The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2040: Forward forward

Hearing this information from these people, Li Yifei found it to be useful. After half an hour, these people were full, got up one after another, and headed for the place where they dreamed of getting rich.

Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan didn't rush to follow. It is not known how long it is from the center of the island. Li Yifei doesn't think the journey is smooth. It is also good to let these cannon fodder travel. It will only be dangerous to follow them.

The two of them also finished their meal, meditated in both pairs, restored their bodies to their best condition, and briefly summarized what they heard. From these populations, it can be determined that the hall is on the island, or that those people got it. That’s what it said in the news.

"Shall we join in the fun too?" Xu Shanshan said with interest.

Li Yifei shook his head first, then nodded. Xu Shanshan didn't understand very well, and then asked: "What do you mean, husband, are you going?"

"Go, it should be going. Now the first team that landed on the island may have been wiped out. We can't save them, so we can only save the second team, that is, the team of Brother Seven and Brother Nine. , But at present, we are not on the same road as them. If they are still alive, then we will go all the way in and we can meet them. If they are dead, it doesn’t matter. We can only say we I'm late."

Xu Shanshan nodded and said, "I hope they can all be safe."

"I hope so." Li Yifei drank the last drop of water in the water bottle. After thinking about it, he stuffed the empty bottle back into his backpack. Of course, those people still left a piece of residue after eating and drinking. The island that no one has logged in is polluted.

After an hour, the two continued to walk inside.

This section of the road is about two kilometers long. There are woods on both sides of the road. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan are not walking fast. Although there are already people on the road, based on previous experience, there may be more dangers hidden in the woods. The best way is to make sure it is safe before leaving.

Sure enough, Li Yifei saw two corpses with traces of fighting. There were also many bullet marks on the surrounding trees, but the two had not heard gunshots before.

The food and ammunition of the two dead people had been stripped off. Li Yifei remembered one of the short men. This man had the loudest voice when he was in the stone house. He revealed the number of this group during the conversation. Over a hundred people died and only this few people were left.

Two more died now. Li Yifei checked it and saw that there was no useful information, so he stood up straight.

Xu Shanshan also shook her head. She was examining a woman. This woman was wearing a tiger-skin vest, half naked, with short hair and full of tattoos. She looked a little horrible, even her face. There was also a fresh wound. Her backpack and the like were also taken away, and useful things were searched away, so Xu Shanshan naturally couldn't find anything.

The two continued to walk forward, and soon saw three more corpses. The three corpses were also dead on the road, as if there were not many injuries.

It was another brand new monster. Li Yifei looked at the fatal wounds on the necks of several people, searching for what kind of monster it might be.

It seems to be able to fly. If it were other large animals, the body would have been torn apart long ago, and the surrounding marks would not be so small.

Since it can fly...well, Li Yifei quickly thought of two statues he had seen before. One of them was an insect, which might be the smallest in the group of statues. Some resembled centipedes with many feet, but With wings again, looking at the wounds of these people, it is not difficult for Li Yifei to imagine a picture.

There are many such flying centipedes hidden in the forest. They have sharp mouthparts. When the electric shot passes by, the mouthparts cut people’s throats, and perhaps there is venom on them, so the blood in these people’s wounds is They are all red with black and black with red.

More than 20 people died in a blink of an eye and five people died. They still didn't retreat, but continued to charge inside.

Li Yifei turned his head and glanced at Xu Shanshan, who was on guard, and said softly: "Let's be slower and watch out for the trees on both sides."

Moving on, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan finally saw the kind of flying insects in the forest. They were so fast that they swooped down from the canopy of trees. It seemed that their flying ability was not very strong. They had to rely on the mode of standing on high ground and diving. You can change direction in small increments in the air.

Although it is fast, for Xu Shanshan and Li Yifei, the speed is not that fast. With the reaction speed of Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan, they can easily deal with it. Between the swings of the long sword in their hands, another insect was cut into two. So it doesn't pose too much threat. Xu Shanshan even regarded this activity as enduring fruit cutting. The blue light burst in his hand, and several insects died.

Two people line up side by side, one defends one side, and can be easily defended. For those people, it may not be so easy, so it is normal to die a few people.

Those insects possess wisdom. When two consecutive attacks fail, and they are killed in turn, those insects will not rush over.

Originally, Li Yifei wanted to try to see if the power had any effect on these insects, but before he could use it, these insects did not dare to attack. It seems that these guys also know who can attack and who cannot attack.

Without the infestation of insects, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan were much more relaxed. After walking a few hundred meters, they saw three corpses again, and they were still killed by this flying insect that resembled a centipede.

This time it seemed that those people finally couldn't help it. The three corpses on the ground had no time to take away. They fled forward in a hurry, trying to get out of the area of ​​strange bugs as soon as possible. After all, they may only have more than ten left. If you lose yourself again, you don't need to say that you reach the innermost treasure, just rush out one or two monsters, and they may all be destroyed.

I found a machete from a person with blood stains on it. I am afraid that I have encountered other monsters before. It is very difficult to be lucky enough to rush to the stone house. Unfortunately, I still died here.

Li Yifei didn't have any respect for these people, and seeing them dead thoroughly, he and Xu Shanshan continued to move forward.

There was an uphill road in front of a hill. When Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan came up, they heard Ruoruuowu shouting for killing. After turning over the hill, they saw four dead bodies lying on the road down the hill. , There are two statues Li Yifei have seen before, the carcasses of saber-toothed tiger-like animals. When the two walked over, those two animals were completely dead, but one of the four people on the ground was not completely dead, with eyes wide open. , Clutching his chest, seeing Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan appear, this person's eyes opened wider.

"Forward! Forward!" The man died before he had time to say two words.

Is it the front again? Li Yifei nodded and replied to the corpse: "I see."

Xu Shanshan's attention was on the two saber-toothed tiger-like creatures that were more than two meters to three meters long. The sharp teeth in the mouths of these guys made the bodies of the injured people almost torn. It can be seen that Its sharpness and strength are also extremely powerful.

There are four again, so those people in front may only have a dozen people left. If they come a few more times, I am afraid they will be over. There are more than one hundred people coming, and now there are only ten people left. The loss ratio is too heavy.

There is no shortage of masters among these people. Li Yifei has observed it in the stone house before. If there are masters, it is still such a big loss. Then what will happen to the seventh and nine elder brothers... This is what Li Yifei is really worried about. The strength of a master, you can’t beat many things on this island, not to mention anything else, just say that the unicorn monitor is based on Li Yifei’s true energy, and Jianman can’t cut the unicorn. The leather armor of the monitor lizard shows the difficulty of these animals.

Crossing this mountain, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan also encountered monsters, which were also saber-toothed tiger-like animals. They rushed out from behind the tree, opened their fangs and leaped over. Unfortunately, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan had already prepared for it. They found them, so they didn’t panic. The two drew their swords and dealt with it calmly. They quickly killed the two monsters. In this way, they killed five people who rushed over without opening their eyes. The two came to a lake. The lake is a freshwater lake, the water inside is clear, and the bottom of the river bank can be clearly seen more than ten meters. The area of ​​the lake is not small. Li Yifei looked around. The opposite bank of the lake is at least 20 kilometers away. It is hazy and very It is difficult to judge the specific distance. He and Xu Shanshan looked at each other. If there is still a long way to go, the two of them may not be there today. After all, walking in the woods at night is very, very dangerous. .

Looking at the sky, Li Yifei said: "Look for a place, we will stay here tonight."

"Stop chasing those people?"

"Chasing, but rest first. If they are smart and would not choose to travel at night, if more than a dozen people dared to travel at night, it would be no different from suicide." Li Yifei said.

Xu Shanshan nodded, and said: "I'll go to the lake to see if there are fish in it. Husband, please choose where we live at night nearby."

It's better to be on a tree, some distance from the ground, but the trees by the lake are not too thick, so it is difficult to find some places like this.

Li Yifei looked for a good place and came to call Xu Shanshan.

"Nothing, not even small fish." Xu Shanshan curled her lips in disappointment. She originally wanted to make a few more big fish for dinner, but although the lake is clear, you can see several meters deep at a glance, but nothing Any fish.

Li Yifei smiled and said, "Maybe all the fish in it have been eaten!"

Li Yifei didn't expect a word he said casually to be verified. When night fell, the two of them lay on a thick tree. Here you can see the vast lake with a wide view. Then they heard it in the middle of the night. , A huge sound of water came.

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