This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 89 A little bit of progress

"Are you back? It seems that two of your transforming toys are ineffective, but I don't quite understand this."

Andrew had just returned to the dormitory, and Hughes, who was taking notes there, looked up and said something to him, then buried his head and began to organize his things again.

Hughes didn't like the library very much. Andrew asked him once, and Hughes said that he felt that the library was too tempting and he couldn't concentrate on the book in front of him.

It's a magical logic, but Andrew can't control such things.

Anyway, there is no one in the dormitory on a daily basis - he likes the library, and the other two like to run around, and occasionally Hughes will join in the fun if they are a little noisy.

"Ineffective? Great."

Andrew quickly ran to his desk and looked at those things.

Well - this is something he made shortly after the start of school, and it is the first observation after he can cast spells stably.

‘Keep this, this can be disassembled, and there are five undeformed controls left at the beginning…’

He carefully took the one to be disassembled, said something to Hughes, and walked quickly out of the lounge - he currently does not have the ability to slice this thing without the help of tools, so he can only rely on off-site assistance.

“Cut ​​it open?”

“Yes, cut it open, Senior Nellie, cut it piece by piece, and don’t use destructive spells such as shattering.”

“It’s a bit difficult… Let me think…”

Nellie, who was called out, looked at the thing in front of him with a puzzled look. After thinking for a while, he picked up the wand and carefully used the cutting spell to separate it - but as soon as he started, he knew that this job was easier than he thought.

There is no magical protection, nor is it a special material…

With doubts, he easily completed the job in front of him.

“Great, and this…”

“Very perfect! ”

Andrew praised and paid for two hours’ work—paying for the goods was a perfect choice.

“Less than 20 minutes…”

“After all, we didn’t discuss it in advance. I have to continue studying them. It’s a pleasure to work with you, Senior Nellie. ”

Andrew waved and walked towards his dormitory again.

In fact, this thing is to study the damage to the internal structure of the transformed object caused by the disappearance of the Transfiguration effect, and to explore the effect and damage of the secondary deformation of the restored object. There is actually a conclusion in the reference book, but Professor McGonagall suggested that he do it himself to deepen his impression and understanding of Transfiguration.

He just added a little bit of control that he thought was helpful. Anyway, it’s just a matter of making a few more sets and waiting for them to disappear. It’s not a big deal, and the cost is not even as much as the reward paid today.

But the result is still acceptable. He postponed the manuscript for a day after lunch and compared the various destructive experiments on the disassembled objects. The conclusions obtained are exactly the same as those in the reference book.

After releasing the Transfiguration, the properties of the object itself will be slightly affected, but for most substances, these effects will not exceed the destruction of the object itself by time.

The influence of the external environment on the substance can even affect Transfiguration The time of existence (Andrew's experiments were too few to draw this conclusion, but the two samples were consistent), so most Transfiguration mechanisms would be made of more expensive rocks or metals, and as long as they were not in a severely harsh environment or not maintained for a long time, they would become stronger and stronger over time.

'Wait a few days for the subsequent groups to start failing and then hand in this homework that has been delayed for a long time. '

Andrew nodded and stopped writing.

His overall improvement in Transfiguration was stuck on the issue of age - fortunately, he found Professor McGonagall in time, so he didn't waste time. He could get timely guidance before going to the office to work every day. Since the depth could not be improved, he would broaden the thickness and learn some basic theories. It was not a waste of time.

Standing up, he moved around and was about to see what Hughes was doing when the door of the dormitory suddenly opened.

Their roommate Hal rushed in, looking frightened.

"Don't go out, don't go out! "

What are you talking about? There is another class later. Although it is the history of magic, it is not good to be caught for skipping class.

Andrew was about to remind him, but suddenly he found something wrong - there was a big stupid word on the right side of Hal's face, but he probably didn't see it.

"Right face, buddy, did you lose the card game?"


Hal opened his mouth wide, "I got it too?"


Andrew and Hughes looked at him, Hal looked desperate, "I ran away as soon as possible, Peeves spilled a large bottle of ink in the hall, and if you get splashed, you will get curse words on your face..."

You can see...

After hurriedly explaining to Andrew and the others, Hal rushed to wash his face - but unfortunately, Peeves' super god-level pranks could not be solved by water. He tried many measures, and even gritted his teeth and used the super toilet cleaner for cleaning toilets, but still couldn't get it done.

"Go to the school hospital. "

Andrew gave a friendly reminder.

"It's impossible, it's full, and Madam Pomfrey is a good doctor. Isn't she good at treating this kind of disease?"

Hal looked extremely angry.

"Let me help you take a look." Andrew didn't see it because the distance was too far before, but now that he was closer, he seemed to understand it a little.


Hal came over as if he had found a life-saving straw. Andrew took a look at the words made of ink, "It is indeed like this, high-end stuff! It is a very advanced transformation technique. I guess it must also have the skills of curses and potions." !”

"Can you handle it?"

Hal's face was suddenly filled with surprise.

"No, if nothing else, I can't handle this advanced transformation technique, but you can try it with a senior - or ask a professor for help."

"Professor Binns, okay?"

"It seems that it really doesn't work..."

Seeing Andrew's disdainful eyes, Hal asked himself, "Then I'd better go to the hospital and line up. Maybe Madam Pomfrey will help us find a professor if she can't solve the problem..."

"Want to cover up?"



As Andrew spoke, he poked the empty parchment next to him with his wand, and then a nice patch-like drawing of Ravenclaw's emblem appeared, and the color on the bottom was almost exactly the same as Hal's skin.

"Cool! Man—no, when did you become so realistic?"

Hal couldn't believe it. Everyone had been laughing at Andrew's soul painting for a long time! (Half a day later, several people were hung upside down by their own sheets, and from then on, the topic of painting disappeared from the internal communication in the dormitory.)

"Study hard and practice hard."

Andrew spread his hands - after Professor McGonagall's guidance, he spent about a week practicing the transfiguration of using a wand to express the images in his mind. The effect was quite good, but he definitely couldn't use it in the Herbology class...

"See you later, I'll go to the hospital to line up and have a look!"

Hal proudly rushed out with his patch on his head, furious.

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