Things from Another World

Chapter 853: It's autumn and the cat begins to bark

After staring at the happy Coco for a while, Tang En glanced down at Otinia.

"What's wrong?"

"Whatever it is, why do you have to take this name ... And I found that not only your shop, but this weird situation has happened several times before. Are you gods so boring?"

Tang En has already complained about the will of the universe, and more than once suspected that these gods were deliberately playing with him-but the army of chaos is almost breaking through the barrier of the universe, how could they have the leisurely elegance to tease themselves?

"Pure observer effect."

Otinija casually said, "After you come here, the world receives the information in your memory, and that information has an interference effect with the original information here. The information is superimposed due to similarity and is observed by you. After that, it will become something you know before. "

There was an outsider, so Otinija didn't spread out directly, but Tang En could understand what she said.

In simple terms, it is because Tang En's soul was brought to this world by the gods, and then caused the world to accept the information in his soul that the world did not exist.

In a world, each information has a corresponding location, and there is no extra location for external information sources.

When the superfluous information brought by Tang En appeared, the superimposed state produced by the information that was relatively similar to the original world, and as an observer, Tang En tended to observe what was in his memory.

For example, it is as if the same thing is described in two languages. People use different language descriptions, but the "Apple" in Chinese and the "Apple" in English are the same thing.

Now this situation is not happening at the language level, but at the more fundamental level of basic information-something in this world was originally A, and now it is AB superimposed. What the aborigines see is " A ", but in the eyes of outsider Tang En, it is" B ", but whether it is A or B, it refers to the same thing in this world, so there will be no cognitive bias.

To put it plainly, it is like the idealism of "I think, therefore I am," because "I" thinks that A is A, so A is A.

Therefore, the coincidences that make Tang En's eggs hurt.

Of course, it must be acknowledged that the name of Furukawa Bakery was indeed deliberate by Otinija-otherwise it would not coincide with the name of the store, the same bread, and even the aunt Qiuzi's jam popped out ...

So say it! Because you are full of these things before you come here, you still see those things after crossing-she wants to say so!

She's playing me at all!

Eutinia looked away from the book and looked at Tang En with a deep look, as if asking him "Would you like to try?"

Tang En shook his head desperately.

What a joke!

Although it looks really delicious and the aroma is compelling, the combination of the name and the name alone is prohibitive!

The legend of the strongest biochemical weapon combination is not covered!

Tang En didn't want to leave any indelible memories to himself-he dare to guarantee that even if someone else eats this bread is really delicious, but because of the "observer effect" of Rush, that stuff comes to his mouth It will definitely turn into a nightmare.

"whispering sound."

Eutinia looked back in disappointment.

"What do you mean by that disappointed expression just now!"

Tang En was so grateful that he rejected her.

"Nothing, in a way that you are familiar with, is a decline in favorability."

Otinija didn't look up, and said blankly, "Flag was removed by you, this line won't work."

"I don't know when FLAG will be erected here with you ..."

Tang En dropped his shoulders weakly, and he never thought of attacking the line of Otinia ...

The real goddess ... is the difficulty of Raiders breaking through the sky?

The cocoa and vanilla beside them sniffed the aroma of the bread and looked at Tang En and Otinia inexplicably.

They couldn't understand what the two guys were talking about, so many inexplicable words.

"Let's go when you're done buying, don't disturb me to read."

Are you reading a book ...

Tang En narrowed his eyes, okay, "Sao Xia Qi Qiu", isn't this one of the contents of the brain hole book for Sanye that was already published?

No wonder this book lover will suddenly open such a shop ...

"If you have time these two days, accompany me to the Rennes Empire."

Tang En was going to find Otinija. Since she met her, she just told her directly: "There was a crack in my face again, and I'll fix it."

Otinija put down her book and looked at Tang En quietly. Although she didn't speak, she was clearly protesting silently.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm for this world ..."


Tang En raised his hand and surrendered. The pressure of Otania's deep and calm eyes was too great: "Okay, okay, I know. How about I draw a limited edition for you?"

"It's all about."

Eutinia looked away.


The world is no longer saved!

The patron saint of the pure girl night is like this! ?

What about daddy? ?

After leaving Otinija's bakery, Coco was still curious.

"Nah, what did the messenger just talk to her?"

"It's nothing……"

Tang En's whole spirit has disappeared, as if he was sucked dry by Eutinia: "Don't ask ... it's too early for you ..."

Coco nodded.

After returning to the Lord's Mansion, Coco ran back to the room with a vanilla hop. After Tang En rested, it was time for dinner.

The table was already full of food, and everyone in the lord's house was sitting there, waiting for Tang En.

Ilia usually dine here occasionally, but maybe to help Clara, but she is not here today.

Testero and Imil who came here recently as guests are also very impressive, but after listening to a day of sales courses, at this moment, Testero's mental condition is obviously a bit out of order. Everything is subconsciously thinking of two promotional slogans.

The idea of ​​making money is too strong, so I actively took those training courses, which caused the brainwashing effect to be very powerful ...

Imir was not idle today, in the idea of ​​catching one by one. Today, he was holding missions of grandpas and old ladies in the central square of Ellington, and wanted to develop some devotees of the Vulcan court here in Ellington. The result was tragic ... Although no one discriminated against the Vulcan Holy See, the people here in Ellington were more willing to believe in the **** of light Jebelny or the goddess Nisclair.

The Holy See was originally the ground snake here. The number of believers has occupied an absolute number. As a result, after the elves and dwarves were brought over by Tang En to participate in the construction of Ellington, the goddess of the earth also took root here, thanks to its beauty. The elf sisters have recruited many believers, and they have been able to fight against the Holy See in Ellington.

The Holy Spirit is second only to the Holy See and the Goddess of the Earth. Due to Ellington's developed economic situation, merchants have gathered here. Therefore, the Holy See also established a Holy See here and developed many believers.

Although Naga's figure is not uncommon in Ellington, the efficiency of the goddess of water to develop believers is quite low, on the one hand, because Naga's appearance is somewhat different from humans, and on the other, because of Ellington's body Being inland, the shelter of the goddess of water was of little use to them, so the goddess of water and the temple of the **** of fire became difficult brothers.

"Everyone is here ... eh?"

Tang En froze: "What about cocoa and vanilla?"

Xiaoai next to him whispered, "They went to the kitchen and asked for some barbecue and red wine. They might have eaten in the room ..."

What do these cat-girls think?

Since they were no longer waiting for them, everyone started directly, and a supper made Emil Testro they ate with oil and green eyes.

The unique food here has conquered them, not to mention other goodies.

After dinner, everyone else went out for a walk, and even Nora ran to her candy house to enjoy a relaxing time. Tang En originally wanted to take a rest in the yard. Somehow, I suddenly thought of Coco just now. Buying bread and jam.

They won't really eat it ...

Tang En's eyes suddenly became strange.

Don't kill anyone ... Ah no, it's killer ...

He came outside the cocoa and vanilla room, and was just about to knock on the door. Suddenly a sound came from behind the door, and Tang En raised his ears subconsciously.

"Strange, weird ... how, how (respite) ... would be like this ..."

This is Coco's voice, which sounds a little weird, which makes Tang En subtle association.

Seems ... a little bit agitated?

"Wait ... isn't it (gasp) ... then it's time ..."

Vanilla is also inside. Although her voice is still calm, she also trembles, as if trying to restrain the excitement.

that time?

Tang En froze, his face was a little weird.

It's the cat's estrus?

"It seems ... obviously (gasps) ... a little sudden ..."

"Time ... almost (gasps) ... but ..."

"Since ... so (respite) ... we are as before (Capricorn) ..."

"This ... bread and jam ... a little strange (gasps) ..."

Bread and jam?

Lying down!

Tang En's face changed, and the messy thoughts in his mind swept away instantly. Wouldn't it be the unruly goddess who really restored those two kinds of food! ?

It really kills me!

Tang En flashed into the room with a flash: "You guys really ate that bread !?-hiss!"

Tang En took a breath of air. In the room, Cocoa and Vanilla's hands were tied together, their clothes were messy, and their skin was exuding a strange ruddy color. They were in extreme excitement.

"Envoy, ambassador ..."

After seeing Tang En, his pupils dilated, and an excitement that made the soul trembled into her head. She cheered and rushed to Tang En, licking on his face: "Master Meow ... The messenger meows ... I feel so happy ... "

Tang En was startled: "Cocoa! Calm down!"

"I'm calm and meow!"

The corners of Coco's mouth were still stained with strange jam and bread residue. She stuck out her tongue and licked the jam and bread into her mouth, and then kissed Down's lips directly!

The taste of the bread jam mix touched the taste buds, and Tang En distinguished a familiar taste.


"Otanias, you are a daddy!"

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