This lich needs more money

Chapter 50 Let’s get straight to the point

When Ambrose saw Alan Watson, the once vigorous paladin was sitting on the ground slumped.

The long sword was placed beside him. The blade was full of cracks and chips, obviously it had gone through an extremely fierce battle.

Allen's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, as if he had been beaten severely, and his original handsome appearance was completely lost. But his mental trauma seemed many times worse than his physical injuries. His eyes were all gone, as if he had aged more than ten years.

The headless brother was standing aside, grinding his nails leisurely.

Ambrose asked in surprise: "What did you do to him?"

The headless brother shook his head and said with some disdain: "Just give him a small lesson. Today's paladins are far worse than they were back then. Even if they dare to go out to practice alone at this level, the Lion Empire has also fallen."

Amberxiu asked strangely: "Why does it sound like a personal grudge?"

The headless brother said: "His father is the highest judge of the Lion Empire, so he is unlucky."

"You also have a grudge against James Watson?"

Amber Xiu was a little surprised. The headless brother didn't look like a scholar. He must have never had his manuscript rejected by this racist old man, right?

"James Watson? Who is that? I'm talking about Moody. He was the one who issued the warrant for my arrest."

Amber Xiu:......

This headless horseman is quite vindictive. I don’t know how many generations of predecessors he was the supreme judge. In the end, the blame was placed on Allen’s head. It can only be said that he is unlucky.

"Is it fun to bully children?" Amberxiu asked.

Without waiting for the headless brother to explain, Allen spoke first and said: "No, Mr. Gareth kept his strength and speed equal to mine, but I still had no power to fight back."

Amberxiu comforted him and said, "This is normal. You don't know how many years this man has lived. It's not surprising that his martial arts skills are superior to those of ordinary people."

"Mortal..." Allen could only smile bitterly after hearing this.

He is a paladin of the Lion Empire who has received strict training since childhood. His swordsmanship is considered the best among the younger generation. Even the emperor of the empire personally canonized him and praised him as the future pillar of the empire.

But facing this slovenly-looking middle-aged uncle, Allen experienced his first disastrous defeat in his life.

It was so brutal that the man didn't even use a sword. He just stretched out a finger and defeated him with his nails.

The swordsmanship that I was once proud of was like a child playing in front of this man. As soon as his arms moved a little, the opponent's nails had already poked into his throat, eyes, heart and other vital parts. After more than ten years of hard training in swordsmanship, there are still so many flaws that I haven't discovered yet.

The other party also deliberately teased him, throwing Allen on his face every time. The bridge of his nose had long been broken, and his front teeth were a little loose. The injury was not serious, but the mental impact was too great.

This was a complete failure with no excuse at all.

Now, hearing Amber Xiu's comments, Allen felt even more humiliated.

It turns out that in the eyes of a truly strong man, he is just a mortal.

Amberxiu confirmed that Allen was fine, so he didn't bother to care about him and pulled the headless brother out of the cell.

Amber Xiu shared the seven prophecy fragments he had obtained with Headless Brother, hoping to get some news from him.

Although the headless brother is not an erudite scholar, he has lived longer than Amber and must have more knowledge, so he may be able to see something.

But the result was very disappointing to Amber Xiu. He couldn't guess what was in the sewer, but he was very concerned about the broken bar.

The headless brother said eagerly: "Brother Diga, this prophecy will definitely come true? Can it be changed?"

"Worried about your orc sister?" Amber Xiu asked with a smile.

"Ona is innocent." Headless Brother said very responsibly.

Amberxiu was silent for two seconds, and then said, "Your wife will be even more furious when she hears this."

However, seeing the anxious look on the headless brother's face, Amber Xiu still tried his best to give some advice.

"Whether the prophecy can be changed, I can't make a conclusion. I am also a coward who dare not face fate, but you can face the future in another way. The prophecy only said that the bar will become a ruin, but the orc did not appear. The corpse of the boss, so whether she can survive is still unknown.

"Most of the Alchemy City will definitely be destroyed in the near future. You might as well persuade her to leave as soon as possible. People can still rebuild the bar after it is destroyed, right?"

When the headless brother heard this, he immediately became happy.

"Brother, you really have a way. I'm going to tell her right now and persuade her to leave the Alchemy City."

After finishing speaking, the headless brother was about to go find his orc sister, but was stopped by Amber Xiu.

"Wait a minute, please give me a message to this boss. If she wants to sell this bar, I can buy it, but the price must be favorable."

The headless brother said strangely: "Didn't you say that this bar is destined to be destroyed? If you still offer it, wouldn't you definitely lose money?"

Amberxiu retorted: "Otherwise? Do you still have money on you? If you don't have money, how can you survive after you ask that orc girl to give up the bar? Do you think she doesn't need to eat or drink like the undead? I will put down the bar, and she will Don’t you have the money to start over somewhere else?”

The headless brother was so moved that he hugged Amber Xiu forcefully and said, "Good brother, I will never forget this kindness. Don't worry, no matter who takes off your head, I, Gareth, will be the first to avenge you!"

"Can't you protect me before my head is taken off?"

"Everything you prophesy and see will come true."

Amber Xiu:......

These words made Amberxiu's soul fire tremble with anger. Sure enough, the most annoying thing in the world is prophecies, especially prophecies about misfortune.

After the headless brother left, Amberxiu began to prepare for the arrival of the big shot from the Alchemist Council.

Not long after, a huge aeroboat landed in front of Amberxiu's castle.

A middle-aged man with a serious face stepped out of the airship. He was wearing a golden-red robe. It looked like the same style as the administrator he had seen before, but the pattern was more gorgeous.

Amberxiu put on his human appearance and welcomed this person with a smile.

Amberxiu greeted warmly: "My dear Flynn, it's been a long time. The last time we met was probably more than ten years ago."

Gustavo Flynn, the sixth seat of the Alchemist Council, is a legendary alchemist. The total number of books published in the mainland can fill Amberxiu's library. He is a real big shot.

Alchemy City sent this guy out, and it seems that he also attaches great importance to Alan Watson.

Gustavo Flynn's expression didn't change at all when he saw Amber Xiu. He said in the most direct way: "I know you very well, old friend. Just make an offer. This paladin is very useful to us."

Amberxiu said happily: "You are my favorite in the parliament, because I like your straight-to-the-point style. For 20 million gold coins, I will hand over the person to you."

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