
Yellow Turban Camp.

Central Army, Main Tent. Zhang Jiao

, who was staring at the map in deep thought, suddenly turned his head and frowned slightly:

"What did you say? Lu Zhi withdrew the cavalry camp?"

Zhang Liang smiled and nodded:

"That's right! It's been taken down!"

"Brother, he must have gone to rescue King Ganling!"

"I told you, Lu Zhi would never ignore the Han royal family!"

"He can’t bear that responsibility!"

Zhang Liang was overjoyed, took a small step forward, and said tentatively:"Brother, you said before that if Lu Zhi withdraws the front-line troops, even if it is just the Tunqi Camp or one of the Changshui Camps, we can launch a full-scale attack!"

"Now the chance has come!"

Zhang Liang rubbed his hands, eager to try:"I wonder when you are ready to attack, brother?"

At that moment, the general Zhang Yan stepped sideways, bowed and saluted, saying:"General, I am willing to be the vanguard to attack the court officials!"

Another general Lei Gong flashed out and said in a sonorous voice:"I am Lei Gong, please go into battle!"

"I, Fuyun, request to go into battle!"

"And I, General Zhang Baiqi, request to go into battle!"


There was a lot of noise.

The generals in the tent requested to fight one after another.

But at this moment, Zhang Jue hesitated.

He didn't know why, but he always felt something was wrong.

If Lu Zhi really cared about Ganling King Liu Zhong, why didn't he send someone to Ganling before?

You know, the Tunqiying can rush to Ganling in less than a day if they gallop their horses.

Although it is reasonable to withdraw troops to rescue now, Zhang Jue always feels a little awkward.

Would a person like Lu Zhi really be so passive?

Just a Ganling King, is he really so valuable to Lu Zhi?

Is there any conspiracy?

If I miss this opportunity, will I really have no chance of turning the tables?......

A series of questions suddenly flooded into Zhang Jiao's mind.

He needed to weigh the pros and cons before making the final decision.

""Brother, what are you still hesitating about?"

Zhang Liang really couldn't understand his brother's hesitation:"This is a God-given opportunity for you, brother. As long as we defeat Lu Zhi, we can march straight into Luoyang, kill the dog emperor, and create a peaceful and prosperous era!"

"General, give the orders!"

"We are willing to follow the general until death!"


At this moment, the generals in the tent were already boiling with passion and filled with righteous indignation.

They were always ready to fight for a peaceful and prosperous world, even if it meant sacrificing their lives!

Zhang Jue weighed the pros and cons for a long time and decided that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should not be missed.


The necessary embankments must not be missing!


Finally, Zhang Jue made up his mind, turned his head and looked at everyone:"All soldiers, listen to my orders!"

All the generals in the tent bowed in unison:"Yes!"

"Where is Zhang Yan?"

"The end is here!"

"I order you to lead all the troops under my command to storm the Northern Army camp at the end of the Yin hour and the beginning of the Mao hour today. There must be no mistake!"


"Where is Thunder God?"

"The end is here!"......

After arranging the generals,

Zhang Jue turned his head and looked at the man beside him:"Guan Hai!"

Guan Hai stepped forward and said:"I am here!"

He was Zhang Jue's personal guard!

According to common sense, it would not be the personal guards' turn to fight in such a battle, but Zhang Jue still called his name.

"This battle!"

"I always feel a little uneasy."

Zhang Jue frowned and exhaled:"Just in case, I need you to do something."

Guan Hai clasped his hands and said:"General, please give me your orders!"


Zhang Jue nodded:"After Zhang Yan leads his troops away, you take all the Yellow Turban warriors and hide in the military camp. If Lu Zhi really attacks the camp at night, you will light a fire to warn him. Don't make any mistakes!"

Guan Hai:"Yes!"

Zhang Jue instructed again:"Zhang Yan, as soon as you see the fire, you must return to help immediately, and cooperate with Guan Hai to try your best to eliminate this group of invading enemies!"

Zhang Yan bowed and saluted:"Yes!"

"The rest of the generals, hold the camp and wait for dawn!"



In the evening.

The night was getting darker.

Quzhou, outside the city.

Zhao Feng arrived earlier than scheduled.

This was because most of the Yellow Turbans had gone to Baiyun Township to find Wang Hao.

Along the way, there were basically no obstacles.

Even if there were a small group of Yellow Turbans, they were easily eliminated by Zhao Feng.

The army joined together.

Zhao Feng took off the Yellow Turban disguise on his head and said softly:

"Sima, what should we do now?"

Wang Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air, looking a little disappointed:

"What else can I do?"

"Let's go, escort the King of Ganling back to the camp."

Zhao Feng seemed to realize something, and didn't say anything more, just nodded:"That's fine."

Taking advantage of the night, the group headed straight for the Northern Army camp.

Not far away.


Gao Lan pointed to the northwest:"Sima, look, it's a fire!"

Wang Hao looked up:"Is it the Yellow Turban camp?"

Gao Lan and Zhao Feng said at the same time:"Sima, there is a war!"

Wang Hao did not hesitate and directly ordered:

"Where are Li Le and Tie Niu?"

"The end is here!"

"I order you two to take a team of soldiers and escort Prince Ganling back to the military camp. There must be no mistakes!"

"" Yes!"

After saying that, Wang Hao turned his head and looked at Liu Zhong:"Your Highness, this place is not far from the Northern Army camp. I'm sorry that I can't see you off."

Liu Zhong looked at the Yellow Turban camp where the war was raging:"I knew your heart was not here!"

"Don't worry!"

Liu Zhong patted Wang Hao on the shoulder and said,"I have said that I will not drag you down, but I have something to say to you. If you can kill one of Zhang Jiao's three brothers and avenge me, I will personally come to you to ask for credit!"

Wang Hao bowed and said,"I will do my best!"

Liu Zhong nodded,"Okay! Then I will leave!"

Looking at the figure of Liu Zhong and his team leaving.

Wang Hao let out a long breath, took out the black iron cold spear under the saddle, and said sternly:


"Let’s go and give him a fuck!"


Request flowers~~~

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