It turns out that Madam Pomfrey can reattach an arm intact in one minute, and can also make a new arm for you in a few days, but she is not good at non-medical work.

When Andrew and his friends were taking the History of Magic course, Madam Pomfrey almost frowned as she looked at the group of young wizards who were queuing up and could run and jump theoretically without any illness.

You can't just cut off the skin and grow it again - it's okay, and the healing speed is also very fast, but it always feels wrong.

She couldn't accept that she created a wound when the students were not injured at all.

After struggling for a while, she finally decided to ask the professors for help - you can't really create a wound, right?

While the students below were anxiously waiting, the professor who was most closely related to the school hospital appeared - yes, it was the professor of potions, Snape.

Although it sounds a bit strange, the wizard's medical system is like this - healing magic accounts for half, and the rest depends on potions.

And Professor Snape happens to be an expert in this area.

However, after seeing the group of students waiting in line, Snape's anxious look turned into obvious disdain - the students in front of him were not like what Madam Pomfrey said, they were all alive and well, and there were many Gryffindors among them...

If it was to cure a disease and save a life, he would have just held his nose and endured it, but in this situation...


"Damn it, why is it Snape..."

There were whispers among the students, but they soon stopped. Even if the Potions Professor was not Snape's student, they knew that this professor was definitely not an easy person to get along with in daily life, and he was also very good at discovering students' small movements.

Sure enough, when Professor Snape glanced at the students, everyone felt his impatience and indifference.

He approached a student and looked at him, and then twisted his hand with a disdainful attitude, and then the whisper-like voice with some contempt sounded, "No problem, a little curse ink, it will disappear automatically in two days."

After that, under the gaze of many students, Snape turned around and left without any nostalgia.

Madam Pomfrey hurried over and tried to say something, but this made the remaining students lose their restraints all of a sudden.

"What do you mean by no problem, and it disappeared in two days?"

"Probably, we have to hang this stupid ink for two days..."

"Look at it on the bright side, at least no points were deducted, right?"


The students talked a lot, but it was useless. The school hospital couldn't do anything, and the professors they invited didn't help. Everyone could only chat and see if they should just skip classes to get away.

However, during the discussion, Hal, who was at the end of the line, was found to be wrong - how come everyone's face was full of words, and you became the school emblem?

Not too ugly?

After a little judgment, when Madam Pomfrey hurried over with another professor who was willing to help, the students had already dispersed.

Transfiguration is not a difficult thing. Even if the lower grades can't do it, it's easy to ask the upper grades to change it to stick on their faces.

So, the next morning, when Andrew finished running and changed his clothes and went to the cafeteria, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

A bunch of Hufflepuffs had Hufflepuff emblems on their faces, a bunch of Ravenclaws had Ravenclaw emblems on their faces, a bunch of Slytherins had clean faces, and a bunch of Gryffindors had words and Slytherin emblems on their faces.

? ? ?

The insulting words suddenly pointed to a strange place...

Many students were trying to hold back their laughter, but they didn't dare to laugh out loud. Andrew sat down and found out that the Gryffindor students said that they had no ill will towards the Slytherin students, the emblems were personal behavior, and there was no problem with the words. Professor Snape said that they would disappear in two days...

'Who came up with this routine? It's really mean...'

But there was really nothing to say - after all, Professor Snape had said it before...

So, Andrew also joined the team of people trying to hold back their laughter.


"Who came up with this idea? It's too mean."

Andrew, who finally survived a Herbology class and completed his soul masterpiece (although he could use his wand to transform into an almost identical portrait, it didn't help him remember the characteristics of herbs), got one point with the professor frowning. He came to McGonagall's classroom office and met the Gryffindor sixth-year male prefect and asked him a question.

"It has to be kept secret for now. I really can't say this. Snape is still furious."

The other party responded in a low voice--obviously, before making this provocation, the Gryffindor students had collectively discussed and decided to protect the commander.

Although he would definitely be able to guess it if he continued to ask, Andrew didn't dare to continue asking--he was not that gossipy, and it was estimated that it would be announced without asking when the momentum was over.

After all, it's not Percy. The two of them work together for a longer time. Each college's prefect is mainly responsible for two aspects. One is to assist the professor in handling the affairs of the college, and the other is to manage student discipline in places such as the lounge. Then they discuss the schedule. Percy is basically responsible for the office because of his two troublesome brothers and the problem of taking the OWLS exam.

"Okay, let's talk about it after the storm is over..."

Andrew responded in a low voice, but just as he spoke, the door of Professor McGonagall's office made a loud noise.

"Please come in."

Just as Andrew suspected, there was only one person who dared to knock on Professor McGonagall's office door like this.

"Ah...Isn't Professor McGonagall here?"

"The professor is in class. Is there anything important, Mr. Hagrid?"

Before Andrew could answer, the sixth-grade prefect responded quickly.


Hagrid was hesitating. He probably didn't even know what he was talking about.

But in the end, he made up his mind, "It was about the dragon egg. A gringo shipped a dragon egg over, but found that the employer who paid the deposit was missing. He cursed and lowered the price of the dragon egg. I think Mai Professor Ge said the last time he corresponded with me..."

Okay, no more need to say...

Andrew probably understood what was going on - the report must have been rejected. Although he didn't know which version was used, the professor probably reassured him again, probably saying that there was no suitable opportunity, and then Hagrid discovered it. loophole, and then he found a suitable dragon egg somewhere.

Are you kidding, of course this kind of thing is not possible...

But the professor wanted to comfort him, so what could he say?

Before he could think about it, the prefect next door gave him an order unceremoniously, "Andrew, go find the professor. This is an important matter."

From an angle that Hagrid couldn't see, the other party blinked desperately at Andrew.

That's okay...

Buffer, give the professor time to think, at least he won't be faced with it suddenly...

This is also the best approach at the moment.

He blinked understandingly and ran out quickly.

'This class is...well, by the way, it's a first-year class, in the classroom on the third floor...'

He memorized Professor McGonagall's class schedule in detail - after all, it was part of the job.

"Dong dong dong."

"Please come in."

Andrew walked in under the gaze of all the students and lowered his voice, "Professor, there are important guests in your office."

Professor McGonagall glanced at Andrew and found that he had a determined look on his face - he immediately knew that this was going to be a difficult problem.

"Practice on your own first."

She hurried out of the classroom, Andrew following behind - and now people were listening to what was going on.

"what happens?"

Professor McGonagall was still calm at the moment - or rather used to it.

Andrew briefly described it.


The professor's brows furrowed - this kind of thing could actually happen to Hagrid?

"What do you think?"

She asked Andrew casually.

"I'm afraid it can't be stopped, Professor, Mr. Hagrid doesn't seem to be in a general hurry..."

"What do you recommend?"

"It's better to let him have a good time...raise him a little and let the Ministry of Magic confiscate it...anyway, the things must be smuggled items, so let's just say that the businessman was caught and confessed."

Andrew only had this bad idea - for this short distance, if he could come up with a way, he would be taking the initiative.

After all, Professor McGonagall really has nothing to teach, so if he works in another place and brings the news to him, he has done his best.

"Nonsense, it's impossible for the Ministry of Magic to confiscate it if you keep it..." Professor McGonagall shook her head, "But it's okay to let him try to raise it - but it must be sent out as soon as possible. I'll think about it again."

She nodded, "You go to the classroom and watch them. I have to make this clear to Hagrid."


Andrew pointed to himself, "I'm also a first-year student."

"It's okay for you to watch the first-year transfiguration exercises in class. It's always safer than leaving them alone in the classroom."

Professor McGonagall obviously doesn't trust the students of his own college.

"It'll be fine in a moment, I'll be back soon."

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