This lich needs more money

Chapter 90 Not the kind of vampire you want

As a lich who no longer has worldly desires, experimenting is one of the few entertainment projects for Amber Xiu.

After all, you can't make money every day. When you don't have money to make, you can only do experiments to pass the time. If it is an experiment related to making money, then Amber Xiu will be even happier.

Theoretically, the ability of the Golden Throne can give Amberxiu endless wealth and power.

Coupled with the two legendary favors of Amber Xiu's artificial soul and material conversion, a self-sufficient cycle can be achieved, and given enough time, he will become the richest man in mainland China in no time.

But the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is a little cruel.

It’s not that this theory doesn’t work, it’s that the blank soul created by the artificial soul has too low an IQ.

Lined up in front of Amberxiu's eyes were five new types of "undead" that he had just created.

In terms of material transformation, under the same quality, the higher the density of a substance, the greater the amount of gold consumed when changing its properties.

The five new types of "undead" in front of them are made of books, leather, steel, sand, and gold. They all weigh one kilogram, and the strength of the blank souls put in them is a relatively accurate 100 souls. This is the soul strength unit set by Amber Xiu himself. The soul of ordinary humans fluctuates between 80 and 130 souls. The blank soul created by Amber Xiu himself will be relatively standard, and the experimental error will be smaller.

When converting attributes, the difference in gold consumption of different materials is huge. The difference between the cheapest and the most expensive is a hundred times. The small skeleton made of one kilogram of gold consumed seventeen times the same weight of gold when the material was transformed into a "corpse" attribute. Perhaps it has something to do with Amber Xiu's unskilled operation, but this cost is undoubtedly unacceptable.

And the final experiment proved that no matter what material is used, the faith recharging efficiency of the created undead puppets is not much different-it is very crotch-lifting.

Amberxiu roughly estimated that after the Golden Throne, which was made with one million gold coins, was completely consumed, it would require about a few million blank souls of standard strength to pray, which should be able to be restored within a day.

However, it is possible for blank souls to evolve. The newly created little guys have low IQs, but as long as Amber Xiu relaxes the restrictions on blank souls, they will have a chance to become smarter, and the efficiency of faith recharge will also increase accordingly.

Moreover, the undead are relatively easy to feed. As long as they are asleep, they can automatically absorb dark magic power to maintain their activity, basically at no cost.

In other words, the more undead there are and the longer the time goes by, the more and more Amboxiu's income will snowball.

After all, the undead are immortal, and if there are no battle losses, they will only continue to increase.

Give Amber Xiu a long time, and it is really possible for him to achieve golden freedom in this way.

The only limit is the upper limit of the Golden Throne. Amber Xiu guessed that this throne also has an upper limit, but it has not been tested yet. Anyway, it is definitely more than a few million. Legendary abilities also require constant exploration and practice before they can be fully mastered.

The basic data test is completed, and the final question returns to the quality of the undead puppet.

Although the blank soul is highly malleable, it cannot reach the basic human IQ no matter how much it is adjusted, and it takes time to grow.

Therefore, using gold to make a puppet is a total loss, because gold has a high density, and the blank soul needs to consume more power when controlling the body. It is small and bulky, and only has some advantages in resistance. It has no combat effectiveness, no advantage in terms of faith output, and the cost is extremely high, so this material can be eliminated directly.

Maybe when Amber is free from gold, he can get two gold death knights to play with.

However, the "undead puppet" made of sand gave Amber Xiu a little surprise. After the blank soul was integrated into the scattered sand, he was able to control every grain of sand and learned the quicksand without Amber Xiu's guidance. The same way of movement, but also showed a very good imitation talent.

The little guy looked at the brothers and sisters around him. Sometimes he turned like a book and turned the pages, and sometimes he turned into a silly person and rolled around.

Curiosity is the source of wisdom. It is obvious that this little guy made of sand has a higher IQ than the other four. Although the faith recharge effect when ordering them to pray does not meet expectations, this little guy is a good person.

As for the other four... I'm sorry, we need to increase revenue and reduce expenditure now.

In order to test the effect of material form on the blank soul, Amberxiu tried water flow, iron sand and gold sand that was painfully scraped off.

Finally, an interesting conclusion was drawn. The "corpse" in a loose state seems to really strengthen the wisdom of the blank soul. It is also made of gold, so the small skull shape looks very stupid, but the gold sand shape looks more lively. Although it is still too heavy, its external sensing ability has indeed been improved, and it also shows its innate ability to imitate.

This discovery is very interesting, but Amberxiu has not been able to come up with a reasonable explanation for the time being. He can only guess that the loose body structure allows the blank soul to have a larger contact area with the outside world and perceive more information.

This guess is not necessarily reliable and requires more practice. But this is the result of the experiment. The only problem is that running water would have been the best choice, but the water will evaporate. Once it evaporates, the poor little guy will die completely.

Therefore, after many experiments, Amber Xin finally confirmed two materials as new undead puppets.

One is broken glass and the other is sifted sand.

The density of these two materials is not much different, and the conversion cost is within an acceptable range. Moreover, glass and sand are relatively stable and will not be easily lost due to the environment. Amber Xiu made five of them and kept them in the same place as the mercury figurines. Inside the castle, come back later to observe the growth.

Maybe it's time to cultivate high-level undead using conventional methods. It happened that Dahei and Erha were saved by Amber Xiu, and he would continue to help them make bodies in two days. At most, it would cost some money to replace the bones with other materials.

High-level undead with independent consciousness should provide a lot more faith recharge.

The experiments were always too busy, and the gold coins were never enough. After sorting out today's experiment records, Amber Xiu opened the Code of the Undead and sent a message to Apoptotic Rose: [Ms. Rose, does our transaction need to be adjusted? Suddenly, the Alchemy City disappeared, and I'm afraid there will be chaos here for a while. 】

After waiting for a while, Apoptotic Rose still didn't reply. Amberxiu looked at the group chat again and found that today was unexpectedly lively.

[The Headless Horseman’s Crown: Are those elves really ready to take action? 】

[Pale Little Skeleton: I heard it is, and they have already started to gather troops. Fortunately, we came back early, otherwise we might run into the Elf army. 】

[The Crown of the Headless Horseman: You were decisive and ran away directly. Fortunately, fortunately. 】

Amber Xiu's facial features wrinkled up. What do you think you and your wife are doing in a group chat to show their affection?

But what were these two talking about?

Amber Amend was about to look at the previous chat history, and suddenly found a new user.

[Don’t like humans: Haha, not only the elves, but the desert dwarves are also ready to take action. As you know, Ryan recently beat the desert dwarves until they screamed, and several oases have been lost. The Alchemy City is such a large territory, and the desert dwarves have long been eyeing it. 】

I don’t know who this user named [doesn’t like humans] is?

The souls of the dead can often sleep for decades. Amber Xiu has not seen this person speak since he joined the Mourning Poets Society. He suddenly appeared today, so he needs to get to know him well.

[Ultraman Tiga: Hello, senior, I am a newcomer. Senior, are you also a lich? I have a design plan here for the transformation of an alien skeleton. I wonder if you are interested. 】

[Don’t like humans: Oh, newcomer, I haven’t seen a newcomer join in many years. But I'm not a lich, I'm a vampire, and I don't usually use skeletons. 】

Amber Xiu:......

The name vampire makes Amber Xiu a little uncomfortable. After all, there are too many "cases" related to vampires recorded in the Code of the Undead, all of which ended tragically because they fell in love with the food on the table.

So much so that when Amberxiu saw a vampire, he subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with the other person's xp.

Perhaps he had been silent for too long, so the senior vampire sent a message.

[I don’t like humans: I’m not the vampire you think! 】

[Ultraman Tiga: No, no, no, you misunderstood, I don’t discriminate, really. 】

[Don’t like humans: Look at my name, isn’t it obvious? 】

[The Headless Horseman’s Crown: Haha, aren’t there elves besides humans? Several cases in the code include vampires, orcs, and even mind flayers. You are more playful than the druids. 】

[Don’t like humans: Go away, you riding a bone dragon have the nerve to call yourself a vampire? 】

[Pale little skeleton: What? Have an opinion about the Dragon Clan? Do you want me to take my tribe to visit your home for a few days? 】

Seeing that a quarrel was about to break out, Amber Xiu was a little embarrassed. It was his silence that triggered the war.

At this time, Apoptotic Rose, who had not replied to the message, spoke in the chat group: [You just said that the elves and desert dwarves are mobilizing their troops? Are they all heading towards the Alchemy City? 】

As expected of the Queen of the Undead, as soon as she spoke, the others immediately stopped.

[Dislike humans: This is normal. The Alchemy City occupies a large area of ​​fertile land. Although the main city is gone, other areas still retain a complete alchemy craft system. Who doesn’t want to grab it? Especially the desert dwarves. They were defeated by Ryan, so it was reasonable for them to want to change their territory. 】

Amberxiu recalled the territories of various countries. The Alchemy City borders the Silver Moon Highgarden and the Kingdom of Gold in the desert. On the contrary, the strongest Lion Empire is separated from the Alchemy City by an entire desert.

Ryan is probably also coveting the heritage of the Alchemy City, but he is just beyond his reach. He can only watch the desert dwarves occupy the territory and get a chance to breathe.

Amberxiu asked curiously: [What's going on in Silver Moon High Court? The elves rarely launch wars with other countries, right? Have they been crazy about raising prices for materials recently? They have offended many people. Are they really not afraid of being beaten by the remaining kingdoms? 】

[Apoptotic Rose: I have also received news about this. The elves have indeed assembled an army, and their behavior of raising the price of materials seems to have a hidden purpose. It is not simply to destroy the economies of other kingdoms. Some time ago, Silver Moon High Court was only allowed in but not allowed out, and all information was blocked. I don’t know what happened specifically. 】

Only in but not out?

Amberxiu vaguely remembered that Isabel also mentioned that her former teacher went to Silvermoon Highgarden and never came back, so she was targeted by the lord. Otherwise, with an official alchemist as a teacher, ordinary lords would really not dare to mess around.

What the hell are those elves in Silver Moon Highgarden doing? They're not going to become gods like they were in Alchemy City, are they?

But that shouldn't be the case. There is no god to control alchemists' attempts to die. The elves are different. The elves are a bunch of gods who take special care of their own people and are unlikely to cause any major accidents to happen to them.

[Apoptotic Rose: Brother Diga, are you still planning to stay in the Alchemy City? It's about to become a battlefield. The desert dwarves want to survive, so they will not give in, while the elves have always been strong, and they will definitely fight to decide how to carve up a kingdom. 】

The words of the Apoptotic Rose made Amberxiu fall into deep thought. Although the power of the Golden Throne made him no longer the bottom of the legend.

But the war between the two kingdoms cannot be controlled by one or two legends. It is indeed easy to get into trouble if you stay here.

But the question is, where can he move?

I have almost adjusted my mentality. To express my apology, I will update more than 10,000 words today! As usual, one update at noon and two updates at night

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