This lich needs more money

Chapter 123 There is something special about this lich

When Catherine arrived at Ambrose's castle, she expected to see groups of skeletons and zombies, as well as cabinets full of human organs.

After all, he is a lich, so it would be strange not to do this.

But what surprised Catherine was that although the castle was a bit crude, it was surprisingly clean.

Not only did we not see many ugly undead, but a cute little human girl was in charge of receiving them. It is not an undead soul that has transformed into a human form, but a real living human being.

Although the little human girl fell into a state of trance for a long time after seeing herself, Catherine still felt that Amberxiu was very attentive to the arrangements for the elves.

At least the lich gave the elves enough respect.

Isabel came to her senses under Catherine's reminder, and followed Amberxiu's instructions to arrange for these elves to rest in a room in the castle. When she closed the door, she was still muttering: "There are such beautiful elves in this world?"

Isabel only had Catherine in her eyes, so she had no impression of what the other elves looked like.

The injured elves are being treated. Without the interference of demons, there is no pressure on the elves in terms of treatment. After drinking the healing potion and a few healing spells, the serious injuries turned into minor injuries, and the minor injuries almost recovered.

But Catherine noticed that the consumption of those healing potions was a bit too high.

The wounded have obviously recovered from their injuries, but they can't help but want another bottle, as if it can make them feel better.

Catherine knew in her heart that this was an early sign of addiction.

He became more and more hungry for magic power, and finally dared to put even poisonous potion ingredients into his mouth.

The elves had previously strictly restricted the export of materials in order to be able to use these inventories to support them for a few more years when the addiction epidemic broke out.

But now it seems that the onset of the disease is faster than Catherine expected. I am afraid that the elves will not have to wait until the end of the war to have a large-scale outbreak of magic addiction.

When she thought of this, Catherine became even more worried.

In order to prevent other elves from discovering her abnormality, Catherine could only find an excuse and leave the room.

Isabel was a dedicated servant. When she saw Catherine coming out alone, she quickly went to greet her.

Isabel said a little nervously: "Your Majesty, do you need anything? Please give me your instructions."

The little girl lowered her head, not daring to look up at the Elf Queen, otherwise she would be lost in her beauty again.

Catherine chuckled lightly and said to Isabel: "I just want to take a walk. Just in time, you can show me around this castle. This is my first time seeing a lich's home."

Isabel wanted to say that there was nothing to visit in this castle. More than half of the rooms were laboratories and libraries, and the rest was empty, not even bugs or mice.

But Catherine had already walked out by herself, and Isabel could only follow quickly.

"This is the master's laboratory. It is mainly used to prepare magic potions that need to be distilled. The room next to it is dedicated to centrifugal extraction... Oh, this is the library. This is the bookshelf for necromancy magic and other magic related bookshelves. In another library, there is also a place dedicated to storing papers and materials..."

Every time she passed a place, Isabel tried her best to introduce it to Catherine as enthusiastically as possible.

Catherine didn't originally focus on the visit. She just needed to walk around to divert her attention, but it felt a bit strange when she heard it.

Catherine asked Isabel: "This Ultraman master doesn't look like a lich. As far as I know, a lich's phylactery requires a lot of souls to maintain. This castle does not have a large number of human slaves in captivity. He usually Where did the experimental materials come from?”

Liches are monsters of the evil camp, not only because other races discriminate against them, but also because of their living habits.

Vampires want to suck the blood of living creatures, and the blood of beings with advanced intelligence is better. The blood of virgins from races such as elves and humans is the most valuable luxury product for vampires.

But Amberxiu's castle is very clean. Although you can occasionally see some corpse materials in the laboratory, if you look closely, you will find that they are from various animals, and humanoid skeletons only account for a minority.

Is it intentional fraud?

But this makes no sense. If the elves had not encountered a sudden attack, they would not have brought the wounded to this castle to rest temporarily. What reason does the lich have to spend so much effort on acting?

Catherine began to become curious about this lich, from his transformed appearance, to his terrifying spellcasting ability, and this unusual castle... Is this lich different from other undead, or is it because of his own feelings towards the undead? Know too little?

When Isabel heard Catherine's inquiry, she explained to her: "Master can create a substance similar to the soul, which can replace the role of the soul in many cases."

There is no need to keep this matter secret, because everyone who has dealt with him knows that he has this ability. Amber Xiu originally thought about advertising the artificial souls in the Alchemy City, but in the end he gave up because human slaves were too cheap and lost market competitiveness.

"The power of legendary favor?" Catherine asked a little surprised.

Isabel nodded and said, "Yes, the master can use some simple magic materials to synthesize artificial souls. He usually uses this kind of blank soul for experiments. He also tried to use this ability to create new life."

This is the first time Catherine has heard of this unorthodox ability to create new life. Is this still a lich?

Catherine didn't believe it at first, but as soon as she walked around a corner, Catherine saw several cute little things jumping around in the hall.

The two largest clumps are silvery white and look like round mercury. The golden threads draw the outline of eyes and mouth on the surface of the mercury, which looks very cute.

Next to one of the balls of mercury were several small shiny balls, which looked like a body made of crystal fragments. On the other side, Mercury Dumpling is leading a small dumpling made of sand. It looks a bit different in appearance, but its movements are more lively.

The two mercury dumplings seemed to be the commanders, letting the crystal dumplings and the gravel dumplings form a formation to fight each other.

It seems to be just a simple collision, but if you look closely, you will find that the movements of these dumplings are quite orderly, and there is a special fighting skill in them.

The little dumplings formed a ball and mixed with each other.

It doesn't look exciting at all, but rather cute.

The dumplings who were competing seemed to have discovered Catherine and Isabel. The moment they saw Catherine, the dumplings were all stunned. Then they jumped towards Catherine and jumped happily around her. .

Isabel was very envious. She usually had contact with these little guys, but these beings created by the Lich Lord ignored her. Unexpectedly, she couldn't wait to run over to show off her cuteness as soon as she saw Catherine.

Even these little guys can't resist the charm of the Elf Queen.

Catherine observed it carefully and said in surprise: "This is... elemental life? No, why does it feel like an undead... It's still wrong."

As the queen of elves, Catherine is well-informed. She has seen celestial creatures, visitors from other dimensions, and all kinds of weird things, but she really didn't recognize what these things were in front of her.

High elves are very sensitive to magic. Catherine can clearly distinguish the dark magic in those crystal dumplings and gravel dumplings. This is a typical characteristic of the undead, but their bodies are elements and have nothing to do with corpses.

Could it be that this lich has mastered the technology of turning the corpses of elemental beings into undead?

Catherine felt increasingly confused and confused. This lich gave her different feelings everywhere.

"What a special lich. I have never seen anything so interesting. He must be a very knowledgeable scholar."

Isabel said with great agreement: "Although the master is an undead, he is the smartest and most knowledgeable person I have ever met, and he is also very kind to living people. He has accepted many fleeing humans before and allowed them to live in this area." Life on the territory is much better than that of serfs elsewhere.”

Isabel said this sincerely, Amberxiu was much better than her previous lord.

The more Catherine listened, the more she felt something was wrong. Could there be such a lich in this world?

Although she doubted the credibility of Isabel's words, Catherine still had a good impression of Amber Hugh.

After walking around the castle for a few more times with Isabel, Catherine suddenly asked: "By the way, do you know where this where the prisoners are held?"

Isabel said: "Prisoner? Oh, I understand. Your Majesty wants to visit your tribe, right?"

Catherine didn't expect Isabel to be so straightforward. She really wanted to see Cicero and the captives, and she didn't mean to sneak them away while Amberxiu was away. At least she wanted to confirm the safety of these captives. Of course, if there is a chance, it is not impossible to directly rescue the person first.

After all, the elf and the lich are still in a hostile relationship. It was the lich who brought her home, so she, the elf queen, cannot be blamed for breaking into prison to save people.

I didn't expect Isabel to say it so directly. If the little girl didn't want to, then she could only knock her out and go find it herself.

To Catherine's surprise, Isabel said to her: "Yes, please come with me."

Catherine was dubious. Is this little girl really not afraid of robbing herself?

She was just a weak human being, and Catherine could make her pass out with just a few clicks of her fingers without any effort.

Although she was confused, Isabel was already leading the way, so Catherine had no choice but to follow all the way.

Catherine didn't know what Isabel was thinking. Of course, Isabel would not take Catherine to meet the elves on her own initiative. All of this was Amberxiu's order. The Lich Master suddenly came back at night. In addition to telling her that he would receive the elf envoys, he also said to her: "If the Elf Queen wants to see those captives, you can just take her to see them."

Therefore, Isabel did not take a detour and took Catherine to the cell in the castle, where she met Cicero and other Twilight Guards who had been captured for a long time.

Cicero was the first to see Catherine and said in shock: "Your Majesty?! Why are you here?!"

"Of course I'm here to save you. Cicero, you..." Catherine was about to ask if they had been abused, but she saw strange energy patterns appearing on the chests of the elves.

Cicero saw Catherine's gaze and quickly explained: "This is the seal imposed by the lich, which completely blocks the magic power in our bodies, making it impossible for us to escape."

Catherine observed carefully for a moment and said in surprise: "No, this is not just a seal, this magical structure is also completely isolated..."

Catherine didn't say the last words.

The elves in front of them, except for Cicero, were all isolated by this magical structure like a special forbidden magic space, which isolated the legendary power that Catherine shared with them.

Even the anti-magic force field couldn't block Catherine's "selfless sharing", but this small magic seal in front of her did. Catherine couldn't even understand the magical structure at all.

"If this seal could be added to all the elves suffering from magic addiction, wouldn't it be helpful?"

Catherine felt her heart beat incredibly fast, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

Saving people is no longer the key point now, this magic seal is the key.

The elves are saved!

There is one more chapter, but it’s too late before twelve o’clock, so I’ll post this chapter first. The second chapter is probably at twelve-thirty, which can be regarded as barely enough to make up 10,000 words.

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