This lich needs more money

Chapter 124 What he likes is Jinshan

Amberxiu left the chaotic battlefield.

After spending a lot of dice of destiny, Amberxiu managed to break open the skirt of the goddess of destiny and saw a little bit of the past.

The Gate of Hell was prepared by the people of the Three-Headed Dog Family, and preparations began from the day the Alchemy City was destroyed.

What makes Amberxiu feel troublesome is that there should be several hell lords involved in this attack.

They were all tyrannical monsters with quasi-godlike powers, possessing almost divine power. Moreover, they were ambushing elves, not Amberxiu, so they failed to arouse his premonition of danger.

The destruction of a kingdom always attracts the attention of the gods, but this time it was too chaotic.

Fighting for faith is a common thing for gods. The collapse of the Alchemy City has plunged hundreds of millions of people in the country into a state of chaos. It is indeed the best opportunity to preach.

Not many gods can refuse such an opportunity.

It is understandable that the hell lords are ready to take action. After all, the more people die in the war, the more souls will fall into hell. To them, this is like picking up money on the ground. Everyone likes to pick up as much as possible.

Amberxiu began to reflect on himself: "I made a mistake. I didn't expect that the Alchemy City would be so attractive to these weak gods."

Although I have lived for many years, I have never seen such a sudden collapse of an entire kingdom. In the past, dynasty changes always followed a process from peak prosperity to decline, and various signs often appeared before the kingdom was in ruins.

This is the first time I have seen someone like Alchemy City collapse himself overnight by playing the "God Becoming Plan". Coupled with the original "freedom of belief" custom in the Alchemy City, Amberxiu did not think of the dangers of belief in hell.

"The three-headed dog family, right? If you like hell so much, let me show you the real hell."

Amberxiu summoned the Golden Throne, which had shrunk by more than half, and drew scarlet threads in mid-air with his hands.

This is not magic, but something more mysterious. The silk thread does not outline any magical structure, but affects the flowing air in the fluctuations.

The disturbed air had a few more inconspicuous vortices, causing the flowing wind to deflect.

When it fell to the ground, a certain piece of weeds shook a little, and the hell demon blood on it slowly dripped and fell on a small insect.

This bug, attracted by the rotting flesh, began to mutate under the influence of hell's demonic blood.

A few minutes later, the bug, which had grown twice in size, began to crazily devour the flesh and blood of those demons, eventually bursting its own body, but soon, several more scavenging crows arrived.

Most of the crows that devoured demon flesh fell into madness and eventually died painfully.

But there was a lucky crow that swallowed the corpse of the mutated bug. After the devil's power was digested, it seemed to weaken a lot of the corrosive effect. It did not kill the crow, but instead caused it to grow a second one. Feathered and bloody head.

The two-headed crow flapped its wings and flew high, disappearing into the night with a violent attitude, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The thread of fate trembles slightly, but the small influence spreads like ripples, becoming bigger and bigger.

This is the first time that Ambrose has used the power of destiny weaving. Because of the influence of Lovita, he can only weave painful futures for others.

This time, let the three-headed dog family see what the cruelty of fate is.

With his revenge completed, Amberxiu hurried back with satisfaction.

But there was enough work tonight, and by the time Amberxiu returned to the castle, Isabel had already dozed off in front of a large pile of information.

Amber Xiu did not disturb the tired little girl, and even put some clothes on her.

The weather is too cold. She will catch a cold if she sleeps like this. Put some clothes on her and she can continue working when she wakes up the next day.

After doing all this, Amberxiu was ready to talk to the elf queen.

She should have seen what she had prepared. Some good things cannot be hidden all the time. Sometimes they have to be exposed deliberately to make rich ladies willing to spend a lot of money.

I just didn't expect Queen Catherine to be so anxious. As soon as Amber Xiu covered Isabel with clothes, the queen appeared outside the studio door.

Catherine said unexpectedly: "It's actually true, you are quite good to humans."

The Elf Queen saw Amberxiu gently covering Isabel with clothes. This really impressed her. There was such a kind lich in the world.

Amberxiu said casually: "She is sick and I have no one to help her."

Catherine smiled slightly. The lich's tough talk was quite interesting. The more he looked at it, the more he looked like a "human" rather than a cold and cruel undead.

With such a humane lich, perhaps the next negotiations can make progress.

Catherine couldn't help but get excited when she thought of the magic seals on those elven captives. Although she still doesn't know how the seal works, this is the first time Catherine has found a chance to cure her addiction. Banning power is nothing, as long as it allows the elves to survive smoothly.

"Ultraman Master, before the new negotiations begin, I have something to talk to you about."

Catherine tried hard to control her expression, not wanting Amber to see through her thoughts.

Amberxiu also pretended not to know, and said doubtfully: "As the middleman between the dwarves and the elves, I communicate with you privately. This is probably unfair to the dwarves. If you have something, can't you talk about it at the negotiation meeting?"

Of course, Catherine cannot talk about magic seals during negotiations. Wouldn't this increase the risk of the secret of magic addiction being leaked? She didn't even want Amber Xiu to know about the disease of addiction. She just wanted to get the principle of this seal by insinuating it.

Therefore, seeing Amberxiu's expression of resistance, Catherine quickly said: "I believe that when you were running for this negotiation, you also contacted the desert dwarves. Now it seems that unfairness has already appeared. And we, the elves, suffered the loss. Master Ultraman, take this opportunity to make up for it for us, the elves."

This was said quite cleverly, making Amberxiu look at Queen Catherine in a new light.

No one who can become a legend is a fool. In the past images, Catherine only behaved at a loss because she was under too much pressure.

Now that she has found the hope of the elves, the burden on her heart has lightened slightly, which has restored her spirit a lot.

"Your Majesty's words make me feel ashamed. It was indeed my mistake. In that case, let's sit down and talk."

Amberxiu invited Catherine to the highest point of the castle. This is where Amberxiu usually organizes experimental materials. There are still many drafts scattered on the table.

Catherine took a look and saw a familiar pattern. Isn't this the seal on the elf captive?

Amberxiu stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation and said to Catherine: "Please sit down, Your Majesty the Queen. Please don't mind. I am a poor lich and have nothing to entertain Your Majesty."

Catherine resisted the urge to snatch these drafts, looked at Amberxiu pretending to be casual, and said to him: "You saved my people today, how could I be dissatisfied because of such a small thing. I haven't had time to formally Thanks, now on behalf of the elves, I would like to thank you for your help."

"Your Majesty, you are very polite, but Your Majesty, what you want to talk to me about is probably not gratitude. It is almost dawn, why don't we keep the story short?"

Catherine said: "Yes, what I want to talk to you about is about my people. You have captured several Twilight Guards before. I hope you can release them. We elves are willing to pay the ransom. This transaction has nothing to do with the dwarves, so If we talk privately, it shouldn’t have any impact on the negotiations, are you right?”

"It turns out that this is what your Majesty wants to say. It is true that the elves' captives have little to do with the dwarves. However, when I communicated with the dwarves before, they were all very interested in these Twilight Guards. After all, the elves' actions are too weird. We are all very curious about your strategic plan. The dwarves are willing to pay a large amount of gold coins to buy these captives. If your majesty, Queen, you want to buy back the captives, then I can tell you the price the dwarves gave me."

Catherine felt something was wrong, but she still said as calmly as possible: "I wonder how much my people are worth to the dwarves?"

"It's only five million gold coins for each elf."

Ambrose calmly said a very outrageous number.

After hearing this, Catherine couldn't help but said: "Ultraman Master, this joke is not funny."

"This is no joke. Your Majesty the Queen, do you think these Twilight Guards are not worth the price?" Amberxiu asked.

Catherine said very seriously: "My people are priceless, but it does not mean that the outside world's evaluation of them will be so distorted. Moreover, the dwarves have been beaten by the Lawn Empire until they have no power to fight back. They can get so much gold." Even if they could get it, why would they pay such an outrageous price to buy a group of prisoners? Ultraman Master, I am sincerely talking to you about the ransom, please don't make such meaningless jokes. "

Five million gold coins are enough to arm a legion of dwarf iron guards. Although Cicero and the others are elite elves, how can they be worth five million each? If all of them are added together and the so-called "strategic intelligence" is added, they may not be worth as much as Worth the price.

"How can this be a joke? If you don't believe it, I can show you the evidence."

Ambrose took out several magic letters and handed them to Catherine.

The letter has the seal of the Dwarf Kingdom, which is a genuine official document. The content is also very clear. The Dwarf Kingdom is willing to purchase all the elven captives for five million gold coins each. Of course, Amberxiu got it from Heki Stone. Anyway, the dwarf would not help Catherine expose him, so he could fill in the amount casually.

Catherine frowned and said, "How could they get so much money? This is unreasonable. I have to doubt the authenticity of this official document."

Amberxiu said nonchalantly: "Let's wait until the formal negotiations. You can ask the dwarves for confirmation in person. As for their economic problems, you are telling the truth. They just recently dug out a huge underground city, which is full of It’s gold, I don’t know the specific amount, but it must be several times more than the original stock of gold in the Dwarf Kingdom.”

Catherine was speechless. She had no way to confirm whether what Amberxiu said was true or false.

However, her real purpose is not here.

"The amount of the ransom can be discussed again. It's not that our elves can't get the money. But, I need to confirm that my people are safe. I just met with them and found that they have been blessed with magic seals by you. This The seal won't have any impact on my people, right?" Catherine asked.

Amber Xiu smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, if you say this, it will definitely not have any impact."

Catherine said: "No, Master Ultraman, you may not know that much about the elves. We are very sensitive to magic. If possible, I would like to know the specific effect of this seal. If it is confirmed that it has no impact on my people, then this I may not be able to agree to the price of five million."

Amberxiu looked at Catherine, who was pretending to be calm, and felt that Her Majesty the Queen's heart was about to beat out. No matter how hard she suppressed it, she could not completely control her expression.

Amberxiu smiled and said to Catherine: "Your Majesty the Queen, the five million I mentioned is the price given by the dwarves. If I sell the captive to you, then I will breach the contract. The liquidated damages will be refunded for one and three for three. I can't pay for it, right? As for the seal, as long as you give me the money, I will remove the magic seal first. No matter what the sequelae are, just come to me and I promise to cure them. What do you think? ?”

Catherine's fists clenched under the table, she only now confirmed that Gustavo Flynn had lied to her.

This lich doesn't like gold coins, but he obviously likes gold mountains!

ok, the third update is completed, 10,000 words, please vote for me.

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