The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2039: Where is there

So Li Yifei walked over and solved one in a few strokes. With a dagger stuck in their necks, Li Yifei felt as if he was stuck in an air bag. This person really died.

As Li Yifei pulled out the dagger, the person's body suddenly softened, as if he had no bones, and was limp on the ground. Li Yifei turned to kill another person. Before he did it, Li Yifei suddenly heard a voice. The second person sent it out, and he seemed to be saying-go there.

where to? Where to go Li Yifei heard this voice again. Li Yifei had heard it before, and Xu Shanshan had heard similar words at the unicorn monitor lizard who could learn to speak.

Is there something there? Why didn't he and Xu Shanshan feel it, but these people alone did, or did they encounter something after they landed on the island, so they headed toward the center of the island?

Well, thinking about the direction the two people looked at just now, Li Yifei understood where they wanted to go, which was the center of the island.

Go there... Li Yifei will kill the second person. He can only say these three words, so it is better to kill him. This is also a relief.

Slowly putting the person down, Li Yifei glanced at the Type 95 that the person was carrying on his back. After thinking about it, he took it off and found two magazines from his body, and there was half a magazine in the gun. Carrying the handle, although not necessarily useful, but in case it is useful.

Standing upright, Li Yifei made a gesture to Xu Shanshan. Xu Shanshan immediately ran in with their backpacks.

"Be careful, these are all treasures." Li Yifei joked.

"Huh? These?" Xu Shanshan pointed to the flower beside her.

Li Yifei raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course, they are all treasures. Unfortunately, we are here to save people. Otherwise, if we have the conditions, we can pick them back and we will not only make a fortune. For example, this vine wind can also be useful for cultivation. "

"It's a pity." After Xu Shanshan finished speaking, he smiled and said: "Save people first, and then say after you save them."

Across the flower field, the two climbed up a high slope. On the high slope, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan were taken aback, because there was a platform on the high slope, and there were several houses on the platform. These houses were Built of stone, regular stone, the houses are not too tall, about three to four meters in size, and the area of ​​each house is about 100 square meters.

Seeing these houses, Li Yifei understood why there were such statues and flower fields before, because there were people living here, and their descendants? Where did you go?

Looking at these stone houses, it was clear that no one had used them for a long time. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan walked in. They saw that each house still kept the same as they lived at the time. When they walked into a house, Li Yifei saw the fire cooking. On the stovetop, I also saw the bed in the back room, which seemed to still retain its original appearance, but when Li Yifei touched it lightly, the wooden bed was scattered into dust, as if it had never happened.

Xu Shanshan saw it from behind, with a strange feeling in her heart. She walked to Li Yifei's side, looked at the dust on the ground, and whispered: "I'm afraid there hasn't been anyone living here for many years."

"This many years may be hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even longer." Li Yifei nodded.

The aura here is very abundant, even a hundred times stronger than the aura gathered in the spirit gathering array that Li Yifei worked so hard to build at home, I am afraid there is a very rich spiritual vein underground.

The two came to another house with similar furnishings, except for the bed, nothing else. This time Li Yifei didn't touch the wooden bed and looked at it quietly for a while.

Going to the innermost point, there is a larger stone house with a height of about two floors. It looks like a hall-like house. When you walk in, there are only a few stone-carved chairs. Fortunately, the stone can withstand the wind. Blowing in the sun, so it did not become dust.

But if only these houses are not enough to make the sculptures before, then dozens of people can be accommodated. I am afraid that with this configuration, they can also accommodate a dozen people.

Standing in the largest stone house, Li Yifei turned slowly, trying to find some traces. There were no traces left in the stone house. It seemed that the original owner didn’t want to leave anything, and it seemed that it was taken away by future generations. The place is empty.

Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan came out, looked at a five or six meters wide road, and continued to walk inside.

This island is really too big. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan may have walked about ten kilometers now, but they still cannot reach the center of the island.

However, they saw two more corpses. The two corpses were dressed in the clothes of special forces. The guns on their bodies were all out of bullets, and the surrounding stone walls were also inlaid with several bullets. The two people seemed to have experienced a battle. A terrible war, but the corpse was preserved intact. There were some minor injuries on the body but it was not fatal. His eyes were wide open. The corpse was not corrupted, but it completely lost its vitality. Li Yifei walked over to silently respect. Everyone in a small team seemed to be dead on the road.

Of course, there may also be people from the second team, but Li Yifei quickly denied it. He believed that if their second team saw dead comrades, they would definitely not look at it. How can it be buried, or simply dealt with, it should not be left untouched.

With Li Yifei's understanding of them, at least the two would not be like this.

So, Brother Seven and Brother Nine took another path, are they also heading towards the center of the island?

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Seventh and Nineth Brothers were attacked by the big fish under the water before they even landed on the island. This may not be impossible.

"Take a break and have something to eat!" The two have not rested for several hours since they finished eating fish in the morning, so it's time to stop and take a look.

The two of them had just found a place to sit down, and suddenly heard a sound of footsteps, Li Yifei immediately put down what was in his mouth, and looked at Xu Shanshan at each other, Li Yifei made a downward pressure, and the two quietly picked up Backpack, back to the back of a house.

Quietly poking out his head, Li Yifei saw several people suddenly appearing in the distance. These people have different dresses, including men and women, mostly men. They gradually came out, the number exceeded twenty, and there seemed to be people behind. Some of these people are holding guns, some are holding strange-looking cold weapons, and some are holding swords. When Li Yifei heard that their language was English, plus the looks of some people, Li Yifei knew that these people were not Chinese. People are from Southeast Asia. Listening to their English accents, they are most likely Filipino or Indonesian.

Li Yifei did not have a good impression of these two countries. Not only was it the anti-Chinese incidents in recent years, but also Li Yifei’s own subjective feelings. He had been in contact with these small Southeast Asian countries in the past few years, and his instincts were not good. Especially Indonesia and the Philippines.

Furthermore, as a soldier, it is a bounden duty to defend one's family and the country. These small countries are in the South China Sea, which is where troubles are raging, and Li Yifei has the responsibility to beat them away.

It's just that Li Yifei didn't have the urge. These people could land on the island and come here. This is definitely worth exploring.

Let alone ordinary people, it was Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan who came to the island. They encountered so many hardships until they walked here, and these people came here in great strength, either they knew the way, or they would definitely lose a lot. If it were the former , Then Li Yifei has to figure out what these people know.

And if it is the latter, Li Yifei can't let it go either. After all, these people have paid so much to land on the island, they must also know some things, otherwise they would never have gone to this island. In any case, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan were very happy to meet another group of people.

The group was also very excited when they saw the stone house. There was a scream in the room, and soon there was a leader who yelled at the others, for fear that they would yell at those monsters.

These people are also disciplined when they arrive. They quickly abated their excitement and went to explore in various stone huts separately, but Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan had read this place, and there was nothing inside, so they couldn't find anything.

These people did not continue to Xiangli, and chose this place as a temporary rest.

Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan hid in the dark, watching these people take out food from their bags. A group of people sat on the ground and began to eat special food.

During this period, Li Yifei also heard some useful news. These people really came prepared, and they were going to the very center of the island. Li Yifei also knew that these people suffered heavy casualties. It seems that although they know some information, I don't know a lot, at least there is no exact map or the like. There are more than 100 people in their party, but only more than 20 people arrived here. It can be seen that the casualties are also heavy.

During the conversation, Li Yifei heard them talking about weird fish, talking about weird monkeys, talking about those unicorn monitor lizards and black shadows, and the words were still full of fear.

But after thinking about it, more than 100 people died and more than 20 people were left. This loss ratio can be said to be very large, but these people are just fearing monsters, but there is no heartache for those who died, and there is fanaticism in every eye. In the words, people think that they have overcome difficulties, as long as they reach the center of the island, they will be able to obtain the treasure of the eye.

"Oh..." The people who co-authored thought that there were a lot of treasures on the island, and that the people died for money and the birds died for food, so they were so enthusiastic. Li Yifei showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Even if you people can get the treasure, you must It’s only if it’s life to take it out. Even the periphery of the island is so dangerous, wouldn’t it be more dangerous the closer to the center.

Soon, Li Yifei heard another useful news. The leader named Zac seemed to know some information. He called this island the Island of All Living Beings, which is the same as Li Yifei dreamed of in that strange dream. , So to speak, there is really a palace here, and it is in the center of the island?

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