This lich needs more money

Chapter 91 The storm is getting bigger

Apoptotic Rose, who returned to the Underdark, was obviously in a good mood. Although there was no substantial gain from this trip, fighting with Ryan and killing many paladins would make her feel happy for a long time. time.

It's just that regarding Amber Xiu, in the end, I still couldn't fall in love at first sight like my best friend.

What exactly went wrong? The phylacteries were obviously sent over, but which link was missing?

Apoptotic Rose had a good chat with Miss Bone Dragon before she came back, but she only got one sentence: "You didn't fall in love at first sight yourself, otherwise you would have kidnapped him home long ago."

It makes sense, leaving Apoptotic Rose speechless. Anyway, I may not understand what love is in this life. It's just that I didn't experience it when I was still alive, and I lost my heart after becoming an undead.

But Amber Xiu was still worth winning over, so after knowing the current situation, Apoptotic Rose suggested that Amber Xiu move.

Of course, it would be best to move directly to the Underdark, which is the paradise of the undead. However, you can't bring this up on your own initiative, as it will easily arouse Amber Xiu's vigilance. The fights between the undead are often more intense than those between the living. The living are only fighting for money, but the undead are even useful to each other's souls.

After Amberxiu approved the choice of moving, it would be more appropriate to suggest that he move to the Dark Area.

Amberxiu is indeed considering the issue of moving. Now that he has a huge private space, it is not difficult to move. He can leave directly after stuffing his valuables.

But if you want to find another place to rebuild a castle, it will not be possible in a short time.

This castle took him a lot of effort to design, mainly because each laboratory storage room has its own needs, such as ventilation, lighting, sound insulation and storage. When building, it is not just a matter of great efforts. Many of them The details are a matter of slow work and meticulous work, and it would be very troublesome to rebuild.

Amber Xiu said in the group chat: [Moving is also an option, but it is too troublesome to rebuild a laboratory, which will take at least several years. 】

Apoptotic Rose thought, this is just right. In the Underdark, any laboratory he wants can be built for him. The underground dwarves are very good at craftsmanship. If not, there are gray dwarves and drow. These races have many skilled craftsmen. , Don’t make a laboratory too simple.

But before Apoptotic Rose gave her suggestion, someone in the group chat made another suggestion.

[Don’t like humans: Why are you running? It’s so easy to find a place where the undead can survive. The city of Alchemy has just entered the era of chaos. You might as well take the opportunity to expand your territory. You are a lich, are you afraid that you will not be able to defeat the dwarves and elves in the war? It's okay to run away if you can't defeat him in the end. You are a lich, and you can spend as much time as you want with the phylactery hidden inside. 】

Apoptotic Rose wanted to tear this vampire apart.

When Amberxiu saw this statement, he also fell into deep thought.

Yes, why do you want to run away? Although Salokma, the Kingdom of Gold, is ruled by desert dwarves, they also implement a policy of great integration. They are almost as open and inclusive as Alchemy City, but they are not as rich as Alchemy City.

Besides, Amber Xiu didn't have a good impression of the bean sprouts in Silver Moon High Garden at all. They were coming to grab the territory, so they had to leave some "good stuff" for them.

Now that Amberxiu has this private space and much greater security, he can consider fighting with the elves. If that doesn't work, he can still run away.

Therefore, Amber Xiu immediately replied: [That's right, we can't make those bean sprouts comfortable. 】

[Don’t like humans: It’s not just the elves, the desert dwarves are not good either, let’s get rid of them together! 】

[The Headless Horseman’s Crown: Aren’t you a desert dwarf yourself? 】

[I don’t like humans: I am a vampire. After reincarnating as a vampire, I have nothing to do with the previous race. I also said that you are a human, and the Lion Empire will still hunt you down! 】

When Amber Xiu saw this, a strange image emerged in his mind.

In the misty night, the moonlight shines on the gorgeous black dress, reflecting the cold and quiet light on those exquisite silver threads. The deep purple eyes appear, and the legendary vampire walks slowly... But he has a strong figure. , the height only reaches the knees.

This scene is really embarrassing.

[Don’t like humans: In short, whether you are a desert dwarf or an elf, do whatever you want, I can also give you some gargoyles, I guarantee they are good things. 】

Amber Xiu seemed to smell that watching the fun was not too big a deal.

[Ultraman Tiga: Senior, do you have grudges against both parties? 】

[The Crown of the Headless Horseman: Hahaha, after he was reincarnated as a vampire, the desert dwarves discriminated against him. If I hadn't passed by and saved him, he would have been killed by the sun. 】

[Don’t like humans: Hey, can you save some face for me in front of the newcomers? Besides, didn’t I give you a thank you fee? Millions of gold coins! 】

[Pale little skeleton: Oh? Yeah? Elaborate? 】

The headless brother seemed to be offline and did not speak again for a long time.

Amber Xiu could only lament that although the rich woman was nice, there were still many side effects.

[Ultraman Tiga: Didn’t you say that the Golden Country implements a policy of great integration? Vampires are also ostracized? 】

[Dislike humans: That was a decision made in the past hundred years. When I became a vampire, the Kingdom of Gold was not beaten to the ground by Ryan. Although it was not too exclusive, it was not that tolerant of the undead. 】

He had only been to this golden country once or twice in his lifetime, and didn't know much about it. It was only after he was reincarnated as a lich that he started to inquire about which country did not discriminate against the undead.

[Don’t like humans: Come on newcomers, let us mourn for Poets Society to have another king like the Queen of Roses. The Alchemy City is such a good site, don’t miss it! 】

[Ultraman Tiga: I understand. By the way, when will the gargoyles be delivered? Is shipping included? 】

[Don’t like humans: Can I say that was a kind word? 】

Before Amberxiu could refute, Apoptotic Rose helped with the finishing blow.

[Apoptotic Rose: I don’t think so. Breaking your promise would insult the name of the Dead Poets Society. Are you prepared to insult me ​​too? 】

[Don’t like humans: No, no, no, please calm down, Her Majesty the Queen, I definitely didn’t mean this. They are just gargoyles. I’ll send you two of them. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: Two gargoyles, thank you for speaking out. 】

[Don’t like humans: Twenty, that’s it, I can only take out so much! 】

[Apoptotic Rose: That’s pretty much it. 】

Amberxiu looked at the Rose Queen who helped him get twenty gargoyles in a few words, and suddenly felt that this lady was really charming, rich, generous, and domineering, and she was worthy of being Her Majesty the Queen.

However, things like gargoyles mainly depend on the material. One thousand gold coins is cheap, and if the material is particularly expensive, one can cost tens of thousands.

After thinking about it, Amberxiu added: [Is it an enchanted obsidian gargoyle? The cost is more than 20,000 gold coins, which is so embarrassing. 】

The dwarf vampire didn't reply for a long time. He probably went offline to prepare the gargoyle.

Amberxiu felt very happy. The friends in the Mourning Poets Society were so warm and loving.

A friend who could give him such an expensive gift would definitely not intentionally harm others, so Amberxiu began to seriously consider his suggestion.

Amberxiu would not consider becoming a king or anything like that. He knew his own habits very well. He was more suitable to be a research scholar. Letting him manage an empire would only be torture.

When the country does not belong to you, the money you make is for yourself. When the country belongs to you, the whole country belongs to you, so who are you going to turn to? On the contrary, every time he spent money, Amberxiu felt that he was cutting flesh from himself.

Amberxiu couldn't survive a day like this.

There is no need to consider national competition for hegemony, but maybe we can teach those elves a lesson and let them understand what the wrath of the lich is.

But what is the situation in Alchemy City now?

Only then did Amber Xiu realize that he was addicted to doing experiments and didn't care about it.

"Yes, I still have a bunch of people from my territory who have escaped. The Lane people don't know how to kill humans. They probably all ran away to other territories."

This is not okay, absolutely not, this is all his property! It's okay to pick off other people's wool, but how can you let others take advantage of him?

Amberxiu decisively walked out of his laboratory and came outside the castle.

He found the direction of the nearby territory and flew directly there.


The sudden disappearance of the Alchemy City had an extremely serious impact on the surrounding territories.

On the day that the entire city took off and disappeared, all the lords who had received the news sent their scouts to check it out.

After confirming that the city and the high-ranking alchemists had all disappeared, these lords understood that war was coming.

Those who are more conservative will start to strengthen the defense of the territory; those who are more aggressive will directly start attacking nearby territories.

Population, money, food, and everything else that is useful.

Troubled times are coming, and all the lords and lords who were once protected by the Alchemy City have to think about their future.

The weaker lords are trying to form alliances with each other, and the larger lords are already looking at the map to choose which territory to annex first.

In just three days, there have been more than a dozen small-scale battles outside the original Alchemy City, and the death toll has exceeded three digits.

Various adventurers seemed to have smelled the commission and began to join this chaotic game.

The Porcupine Knight is an aggressive lord. In this crisis-ridden time, he chose to form alliances and take the initiative at the same time.

The lords who had collaborated to defeat Amber Xiu before and then collaborated to annex other people's territories became natural allies.

The Porcupine Knight formed an alliance with them overnight, integrated everyone's strength, and raided two small territories as quickly as possible to connect everyone's territory, and then began to integrate resources and build defenses.

What's interesting is that although Amberxiu's territory is not far away, these lords subconsciously avoid this terrifying place. Obviously, such a large castle is much better than the shabby manors of most small lords. It is not only easy to defend but difficult to attack, but it also occupies a particularly good location.

But the Porcupine Knight still held back. Even if they heard that the paladin had purified the castle, he still didn't dare to go and occupy it, at least not now.

The horrific scene that day has become a nightmare for him and several allies. He will never step into that cursed place again until the last moment.

Looking at the rough map on the table, the Porcupine Knight felt a little headache.

Although his response has been very fast, and after uniting with several lords, he has become a relatively large force nearby, but his troops are still too few. A group of people died in the Lich Crusade, and then a group of them were taken away by the group of paladins. It is a bit difficult for the current troops to hold on to their territory.

The porcupine knight rubbed his head and said to himself: "If Harvey is still here, he might be able to give me some advice."

In the past, he didn't think highly of the mage apprentice. He just thought that he couldn't afford other mage, so he just hired him as a consultant. But looking back now, Harvey's advice was correct every time, but he didn't listen several times.

"People who can become magic apprentices must be smarter than me. Why don't I believe it?"

He regrets it very much now. If God gives him another chance, he will definitely seriously consider the opinion of the mage consultant.

A gust of wind blew by, and the candlelight in the room flickered. An anxious servant walked in and reported: "Lord, there is a magician who wants to see you."

The porcupine knight quickly said: "Is it Master Harvey?"

The servant shook his head and said, "It's not Master Harvey, he's a blond elf with several companions. He looks like a team of adventurers."

"Elf? Pure-blood elf or half-elf?" Porcupine Knight asked.

The servant said in embarrassment: "Well... I can't tell them apart either, but they are all blond with pointy ears, and they are all beautiful."

The porcupine knight frowned. This didn't sound like adventurers. Why would a team composed entirely of elves appear here?

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