This lich needs more money

Chapter 92 The Elves’ Forced Relocation

Pure-blood elves with blond hair and blue eyes are very rare in the Nine Kingdoms.

The elves have long lifespans, are born with strong physical skills and powerful spell-casting talents, and most of them are beautiful in appearance. It can be said that they are a race favored by the gods.

It's just that they generally live semi-closed in Silvermoon Highgarden, with little contact with the outside world.

The ones people usually encounter most are half-elves or drow elves from the Underdark.

Cicero is a pure-blooded high elf. He has long, smooth golden hair and a slender body, but compared to other elves, his eyes are a bit too sharp. This makes Cicero's temperament less elegant and more aggressive.

At this time, he was sitting in front of the Porcupine Knight, staring at the lord with sharp eyes.

Even a porcupine who could fight a gryphon on his own felt very uncomfortable when faced with Cicero's aggressive eyes. He felt like the prey being stared at by a falcon.

The porcupine knight was irritated by his stare. If he hadn't seen that these elves were all wearing the costumes of Silvermoon Highgarden, the porcupine knight would have been ready to give the order to see off the guests.

Now that the Alchemy City has been destroyed, these little lords have lost their backers. They naturally dare not offend a powerful kingdom like Silver Moon High Court, so the Porcupine Knight can only politely ask them to sit down, and then ask: " Lord Cicero, what is the purpose of your late night visit?"

Cicero opened his mouth and said with a magnetic voice: "Mr. Lord, I believe you have understood that the Alchemy City has been destroyed and this land has become a no-owner's land. I don't know how you are going to deal with the next chaotic situation."

The Porcupine Knight retorted: "What is the Borderlands? I am the legal lord of this land."

Cicero chuckled and said to the Porcupine Knight: "Your legal authority comes from the recognition of the Alchemy City, and now that the Alchemy City has been destroyed, this area will enter a pure and barbaric war. You guys will Like bugs in a jar, forced to fight each other. Maybe someone is lucky enough to survive until the end, but do you think you'll be that person?"

"This is my question. You elves from Silver Moon Highgarden suddenly appeared just to mock me?" the Porcupine Knight said while suppressing his anger.

Cicero shook his head and said: "Of course not, we are here to give you a chance, a chance to live. Before this land falls into melee, we elves hope to prevent the war from happening, and we may be able to find a peaceful solution. The way of strife.”

"So, Silvermoon Highgarden wants to rule this kingdom that is on the verge of being broken. Are you here today hoping that I can serve Silvermoon Highgarden?"

The porcupine knight was a little confused and a little excited. Could it be that these elves were recruited to surrender?

Join Silvermoon Highgarden? This seems like a good choice.

Although I don’t know much about the elves, this group of elves doesn’t seem to have done many evil deeds. Anyway, they were just small lords before. What’s the difference between taking refuge in that group of alchemists and taking refuge in the elves?

If the elves are really willing to surrender, it might be beneficial to join them in advance.

Cicero smiled and said: "Mr. Lord, you are a smart man, but not that smart. The elves generally do not cooperate with foreigners. So, I am here to discuss with you today. If you are willing to evacuate peacefully, , we at Silvermoon High Court can guarantee your personal safety."

The porcupine knight thought he had heard wrong and asked, "Evacuate? Do you mean, let us give up our territory?!"

"It's not like we give up completely. Perhaps, after we stabilize the situation, we will redivide a piece of land to accommodate you."

"Place..." The porcupine knight had already grasped the long sword at his waist and said to this rude elf: "Elf, pay attention to your language. I invite you to be a guest. While enjoying the rights of guests, you must also Behave as befitting your status as a guest, or else!”

Politeness is not unconditional. The Porcupine Knight is now the leader of the alliance elected by several nearby lords. He must always maintain his majesty and cannot give his allies a feeling of excessive weakness, otherwise this fragile alliance will soon collapse.

"Oh, Mr. Lord's courage really surprised me. The Lords I met before didn't even have the courage to look up at me. However, sometimes there is only a thin line between bravery and recklessness."

Cicero stood up and looked down at the Porcupine Rider.

"Mr. Lord, if you want to claim your rights as a master, you must have the corresponding strength. Before formal negotiations, both of us need to confirm our status in this negotiation."

The porcupine knight waved his hand, and there was a sound of bows being strung up in the reception hall. A dozen crossbows were raised and aimed at the group of arrogant elves.

The porcupine knight also stood up, drew out the long sword from his waist and said: "Elf, I can give you a chance to reorganize your language. Although Silver Moon Highgarden is very powerful, this is not your territory. If arrogance is your culture If I get used to it, I can forget the unpleasantness just now and communicate with you in a friendly manner again."

He was saying cowardly words, but the porcupine knight had already tightened his grip on the sword.

The moment he raised the crossbow, he didn't see any fear on the faces of these elves, so he knew very well that this battle was inevitable. However, he really didn't want to conflict with the elves at this time, and these words were also his last choice.

Cicero turned a blind eye to the arrows aimed at him and simply said: "Do it, for the first time, don't kill anyone."

The porcupine knight didn't care so much and immediately ordered: "Fire the arrow!"

Arrows flew out and shot towards these elves. Each elf was locked by several arrows, and it was impossible to miss them from such a short distance. However, these elves instantly lit up with the light of magic shields. The arrows hit the shield and immediately deflected away.

Cicero was even more outrageous. Three arrows flying towards him were picked off by him with one hand, as easily as picking leaves.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of mist emerged, covering the entire hall.

In an environment where you can't see your fingers, the crossbow loses its meaning.

The porcupine knight had already raised his sword and slashed at Cicero in front of him. He is very fast with his sword, and you can tell he is a well-trained warrior. But when the sword slashed down, there was nothing. Cicero seemed to have predicted his move, so he dodged in advance.

In the smoke, the Porcupine Knight wielded his sword from memory. His movements were like the tide, smooth and fast, and he swung three swords in just a few seconds.

Vertical slashes, sweeping sweeps, and upward thrusts were all clearly calculated to avoid the opponent, but in the end the sword edge just cut through the thick fog and failed to cause any damage.

When the porcupine knight was slightly exhausted, a short sword thrust out and touched his waist.

The edge of the sword was very sharp, and it made a deep sword mark on his armor, barely missing it. If the porcupine knight hadn't ducked quickly, his waist would have been bleeding profusely.

The opponent is not only agile in movement, but also uses enchanted weapons.

Although the armor of the Porcupine Rider is just ordinary steel, it is also made of real materials. As a result, it was almost pierced by a slight stab. If the armor cannot play a protective role, the Porcupine Knight will definitely die in this battle.

After just one round of confrontation, the Porcupine Knight knew that he had encountered an invincible enemy.

Just as he was about to distance himself and regroup, he found that the thick fog quickly dissipated, and the only ones left standing in the hall were the porcupine knight and these elves. As for the other guards, they had all fallen to the ground.

When the porcupine knight saw this scene, he knew that he had lost.

This group of elves are probably all high-level adventurers. They are so powerful and they cooperate so well that they have no chance of victory.

"Now, can we sit down and talk?" Cicero said to the porcupine knight.

The porcupine knight still holds the sword tightly. Maybe there is no point in resisting, but if he gives up like this, isn't it equivalent to giving his life to these elves?

"Aren't you still giving up?"

Cicero swiped his fingers, and orange-red light flashed through his fingers. He recited the incantation too fast. The porcupine knight just heard a few syllables and didn't even understand what was going on. The long hair on his hand The sword began to heat up.

The metal sword became extremely hot to the touch as if it had just been taken out of the stove. The porcupine knight could only scream and drop the sword.

The second-ring magic searing metal can make the metal on the target become hot, and is most effective against full-armor warriors like the Porcupine Knight.

When the sword falls, the Porcupine Knight completely loses his ability to resist.

Cicero said to the Porcupine Knight: "You are a qualified warrior, but you are facing Silver Moon Highgarden. Humans, this time we come with good intentions. Today is just a reminder. But if you are not willing to make peace If you give up your territory, the next time we appear, we will bring death to you."

The porcupine knight looked at his burnt hands and understood the gap between the two sides.

"This is how you express your goodwill all the time?" the Porcupine Knight asked Cicero.

Cicero nodded and said: "Yes, many lords have already agreed to our peaceful relocation plan. So, please think about it again. We elves don't like to cause unnecessary killings."

The porcupine knight's face became very ugly.

His territory is located on the outskirts of Alchemy City, the core area of ​​the kingdom, far away from the border with Silvermoon Highgarden. As a result, the elves have already sent their vanguard here?

Has the border area completely fallen into the hands of the elves? Why can't I receive any news?

The Porcupine Knight is now filled with despair. Do he really want to give up the land he bought with his blood?

I think back then, in order to stand out, he rushed to the front during the War of Warcraft Invasion and killed a huge gryphon alone, and then he was awarded the title of knight. But now, these elves will turn him back into a commoner with just one word. ?

But if you don't agree, can these few little lords stop the elves' attack? Even if they can gather enough troops, with the abilities of these elves, they can just sneak in and assassinate them without going to the battlefield at all.

Countless questions came to mind, but in the end the Porcupine Knight lowered his head and said to the group of elves: "If you can give us enough supplies and time, we will leave."

Wood cannot block the edge of the sword. No matter how stubborn you are, strength will ultimately speak for itself. The Porcupine Knight has no choice but to accept the requests of the elves.

"Very good. He is calmer than I thought and knows how to compromise better." Cicero took out a contract that exuded magical light, placed it in front of the porcupine knight, and said to him: "Sign your name, and we will I swear in the name of the gods that I will ensure your basic personal safety."

The porcupine knight took the contract, glanced at it briefly, and then signed the agreement.

The moment he put down the quill, he sat back on the chair as if he had aged more than ten years and lost all strength.

At this moment, the door to the hall was opened again, and a terrifying aura filled the air, making everyone's expressions change.

Cicero turned his head solemnly and saw a young magician with black hair and black eyes standing at the door. The terrifying pressure radiated from his body.

The young man who suddenly appeared was naturally Amber Xiu who had transformed into a human form. He didn't know much about the lords nearby, so his first choice was to find the Porcupine Knight and talk to him about the ransom issue that had not been settled before.

Who would have thought that what they saw when they entered the door was a group of elves bullying the porcupine knight.

The hands of these high elves have already reached here?

The porcupine knight was even more shocked. No matter how this person appeared here, you should have come a few minutes earlier!

Three updates completed, just over 10,000!

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