Things from Another World

Chapter 854: Long Island's "little" troubles

Otania's situation made Tang En chaos, but it was only to satisfy her curiosity, at least it would not really affect Tang En.

Whether it ’s Super Rainbow Bread or Auntie Qiu ’s jam, it ’s just a little chaos in daily life. Everything in Ellington is still developing smoothly. It ’s just that there are more gossip messages about Tang En, letting people After tea, I talked about their Lord and His Majesty with joy (for details, see the secret story of Cocoa and Vanilla in Chapter 852.5).

Due to the birth of the Magic Phone, the busy and efficient management system has now been implemented in Ellington. Every supervisor-level staff has been equipped with the Magic Phone, and the speed of command transmission has increased dramatically. Effective information transmission methods make people more productive.

After a short trial of Ellington and the strong support of Tang En, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has provided a large amount of funds to Datang Maneng Mobile Phone Factory, and began to increase the production line to increase the production of Maneng mobile phones by all means.

The extensive coverage of mobile communications means that the entire world will be further integrated, and the increase in the speed of information transmission will put the world on a rapid development track, which is too beneficial for Tang En's development.

Therefore, we must make every effort to promote the universal popularity of magic mobile phones.

Tang En is developing step by step, waiting for the good news of Hal Kamanda by the way, but the situation on the side of Dragon Heart is a bit complicated ...

After receiving a reminder from Down, Hal Kamanda ignited a faint hope in his heart, so he dropped his work and returned to Long Island.

The heart of Dragon Island Dragon is located south of the abyss sea and east of Ronitan Water City-this is not true, because Long Island, like the Silver City, is a large floating island that drifts in a small area. .

Its exact location is basically unknown except for the dragon, even Jean and Angus, who became comrades-in-arms with the dragon, are no exception. The only few times they went to Dragon Island were led by the dragon. of.

Even more strange is that within the scope of Long Island, there is no way to anchor the space coordinates-it is said that only with the blood of the dragon can anchor the space coordinates in Long Island to use teleportation.

Hal Kamanda left Nanilla's area, determined that he had not been tracked by Down, and then suddenly disappeared from the sky-he teleported directly to Long Island.

Hal Kamanda returned to his own nest on Dragon Island, and after coming out of the cave full of gold coins, he ran straight to the peak of the "Creation Pillar" in the central peak of Dragon Island. The dragon patriarch and dragon king Sashag Lot usually stayed in the Temple of Order under the Pillar of Genesis.

Hal Kamanda greeted Lu Yu's other friends of the same family while thinking about Donn's inference. If Ellu Haksha was not dead, where would Sasha Grote arrange for her? Is she really alive now?

A blue dragon raised his tail at Hal Kamanda: "Hey, Hal, why are you back?"

"There is something to find the king ... Hobb, why are you here?"

Hobmavis's tail pointed to the dirty wings: "I have been on duty for a week. It is my turn to rest today and come back to wash the scales."

"Isn't it better?"

"It's the same, hey, but they don't even want to rush out."

Hobmavis grinned a few times: "Although I don't know how those guys who were eroded by chaos found this place, they are too naive to break through the dragon's defense.

Hal Kamanda shook his head: "Don't relax too much, these guys have been assimilated by chaos. If the first wave of blows had killed them all directly, without giving them the opportunity to assimilate their power, there would be no such things later. Now. "

Hobmavis shook his wings (presumably shrugging his shoulders): "No way, I thought I would maintain the image of humans and orcs, and there is salvation, who knows that they have been completely assimilated."


While talking, a huge meteorite crossed the space door that tore the sky, and Hal Kamanda stunned himself. The meteorite rubbed across him obliquely and hit the west side of Long Island.

Har Kamanda looked to the west, the west side of Long Island, the ground collapsed, the land exuded a terrible green light, and the dark purple dense fog was permeating there, and it had become a dead zone.

A dragon flying in the sky over there, spitting dragon breath and burning monsters emerging from the dense fog, releasing some dragon grammar from time to time to clear the field.

Since Long Island was accidentally invaded by Chaos believers more than ten years ago, it has been like this there, and has not improved since.

At the beginning of the first wave of chaotic believers who invaded Dragon Island, a few of them resisted the first wave of attacks from dragon guards—they were assimilated by the chaos to obtain the characteristics of chaos, and the immortal immediately absorbed the dead companions The chaos breath emanating from it strengthens itself and raises its own strength to the level of the dragon guard, and then things are over.

What is the concept of several chaotic believers with the same strength as the dragon?

If they ran outside, just a few of them would be enough to destroy the entire Prandall!

In order to protect Prendall, the Dragons had to trap them here. Fortunately, after being assimilated by chaos, they had no sense at all. They only knew to attack here and defeat their immediate goals.

Although the chaotic creatures are strong when they are strong, the dragon's life is also very hard, and they are not afraid to face them directly-no one can die on both sides, although they can't win, they can't lose-so the two sides are deadlocked This stalemate is more than a decade.

The main energy of the dilemma dragon has been scattered by these chaotic believers over the years. This is why it was only possible to send Azor Kamanda to support Abbotton (see Chapter 444), not an experienced adult giant. Dragons-because experienced adult dragons are working in shifts to deal with those chaotic believers.

"Not much to say, I have something to see the king."

Hal Kamanda fluttered with wings.

"Walk slowly ... By the way, have you seen my son recently? He hasn't talked back to respecting Lao Tzu all these years, it's ridiculous."

"Doromavis should be in charge of Burkeso right now. I haven't contacted him recently. I will help you to talk to him in a few words."

Hal Kamanda flew to the Temple of Order in a hurry.

Sashaglot is the dragon king of the dragon family, and his golden scales can be seen clearly across the long distance. Before approaching the temple of order, Hal Kamanda saw Sashaglot lying on his back. Take a leisurely bath in the holy spring in front of the Order Temple.

"Wang, your behavior is too improper!"

Hal Kamanda fell like a meteor and landed directly on the edge of the holy spring, startling Sasha Glott.

"Yeah, haar, you are the oldest. Why do you like to scare people so much every day!"

"Wang, we are dragons, not people."

"It doesn't make any difference, how about it, should you have a bubble recently?"

Sasha Glott warmly invited Har Kamanda to take a bath together: "Listen to Mavisa, Kamansha, they said that bathing in the Holy Spring can make the scales more beautiful. I want to be the Holy Spring. Will it be more effective if you put some gold coins in here? "

Mavisa is the surname of the female blue dragon, and Kamantha is the surname of the female red dragon. In the dragon family, the surname is usually used to refer to a specific group. If you want to refer to all male red dragons, you will call Kamanda. , The male blue dragon is like Mavis.

Although it is difficult to understand as a human, it is normal to think of this as a way of communication within an immortal group, and the number of this group is basically constant in a macro perspective.

"Forget it, I'm not interested, then you can believe such words ..."

Hal Kamanda fluttered her wings weakly: "How do they know that? Could it be that they secretly bathed here?"

The holy spring of order is a sacred place. Generally speaking, it is absolutely not allowed to approach here-but for the old fairies of the Dragon tribe, no rules are of much significance. Do you not take the lead to violate the rules?

Sasha Glott snapped: "That's right ..."

"Speaking again," Sasha Glott looked at Hal Kamanda suddenly, very seriously. "What are you doing back? Without staring at the greedy little thing, he will definitely hack our gold coins!"

"Rest assured, he didn't dare to do that. Rives can have the detached status now, it's all because of us. He's not stupid."

Har Kamanda had been in contact with Riviez for a long time, but he was quite relieved. Although the guy was greedy, he had a brain and would not be so stupid.

"hope so."

"I came back because I wanted to ask you something."

Hal Kamanda heads straight to the subject: "Where is Tael's daughter, Elw?"

Sasha Glott froze, then shook her head and said, "What are you talking about, Elro is long gone."

"So ..."

Hal Kamanda was unusually lost: "Unfortunately, if that guy can appear sooner, maybe ..."

"what happened?"

Sasha Glott wondered, why did Hal Kamanda suddenly think of asking Elro Haksha?

"A human named Tang En found me. He wanted to find the blood of Taser. After hearing about Elwo, he showed me his power."

"He can cleanse chaotic pollution," Hal Kamanda said listlessly.


Sasha Glott rose up horribly, and the holy spring splashed Har Kamanda: "You mean it !?"

Hal Kamanda's expression was inexplicable: "Of course it is true ... what are you so excited about?"

Everyone is dead, so excited!

"No, I, that, damn, not right ..."

Sasha Glott's face was full of shock. Seeing his appearance, Hal Kamanda suddenly became suspicious.

Sasha Glott's response was really suspicious ...

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