Under the cover of night.

Wang Hao secretly watched.

The sound of golden bells rang out, and the flames of war were raging!

Judging from the current situation of both sides, no one is in a better position than him!

The soldiers of Changshui Camp are attacking the camp with all their might.

But the Yellow Turbans seemed to have been prepared, with the gates of the camp closed tightly and bows and crossbows fired at once!

For a while!

The soldiers of Changshui Camp were unable to advance an inch.

Although Wang Hao didn't know how many times they had been defeated.

But judging from the corpses lying in front of the camp, it was probably at least seven or eight times.

You know, Changshui Camp is the elite of the Northern Army, well-equipped and well-trained.

But even so, they still suffered such a big loss!

No wonder!

Lu Zhi didn't dare to attack easily at the beginning.

Although the Yellow Turbans are a bunch of mud legs, they can balance the advantages of both sides by guarding the camp, firing bows and crossbows at once, and making up for their shortcomings with their strengths.

"Isn't Changshuiying an elite unit?"

Zhao Feng glanced at the battlefield and sneered,"How come we can't even capture a small Yellow Turban camp? They usually say we are just a miscellaneous unit. This time, we will let them know how powerful we are!"


Zhao Feng turned his head and asked,"What should we do now?"

Wang Hao waved his hand:"Don't worry, wait for Gao Lan to come back!"

After a while.

Gao Lan came back in the darkness.

Wang Hao asked anxiously:"Have you found out clearly?"

Gao Lan nodded:"Yes, I have found out clearly. The food and grass are stored behind their camp, and there are more than ten horses. Let's go over here and set fire to the food and grass. The Yellow Turbans will definitely be in chaos!"

"How is the guard situation?" Wang Hao continued to ask

"Sima, don't worry!" Gao Lan replied,"The main forces are in front of the camp, and there is only one team in the rear, less than a hundred people!"

"This is really a godsend opportunity!"

Wang Hao was secretly delighted and immediately ordered:"In this battle, we will mainly focus on harassment, and leave the killing of the enemy to Changshui Camp as much as possible. We must not get into trouble, understand?"

"Got it!"

Zhao Feng and Gao Lan nodded.


Wang Hao reminded again:"The roar must be loud, even if the voice is hoarse, it is necessary to let the guys in the fifth battalion of the Northern Army know who saved them at the critical moment!"

Gao Lan clenched his teeth:"Sima, don't worry, I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Zhao Feng also nodded:"Let's see if they dare to mock us in the future!"

Wang Hao waved his hand:"Let's go!"

The two:"Yes!"

In fact!

Wang Hao didn't want to deliberately provoke them.

He was afraid that after the battle, these guys would collectively refuse to admit that it was Wang Hao who helped them, then wouldn't he have worked in vain?

Only by exposing his family first can he firmly lock the merit of the war on himself!

Da! Da! Da!

The sound of horse hooves rolled in.

Wang Hao raised his gun and jumped on his horse, rushing straight to the back of the camp.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

From the side, two divine arrows whistled. The two yellow turbans guarding the camp gate fell down in response.

At the same time, Wang Hao rushed over on his horse, and the black iron cold spear suddenly raised above his head, and with a move of Overlord Shattering Mountains and Rivers, he slammed into the gate.


The gate suddenly opened.

Wang Hao rushed in on horseback, using the Overlord Gale Stab to pierce, stab, or pick, killing left and right. The surrounding Yellow Turban soldiers were all focused on the battle in front, not expecting the God of Killing to come from behind.

At this moment!

Wang Hao killed seven or eight people in succession!


Experience +2000;

Advanced Lancer Battle (897/3000);


Experience +2000;

Advanced Lancer Battle (907/3000);......

"Under the command of the General of the Northern Army, the Sima Wang Hao of the other army is here!"

"Brothers, follow me and kill!"

Wang Hao rode in front, followed by Gao Lan and Zhao Feng.

The four hundred local warriors behind him filed in.

As they ran, they searched for bonfires to light food and grass, and kept shouting hysterically:

"Sima Wang Hao of the other army is here, Yellow Turban rebels, accept your death!"

"Under the command of the General of the Northern Army, the Sima Wang Hao of the other army is here!"

"I am Wang Hao, the Yellow Turban rebels, don’t run away!"


As the fire started in the rear camp, hysterical roars instantly spread throughout the camp!

The Yellow Turban general Fuyun, who was directing the battle, was stunned.

He turned his head and looked back, but saw flames rising into the sky. It was obvious that someone had attacked the rear camp!

"Sima Wang Hao of another army?"

Fuyun secretly thought that it was not good, and made a prompt decision, and ordered:"Chen Sanxi, Li Niudan, quickly take your men to the rear camp, no matter what method you use, you must stop the enemy for me!"

The two shouted:"Yes!"

""Brothers, follow me!"


At least five or six hundred people evacuated the camp gate.

The Changshui school lieutenant who was attacking the Yellow Turbans was also stunned.

He really didn't expect!

At this critical moment, someone actually raided the Yellow Turbans' rear camp?

Could it be arranged by Lu Zhonglang?

He listened attentively.

Faintly, a voice sounded:

"Under the command of the General of the Northern Army, the Sima Wang Hao of the other army is here!"

"Don't run, bandits! Wang Hao is here!"


"Damn it!"

Lieutenant Changshui cursed inwardly,"Why is he here?"

Although he was puzzled, the opportunity was fleeting. Even if Lieutenant Changshui was unhappy, he did not dare to joke with the lives of his brothers.

At that moment, he did not hesitate, and with a clang, he drew his sword from its sheath:

"Soldiers, listen up!"

"The reinforcements have raided the Yellow Turbans' rear camp!"

"Attack with all your might, and make sure you take down the camp!"

Suddenly, the morale of the Changshui Camp soared:


This roar!

It was like a thunderclap in the sky.

The soldiers of Changshui Camp, who had been suppressed for a long time, rushed up with their weapons like wolves, howling!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Yellow Turban Camp was hit hard and was about to collapse!


Still need 2000+ flowers, 15 updates on the first day of listing!

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