This lich needs more money

Chapter 52 The last bargaining chip

"About Alan Watson, I also need you to cooperate in a play."

Hearing Gustavo Flynn's words, Amberxiu replied without thinking: "Acting? You'll have to pay extra."

Gustavo Flynn suppressed his anger and said: "You haven't even asked what role to play."

"Every show requires extra money. I'm not targeting you. This is the principle of my life."

Gustavo Flynn sneered and said: "Liches are considered human beings?"

Amber Xiu laughed and said: "Racial discrimination? Then I will have to renegotiate the price!"

Gustavo Flynn could only grit his teeth and discuss with Amber Xiu.

Before setting off, Gustavo Flynn actually knew the final decision of the parliament. No matter what the cost, Alan Watson had to get it, but he couldn't send it to the Lane Empire so easily.

The City of Alchemy needs the help of the Lane Empire, but if it is just to send the son back to the supreme judge, this favor is not big or small. It may be possible to obtain the personal friendship of this big man, but it may not be enough to ask him to promote major cooperation between the two countries.

After all, the supreme judge chose the toughest way to deal with his son's capture, and it was obvious that he did not care about his life or death.

In this way, the value of Alan Watson will be reduced.

Therefore, the Alchemy City needs Amber Xiu's help to fuel the situation.

Didn't the Lion Empire send ten Knights of Sin to save people? The Knights of Sin were a powerful legion second only to the Lion Guards, and the members inside could be said to be the future pillars of the Lion Empire.

If these guilty knights are captured and the Alchemy City comes forward to redeem them, the favor will become many times greater. If James Watson didn't care about his son's life or death, others would say he was noble and upright, but if it were ten other promising paladins, James Watson would be scolded if he continued to be indifferent.

Amberxiu refused and said: "It's a good plan, but you want me to deal with these ten paladins by myself? You think too highly of me. The Knights of Judgment were specially formed to deal with the undead. They must have mastered the ability to completely restrain them." With the methods of the undead, I don’t think I am their opponent, even if I hide in the castle, I can’t win.”

"You think they won't cause trouble for you if you don't agree?" Gustavo Flynn felt that he had caught Amber's handle.

The Conviction Knight is here for Alan Watson, and there's no way Ambrose can escape. It's absolutely impossible to use this excuse to increase money.

Amberxiu chuckled and said decisively: "At worst, I will tie Alan Watson to the gate of the castle and run away directly. The world is so big, how can I, a legendary lich, not find a place to conduct experiments? If we break up, I won't be able to get the formula, and you won't be able to get this opportunity to sell favors."

Gustavo Flynn retorted: "You can't bear to part with thirty-two formulas and drawings. You should know how much wealth this is."

"Of course it is clear, but these formulas are meaningless after the life box is broken. If you want me to take risks, just pay a price worth my risk. My old friend, you know me very well, just as I know you very well. You show up Here, it means that the parliament has made a decision, there is no need to go around in circles, just come up with your final reserve price."

Amberxiu is very confident, because the prophecy fragments have proved that the Alchemist Council is unable to control the crisis in the sewers, and they are the ones who are forced into a desperate situation.

The Alchemy City family has a big business and cannot just throw it away, but Amber Xiu only needs to draw a teleportation array and directly pack up the valuables in the castle and take them away.

He has an escape route, but Alchemy City does not, so he must have the upper hand in this negotiation.

The result of the negotiation was just as Amberxiu expected. Gustavo Flynn was not stupid, but his true and false intentions had long been seen through by Amberxiu. This was an unfair bet, and in the end, it could only be achieved by Amberxiu. The trump card was revealed in advance.

"I can promise you that if you can cooperate in this scene, the council will allow you to use the wishing machine once."

After saying these words, Gustavo Flynn was also a little relieved. The trump card has been revealed, so there is no need to hide it anymore. He just needs to wait for Amberxiu to agree or refuse.

When Amber Xiu heard the words "wishing machine", he was surprised and said: "You...really made this thing?"

Many years ago, before the mysterious president retired from the scene, a news spread in the Alchemy City. The Council of Alchemists is preparing to solidify the powerful magic of wishing into magic props and create a wishing machine that can grant wishes.

The wish spell can be said to be the most powerful spell under the gods. In theory, as long as your wish is described accurately enough and it is a wish that the gods can help you realize, it can be realized.

For example, turning a lich into a human again. It can also bring a person who has completely died and even the soul has dissipated back to life.

This is the most commonly used direction for prayer. Resurrecting loved ones and friends has always been the dream of most people.

Of course, if you are ambitious, you can also use the wish spell to promote a mortal to a legend and gain powerful power.

Unfortunately, even the legendary mage may not be able to use the wish spell. This spell is too difficult and requires talent, hard work and luck.

Did these lunatics really solidify the wish spell into magic equipment?

Wouldn't that become a wishing technique that can be used indefinitely?

Amberxiu just thought for a moment and then mocked: "Although I am an undead, are you a liar? If the wishing machine is really created by you, what crisis can't be solved?"

Gustavo Flynn explained: "The wishing machine does exist, but it cannot perform perfect wishes. Through many years of hard work, we have given the wishing machine the power to point the right path. I know you are being promoted There was an accident during the Legend, and you gave up the nearly divine power of the prophecy school, so among the Legends, you are at the bottom..."

"If you scold me again, you'll have to pay more!" Amberxiu said coldly.

Gustavo Flynn finally couldn't help but rolled his eyes and could only change his words.

"Anyway, you know it yourself. If you abandon the power of prophecy, you are not a qualified legendary lich. The wishing machine can help you find a solution to this problem, and it will guide you to find new power. Of course, if you feel that this If wishing is not enough, you can also ask other questions, and the wishing machine will definitely give you the most correct and detailed answer."

Ambrose carefully observed Gustavo Flynn's expression, and his intuition told him that this guy was not lying.

Amberxiu pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Deal. I will hand over the Knights of Conviction to you together with Alan Watson."

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