pressed towards the arrow-like leaves.

The air seemed to become thicker, and the leaves that had been vigorously slowed down in an instant, and began to fall collectively in the next second.


A dull roar resounded in the forest, the old tree with the largest canopy in the forest shook its canopy, and a counter-force of heaven and earth energy diluted Master Yunqing's suppression of the heaven and earth energy on the leaves, those leaves that were about to decompress, He regained his vitality in an instant.

The rejuvenated leaves did not shoot at Master Yunqing again, they condensed in the air, turned into a big green eagle and flapped its wings towards Master Yunqing.

With the flapping of the green eagle's wings, a gust of green wind swept towards Master Yunqing.

At the same time, the trees below grew wildly, and the trunks and branches were like arms, and they violently beat Master Yun Qing.

The resistance of the wood attribute monsters was huge, but to Master Yunqing, these were nothing to fear.

The energy of heaven and earth was once again dispatched by Master Yunqing, and the long sword in his hand erupted into a bright light.

Reverend Yun Qing swung his long sword in the void, and the energy of heaven and earth was driven by his long sword, like a strong wind and sword energy, and counterattacked one after another.

Explosions continued in the air, and a large piece of broken green fell downward.

The body of the old tree in the forest trembled again, and its original body also changed drastically in an instant. It changed from an old tree with a canopy covering the sky to a treant with a height of only two feet.

The treant stomped his feet on the ground, shooting out of the forest like an arrow from the string.

The treant standing in the air stretched out his hand and waved downwards. Several uprooted trees flew into the air, and instantly condensed into a green sharp blade, which was held in its hand.

The sharp blade looked like a sword but not a sword. The tree man pointed it at Master Yunqing, and countless wind blades flew towards Master Yunqing.

That is to say, during the period when the tree man appeared, Master Yunqing had already settled the original resistance, and in the face of the wind blades that came like snowflakes, he launched the 'Fire Dragon Technique'.

The huge fire dragon roared away. Its size was continuously reduced by the wind blade as it approached the tree man, but it still managed to rush to the tree man.

The tree man roared, and the sharp blade in his hand drew the stream of light down. The fire dragon that was charging forward was split in two from the head to the tail by the air wave split by the sharp blade.

"Fire Phoenix Technique!"

Daoist Yun Qing is very dependent on his current trump card, and he doesn't want to waste too much time, so he uses the 'Fire Phoenix Technique' right now.

If only Daoist Yunqing came to practice alone, then he would really delay the use time of his hole cards as if he was fighting to improve his fighting skills. However, he was thinking about completing what Jin Yan entrusted to him, and he had no intention of seeing what other methods the tree man had. He just wanted to get the inner alchemy of the tree man quickly and see Jin Yan's smile quickly.

The power of the 'Fire Phoenix Technique' formed by the power of Tao is naturally beyond the reach of the ordinary 'Fire Dragon Technique'. Its appearance not only makes the air ripple, but also makes the treant who didn't know the fear at first want to escape.

However, Master Yunqing's 'Fire Phoenix Technique' really has the feeling that one move is popular all over the world. Unless the enemy has the strength above the middle stage of Jinxian, otherwise it will be difficult to survive under the influence of the fire phoenix aura. Cast faster than the fire phoenix.

The tree man was hit by the fire phoenix after falling into the forest, and his whole body was on fire so that he stumbled and staggered in the forest.

The tree man's physique is the kind that is more afraid of fire, and the damage that the flame can cause to it is far greater than the damage that the red-eyed stone demon can cause before.

However, this time Master Yunqing used the 'Fire Phoenix Technique' to deal with the treants, there was no misfortune. He had nothing else to do and he concentrated on controlling the flames. Although the treants on fire stumbled in the forest, But there are only trees knocked down by it, and no plants ignited by it.

In a very short time, the treant fell to the ground under the burning of the flames, Master Yunqing let the flames burn for a while before extinguishing it.

The tree man had been burned to death by the flames, and Master Yun Qing, who had taken the inner alchemy, rushed back to report to Jin Yan.

The world is so unpredictable, Master Yun Qing originally thought that there was a high probability that he could not find a qualified wood-type inner alchemy this time, and the task Jin Yan gave him was no less difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. But who would have thought that the spirit beast in the egg would give Jin Yan guidance, and according to this guidance, Master Yunqing really found a suitable wood-attribute inner alchemy.

After seeing Jin Yan, Master Yun Qing was very pleased with Jin Yan's praise, and Master Yun Qing also asked Jin Yan a lot about the spirit beast in the egg. It's a pity that most of Master Yun Qing's questions could not be answered, because after the second time the spirit beast in the egg 'talked' to Jin Yan, it didn't say anything again.

"Is there something wrong with it?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"Probably not, it feels like it's just tired." Jin Yan said firmly.

"Now that I have the inner alchemy of the wood attribute, when will the lady plan to cook food?" Master Yunqing asked again.

"Tomorrow! Anyway, it will break its shell tomorrow, and then I can concentrate on cooking and food repair." Jin Yan said expectantly.

Although the spirit beast in the egg is not talking to Jin Yan, under Jin Yan's attention, it is still growing rapidly, and Jin Yan can also feel the excitement from it that it is about to break out of its shell.

Time passed under Jin Yan's attention, and finally when the spirit beast in the egg was about to break its shell, Master Yun Qing, who was in the state of cultivation, also felt the wave of the spirit beast's about to break its shell. He opened his eyes and looked at it curiously. The spirit beast egg that Jin Yan held in both hands.

The egg shook between Jin Yan's hands, and with a soft 'click' sound, a crack appeared on the eggshell, and a white head pushed under the crack, and the crack became an opening, and its body jumped out of the shell at once. Fly out of the eggshell.

"It's actually able to control the sky!"

Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing almost said in unison, the fact that the spirit beast that just broke out of its shell can control the sky is beyond their expectations.

Under normal circumstances, spirit beasts that can control the sky once their shells are broken, either have the ability to control the sky, or they belong to the level of divine beasts.

"Could it be at the level of a beast?"

Daoist Yunqing's eyes widened. Whether it was before or now, this unknown spirit beast did not give it the feeling of being powerful.

"Maybe it can fly by itself!"

Jin Yan also had the same feeling as Master Yun Qing did, and as soon as she said that, the little beast, who was still curiously looking at the surrounding environment, let out a joyous cry, and flew towards Jin Yan like an arrow. .

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Jin Yan laughed happily, and the little white beast was also on her body, jumping around like a dexterous squirrel.

"You don't even need to wait for me to convey the intention of recognizing the Lord to it, it has already conveyed this intention to me!"

Caressing the white fur of the little beast, Jin Yan looked at Master Yunqing proudly, showing off to Master Yunqing that she was about to become a cultivator with a spirit beast.

"Hurry up and recognize the Lord!"

Master Yun Qing smiled, so he wouldn't envy Jin Yan in this matter, he just wanted to quickly find out what this spirit beast is, and why it had such abilities before it broke its shell.

Jin Yan didn't say anything more, she forced the blood out from her fingertips, and dripped a drop on the black nose of the little white beast.

The little beast's nose seemed to produce a whirlpool, and Jin Yan's blood quickly soaked into it, and the little beast's body trembled slightly.

There was a strange sound in Jin Yan's mind, and she, who recognized the establishment of the master's contract, immediately had a clear understanding of the information about the little beast.

"How?" Daoist Yun Qing hurriedly asked.

"It's gone!"

Jin Yan laughed loudly: "Let's just call the little beast a 'spiritual treasure beast'! It has extraordinary supernatural powers in sensing, and its supernatural powers are usually used to sense powerful enemies and find food. It is still in the eggshell, why it can sense the expectation in my heart, and why it can sense the powerful dryad."

"Sensing strong enemies, looking for food?"

Hearing what Jin Yan said, Master Yun Qing's eyes widened instantly.

"That's right, sensing powerful enemies can help us find inner alchemy, and finding food can also turn into helping us find ingredients! Moreover, it also has a strong sense of another kind of treasure, such as our immortal weapon!"

Seeing how Jin Yan got it, Master Yun Qing couldn't help laughing: "I thought it wasn't strong enough, but I didn't expect its ability in sensing to be so powerful!"


Jin Yan sighed with emotion: "However, it will take another five days to use its ability. It is still relatively weak now, and when it is in the eggshell, it uses its magical powers to sense what I think in my heart." And sensing the direction of the Dryad, this has actually caused some internal injuries to it!"

"It's okay, five days is not a lot of time." Yun Qing said honestly.

"The five days are based on the diet therapy I gave it. Otherwise, it would take at least a month for its internal injuries to recover!" Jin Yan rolled her eyes at Master Yun Qing.


The spirit treasure beast being held by Jin Yan also looked at Master Yun Qing and cried out at this moment, as if to say 'that's it'.

The reaction of the spirit treasure beast made Jin Yan giggle, but Jin Yan, who was smiling, suddenly widened her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the difference in Jin Yan's expression, Master Yun Qing frowned.

"Quick, I have to hurry up and cook Shixiu!"

Jin Yan, who was holding the spirit treasure beast, quickly handed the spirit treasure beast to Master Yunqing.

Master Yunqing took the spirit treasure beast and asked anxiously: "Lady, what's the matter?"

"I just blinked my eyes, and the trace of Dao appeared in my mind again, and a kind of enlightenment also came into my heart!"

Jin Yan was about to cry, she really didn't want to talk now, time was extremely precious to her. However, Master Yunqing is her husband, and facing his impatience, she can only give a detailed explanation to Master Yunqing while busy taking things like kitchen utensils out of the storage belt.

After gaining the enlightenment to comprehend the traces of the Dao through food cultivation, Jin Yan stopped paying attention to the traces of the Dao, and put almost all her thoughts on the matter of hatching the spirit treasure beast.

Jin Yan originally thought that the traces of Tao no longer needed attention, but just now she realized that the two things of realizing the traces of Tao and hatching spirit treasures have one thing in common, that is, they will receive her attention in time Impact!

Jin Yan's attention is enough, so there is a scene where the spirit treasure grows faster and meets her in advance.

Jin Yan didn't pay enough attention to the traces of Dao, and the dissipating time of the traces of Dao was affected. When this effect was obvious enough, the speed of the traces of Dao dissipating would become very fast.

Originally, it would take nearly two days for the traces of Tao to disappear, but now it only takes half an hour to disappear completely! And Jin Yan's enlightenment is that the current weakening of the traces of Tao is affecting her income after comprehension! For example, if the highest income of the trace of Tao is 'ten', then this income is now decreasing as it fades. Might have been turned into a 'three' because of the intensification of the fade, or even lower! After all, after half an hour, it will be time for the traces of Tao to disappear completely, and Jin Yan is only now preparing for cooking and food repair.

"Don't quarrel with the poor lady, please call me if you need anything!"

Up to now, the only thing Master Yun Qing can do is this.

"It's all my fault for taking my care lightly. It's all my fault for thinking that with the enlightenment of cooking and food cultivation, I don't need to keep paying attention to the traces of Tao. If I can continue to pay attention, it won't become what it is now!" Busy Jin Yan said angrily.

"My lady, don't blame yourself so much. You can't say that. If you care enough about the traces of the Tao, how can you speed up the hatching of the spirit treasure beast? Without the accelerated hatching of the spirit treasure beast, how could I find it so quickly?" What about a qualified wood-attribute inner alchemy? As the saying goes, everything has two sides, there are gains and losses!" Master Yun Qing comforted.

"Nonsense! This is obviously a big loss, okay?"

Master Yun Qing's comfort was counterproductive, and Jin Yan who hadn't cried yet was so angry that she cried.

"Lingbao beasts can be hatched later, but the disappearance of the traces of the Tao is an irreparable loss! If we follow our original plan, if we don't get a qualified inner alchemy on the last day, we will ask Mr. for help, so fundamentally Said, Neidan's problem is not a problem!" Jin Yan cried.

"The key is that we don't have the early awareness!" Master Yun Qing whispered.

"What did you say?"

Jin Yan looked at Master Yun Qing with a straight face.

"No, Pindao didn't say anything, Pindao just wanted to remind the lady that she must concentrate on cooking and food cultivation, but don't make mistakes in this matter, or it will be a complete loss!" Yun Qing said with a smile.

"Hmph! I don't care, anyway, if you can't comprehend this time, you have to take full responsibility!"

Jin Yan is relying on Master Yunqing, and Master Yunqing can only smile helplessly at this.

On the surface, the atmosphere seems to have calmed down a bit, but in fact, Jinyan is under a lot of pressure. The cooking method of Shixiu is just an inspiration, and she hasn't had time to think about whether there will be any changes in the process! Even if there are no changes, half an hour will definitely pass more than half of the time for a food repair from processing the ingredients to getting it out of the pot! After all, although the cooking method of food repair is just inspiration, the cooking process of this kind of food repair is not generally time-consuming, which Jin Yan already knew when she got the inspiration.

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