The strongest soldier

Chapter 902 Miserable Treatment

People's desire to survive is strong. It may not matter when they are desperate. Once there is hope of survival, they will definitely continue to find various reasons to convince themselves. Tang Tian plans to starve to death or thirst to death of Luo Zheng, and at the same time gives Luo Zheng a hope, that is Letting Luo Zheng compromise himself when he was on the verge of death was more effective than any attempt to win over him.

Tang Tian was as angry as a child. He was still young after all. He didn't know that some people were just stubborn and would not compromise. Luo Zheng lowered his head and gritted his teeth to endure the erosion of hunger and thirst. This feeling was very uncomfortable. His body was weak and his eyelids were all wet. Some of them can't be opened, so they simply close them and use family breathing techniques to recuperate their bodies.

An hour passed, two hours passed. Tang Tian came over angrily and found that Luo Zheng had fallen asleep. His face was livid with anger. He raised his fist and punched Luo Zheng in the heart. Luo Zheng woke up in pain and struggled He opened his eyes and looked at Tang Tian. A flash of ridicule flashed in his dull eyes, and his chapped lips trembled. In the end, not a single word came out, and he closed his eyes again weakly.

"Pfft, I'll let you sleep." Tang Tian roared angrily, losing control of his emotions and going crazy. He kept punching Luo Zheng with his fists, each punch heavier than the last. Luo Zheng woke up again in pain, his brain numb. I felt the stinging pain in my chest, and it became difficult to breathe. Suddenly my throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spilled out.

Luo Zheng no longer had the strength to get angry. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at the crazy Tang Tian with some unfocused eyes. He couldn't help but close them again. He dropped his head and fainted. He was really too hungry and thirsty. Thirsty, Tang Tian's beating was really nothing, even though it caused internal injuries.

"Go to hell." Tang Tian roared angrily, turned around and left, not forgetting to warn: "Two people in one shift, watch him to death for me, no one is allowed to get close, and no one is allowed to give him water or food." As he said, He rushed out of the wooden house in a hurry, turned around and disappeared.

Luo Zheng, who had passed out, stopped thinking, and his body muscles entered a state of self-protection. Only his breathing was still operating according to the family's traditional breathing method. Another hour passed, and the two burly men who stayed in the room exchanged a look. One person came to Luo Zheng and saw that Luo Zheng was in a deep coma. He nodded to his companion and the two sat down together.

There are things a real man does and things he doesn't do. With Luo Zheng's intelligence, he can deal with Tang Tian first and save his life. It will not be easy to escape then, but Luo Zheng does not want to compromise, even if it is a temporary compromise, this is not It is not a question of upright character, but a question of principle and loyalty.

Time passed by minute by second, and before he knew it, it was dusk. Tang Tian came over to take a look, and saw that Luo Zheng was still in a coma. He turned around and left angrily. Luo Zhengning's stubborn behavior completely angered Tang Tian, ​​and also made him angry. Tang Tian gave up his expectations for Luo Zheng.

The sky gradually darkened, and the moon climbed up to the treetops, slipped through the leaves of the window, and illuminated the room. In the middle of the house, Luo Zheng was still asleep, and the two people in charge of custody were playing cards and gambling out of boredom, yawning continuously. I had to smoke to refresh myself, and the ground was covered with cigarette butts and ashes.

It was gradually getting late at night, and the person in charge of custody was really sleepy. After some discussion, they took turns to sleep for a while. What role could a person with his hands and feet cuffed, and his whole body tied to a chair in all sorts of ways, let alone the other person? I haven't eaten or drank for four days, and I've been in a coma for a whole day, so I can rest assured.

Another two hours passed. The person in charge of custody changed guard, and the other person quickly fell asleep. However, the new person had just slept for two hours and was not enough. After sitting for a while, he soon started to feel sleepy again. He leaned to the side and took a nap. Although he tried hard to keep his eyes open and forced himself to wake up, his consciousness was already drowsy.

The wooden house was quiet except for the sound of two guards smacking their lips after falling asleep. The wind blowing slowly outside the window woke up the leaves rustling and dancing, and a few crickets also started to play in unison. Luo Zheng, who was unconscious with his head drooped, smiled slightly. I opened my eyes, and after more than ten hours of adjusting my breath using the family-traditional breathing method, my body actually regained some consciousness, and my brain gradually recovered.

His eyelids were still a little heavy. Luo Zheng slowly opened his eyes. After adapting to the surrounding light, he slowly raised his head with difficulty. He saw that the two guards had fallen asleep and were snoring slightly. There was no one outside the wooden house. Luo Zheng Listening to the sound of wind and crickets, a desire to survive surged up. His eyes fell involuntarily on the kettle hanging next to him, and his desire to survive became even stronger.

Luo Zheng's dry throat made it difficult to breathe, and his body was weak and weak from hunger. How should he get out of this situation? Luo Zheng's weak eyes stared at the kettle, where there was hope of survival. A strong desire to survive surged up, and his body miraculously gained more strength.

Luo Zheng knew very well that if he missed tonight, he would definitely die. He only had one chance, and he had to calculate whether he could grasp it. There was no one outside, and the surrounding villages were full of Tang Tian's people. What he could and must do was to free himself from the shackles. Kill the two guards, then drink enough water and eat something to restore your strength, otherwise you will still be unable to escape.

Thinking of food, Luo Zheng's stomach couldn't help but growl. He couldn't help being shocked. He looked at the two detainees and saw that they were not awake. He breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes involuntarily fell on the coals next to him. There were a few pieces of leftover meat, and Luo Zheng couldn't help but lick his lips.

When a person sees hope of survival in a desperate situation, he will burst out with a strong desire to survive. Under the control of this desire, Luo Zheng felt that his physical strength had recovered a little, but his heart still hurt, and he was still suffering from internal injuries caused by Tang Tian. But compared to hunger and thirst, this pain is nothing. To get out of trouble, you must get out of trouble as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng looked around, and his body couldn't help but struggle. He suddenly realized that his hands and feet were handcuffed, and bound with hemp ropes as thick as his thumbs. It was almost impossible to get out of the trap. Luo Zheng became impatient and breathed. It also became a bit bolder, and a voice sounded in my mind: Calm down, you must be calm, only by calm can you find a way out of trouble.

Luo Zheng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. His still somewhat frozen thoughts began to work. Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of the belt inside his clothes. There were special nails made of clay inside the belt. They were very hard and sharp. Maybe they could be broken. Break the twine.

His hands were tied behind his back, but only the upper part of the wrists were tied. The palms could still move. After Luo Zheng sensed this detail, he was ecstatic. He quickly moved his wrists, pulled up his back, and gradually lifted up his coat. , then went to pull off the T-shirt tucked inside his pants, and looked at the two detainees with fixed eyes.

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