The two talked for more than half an hour, but neither got what they wanted.

Catherine is not good at negotiating.

In the past, when she needed to argue with someone, as long as she said a few words in a gentle tone, most of her negotiating opponents would give in.

If you frown and show a troubled expression, the other party will give in even more.

Catherine also knew very well that this advantage came from her beauty, but she had become accustomed to it over the years and was used to facing people who were easy to "persuad".

And now, she met Amber Xiu.

This lich was obviously affected by her charm when they first met, so why doesn't it have any effect now?

Ambrose maintained a polite smile on the surface and looked directly at Catherine. In fact, he was trying hard to curb his external perception, just listen to what she said, and try not to "look" at her.

Amberxiu thought he was a very good negotiator. After developing the ability to read micro-expressions, he could easily see through the inner feelings of living people with an accuracy rate of up to 90%.

But this time when he met Catherine, Amberxiu discovered that this trick had only side effects.

Catherine is indeed very understanding. This elf queen is not good at hiding her thoughts.

But when Amberxiu saw her embarrassment and uneasiness, he began to soften and almost even said the words "discount".

This elf queen is so outrageous that she can even enchant a lich.

This made Amberxiu understand that he had met a real opponent. When Queen Catherine sat at the negotiation table, she was like a talented player who could defeat ten skills at once. You don't care whether she knows negotiation skills or not, as long as she sits A slight smile or a slight frown will make your opponent completely unable to resist.

A technical player like Amber Xiu was suppressed by the opponent's strength and had no choice but to restrain his perception. On the surface, he was looking at Catherine, but in fact he only listened to her voice and constantly reminded himself that gold coins are true love.

Without this method of reading micro-expressions, the effect of chatting with the other party just by listening to the voice will naturally be much worse.

The result was that the negotiations fell into a see-saw, with neither side getting what they wanted.

Catherine didn't care how much the ransom was, she just wanted to get the principle of the magic seal without attracting Amber's attention.

Amber Decoration did not know that the ransom plan was being promoted crazily. How could the treatment plan for addiction be sold so cheaply? The ransom for the captives was actually earnest money.

Amberxiu couldn't hold it any longer and could only say to Catherine: "It seems that we have not been able to reach a consensus for the time being. It is almost dawn. Her Majesty the Queen should go and take a rest. The formal negotiations will be here soon. I hope we can An agreement can be reached smoothly.”

Catherine was indeed a little tired. She didn't expect that this lich was really insufferable. Coupled with the fierce battle last night, she was very exhausted, so she could only nod in agreement.

As a result, she slept for a whole day, and when Catherine opened her eyes, there were several elves standing next to her with worried expressions.

As soon as they saw Catherine waking up, they asked with concern: "Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Catherine said doubtfully: "I'm fine."

"But, Your Majesty, you slept all day."

Catherine stretched and suddenly found herself refreshed.

Catherine said in surprise: "It's amazing. I haven't had such a comfortable sleep in a long time."

In recent years, due to the pressure of addiction, Catherine could hardly sleep peacefully every day. She was always having nightmares, and her dreams were filled with horrific scenes of the destruction of the elves.

But today was different. It was as if all the stress accumulated before had evaporated in this sleep, giving Catherine a feeling of being reborn.

The elves also looked at each other, many of them didn't sleep well last night. This is the lich's castle after all, and who knows if there will be any broken palms or rotten spiders crawling onto their beds at night.

Unexpectedly, Her Majesty the Queen could sleep all day without being affected by the environment at all. Is this a legendary powerhouse? Compared with Her Majesty the Queen, they are still far behind.

Catherine looked out the window at the sun that was about to set. She felt full of energy. She ate some dry food she had brought with her and was ready to talk to Amber Xiu about the issue of the prisoners. Catherine summarized the mistakes made during yesterday's negotiation and felt that she would be able to find a breakthrough today.

However, when she found Amber Xiu again, Catherine discovered that there was one more person.

In Amberxiu's laboratory, besides the lich who transformed into a black-haired boy, there was another beautiful woman with skin as white as snow. This woman has a similar temperament to Catherine. Catherine can tell at a glance that this lady must also be a high-ranking person.

"Your Majesty Catherine, you are finally awake." Amberxiu greeted her warmly, and then introduced her: "Let me introduce to you, this is Ms. Rose, the Queen of the Underdark."

Apoptotic Rose gave Catherine a polite smile, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Catherine also tried very hard to be polite, but she was very surprised on the inside.

Apoptotic Rose, the Queen of the Undead in the Underdark. Although Catherine has never met this person, she has already heard of her name.

Because the kingdom of Apoptotic Rose is built next to the underground silver sea, this one also has the title of Silver Queen. The power and cruelty of the Apoptotic Rose are spread throughout the Nine Kingdoms.

What does this Lich mean by inviting the Queen of Roses here?

Apoptotic Rose was specially invited by Amber Xiu to help.

Catherine's charm ability was so powerful that even a lich like him, who was desperate for money, was seriously affected. Presumably, his soul was still male, so the charm effect he endured was particularly strong. If you continue to negotiate, it is easy to make mistakes. If you fail to make money that you could obviously make, you will lose money. This is like Ling Chi to Amber Xiu.

Because he didn't want to regret it, he specially invited Apoptotic Rose here.

This person is also a lich, and his soul is female. His resistance to Catherine's charm must be higher than his own. Anyway, I can't take all the benefits from the elves, and I will definitely share the cake with everyone in the Mourning Poets Society, so I simply let the Apoptotic Rose negotiate for me. Anyway, Amber Xiu's base price has been revealed to Apoptotic Rose, and I believe that the Queen of the Undead will not cheat her own people.

Catherine politely said to Apoptotic Rose: "It turns out to be Sister Qiang. I have heard of your name a long time ago. You built a kingdom of the dead from scratch. I admire this achievement very much."

Apoptotic Rose also said politely: "Sister Catherine is so polite. You are the queen that all women admire most."

"Sister Qiangwei is friends with Master Ultraman? It seems that my visit disturbed your party."

"No, it is precisely because of your arrival, sister, that he asked me to help out a little. I can make the decision regarding the elven captives. Sister, just talk to me."

Catherine glanced at Apoptotic Rose and thought that the old king's information was indeed correct. Both of them were members of the same organization. Otherwise, it was just a matter of a few elven captives. How could the Queen of the Undead come to negotiate with her in person?

Catherine didn't want to negotiate with the Queen of Roses. She had already thought about how to deal with Amberxiu, but the preparations before the sudden substitution were wasted.

"Ultraman Master, are you doing this because you think I was rude in some way yesterday, so I even gave away the leadership of the negotiation to others?"

Amberxiu smiled and said: "Ms. Qiangwei is not someone else. I am completely at ease if I leave it to her. Of course, it is not because of any conflicts in yesterday's exchange. It is just because I have some personal matters today and cannot stay in the castle, so I invited Qiangwei." Madam helps. She can fully represent me, and the decision she makes is my decision."

Although Catherine didn't believe Ambrose's excuse, she couldn't find any other reason to refuse.

Time was getting tighter and tighter. She couldn't wait until Amberxiu was free to talk. Who knew how long he would delay.

Catherine said: "In that case, I hope I can reach an agreement with Sister Qiangwei today."

"Of course, as long as the price is right. Sister, you heard what he said. This time, I represent the interests of both of us. The price you agreed on yesterday, I think you can adjust it again."

"Correction, we didn't have a good negotiation yesterday, so naturally we can't discuss the price. A ransom of 20 million gold coins per prisoner is absolutely impossible. There is no sincerity in this price."

"The elves don't care about the mere tens of millions of gold coins. The wealth accumulated by the elves can buy all the nine kingdoms. This is something everyone on the mainland knows. My sister said this, but it is too insincere. "

"Having money doesn't mean you can spend it arbitrarily. This is the wealth accumulated by the elves over the generations. I am just looking after it. I am not qualified to agree to such an unreasonable price for the rectification of the elves."

"But delaying it will be even more detrimental to you. After all, we undead do not feed people. These elves need extra food every day, and the cost is increasing. If we delay it any longer, the price will only become more expensive."

The two queens, the only two queens on the mainland, were sitting opposite each other, with smiles on their lips and calm voices, but the content of the chat was getting more and more destructive.

But every time when the conversation was about to run out, both parties would tacitly agree to take a step back and talk about issues such as governing the country and dressing up. After the atmosphere calmed down, a new round of confrontation would begin.

Amberxiu only listened for a short while, and then decisively left the small room. Apoptotic Rose performed very well and seemed not to be affected by Catherine at all.

And if Amberxiu continues to listen, he may be unable to help but speak for Catherine, and Apoptotic Rose may have to sever the cooperative relationship with him.

Leave professional matters to professionals, and Amber Xiu did have something to deal with today.

Because the dwarves sent news that traces of hell demons appeared again near the ruins of the Alchemy City. If the dwarves had not built a temporary camp, I am afraid these demons would directly choose to attack.

This situation is not quite right. Hell demons appear frequently. It should not be that someone simply opened the door to hell, but a certain lord in hell is preparing to invade. If this culprit is not solved, this demonic invasion may not be completely solved.

But the lords of hell all possess powers close to those of gods, and their true bodies are hidden in hell. If they were really so easy to eliminate, they would have been slaughtered by the gods long ago.

Amberxiu alone would definitely not be able to deal with the Hell Lord, and he would have to borrow more powerful power.

"If I declare to the outside world that the Hell Lord is massacring humans, will the Lane Empire send troops? Moral kidnapping should have a very good effect on moral paladins..."

With all kinds of deceptive plans running in his mind, Amber Xiu flew towards the ruins of the Alchemy City. No matter what, he wanted to capture a few demons first and find out which hell lord was causing trouble.

I overslept. Sorry for the late update. Sorry.

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