The so-called alchemy is not an independent subject.

This is an elective course for sixth and seventh grade students, and the threshold is extremely high - after the fifth grade students have taken the OWLS exam, only students who have met the requirements in Potions, Charms, and Transfiguration can take it.

Generally speaking, these three subjects must have at least two Os (excellent) and one E (good). In special periods, the requirements will be lowered a little, but you still need one O and two Es. Or if you take Ancient Magic and get an O, the requirements can be lowered a little, and you can enter the class with two Es and one O.

"The threshold requirements for this class are so high, professor."

After listening to Professor McGonagall's introduction, Andrew was a little shocked - he had seen the transcripts for the past three years, and the assessments for these three courses have always been strict, and there are really not many students who can meet the requirements.

Let's put it this way, if he doesn't change the current allocation of study time, he will definitely not be able to enter this course...

"So every time Professor Singed sees good students, he will give them some alchemy gadgets to arouse their interest."

Professor McGonagall smiled. There is a reason why the threshold of alchemy is high - this thing is a subject that burns money. The Ministry of Magic even has special subsidies for alchemy. In addition, the professor is really strong, so he doesn't burn too much Galleons. If ordinary students enter, just becoming a skilled hand can burn a hole in the school's finances.

Moreover, poor students can't learn this course. This is a subject that is far more dangerous than potions. There are two major branches of alchemy, potion making and item making. No matter which one, there are wizards who die from it every year.

Compared with the precise research of potions for wizards, the application range of alchemy potions is wider and the effects are also varied - pesticides, shampoos, alchemical poison gas, fertilizers, soil modification potions...

Not to mention item manufacturing, almost all magic items can involve alchemy content, and there are too many examples to list.

The introductory course of alchemy itself is only half a semester. After roughly talking about how to apply the knowledge you have learned to alchemy, Professor Singed will start to lead students to do those commissions - develop new pesticides, environmental modification potions for the growth environment of certain herbs, what kind of Muggle machinery the Ministry of Magic suddenly wants to copy and start magic, etc.

It sounds messy and like a chore, but it is actually a mixed application of the accumulation of multiple courses - it is a top-level research and development course that selects the best from the best. If you can choose it and graduate with an E score or above, you don’t have to worry about employment issues. You can get a job in the Ministry of Magic at the very least, and the excellent ones will be directly hired with high salaries to develop new things.

The only drawback is the source of students. Poor students are not accepted, but the top students who meet the requirements may not necessarily choose alchemy - the graduates of Hogwarts are too young. Although they start working right after graduation, it seems that they are just a little younger and the order remains unchanged, but being young means that they are too motivated, and fewer people can study alchemy there with peace of mind.

In order to ensure that there are enough students to assist in the experiment, Professor Singed has to carry some interesting alchemy gadgets with him every day. When he sees a good seedling, he will give it to him, hoping that the other party will be interested and study this promising course in the sixth or seventh grade.

The professors were also happy to see this happen - Alchemy is indeed a good place to go. Even if you can't make the Philosopher's Stone, other things are not much worse than alchemy. Moreover, the elective courses for the sixth and seventh grades are not considered to be snatching students. It is simply to ensure that the good seedlings taught are assigned...

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Professor Singed was going to make the Philosopher's Stone this time, Professor McGonagall would have approved it with great reluctance if it was any other project that was reliable, and used this application to get a batch of special funds from the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, the funds can be negotiated, and it's okay to seduce the assistant to alchemy. With Andrew's talent for Transfiguration, if he keeps this learning momentum before graduation - no, if he keeps it up before the fifth grade, Professor McGonagall can write a recommendation letter for him when he graduates.

And, judging from Andrew's grades in spells and potions, there is no need to worry about this matter.

"We'll discuss alchemy next time. If you're interested, you can learn about it and work harder on the corresponding subjects."

After briefly describing the alchemy courses and graduation trends, Professor McGonagall glanced at the clock.

"Okay, put that thing away, Mr. Taylor, and start today's work."

"Yes, professor."

Andrew nodded, sat down at the table, and started working - today's work made him quickly forget about alchemy and started to curse himself.

Well, it's to deal with the report of Peeves' destruction of items and the list of medical supplies consumed in the school hospital.

There are also some speculations and applications for Mr. Filch's anti-Peeves measures and Madam Pomfrey's application for the hospital's need to replenish potions.

'Why did I provoke it? '


"Well, it's interesting..."

Andrew, who was freed from the information that was two points thicker than before, played with the lighter with his hands - with each press, a puff of smoke came out, and then mixed with star-like sparkling pieces to form a constellation model.

But it always comes out the same - Andrew guessed that it would change every day, because there was a line of small words written in gold thread under the lighter-like shell, "Divination can guide us to find the direction of the future, but the most important thing is our own decision."

"It's probably a daily random divination device that uses the stars to predict encounters?"

Although Andrew didn't know too much about the specifics, the general routine was too clear - in the fifth grade of elementary school, he had seen classmates who were holding astrology books and making noises...

‘Some transformation spells were used, it should be two simple ones, and a few spells were engraved on them... Are the stars fixed and random every day, or is there some divination stuff mixed in? ’

He doesn't understand this thing - just fixing a spell on an object is not something that lower-level students can do stably. Until now, he has been unable to perform even the simplest permanent transformation spell due to insufficient magic power.

'But it's good news - I met a very powerful alchemist. Although there is no way to establish a relationship with him, students can always do it. The things made by seventh grade students will definitely be a little worse, but they are not unusable. ’

Find a reason to sneak in, and the other party will definitely not get bored if you only visit once or twice, and then take the opportunity to get to know the students and get some alchemy items - just don't explode.

It’s not yet clear what is needed, but the path is there.

He put down the things in his hands with satisfaction and planned to go back to the lounge first, eat lunch and then go to the basement to catch up on work.

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