The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2041: Lake Monster

Xu Shanshan was awakened by the clatter, but Li Yifei heard it the first time because of the vigil.

The two of them looked over and saw a huge head suddenly emerged from the lake. This head was more than two meters long and the top of the head was smooth. As it continued to get out of the water, Li Yifei saw this even more. The neck of a water monster is several meters long.

The two looked at each other, and Xu Shanshan couldn't help but whispered: "Is this a dragon?"

Li Yifei shook his head. This thing is very similar to the water monsters in some legends. Those water monsters describe just like the one in front of them. At this time, the water monster slowly approached the shore and gradually revealed its entire body. It was more than ten meters tall and in shape. Huge, more than twice as tall as the largest African elephant. It has to be more than ten meters long and has four legs. Each one is as thick as a bucket. No, it is much thicker than a bucket. It makes a tom while walking. The sound of tom.

The water monster is different from the legend described in the head. It is quite terrifying. It has a large mouth and sharp teeth. It makes people feel terrified. There is even a body that can easily kill it before. Unicorns and crocodiles.

The water monster coming out of the water came to the shore and shook its body. Its skin was not very smooth. On the contrary, it was covered with bumps. It looked like the big fish they had encountered before. People with dense phobias will feel very uncomfortable seeing it.

After the water monster came ashore, he first sniffed, and the huge body started to move. It was coming towards Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan. The two could clearly see it sniffing, as if smelling.

"Don't make a noise." Li Yifei whispered to Xu Shanshan.

As the water monster walked, he used his nose to sniff. It was obvious that he could smell the two of them.

"Or let's go." Xu Shanshan said.

Li Yifei frowned and shook his head. It was rare to meet this guy. Li Yifei actually wanted to take a closer look. Besides, he felt that a big guy like this would be very cumbersome in the woods, and the threat should not be big.

Soon, the water monster was no more than 30 meters away from the big tree where the two of them were. However, the water monster stopped and swung its huge head, and then turned back, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan also heard some voices, which was not far away. What came from everywhere seemed to be some calls and gunshots. Soon these sounds were getting closer and a few silhouettes ran by the lake. The water monster quickly abandoned Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan and turned to the running silhouettes. Go.

The few people who were running were the same group that Li Yifei met during the day. They originally walked along the lake, but they did not expect to run back at this moment, and they seemed to be greatly intimidated.

As they ran closer, the two could clearly see what was chasing behind them. It was three to four meters long and less than two meters in height. It looked like a scorpion and looked like a lobster. Two huge pliers, the pliers alone are more than one meter long. According to the ratio, this kind of large pliers can easily break a person at the waist without any effort.

If this is the case, these guys are not scary. The scary thing is that these huge scorpion monsters are also very fast. With the speed of those people running desperately, they can't get rid of the scorpions. They slammed several legs and chased behind. .

The man in front suddenly raised his head and saw a huge dinosaur-like monster. The man in front slammed the brakes and sat on the ground with a horrified cry in his mouth. pig.

The people behind also saw the water monsters, chasing soldiers behind and intercepting them in front, and they all screamed in horror.

Unfortunately, Li Yifei did not intend to save people. He lightly covered Xu Shanshan’s eyes, and then heard those people hissing and screaming. Several people who ran over were all eaten by the water monster and the scorpion monster. Chew one bite at a time, and the scorpion monsters have to work harder, they can easily pinch off, but they can't swallow them in one bite.

The big water monster had eaten its share, and quickly stepped on a scorpion monster, and directly crushed the scorpion monster's hard and unmatched shell. The thick legs let the scorpion monster’s pliers clamp it, but it was useless. Several scorpion monsters immediately threw away the food, rushed over with their huge tongs, and besieged the water monster.

Their large pliers are extremely powerful, and they can also open a large angle. One of them simply clamped the tail of the water monster, and instantly bleeds its tail.

The water monster uttered an angry roar, and a tail flung the scorpion monster out, but the flying scorpion monster rushed to attack immediately after landing.

These guys seem to be afraid of death, and they don't know what fear is. Even if they die, they still have to pull off a piece of water monster meat. However, they were still too weak, and soon they were trampled to death by the water monster, bitten to death, and entered his stomach one after another.

This eating time was very rapid, lasting only two or three minutes, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of blood. Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan hid in the tree and saw the whole scene. When the water monster was full, it looked back. Li Yifei seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally walked back into the lake step by step. His huge body sank into the lake water little by little. In the end, only a huge head was left floating on the water surface. Also sink into it.

Recalling that I was standing by the lake before trying to catch fish, Xu Shanshan's body couldn't help shaking. Li Yifei guessed her thoughts, patted Xu Shanshan on the shoulder, and comforted: "These things should be day and night. It’s safe to go out at night by the lake during the day, but not at night. Those scorpion monsters should also be active at night."

"Well, I know, it's just that...this island is full of terrifying creatures!" Xu Shanshan stopped in the middle of speaking. Just now Li Yifei covered her eyes, but there was also the scream in her ears. It still affected her mood.

"Let's walk inside. If it's so dangerous that we can't cope with it, then... after all, I met the Seventh and Nine Brothers. If I see them in danger and don't save them, I will feel sorry for them!"

"Silly husband, of course I know, but the scene just now made me feel that life is too fragile, as if I can die at any time." Xu Shanshan took a few deep breaths against Li Yifei's chest, and adjusted her mentality.

The two have been on the island for two days. Tomorrow will be the third day. Not counting the scattered food, the two can still stay on the island for about five or six days. This is the number of days they can last with the food, except for those Eating the red ant fish, the two did not find any other food, at least they didn't look very tasty. Moreover, five or six days is already at the limit. The two can't hold on for that many days. They have equipment on their bodies, but they must leave the island, at least a few kilometers away from the island, free from the influence of that mysterious power. The range is good, so that the equipment can be used for positioning and attract military rescue.

This had to guarantee that the strange fish would not attack, otherwise it would be a huge danger.

Thinking of this, Li Yifei hugged Xu Shanshan tightly, held her somewhat cool hand, gently rubbed it, and said: "Go to sleep, and search for another three or four days. If there is still nothing to find, we will leave here anyway."

"Stupid husband, I just said that, in fact, as long as you are there, I won't be afraid of anything."

"Stupid, go to sleep!" Li Yifei chuckled.

However, Xu Shanshan came out of his arms and tidyed up her clothes. She felt that one of Li Yifei's weird hands had touched her belly. Wouldn't it be true that Li Yifei took a look and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Just on top of it, otherwise it would be a weird effort to get down," Li Yifei said.

Xu Shanshan rolled her eyes and agreed to his suggestion. There was a sound of Xisuo Suo, Xu Shanshan squatted by the tree, and soon there was the sound of water.

Alas, Li Yifei turned his head and tried not to look at it. If he was going to have an eye addiction at this time before, but now... it's better not to watch. After all, Wu Gu is not a joke.

The night in the second half of the night was relatively quiet. The huge water monster did not come out again. Perhaps it was full, so it did not reappear in the second half of the night. It was those scorpion monsters, but I don’t know where dozens of them came out. These scorpions The monster would sneak into the lake, seeming to be looking for food in it, and when it was full, it would climb ashore and leave quickly, leaving a rustling sound.

Early in the morning, Xu Shanshan woke up and looked at Li Yifei next to her. She pursed her lips and leaned forward to kiss. Li Yifei closed her eyes and enjoyed a shallow kiss.

After the two of them had packed up and had breakfast, their backpacks were lighter again. Li Yifei thought about it, and walked along the road where those people went yesterday instead of on the other side of the lake.

Someone is already on the way ahead, not to mention that these people may still know the right way.

There is actually no road by the lake. Most of the places are only a few meters wide, and there are turbulent rocks. It is not easy to walk. After passing a steep place, Li Yifei glanced at the lake and found that the lake is also very deep, and the water exudes quietness. With the green light, you can't see the underwater situation. If the water monster jumps out from the bottom at this time, the two may not even have much time to react.

Thinking of this, Li Yifei decided to speed up, and after talking to Xu Shanshan behind, the two of them started to move forward quickly on this section of the road.

Five or six minutes later, the two of them passed through this narrow section and came to a slightly wider river beach. They saw a miserable picture. They saw blood stains everywhere on the beach, most of which had dried up, and the blood stains There are also many broken limbs and broken arms, almost none of them are intact. Looking at the clothes, it is the group of yesterday. There were less than twenty people, only a few escaped, and the rest... seemed to be The ring is here.

I don't know how many people died here. Anyway, the scene was very miserable, with broken limbs, blood dripping, and the smell of blood in the air.

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