Jin Yan was very excited, and a question also appeared in her mind. Will witnessing the appearance of the traces of the Tao increase her understanding of the traces of the Tao? If it is really possible to increase the comprehension of the traces of the Dao, can I realize the Dao because of it? What a wonderful thing it would be to be enlightened!

Jin Yan's feeling is not wrong, the dark red Ganoderma lucidum has completed its crazy growth, and the traces of Tao began to appear on the surface of the dark red Ganoderma lucidum, the strange lines seemed to be written by an invisible hand.

Jin Yan was a little disappointed. She hoped that the speed of the traces of the Tao would not appear too fast, so that she would have enough time to watch, but the fact is that the time from the appearance of the traces of the Tao to the completion was only a breath at most, and the hasty let She was a little dazed!

The traces of Tao have appeared. The dark red Ganoderma lucidum, which was originally a high-grade ingredient, has now become a fairy ingredient. Jin Yan, who has witnessed all this with her own eyes, is not as lucky as she expected. She has not realized anything. It's just that what happened in that breath of time kept recurring in her mind, so that she seemed to be in a daze.

Just when Jin Yan seemed to be in a daze, a black shadow rushed down from the tree and headed straight for the dark red Ganoderma lucidum.

Jin Yan just seemed to be in a daze, she wasn't really in a daze, so her reaction was also very fast, and a strong wind swayed out when she raised her hand, it was impossible for her to let this fairy food be snatched away.

It seemed to be just a strong wind, but the guy who wanted to snatch the dark red Ganoderma lucidum didn't dare to ignore it. Its downward rush stopped quickly, and it jumped from the tree trunk to a distant branch, avoiding the strong wind attack.

The guy who wanted to grab the dark red ganoderma was about the size of a cat, his body looked like a squirrel, but his head was as wretched as a mouse.

Not grabbing the dark red Ganoderma lucidum, the mouse monster stood on the branch and squeaked strangely.

The appearance of the mouse monster was not a surprise to Jin Yan. She had already discovered that there was such a mouse monster living in this tree when she used her spiritual sense to detect it before, but the mouse monster did not find her spiritual sense to detect it. , so she also believed that the strength of the mouse monster was not good enough, so she didn't take it seriously. Looking at it now, the strength of this mouse monster is indeed not very good. A strong wind made it dodge quickly, and it was still screaming on the branches and dared not come down.

"Go away!"

Jin Yan has no intention of killing such a monster, and the inner alchemy in its body is not of much value.

Another gust of wind blew over Jin Yan, as long as the mouse monster rolls away obediently, otherwise Jin Yan wouldn't mind killing it.

Facing the strong wind that hit again, the mouse monster did not dodge like last time, it rushed down against the strong wind, as if it was sent to death.

However, the mouse monster did not die. The strong wind passing over its body was like sweeping the air, and it was already very close to the dark red Ganoderma lucidum.

Jin Yan frowned, and hit another place with her palm.


There was a sound, and the place attacked by Jin Yan seemed to be empty, but in fact, the real body of the mouse monster was blown away. The mouse monster that was rushing down against the strong wind was just A phantom of the mouse monster, Jin Yan was not hidden from this.

However, Jin Yan still underestimated the mouse monster. Although she knocked out the real body of the mouse monster, she didn't care about the phantom of the mouse monster, so that the mouse monster instantly switched from reality to reality. The dark red Ganoderma lucidum has been harvested by the phantom of the mouse monster.

"court death!"

Jin Yan, who originally wanted to let the mouse monster go, was furious. Since this guy has the ability to switch between virtual and real, it means that its strength is not as low as it was initially thought, and it has already met Jin Yan's standard for hunting monsters.

The energy of heaven and earth was dispatched in Jin Yan's Jiao Zha, forming an oppressive effect on the mouse monster. The mouse monster who wanted to escape with the fiery red Ganoderma lucidum was immediately affected, and its originally agile figure also slowed down.


The rat screamed strangely, and it was very anxious under the pressure of the energy of heaven and earth.

Jin Yan's flick of a finger was followed by the oppression of the energy of heaven and earth, and a spot of celestial power shot out by her hit the mouse monster's head like a shooting star.

The mouse monster can switch between virtual and real, and what Jin Yan's immortal power hits is no longer its real body, but its phantom is wiped out by Jin Yan, and the dark red ganoderma is also taken into Jin Yan's hands.

After getting the dark red Ganoderma lucidum, Jin Yan frowned tightly, and her anger also soared in her heart. The dark red Ganoderma stayed in the hands of the mouse monster for a while, but it was originally a fairy food ingredient, but now it is already It has been downgraded to a high-grade ingredient, and the traces of Tao on it have disappeared!

The traces of Tao on the dark red Ganoderma lucidum disappeared, this must be the work of the mouse monster, but at this time the mouse monster was no longer in Jin Yan's sight.

Jin Yan has never seen a monster that can switch between reality and reality before. She just heard it mentioned by Gu Zheng, but among the monsters that can switch between reality and reality mentioned by Gu Zheng, none of them can be as powerful as the mouse monster. Switching back and forth between reality and reality.

"I want to see where you can go!"

Jin Yan was very angry at this time, and she didn't have any comprehension when the traces of Tao appeared, which would not make her angry, who made it difficult to comprehend the traces of Tao! Thinking about it in another way, I didn't understand the traces of Dao, but it can be regarded as a fairy food with traces of Dao, which is also a beautiful thing. However, due to her carelessness, the traces of the Dao on the ingredients of the immortal product were lost by the rat monster she had underestimated before. How could she not be angry? She is not a person with a good temper .

The mouse monster is not within Jin Yan's sight, but Jin Yan has its aura, and she believes that she can find the mouse monster's location with divine thoughts.

The dao trace on the dark red Ganoderma lucidum was indeed taken away by the mouse monster. At this time, the dao trace echoed in the mouse monster's mind.

The reason why the rat monster settled on that big tree was because of the dark red Ganoderma lucidum. Although its intelligence was not very high, it knew that the Ganoderma lucidum would show traces of the Tao! This is an opportunity for it to improve to a higher level, so there is the scene where it "snatches food from the tiger's mouth".

The mouse monster didn't escape very far, it hid itself in a tree hole, and it had to seize the time to comprehend the traces of the Tao in its mind in order to make a breakthrough.

Although the rat monster hides its body, it doesn't have the ability to hide its aura, so Jin Yan's divine sense quickly detected its hiding place. Moreover, like last time, the mouse monster did not discover Jinyan's spiritual detection.

The mouse monster didn't discover Jin Yan's spiritual investigation, and a question also posed in front of Jin Yan, whether she wanted to use her divine sense to sneak attack the mouse monster, or catch the mouse monster and search for its soul.

If she uses her divine sense to sneak attack the mouse monster, then she will have to re-separate the divine sense light spots that can be used to attack, but if she uses the divine sense light spots to attack the mouse monster, the result will be out of control, and the mouse monster may be attacked by the divine sense. The characteristics of the light spot were decomposed, which made her lose the chance to search for the soul of the rat monster.

But if she went to catch the mouse monster in person, Jin Yan felt that although the mouse monster couldn't detect her divine sense, she would definitely be able to perceive her in advance, and it would take some hands and feet to catch the mouse monster.

"Let's spend some effort! Since this guy can steal the traces of the Dao, it's unknown if he can find something special by searching for his soul!"

Now that she had made a decision, Jin Yan immediately flew towards the tree hole where the mouse monster was hiding.

The mouse monster had indeed sensed Jin Yan's approach in advance, and when it was sure that Jin Yan was coming towards it, it turned into a stream of light and smashed through the tree trunk and rushed out.

Jin Yan had long been on guard against the mouse monster's escape, and the energy of heaven and earth immediately pressed towards it.

The mouse monster screamed, all the fur on its body exploded, and its body instantly swelled like a balloon. Just when Jin Yan thought it was about to shoot out the hair, its body shrank instantly like a leak. With this special change, it actually broke through the oppression of Jin Yan's energy from heaven and earth, and flew into the distance like a meteor.

"Damn it!"

Jin Yan cursed secretly, through fighting against the mouse monster, she had already determined that the mouse monster's strength was at most equivalent to the realm of transforming gods, but even such a monster had repeatedly broken free from the blockade of her heaven and earth energy.

"I want to see how many times you can break free!"

Jin Yan, who was chasing, sneered. She could see from the trembling body of the mouse monster when it escaped, that the mouse monster had paid a high price for escaping from her world energy blockade just now.

The mouse monster did pay the price for escaping from Jin Yan's blockade of the world's energy. If Jin Yan oppressed it again, it would be able to use the same escape method just now at most.

Jin Yan is full of anger towards the mouse monster, and the mouse monster is also the same towards Jin Yan. It doesn't matter if the things that originally belonged to it are plundered by Jin Yan, but Jin Yan is still chasing it fiercely, and it must let Jin Yan Yan had to pay the price, even if it would die because of it.

With the purpose of making Jin Yan pay the price, the mouse monster ran towards a special place on the mountain.

Jin Yan's knowledge of this mountain is very shallow, and her knowledge comes from the spiritual investigation of Master Yunqing, but Master Yunqing's spiritual investigation is not comprehensive, and he does not know that the stone monster on this mountain is actually There are two! It's just that the other stone monster stays in a special place and is in a special state. As for the stone monster that was killed by Master Yunqing, because it didn't have such a thing as a brain, it naturally couldn't be searched for its soul. Naturally, Master Yunqing and Jin Yan didn't know that there was still danger on this mountain that hadn't been eliminated. .

The mouse monster was pulled closer by Jin Yan again, and Jin Yan once again used the energy of heaven and earth to oppress it, and it escaped again at the cost of suffering backlash.

Once again escaping the oppression of Jinyan's world energy, the mouse monster's body trembled even more, and the time for Jinyan to catch up with it would also be shortened. However, the mouse monster was not far from its destination, and it spit out its inner alchemy towards the destination.

The mouse monster is an earth attribute monster. After spitting out its khaki-yellow alchemy, the light flickered, and the ground that looked plain at first cracked, and a big hole appeared. The mouse monster burrowed into the hole without any hesitation. middle.

Jin Yan frowned, and after the hidden hole was opened by the mouse monster, she quickly felt the aura of the monster, which let her know that there were other monsters in this cave.

Jin Yan's temperament is sometimes like a man's. Her adventurous spirit is higher than that of ordinary female cultivators. The hesitation in her heart is only a moment.

There is an advantage in using divine thoughts instead of the deity to chase the mouse monster, that is, if the divine thoughts are destroyed by the monsters in the cave, Jin Yan herself will suffer the backlash at best, and her life will not be in danger. However, there is also a disadvantage of chasing mouse monsters with divine thoughts, that is, the main body cannot follow up in time, and can only kill the fleeing mouse monsters, and cannot control the soul search as originally intended.

For Jin Yan, whether she can search for the soul of the mouse monster is not important anymore, she just wants to kill this annoying mouse monster now and then hurry up.

Not long after Jin Yan's divine sense chased into the cave, she realized that the mouse monster didn't need her to kill it, because the mouse monster had already been caught in the hands of a stone monster.

The stone monster is a humanoid monster. It looks like a rough stone sculpture. It looks very similar to the stone monster that was eliminated before. The only difference is that it has a pair of blood-red eyes that the previous stone monster did not have.

The red-eyed stone demon grabbed the mouse monster and just squeezed it, and the mouse monster exploded into a blood mist. Seeing that the mouse monster was dead, Jin Yan wanted to exit the cave with a light of divine sense. Can kill this red-eyed stone demon.

It's a pity that the red-eyed stone demon has already discovered Jin Yan's light spot of spiritual thoughts. It swung its arm forward, and an earth wall was formed on the ground to seal the cave. Jin Yan's light spot of spiritual thoughts hit the earth wall, It doesn't mean that the earth wall will not be decomposed, but the speed of decomposition is very slow.

Using the earthen wall to hold back Jin Yan's light spot, the red-eyed stone demon's eyes emitted a red light. The red light was so peculiar that the light spot Jin Yan was avoiding slammed into it as if sent to the door.


Jin Yan herself let out a muffled groan, and she lost her mind as her head ached, and her divine thoughts were wiped out by the red light of the red-eyed stone demon!

The trance was only for a short time, and when Jin Yan woke up from the trance, the red-eyed stone demon had already rushed out of the cave, and Jin Yan's first reaction was to call out to Daoist Yunqing.

Jin Yan's shout pierced the night sky, Master Yun Qing, who was already uneasy because of Jin Yan's departure, rushed out like an arrow.

Jin Yan wouldn't stand still in place, she called out to Daoist Yun Qing, and immediately ran towards the way she came from, while the red-eyed stone demon chased after her.

Fortunately, Jin Yan entered the cave with her spiritual thoughts before, and her real self was not too close to the cave, which allowed her to wait for the rescue of Daoist Yun Qing while she was running for her life. When Master Yun Qing saw Jin Yan, the red-eyed stone demon was not too far away from Jin Yan. Jin Yan, who was fleeing, carefully avoided the red-eyed stone demon's red light, and the distance was also being continuously shortened by the red-eyed stone demon.

I didn't have time to ask Jin Yan why, there is still a stone monster on this mountain, and the night sky has been illuminated by the 'fire dragon technique' performed by Master Yunqing.

The fire dragon rammed towards the stone monster. This kind of fire-type fairy art works well against the last stone monster, but it doesn't work against the red-eyed stone monster. After the red light from the red-eyed stone monster's eyes hit the fire dragon, the galloping fire dragon Immediately fixed in the air, showing a gradual annihilation trend.

The 'Fire Dragon Technique' had no effect on the red-eyed stone demon, so Master Yunqing thrust his sword at the red-eyed stone demon with a rainstorm of sword energy.

The sword energy stabbed by Master Yunqing is all aimed at the eyes of the red-eyed stone demon. Since its eyes are so special, let's blind them first.

Facing the sword energy pierced by Master Yunqing, the red-eyed stone demon's eyes once again emitted red light, but this time the red light was no longer the kind that could be shot out, but made its eyes dazzled with red light, the more intense the light It's as long as a foot.

All the sword energy that touched the red light disappeared without a trace, but Master Yunqing's sword energy continued, and under this kind of offensive, the red light that was originally one foot long was gradually shrinking in size. The red light disappeared completely, and the sword energy could penetrate the eye sockets of the red-eyed stone demon.

Naturally, the red-eyed stone demon didn't want Master Yunqing's plan to succeed, it opened its mouth and let out a roar, an earth dragon broke out from the ground immediately, and rushed towards Master Yunqing in the air in the posture of a rising dragon.

Master Yunqing already knew from the fight that this red-eyed stone demon was stronger than the one that was eliminated during the day. If he wanted to win against such a monster, he would have to delay for a while without using a big move.

Master Yun Qing didn't want to procrastinate any longer, he still wanted to ask Jin Yan if she was okay, so he launched the 'Fire Phoenix Technique' on the red-eyed stone demon.

As soon as the majestic fire phoenix appeared, the red-eyed stone demon immediately began to flee. It could deal with the ordinary "fire dragon technique" of Master Yunqing, but it couldn't deal with the "fire phoenix technique" launched by Master Yunqing with the power of Tao. ', the rising phoenix gave it a strong sense of crisis.

The fire phoenix was very fast, and the red-eyed stone demon was caught up within a short distance. At the same time as the strange cry sounded in the air, it also fell downwards with its whole body on fire.

The red-eyed stone demon is finished, it is surrounded by the flames of the true fire, it is only a matter of time before it dies. However, the earth dragon it launched before is still entangled with Master Yunqing in the air.


Daoist Yun Qing didn't want to fight the earth dragon either, he just wanted to get rid of the earth dragon quickly so as to calm down the misfortune caused by using the 'Fire Phoenix Technique'.

Master Yunqing struck the earth dragon's neck with a sword of ten percent strength. The huge earth dragon was beheaded by this sword, and it disintegrated into loess and floated downward.

Daoist Yunqing was suspended in the air, and the spirit of the true fire of life in his body was shaking.

Immortal cultivators have the ability to control the power of fairy art, and it is precisely because of this ability that it is supposed to be a fighting method that will cause landslides and earth torn apart, so it does not cause too much damage to the environment. Those who cause too much damage to the environment Fighting skills, either on purpose, or because of special circumstances, it is impossible to control the power of the fairy art.

Just like just now, if Master Yunqing was not entangled by the earth dragon, then the plants on the ground would not burn because of the appearance of the fire phoenix, because the power of the fire phoenix is ​​under the control of Master Yunqing.

Immortal Yunqing couldn't have two purposes, so the power of the fire phoenix couldn't be controlled, and the high temperature would wantonly cause damage to everything around him. Just in this extremely short period of time, the shocking mountain fire had already spread. Come.

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