This lich needs more money

Chapter 51 Bargaining

Amberxiu and this man were not old friends, but they had a debate about alchemy more than ten years ago. Then Amberxiu discovered that there was someone scarier than his skull face among humans.

It’s not that he is ugly, on the contrary, Gustavo Flynn has good features and is a handsome old guy with great temperament.

But his skin is dark, and when he is expressionless, he has a calm and powerful look. There was a terrible rumor that a certain alchemist would have a heart attack just by staring at someone without saying a word.

Coupled with Gustavo Flynn's strict and almost harsh requirements for alchemy, many alchemists who have worked under him will have their legs trembling just by hearing his footsteps.

Many people have said privately that Gustavo Flynn is a lich in human skin, so he has an aura of fear.

When Gustavo Flynn heard that Amberxiu quoted 20 million, he responded decisively: "500,000."

"Eighteen million."

"Eight hundred thousand."

"One thousand seventeen ninety-nine thousand."

"You're not interesting anymore."

"Who wouldn't be interested if you just cut two digits?"

The wrangling in front of the castle continues. The Alchemy City is now very poor. Twenty million gold coins is a big ask for Amber Xiu, but there is no way he can lower the price to less than one million gold coins. It is better to sell Allen... Watson made undead.

The souls of paladins who are loyal to the Lord of the Dawn are quite valuable. Amber Xiu had previously seen in the Code of the Dead chat group that someone was paying a high price for the soul of a paladin. If it was tortured and turned into a wraith, it would be even more valuable, and could be sold for 700,000 to 800,000 gold coins.

"You should know very well that it is impossible for us to spend tens of millions of gold coins to buy a paladin."

Gustavo Flynn's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was already a little impatient.

Amber Xiu said tit for tat: "Then you should also know very well that the quotation of hundreds of thousands of gold coins is also a waste of my time."

Gustavo Flynn said calmly: "A mere paladin, according to me, is not worth a hundred thousand gold coins. I am here today just for a formality. I will say at the diplomatic conference that we have worked hard." That’s all, it doesn’t matter to me if we can’t reach an agreement.”

Amberxiu laughed and said without mercy: "My old friend, stop hiding it. A mere paladin means nothing to you, but the goodwill of the Lion Empire is very important to you. The one in the sewer Things, you can’t hold them anymore, right?”

Amberxiu's words made Gustavo Flynn change his expression, and he asked in a deep voice: "How much do you know?"

"Not much, but I am certain that things are beyond your control. So, when Silvermoon Highgarden is raising the price of magic materials crazily, you can't spare the time to negotiate with those high elves. You have even decided In order to find external help, the Lion Empire is your partner, and Alan Watson, the paladin, is the best premise for cooperation.

"My dear Master Flynn, stop trying to trick me. On the issue of money, I won't let go even if the God of Alchemy comes. Show your sincerity."

Gustavo Flynn was silent for a while, and said with resignation: "You are indeed a genius who was personally invited by the president to join the Council of Alchemists. If you had agreed to join, maybe..."

Amberxiu quickly shook his head and said: "Don't think about those years. Don't say that the old president just wrote me a letter. Even if he came to invite me in person, I wouldn't be able to join the Alchemist Council. I'm not crazy yet. I don't care about blasphemy." Not interested at all. Hurry up and make a quote, otherwise I will turn that paladin into a zombie, and he will drive me bankrupt in the past few days."

Gustavo Flynn's face twitched, this lich was really shameless.

"You know very well that I did not exaggerate the economic difficulties of Alchemy City. It is impossible for us to give you 20 million gold coins."

Hearing the other party's relaxed tone, Amber Xiu quickly said: "I know, and I won't embarrass you. How about ten thousand fire-power-enhanced demon puppets, giving you ten million gold coins?"

After hearing this, Gustavo Flynn said angrily: "And then let you earn 90 million gold coins for nothing? How dare you speak."

The lowest version of the devil puppet costs 3,000 gold coins. The firepower-enhanced version is a high-end product, and each one costs at least 10,000 gold coins. The lich asked for 100 million, but only 10 million gold coins were deducted. This This is not robbery, this is looting, trying to dig out the roots of the Alchemy City.

"You said you have no money, so I can only ask for goods. Isn't the best-selling item in Alchemy City the magic puppet?"

Gustavo Flynn said categorically: "No matter how little money you have, you can't sell the puppets as scrap metal. Don't even think about it. And you don't have the workers to maintain the puppets at all. You can't buy so many puppets." It’s just a large ornament.”

"Well, for the sake of our friendship, I have a win-win proposal. You don't have to spend a single gold coin, and you don't have to give me anything in kind. I will also hand over Alan Watson to you."

Gustavo Flynn frowned and said, "You... want the formula for the alchemy potion?"

Amberxiu gave a thumbs up and said: "Smart, isn't this a win-win situation? You don't have to pay a penny, just copy some information and give it to me, and then you can get this important political bargaining chip. However, not only Potion.”

Amberxiu took out a piece of parchment and drew a circle on it with his fingers. The parchment automatically folded into a little bird, fluttering its wings and flew in front of Gustavo Flynn.

Gustavo Flynn took it, unfolded it, and frowned even deeper.

"The original body of the reproductive bone virus, the magic airship blueprint, the living mercury solution formula, the explosive potion formula... Do you know what you are writing? These formulas and blueprints combined are worth more than 10,000 golem puppets!"

Amberxiu's list is dense and dense, with more than a hundred items written down.

Amber Xiu said: "But you don't need to pay for these things in kind, you just share this knowledge with me."

"Knowledge is the most valuable thing!"

"Don't worry, I will not resell these formulas and drawings to others. We can sign a contract. I promise that I will only study and use them myself." Amber Xiu promised.

Gustavo Flynn sneered: "Of course you won't sell the formula, but you will sell the finished product! Do you think I don't know what you want?"

Amberxiu did not hide it, but said frankly: "Of course I can make products to sell, but there are so many laboratories in the Alchemy City. In terms of cost advantage, will you lose to a small workshop like mine? They all sell finished products. You You should be very confident in the price war."

Gustavo Flynn did not answer this question. For the same product, Alchemy City can of course lower the cost, but they don’t want to. The exclusive business can make ten times the profit, so why do they have to have one more competitor to lower the price? Even if Amberxiu's production cannot fill the market demand, handing over the formula is equivalent to handing over the hen that lays the golden eggs.

But Gustavo Flynn couldn't find a better choice. The only thing that the Alchemy City could use now was the knowledge accumulated over countless years.

This lich is still so difficult to deal with. When the president personally wrote a letter inviting Amber to join the Council of Alchemists, Gustavo Flynn felt that the president was a little too flattering. Thinking about it now, if he had been dragged in at all costs, perhaps Alchemy City would not be in the current situation of internal and external troubles.

"Recipe trading is okay, but there are too many. You can only choose three at most from this list."

Although Gustavo Flynn was relieved, he slashed hard, cutting hundreds of formulas and drawings into three with one sentence.

"Can you be a little sincere? I can give you a zero for these one hundred and thirty-two formulas, just one hundred and thirty."

The two of them started bargaining back and forth.

In the end, Amberxiu sold Alan Watson to the Alchemy City for thirty copies of the formula and blueprints, forcefully handed the bar of iron slag and embers to Gustavo Flynn, and asked for two more copies. formula.

After all, the price of one hundred and thirty-two copies was reduced to thirty-two copies. Although Gustavo Flynn really didn't want that iron slag bar, seeing that Amberxiu's stance was firm, he could only reluctantly agree.

"I'll let you go as soon as you deliver what I want," Amberxiu said.

At this time, Gustavo Flynn shook his head and said: "No, not so fast. Regarding Alan Watson, I still need you to cooperate in a play."

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