This lich needs more money

Chapter 93 The crushing of legendary power

The sudden appearance of the elves was beyond Amber Xiu's expectation.

Amberxiu looked at the group of elves carefully and inferred their identities from their clothes.

"Twilight Guards of Silvermoon Highgarden?"

This is a team composed of high-level professionals among the elves. It can be regarded as the elite force of the elves.

Unlike other conservative elves, they usually travel around the continent to increase their knowledge and experience before joining. After becoming high-level professionals, they will return to Silvermoon Highgarden and become true Twilight Guards.

The Dusk Guard is also the reason why most half-elves appear on the continent.

When you travel and have adventures, there are always many thrilling moments, and it is easy to create sparks when spending time with other companions day and night. In addition, elves, both male and female, are beautiful. No matter how conservative an elf is, he can't stand being attracted by others for decades. There will always be times when he can't help it.

It is also the nature of elves to pursue romance, and half-elves often appear like this.

And because it is more difficult for other races to give birth to half-elves, and it is likely to cause dystocia, a hellish joke has gradually emerged.

A half-elf, twice as lacking in love.

What this means is that if the father is a scumbag and returns to Silvermoon Highgarden, the mother is no longer in labor and both parents are gone, so naturally she is doubly lacking in love.

But whether this hellish joke is out of jealousy or the resentment of being scummed, it shows that Dusk Guard is not the kind of ordinary elf who just stays at home and makes leaves.

Each of them has experienced many adventures and survived these dangers, so each of them can be regarded as a strong person with keen intuition and strong skills.

Therefore, Cicero only glanced at Amberxius and then his expression became serious.

Although the boy in front of him had softer facial features than an elf, he exuded a terrifying dark aura that had never been seen before even in Cicero's decades of adventure.

Cicero recognized the evil aura emanating from Amberxiu and said tentatively: "A necromancer who came unexpectedly? It seems that this lord is quite popular."

The porcupine knight glanced at Amber Xiu, and after carefully identifying it, he said doubtfully: "I don't know this mage."

During the previous battle, the Porcupine Knight saw Amberxiu's skeleton form, but now that he was in human form, he couldn't recognize it.

"Who can tell me what happened here?" Amber Xiu asked.

He came to trouble the Porcupine Knight, but the elf with a greater hatred also appeared. This chaotic scene made him stunned for a moment.

"It was just a friendly exchange," Cicero said cautiously, "and we're done talking."

Facing Amber Xiu, the blond elf lost his previous arrogance because he could clearly sense Amber Xiu's powerful magic power. But he didn't know that this was Amber Xiu's newly repaired body. Because it was too fragile, he couldn't control the leakage of dark magic power, so others could see the clues at a glance.

In Cicero's view, this young necromancer should be just passing by. They have achieved their goal, so there is no need to continue to cause trouble.

When the porcupine knight saw this scene, he felt even more excited.

The behavior of these elves was just like me just now, cautious and humble, just wanting to avoid trouble.

Thinking of this, the Porcupine Knight suddenly shouted: "Mage, no matter why you came to me, for the sake of being a human being, please help me. These elves want to forcefully occupy my territory and help me expel them." I am willing to pay you a high reward for them!”

The Porcupine Knight has noticed that the expressions of these elves are not right. A large group of elves face this lonely young mage with solemn expressions, as if they are facing a giant dragon. Seeing that the situation was improving, the porcupine knight couldn't help but want to give it a try.

Little people are so helpless in the wave. They know that swinging like this is the way to death, but they can't help but give it a try. The future is a fog of despair. I keep jumping around and just want to move forward as much as I can. I don't know if I will fall into the abyss next, but I won't give up if I don't give it a try.

Amberxiu wanted to say that he was not here to help, but when he heard the porcupine knight say that he was willing to pay any price, his fingers trembled unconsciously.

Although he knew that these words were meaningless, it was like flattery. He knew it was a polite compliment, and Amberxiu just liked to hear it.

Great, now you don't have to worry about which side to deal with first.

Cicero was not slow to react. He took off the long bow on his back with a smooth movement and shot three arrows at Amberxiu. These arrows are still burning with blazing flames, and they are no ordinary things at first glance.

The other elves also cooperated tacitly.

Before the flaming arrow hit, there was a large area of ​​greasy grease under Amber Xiu's feet. Not only could this grease make people unstable, but it would also burn violently when exposed to an open flame.

Someone else threw a silence spell, trying to block Amber Xiu's spellcasting ability.

This group of elves all look like rangers, but they are all very skilled in using magic. As expected of being an immortal species, those with a long lifespan are very advantageous in part-time jobs. When one path stops working, they can still find another path to continue.

The elites who cooperated with each other tacitly, before the change, Amberxiu had to deal with it in a hurry, and if he was unlucky, he would overturn.

But it's different now.

The Golden Throne instantly appeared behind Amboxiu, and Amboxiu blocked all attacks with only a mage shield.

Be it flaming arrows, grease explosions, or magic missiles and witchcraft arrows... the power of the Golden Throne allows the low-level spell of Mage Shield to show incredible defensive power.

Cicero's eyes almost popped out of his head, because he had recognized Ambrose's power, which was the effect of ignoring the rules that only legends could achieve. How unlucky I am that I will meet a legend here, and he is also a mage.

The power of true legend is to break common sense and change the rules.

The same goes for the Death Gaze of the Apoptotic Rose. As long as you are locked by her, regardless of any spell resistance, you can turn into an undead from a long distance, completely subverting all the rules of necromancy.

This is also the reason why legends are called demigods. They have changed the rules to cheat, and ordinary people have no chance to fight them when they encounter them.

Amber Xiu was very happy. After being promoted to Legend for so many years, he finally experienced the true power of Legend.

The golden throne was radiant with light, and Amber Xiu sat on it as steady as a rock. No matter how the elves attacked, they could not break through the thin mage shield.

After a while, the elves' attacks began to become ineffective.

One burst consumed most of their magic power and bows and arrows, and as a result, Amberxiu didn't even lose a hair.

Amberxiu sat on the golden throne, crossed his hands leisurely, and said to the group of elves: "Is your attack finished? It's my turn."

With a snap of his fingers, a large small teleportation array appeared in front of Amber Xiu.

Alien mantis skeletons that have been upgraded to version 6.0 appear in droves. In addition, there is also a special skeleton holding a bow and arrow and wearing a black robe.

The alien skeleton in the form of a mantis quickly disappeared after appearing, leaving only the sound of bone claws crawling across the ground in the hall. At such a short distance, the skeletons and elves had no time to cast their invisible detection spells before they were pounced on by the invisible skeletons.

Screams rang out, and several elves were thrown to the ground, with several bloody holes on their bodies.

The lucky elf relied on his senses to avoid being attacked by the invisible skeleton. He drew out his dagger and was about to fight back, but the skeleton archer wrapped in black robes would shoot at him with an arrow, accurately knocking off his hand. weapons on.

Amberxiu looked at the skeleton archer with satisfaction and said to him: "It seems that you have mastered this body proficiently."

The skeleton archer is actually Erha. Amber Xiu pieced together a bone body for him, then threw it into his private space to adjust the flow of time to the fastest speed.

One day on the outside, one year on the inside.

Erha had adapted to Amber Xiu's private space for several years, and finally mastered how to use soul fire to sense the outside world and control the body. When Erha blocked all other irrelevant information, his soul fire sensed The most important thing is the subtle movements of each elf, which can be shot accurately.

Speaking of which, Erha was also a half-elf, but he had no mercy at all towards these elves. The white bone arrows nailed the hands and feet of these elves to the ground.

It's a pity that the time is still too short. Even though Erha has the powerful soul of a high-level undead, he does not have a matching body. This skeleton is not much stronger than ordinary skeleton soldiers. It will take longer to condense the dark magic and strengthen this body. .

By then, Erha's combat effectiveness will not be much worse than that of a death knight, and he will be able to compete with high-level paladin.

As the elves fell one by one, Cicero knew that he might be in danger this time, but he did not choose to escape. Instead, he used a miniature teleportation spell as quickly as possible to transfer the magic contract in his hand. Sent away.

Seeing this scene, Amber Xiu said unexpectedly: "I have deliberately let go, just hoping that some of you can escape so that I can talk to the elves about the ransom issue. However, you don't seem to be ready to escape. "

Cicero did not answer, but drew out his swords and charged towards Umberto. At this moment, Cicero turned into an agile warrior and bypassed Erha in the blink of an eye and came to Amberxiu.

Magic runes lit up on both swords, and when they penetrated Amberxiu's magic shield, although they were immediately blocked, Amberxiu suddenly felt that the power consumption of the Golden Throne suddenly increased significantly.

These are obviously a pair of powerful enchanted weapons. The elite team of the elves really has something to offer. But the pair of daggers still failed to cause any harm to Amber Xiu. Because before the dagger could reach Amberxiu's body, the magical light of the immobilization technique had already fallen on Cicero.

The enchanted sword hovered in front of Amber Xiu, but failed to touch his body in the end.

Stretching out his fingers to push away the sword edge in front of him, Amber Xiu ordered Erha: "Tie them all up and we'll take them back and deal with them slowly."

Erha respectfully accepted the order, while Amberxiu took back the golden throne, walked to the porcupine knight, and asked curiously: "What was that just now? Did you sign any contract with these elves?"

I have a cold and am not in good condition today. I don’t think I can write 10,000 words. The minimum is 6,000. Let’s see if I can try to complete the third update.

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