This lich needs more money

Chapter 126 The boy who worships the dragon

The desolate cries of crows echoed in the sky.

The crows turned into a black cloud, hovering in the square outside the castle.

These flat-haired beasts are waiting for dinner.

On the bloody square, the executioner wore a black leather hood, and his naked body was covered with strange patterns painted with blood. They were tattoos praising viciousness and cruelty, and were the masterpieces of the devils in hell.

One by one, ragged slaves were brought before the executioner.

Gouging out eyes, cutting off tongues, removing bones, picking tendons...the executioner used all kinds of torture on these slaves according to his own wishes.

The screams are the best background music, which will only make the executioner more excited and his actions more cruel and wanton.

Most of the slaves died in mourning, their blood seeping into the ground, filling a terrible magic circle, and their tortured souls would be swallowed up by the bloody shadow floating above.

This is the sacrificial ceremony that the three-headed dog family has performed for a long time.

There are many lords in the Nine Hells. The Three-Headed Dog family believes in Tiamat, the dragon goddess of Avernus in the First Hell.

Tiamat's body is a colorful dragon. Legend has it that her body has five dragon heads. It is said that all the five-color dragons in the world are her descendants.

It's just that the three-headed dog family is hiding in the Alchemy City to survive, so it is disliked by Tiamat. It is not qualified to hang the five-color dragon head emblem of the hell lord, and can only use the shameful three-headed dog as a substitute.

Only now have they blatantly re-hanged Tiamat's five-headed dragon emblem.

Because times have changed.

This family did not dare to perform sacrifices in such a big way when the Alchemist Council was still there. After all, the Alchemy City is one of the very few countries that allows the belief in hell to exist.

It wasn't until the Alchemy City was suddenly destroyed that the Three-Headed Dog family understood that their fate had turned.

Everyone can imagine that with the destruction of the Alchemy City, the entire kingdom will enter a state of chaos, which will definitely lead to large-scale war. And war is a hotbed of pain and torture, and the best gift to hell.

A large number of slaves were sacrificed to open the gates of hell for the hell lords and summon those hell monsters to come.

After doing this, the three-headed dog family finally felt proud and regained Tiamat's favor.

But they also knew very well that the family was facing a major crisis. The plan to intercept the elven mission failed, the gate of hell was destroyed, and a bunch of cannon fodder died in vain. Without stopping the peace talks, not only would the chaos in Alchemy City be ended early, but the elves would also have to deal with the revenge.

Therefore, the three-headed dog family had to make a desperate move and increase the intensity of the sacrifice.

The three-headed dog family took advantage of the chaos and captured many prisoners, just in time to sacrifice them all at once.

Such a brutal massacre had been going on for two days, but the effect didn't seem to be very good.

Although Tiamat is the lord of hell, she is not the kind of devil who is obsessed with torture and cruelty. She is the mother of dragons, and she prefers power.

The three-headed dog family's previous operations, expanding territory, plundering the population, and instigating wars to profit from it, are all behaviors Tiamat likes, so the rewards for them are quite generous.

But after the assassination failed, the three-headed dog family only offered such bloody and cruel sacrifices, and Tiamat was a little uninterested.

Although tortured souls are considered hard currency in hell, this simple and crude behavior really makes the evil dragon goddess uninterested.

However, the three-headed dog family has no other choice. They must now try every means to strengthen themselves and deal with possible revenge.

This is not because the three-headed dog family has given birth to a genius who is not far away from becoming a legend. Tiamat's blessings have been used on this genius several times before, making him just a short step away from becoming a legend. One kick. If this sacrifice can be completed successfully, this genius will be promoted to a legend.

A legend may not be able to withstand the elven army, but a legend is enough to protect the few elites of the family and start a new business elsewhere.

Running away if you can't fight is not a problem at all for people like the three-headed dog family who believe in hell.

However, for the captives and slaves who were sacrificed, this was the greatest human tragedy.

Among the prisoners, a young child had his legs shackled with chains and was struggling to move.

He was a little different from other numb prisoners. He lowered his head, hiding his angry eyes, and kept opening and closing his mouth, praying in the smallest voice.

He was reciting the prayer of the Lord of the Morning, which he had learned not long ago from a paladin named Stars.

This young man is Geronimo.

Geronimo's bad luck is really bad, far worse than being chosen by the stars to become a secret weapon against Umbersheu. His talent was so outstanding that even the Star Paladins were impressed by it, and they had decided to take him back and make him a disciple after the war.

But because Amber Xiu did not play by common sense, as the devil king, he did not wait for the righteous protagonist in the castle to attack, but instead personally assassinated the protagonist.

Geronimo's first opportunity to cross class was gone. He became a serf that no one cared about. He was forgotten in the Alchemy City and no one cared about him at all.

But Geronimo did not give up. He kept in mind the teachings of the Lord of the Dawn: "You should improve yourself and never be proud and complacent; you should be fertile in body and mind, and be cautious and brave in the face of danger; you should be cautious and courageous in the face of danger. We should uphold justice and live toward death."

Because of this exciting teaching, Geronimo led the serfs who were not completely desperate to join the Lion Empire in the final battle of Alchemy City.

Geronimo took these weak mortals and assisted the paladins in opening the city gate, helping the trapped humans and sending them out of the Alchemy City.

It can be said that as long as Geronimo survives successfully and comes to the Lion Empire, the future will be absolutely limitless.

But his luck was really bad. In the last battle, he was seriously injured and fell into coma, while his teammates didn't have time to care about him and died at the hands of other undead.

That battle was so chaotic that even the paladins suffered heavy casualties. The charge of the Headless Horseman Gareth destroyed a large area of ​​the city, and the rubble buried the unconscious Geronimo.

When Geronimo woke up, he was already buried deep underground.

What's even worse is that his right hand was pressed by rubble and the bones were broken.

He almost tried his best to crawl out, but all he saw was boundless ruins, and the paladins had long since disappeared.

Geronimo had no choice but to bandage his arm hastily and prepare to find another way out.

The destruction of the Alchemy City brought this land into a state of melee. Geronimo was just an injured serf. He was young and it was already difficult for him to survive.

After a few days of hiding here and there, the original plan of catching up with Ryan's army was completely forgotten. It was better to think about how to survive first.

In the end, Geronimo fainted and fell to the ground due to fever. When he woke up again, he was locked in a cell by the three-headed dog family.

And now, he is being pushed to the high platform, walking towards the cruel executioner step by step.

The prayer in Geronimo's mouth has not stopped yet. He keeps reciting everything the stars taught him. This method could once summon celestial warriors composed of holy light, but now no matter how hard Geronimo tries, the holy light cannot No response.

The more anxious Geronimo became, the more confused he recited these prayers, and eventually he accidentally bit his own tongue.

The excruciating pain made him tremble all over, and as soon as he stopped, the whip behind him crackled.

Geronimo looked at the getting closer and closer to the high platform, and finally couldn't help but said: "Holy Light, won't you protect your believers?! I have obviously done everything according to your words, is this all a lie? Is it mine?!"

When the executioner heard these words, he immediately laughed.

"You kid who believes in the Holy Light? I will make your death even more miserable."

The executioner grabbed Geronimo's hair with one hand, dragged his young body up to the high platform, then picked up a skinning knife and said to him: "Kid, you believe in the Holy Light, right? Let me cut the skin off your back first. Peel it off and make you a pair of angel wings."

Before Geronimo had time to struggle, severe pain came from his back. The sharp skinning knife had cut open his skin, chipping away at his flesh bit by bit.

Geronimo screamed in pain, but this did not make the executioner feel any softer.

The brutal sacrifices continued, and Geronimo gradually lost his mind under the torture.

The Holy Light, the Lord of the Morning, and the real life of a human being... are all fake and deceitful. Those hypocritical holy warriors left me alone and ran away. Mingming said that as long as he survived the war, he could live a new life.

I have worked so hard to survive, where is the Holy Light? !

His weak body could not bear the torture at all, and soon he was dying and even his consciousness was blurred.

At this moment of death, Geronimo seemed to see a crow with two heads falling in front of him. One of the heads was bald, like Geronimo, with its skin peeled off.

And this ugly and ferocious crow pecked Geronimo's eyes with its sharp beak.

Geronimo only felt pain in his eyes, and his right eye completely lost its light.

The boy, who was only half-breathing, didn't know where he got the strength. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the two-headed crow that was pecking at his eyes, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Even if you are going to die, you must drag this beast with you!

The filthy blood was devoured by him, and Geronimo's scarred body seemed to be injected with lava. The burning pain made his whole body convulse.

But his fierce will before death overcame all the pain, and instead made Geronimo's consciousness gradually clear.

A long-lost memory came to mind.

That was a story that Geronimo's mother read to him when he was a child.

In the story, there is a race that worships dragons. They imitate the roar of the dragon and create unique languages. Whenever they speak these languages, they will gain the power of the dragon.

They are the remnants of the Dragon Age, they are the survivors of the previous civilization, they are the Dragon Worship Cult.

As if syllables from ancient times were spit out from Geronimo's mouth, the sound of dragon roars once again sounded on this continent.

Above the sky, the demonic figure that was about to devour the soul paused and stared at the dying boy with surprised eyes.

The dragon goddess Tiamat heard this desperate dragon roar.

The executioner didn't know what was happening. He just thought that the weird sound just now was the child's moan before he died. He was about to peel off his spine bit by bit and make a terrifying flesh and blood sculpture. But he suddenly discovered that his own Uncontrolled arms.

The arm holding the boning knife was like metal attracted by a magnet, pressing against Geronimo's wound uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, sharp granules sprouted from the bloody wound. These granules were like sharp teeth, biting the executioner's arm firmly and starting to tear at it crazily.

Flesh and blood were peeled off, bones were broken, and the executioner screamed in agony.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape this weird backlash.

Every wound on Geronimo's body turned into a mouth full of sharp teeth, and his body was exaggeratedly twisted, wrapped around the executioner's body as if he had no bones.

The executioner's screams soon stopped, because his body had been bitten to pieces and swallowed by those terrifying mouths.

After eating the executioner, the monster with a mouth made a sound of flesh and bone twisting, and then transformed into a human form again.

Geronimo stood on the bloody platform and looked at his hands in disbelief.

On the palms and arms...the mouths full of sharp teeth were constantly opening and closing. His body seemed to be made up of these sharp mouths. It was so terrifying, so disgusting...but so powerful.

Geronimo bent over, and after a few seconds, unable to bear it any longer, burst out laughing wildly.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! What bullshit holy light? My belief should be in dragons! I am a dragon that soars into the sky and devours everything!"

As Geronimo roared, the peeled skin on his back grew wildly, turning into a pair of scarlet skin-bone wings, like the wings of a giant dragon.

Bloodwing flapped hard, and Geronimo flew up and rushed towards the people of the three-headed dog family.

Flesh and blood splattered, and the boy who transformed into a dragon wanted to return all the pain to the world.

Sorry, there is no third update today, I will try my best tomorrow

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