Things from Another World

Chapter 855: She is her

"Wang, what's wrong with you? You better tell me frankly, otherwise I will let everyone come over and talk to you."

"Purify chaos!"

Sasha Glott said, "If you can do this kind of thing, Elu wouldn't have to suffer so much at the beginning, and it wouldn't be like this now-"

"What is it like now !?"

Hal Kamanda rushed up and knocked Sasha Glott into the pool fiercely, clawing at Sasha Glott's neck and yelling, "Iro isn't dead !?"

"Calm down! Calm down! Listen to me!"

"You better hurry up!"

Har Kamanda threatened Sasha Glott, but he did not give the Dragon King any face—this is normal. In such a long life, everyone ’s strength is almost the same. They are already familiar with each other and ca n’t be familiar anymore. It all became a joke.

Sasha Glott coughed and said, "Well ... do you remember the" abnormal "method I said ..."

"Life transfer ..."

Hal Kamanda's face changed drastically: "You used that taboo spell !?"

Sasha Glott nodded a little awkwardly: "I can't bear to see that child die like this ..."

Life Transfer is a taboo spell. It lies in the gray area between Anita Leir's authority and Gritten's authority. Strictly speaking, it is not a spell that should be mastered by the living beings.

Life transfer can fuse one life body with another, or transfer one life body into another.

Although this spell can be used to solve many unsolved problems, for example, a dying person who is eroded by chaos can transfer him and a healthy person to each other, and he can regain a healthy body.

But everyone should also find out that although he has obtained a healthy body, the person transferred to him will only have a dead end.

Therefore, this spell is called a taboo spell, which is almost an evil spell.

Although full of affection for Elro, Har Kamanda was reluctant to see an innocent creature die for this. He yelled at Sasha Glotter's neck and said, "But that spell would kill an innocent Creatures! "

"Calm down! Calm down. I'm a king anyway, can you give me some face?"

Sasha Glott said helplessly: "Of course I thought about the problem you said, so I came up with a best-of-breed solution ..."

"any solution?"

"After studying that spell, I modified a part of the effect and finally got a brand new spell. I named it 'Sashaglot's Blood Furnace.'"

Hal Kamanda ignored the proud dragon king and kept staring at him.

Sasha Glott was very speechless, and had to continue: "The effect of this spell is to transfer the soul and blood to a pregnant mother. Through the blood of the mother during the fusion of the blood, recast a body, and give Ellu a new life."

Hal Kamanda opened her mouth wide and was stunned: "So? Where is Elu now?"

"Listen to me."

Sasha Glott took Hal Kamanda's paw and said, "The only troublesome part of this spell is that the blood of the mother must be compatible with the blood of the transfer target, and the situation in our clan is clear to everyone. "Even if Ellu's soul and blood were transferred into Haksha's body, they would not be able to achieve the effects of spells during pregnancy, Ellu would still die."

The dragon's pregnancy period is too difficult to conceive, and the probability of conception is too low, so Sasaglotte thought twice and did not dare to gamble on the poor success rate, so in the end, he thought of another way ...

Find a mother who is pregnant and has the blood of a dragon to recast Eluo's body.

"But there are not many dragon blood objects in Prendall, most of them are stupid Warcraft!"

Speaking of this, Hal Kamanda's expression was a bit unnatural. Apparently, the compatriots' behavior in order to continue the offspring's messy behavior made him very embarrassed.

"That's right."

Sasha Glott scratched the inverse scales on his chest, and then said a little unnaturally: "Then, do you remember, in fact, there is a half-dragon blood in humans ..."

Harkamanda said angrily: "Of course I remember, and I still remember clearly that the blood of the half-dragon was created by the incarnation of a bard and a human woman!"

"Well ... that's a thing of the past, don't mention it anymore, all in all, I thought of the bloodline of that half-dragon and finally found it, which is a blessing in misfortune."

Obviously Sasha Glott did not want to mention his old age, saying: "Compared with the Dragon, the human pregnancy is obviously stable and efficient, and it is easy to give birth to offspring, plus she has the blood of our Dragon, although Rarely, but at least more compatible with Ello's bloodline. "

"So you decided to do that?"


Sasha Glo nodded characteristically: "I saw the descendants of the half-dragon ..."

"Obviously your descendant! What to pretend!"

"... the blood is already thin ... well, my descendants."

Sasha Glotter sighed and said, "It just so happened that she and his husband were not recognized by the family, so they have been anxious to have a child to create the established fact, but her husband seems to have no fertility and has not been pregnant. I told them that I could give them a child, and at the cost I would give her husband more power ... "

Hal Kamanda suddenly realized: "Then you did a good job?"

"That's it."

Sasagolo nodded characteristically and said very proudly: "Look, I not only helped them get a child, but also helped them to deal with the pressure of the family. Most importantly, I also helped Eluo get a new life and let Taser And Murphy's bloodline has also continued, and I can do a lot of things, I'm great. "


Hal Kamanda immediately threw Sasha Glott to the ground with a tail, and shouted angrily: "Everyone is sad because of Elro. Why do you say such an important thing now?"

"What stupid thing to say!"

Sasha Glott turned around and flicked, and flew Har Kamanda out: "Everyone knows this, only you don't know."


Hal Kamanda crashed into the ground, eyes wide with incredible expression: "I don't know such an important thing !?"

"Did you just happen to be away?"

"But I came back later! Hob told me--"

At this time, Hobmavis flew over in a hurry, and Hal Kamanda saw this and immediately dragged him over to prepare to face the puppet.


"But I only uttered half of it and you hurriedly ran to condolence, and I didn't finish listening at all."

Hobmavis looked at Hal Kamanda innocently: "Later you didn't ask again, I thought you already knew, so I didn't tell you any more."

Damn it!

What about daddy? ?

If the scales of the red dragon can turn blue, Har Kamanda must be very pale now.

Sasha Glott said innocently: "This thing is originally your own fault, it's nothing to do with me."

"Then you just told me that Elw's gone?"

"Ailu is gone."

Sasha Glott said angrily: "After the recasting of the Bloodline Furnace, she is no longer Elroe."

Fuck! That makes sense and I ca n’t refute it!

But everyone knows such important things, so I'm blinded? No, I can't say it myself. I guess Aizhuo doesn't know the news yet ...

Hal Kamanda said: "Where is Elw now? It's the offspring of the personal family? What's her name now?"

"What do you ask?"

Sasha Glott looked at him with great vigilance: "She hasn't recovered her original memory now, and can't disturb her life!"

Hal Kamanda is a good friend of Tethy Hackero, and watching Elro Hackshaw struggling to survive, if he tells him, he will definitely go to her.

"tell me."

Harkamanda growled, hot Mars: "Or I'll find it myself!"

"Calm, ha, calm old man."

Hobmavis hurried up to stop him: "Your temper is still so impulsive."

"Less nonsense! Blame you!"

Hal Kamanda blasted the flames and cursed: "I would be sad for so many years if you didn't say only half of it !?"

Hobb said very innocently: "I said half you ran away and blame me?"

"Blame you anyway!"

"Xing Xing Xing You make you better ..."

"Okay, don't stare at me, can I tell you?

Sasha Glott was a little speechless by Har Kamanda: "The human being who used to be the mother was Clara Bollett, my descendant with the blood of a half-dragon. Her husband was Abel Don Foyle, and Elw is now called Elsa Foyle ... "

Beyond Sasaglotte's expectations, after speaking, Har Kamanda's first focus was ...

"Abburton? The watchman in Ellington?"


Sasha Glott spread his paws: "That's the watcher."

Hal Kamanda stumbled: "Their family is now in Ellington !?"

Isn't Tang En the Lord of Ellington! ?

After a long while, I turned back to the origin! ?

"At the time, Long Island happened to be attacked by Chaos believers. Everyone returned to Long Island to defend. I didn't have time to re-select the watchers. It happened that he and my descendants were running away because of family conflicts. I considered that Clara needed time to breed Ai Lu, there is another watchman at the Tomb of the Sleepless, so as a price to give his children, I brought them to Ellington, and gave Abelton the power to make him a watchman, staring at us for the time being Tomb of the Sleepless. "

"The original plan was to set him free after solving things on Long Island, but he did not expect to stand dead for so many years."

"The other accident was the mother Clara. Although she has my bloodline, but after so many years, it has been quite thin, which has led to her being taken away with too much vitality when she was conceived of Eluo's bloodline. , Almost died, after Elsa was born, she still hasn't seem to be recovering. "

Sasha Glott scratched her head, thought for a moment and said, "If you're going to meet Elsa, by the way, bring me a gift to Clara. It's a compensation for her efforts over the years."

"it is good!"

Hal Kamanda responded decisively.

I did n’t know it before. Now that I know it, I wo n’t visit her without any reason!

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