
A cold light flashed, and blood flew.

Wang Hao pierced the yellow turban's neck with a spear, and then swung it violently, and the corpse flew out, knocking down a group of soldiers who were holding knives and killing them.

The soldiers from the front camp came to support!

Wang Hao judged it at the first time!


There aren't that many soldiers!

It seems that the Yellow Turban commander only wants to stop him, not to annihilate him, and his mind is still focused on Changshuiying.

Wang Hao can leave, and there won't be too much loss of soldiers, or even zero casualties.

But if Changshuiying can't break through the Yellow Turban camp, his hard work will be in vain.


Wang Hao did not hesitate and gave a sonorous order:

"Zhao Feng, Gao Lan!"

"Hold on a little longer to buy time for Changshuiying."

The two men answered in unison:"Yes!"


Gao Lan rushed forward with a spear in his hand:"You bastards, die!"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Gao Lan fired his spears one after another, as fast as lightning.

It seemed like just a moment!

Four or five yellow turbans in front of him fell to the ground and died on the spot.

During this period of time, Gao Lan's strength has been improved again.

The force has risen from 78 points to 80 points.

You know!

80 points of force has reached the threshold of a second-rate general.

Although Gao Lan is not very old now, his strength cannot be underestimated!

In comparison, although Zhao Feng is a little weaker, his force has also increased from 55 points to 60 points, reaching the threshold of a second-rate general.

He has an iron spear in his hand. If he doesn't make a move, it's a killing move!

After seven or eight Yellow Turban bandits fell in succession, they were already frightened by Zhao Feng's power and dared not step forward.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The three of them fought together and dominated the palm-sized rear camp.

For a while!

The Yellow Turbans who came to rescue were killed and left their armors and helmets behind.

Many people simply fled back to the front camp!


They felt that compared with the Changshui Camp soldiers in the front camp, it seemed that the soldiers in the rear camp were more decisive and terrifying!


Not long after, another group of soldiers came from the front camp.

This time, there were obviously more soldiers than last time, and their fighting power seemed to be even stronger!

Wang Hao achieved his goal, and without hesitation, he immediately gave the order:

"Zhao Feng, Gao Lan!"

"Pass the order down and retreat slowly!"

"Remember, take all the war horses with me!"

The two men said in a sonorous voice:"Yes!"

Horses are good things!

Slow horses can transport food; war horses can go into battle;

Wang Hao is so good at living, how can he miss this treasure of horses.

Gao Lan said bluntly:"Don't worry, Sima, I have already arranged it!"

Wang Hao shouted:"Okay! Let's go!"

At that moment!

Zhao Feng led the troops in front and commanded the retreat.

Wang Hao and Gao Lan led the elite troops to cover the rear, and they cooperated very well

"Damn it! Want to retreat? Not that easy!"


The fierce Yellow Turban soldiers raised their swords and shouted:"The commander has ordered us to kill them all. Follow me and kill them!"

The Yellow Turbans shouted:"Kill them!"~~~~"

A huge crowd of Yellow Turbans immediately poured out of the camp.

Under the cover of night.

They actually dared to come out of the camp to chase and kill!

Although, Wang Hao would not be stupid enough to turn around and fight again.

But he could take the opportunity to practice archery and cavalry. Anyway, even if he missed, he would have an excuse and reason, and he would not be embarrassed.

At that moment, he did not hesitate, changed his gun to take the bow, and put the arrow on the string!


The bow was pulled to the full moon.

Wang Hao took a long breath and tried to adjust his posture to keep steady.


The arrow flew out like a star.

Although Wang Hao could not see the trajectory of the arrow, he saw with his own eyes that the soldier he aimed at did not fall down.


I missed!

Wang Hao was wondering.


The system sounded.


Experience +2000;

Primary Archery Battle (246/1000);


How come the proficiency increased?

And it increased by 10 points at once. This is clearly the effect of killing with one arrow.

Could it be that.........

His arrow didn't hit the person he was aiming at, but instead killed the Yellow Turban behind him?~~~

Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

It's true, there is such a possibility!

Thinking of this!

Wang Hao continued to put the arrow on the string.


Another arrow whizzed out.

Primary Archery Battle (251/1000); this time there is no experience bonus, which proves that no one was shot dead.


At least he hit the target.

And there was a 5-point experience bonus.

Although it was small, it was much faster than if he hit the target!

After all, even if he hit the target, there was only a 1-point proficiency bonus!

It seems that the proficiency bonus has nothing to do with who you aim at, but only with whether you hit the target or not.

At the same time, a flash of inspiration came to Wang Hao's mind.

Since it has nothing to do with aiming.


He could just set up a bunch of targets and shoot like crazy.

If he could hit the target 800 times, wouldn't his proficiency in archery and cavalry warfare be maxed out?

Wang Hao was secretly happy!

What a BUG!

He wanted to give himself a thumbs up and shout 666

"Yellow Turban bandits!"

"Take my arrow!"

Wang Hao shot another arrow without hesitation.


Experience +2000;

Primary Archer Cavalry Battle (261/1000);......


Experience +4500;

Primary Archer Cavalry Combat (271/1000);......


This rhythm!

It’s so cool!


Flowers are not enough for 60,000; the author overestimated himself.

But there will be 10 updates on the first day of the release, that's for sure!

The author is writing and saving the manuscript!

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